《Guns in another world》Myriad Spirit Santuary


In a forest a couple of miles from Black Stag Kingdom.

A teenager was seated next to a stream surrounded by green hills.

The boy was staring at space with a stupefied look on his face, after a while he looked at his reflection on the surface of the stream, it was the face of a handsome yet immature teenage boy with deep Purple hair and dark blue eyes.

After settling the foreign memories that suddenly appeared in his mind, he breathed and with a tone of disbelief, he said how is this possible?

The spirit that now lives in this body was not native to this world.

He came from planet Earth, was a firearms developer working for a world-class weapons manufacturing company, had a growing career.

That day, on his way back from work, he had a brutal car accident, after which he could not remember anything.

After a few minutes of unsuccessful rumination, he abandoned the deciphering of his transmigration situation.

After that, he started going through the memories of this body.

The boy's name was fionn.

Fionn was an orphan, since he was a child, he lived with his grandfather, he knew nothing about his parents.

Every time Fionn questioned his grandfather about his parents, he would say "I will answer all your questions after you have awakened your avatar" with a sincere yet sad look on his face.

The world he was currently in was unlike Earth. This world has a mysterious energy known as Mana by which people can control the elements of nature to perform supernatural feats.

His current world is called Alpha 7, which has two continents.

1. Myriad spirits sanctuary

2. Pandora

Myriad spirits sanctuary is the continent where humans are the dominant race i.e rulers of the land, as for Pandora not much information was known by Fionn other than that place was extremely dangerous.


After browsing Fionn's memory, he got up, looking up at the sky, he determined the time to be around 5pm.

According to Fionn's memory, it would take approximately 1 hour of walking to get home from here, so he decided to start walking back home or else it would be late.

Usually, this part of the forest does not have carnivorous animals because of mercenaries and hunters who clean them occasionally.

While descending the hill, he also enjoyed the view of the imposing trees, the clear stream, the green hills and the feeling of a soft cold breeze.

As he was walking, he starts reviewing fionn's memories again.

Fionn died due to heart attack, since he was a child, he has a weak physique and it keeps deteriorating as he got older, his grandfather invited many doctors to examine him but they couldn't tell what's wrong with him.

Their only hope now lies with his Avatar awakening, because there have been a lot of cases of frail children becoming healthy after their Avatar awakening, but fate has something else in store for Fionn, since early this morning Fionn feels a slight pressure in his chest, but decided to ignore it and proceed with his daily routine.

Fionn therefore came to the forest to meditate as he always does because at home he feels tired and sleepy.

In this world every person has a daily routine of meditation because only through meditation can one refine their control over mana.

Fionn began his meditation, he felt the pressure on his chest lessen so he continued, after a few hours of meditation he decided to stop and return to receive breakfast.

As fionn prepared to get up, suddenly he felt a sharp pain coming from the left side of his chest, the pain was so intense that he fainted immediately, He died an unconscious death.


After reviewing Fionn's memory to this point, he has a weird look on his face, If fionn died due to heart attack logically he the present host of this body should feel some kind of sequela, not only he was feeling any sequela on top of that he was feeling strangely good like he just got out of a hot spring.

"May be its related to my transmigration" he thought.

A sudden burst of wind pulled him out of his mind, and he realized that the tree around him was beginning to dwindle.

After a few minutes of walking he left the forest and could see the familiar pasture fields from Fionn's memories.

Fionn lived with his grandfather and a adopted brother in a villa which is located between the outskirts of the black stag kingdom and Northern wildlands, the forest which he left was just the borderline of the Northern wildlands.

As he neared fionn's home, he started feeling a bit nervous, various thoughts started going through his mind Along the line, what should he say if they notice anything strange in his behaviour, fionn didn't notify anyone while leaving home in the morning and has skipped both breakfast and lunch his family must be worried.

He reached home while ruminating on these random thoughts.

As he gazed at the villa entrance, he said to himself, in a determined tone, "it doesn't matter from today on I am fionn and I belong to this family, I'll handle everything to the best of my abilities ".

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