《Netherwyrm god》25--- The Human Emperor, Darvan Oakenheart


The human Everworld

The human Emperor’s Universe

In a somber and starless void, the human emperor, Darvan Oakenheart, was looking at a giant snake. It was a true dragon. Its limbs and body were bound by numerous dark chains made primarily of the darkness element. Those chains seemed to be anchored by the void itself.

“I always come down here to talk some sense into you, but you always turn me down.” Darvan said.

The true dragon laughed for a while and said with a smile: “You want me to betray my own race so you humans can become the sole rulers of this Eververse? Hehe…keep dreaming little human Emperor…Keep dreaming.” The true dragon just went back to resuming its sleep.

“Even if I kill you now, you will just be reborn in time. Can’t you at least save yourself from this torture? I can make this place tolerable. I can get rid of those chains so you can stretch your body for a while. It's been countless eons since you’ve been in that state. Even I am starting to feel bad for you.” Darvan asked.

The true dragon ignored him but thought: “Of course you can. You’re the one who put me in here first.”

The human Emperor was about to sigh when he turned around and fixed a far away place in the void.

The true dragon’s eyes suddenly opened and looked in the same direction. It was the first to react to the ripple of energy.

The true dragon said: “Two of my brothers just broke into your domain human Emperor. That smell…It can only be a true dragon…but…they smell human as well…Hahaha…I wonder how you handle this little Emperor…”

“They have to die. We do not need humans who defected to your kind.” The human Emperor teleported away.

The true dragon looked at the void and said: “Mad even to the point of killing your own. Will you ever see the truth human Emperor? Just because you are the strongest doesn’t mean that no one else is. I can feel how strong those two are…maybe the dragon race has a chance after all…sigh…I am too tired for this.” The dragon went back to sleep.

In a lightless void.

“Devinn, you said that it will bring us right to the human Everworld. I see nothing but little lights around us.” Alwyn was using his all-seeing eye to see everything around him.

Devinn was also doing the same. He said:

“Focus on one of the little lights instead of all of them.”

“This…They are all universes…They keep expanding just like the faith world.” Alwyn said.

“The human Everworld is an expanding universe that contains smaller universes that keep expanding as well. Interesting.” Devinn said.

“Let’s go meet the human Emperor first before we create a universe for the elementals and the people of faith we brought along with us. We can also see if there is anything useful here that we can trade with the bracelet you just upgraded.” Alwyn said as he started teleporting towards the brightest and biggest universe.


Devinn had remained unmoving. He was analyzing his surroundings :

“I’ve never seen so much mana. There is a staggering amount of it even in this void.” He was about to follow Alwyn when he abruptly stopped as he felt a familiar feeling :

“I have a discarnate soul of a dragon bloodline and this feeling I am getting tells me that there is a dragon as strong as us in the direction Alwyn is heading for. A true dragon imprisoned by the humans in this universe? At our level, no normal dragon could release the same pressure other than a true dragon.”

Devinn also departed.

When they arrived, a committee was waiting for them. The human emperor was leading the group.

Alwyn did not care for the murderous stares. He misinterpreted the humans in front of him as mere guards, here to protect the universe he had just entered. He said: “Please lead me to the human Emperor, I have an interesting business proposition.”

Alwyn overlooked the fact that he had a violet complexion same as the demon Devinn next to him. He did not know that these guards were the imperial guards under the Human Emperor who was just sizing him up in front of him.

“It is I, but since you dared to trespass into my domain, do not think of leaving alive.” The human emperor said as he launched the assault on his own.

Alwyn and Devinn looked at each other and then shrugged their shoulders at the same time.

He was too weak. The Human emperor that was thinking of eradicating the dragon race should not be so weak.

Bright colorful lights sprung up from everywhere as they headed for them. Elements were conjured to attack.

The fire threatened to burn all life as white lightning dangerously followed.

Human spectres wielding weapons of magical prowess encircled them as they unleashed mayhem upon the duo.

Chains of the darkness element were prepared to strike last and imprison them after the duo suffered from the assault. They were being held by eighteen giant spectres under the command of the human emperor.

“I can’t believe that we paid with your time element and my cloak to get here and they dare treat us like shit. I wish I could just kill them all.” Alwyn said.

“Well, we can still take over this place and do what we want if this guy is really the human Emperor. I do not see myself working under such a weak man.” Devinn said as he fearlessly looked at the incoming assault.

“Once again, we will have to rely on ourselves.” Alwyn sighed.

“I can see why he is so confident in this attack. If it was a normal true dragon, it would be swiftly captured, but we just spent hundreds of years suffering from all the elements that we implanted in ourselves polarizing. It took us a long time to control them all and fuse with them completely. With the amount of research that we made in sacrificial magic, we became even stronger. Even our own kids are stronger than this human emperor…sigh..” Devinn said.


Devinn waved his right hand and everything that was headed in their way disappeared.

The human Emperor just stood there and watched as his unbeatable attack turned to nothingness before his eyes.

His generals were just as surprised as him.

Their overconfidence soon gave room for terror.

“They are too scared to even say a word.” Alwyn remarked.

“Leave them alone. Let’s go create a place for the elementals to live.” Devinn said before they both vanished and reappeared in the furthest part of the Everworld.

The human Emperor was back at the prison under his universe with a gloomy face.

The true dragon saw him and said: “They beat you huh? What did you come here for? Don’t tell me that you need my help? ” The dragon laughed at him.

“You knew this would happen.” Darvan said.

“Hehehe…Of course, I did.” The true dragon said.

“Who are they?” Darvan asked.

“Just like you said: Humans who defected to the dragon race. Hahaha…But as you can see for yourself, they do not care what they are and came here with good intentions. Look..for yourself… ” Said the True dragon as he directed his gaze to a new light in the void. He continued:

“They came here to create a place for their fellow humans to live, yet you just attacked them without even listening to them. You think that all the humans living in the Divine Dragon Everworld live there against their own will? They look at you and laugh you know. Your strength is in the numbers but you just could not understand, could you? They let you live for the sake of the other humans living there. We are not monsters and humans live peacefully in every Everworld known to us yet all you do is vilify us. You are too greedy and too stupid to realize that you are just asking for anybody to kill you for your sins against us.”

“Shut up.” Darvan activated the dark chains that dismembered the true dragon and also cut it in a thousand pieces.

The last will of the True dragon reverberated into the void:

“You are finally killing me just because you refuse to listen to the truth? Hehehe…I might just come for you immediately after I die. You see, I’ve been reborn a long time ago and cannot see my other self under the threat of both of us dying. The moment this body dies is the moment you release me. You see my task was to kill you and take over this Everworld but for all the years I spent in here, it will never be enough. I will just leave you alone and let the newcomers teach you another lesson. When they start taking apart your life’s work, I will be watching. You always hide yourself behind human shields and let your little ghosts do all the work. You deserve this.”

“We are not enemies here and if we do not stand together we will be annihilated. They are coming for us all.”

The human Emperor turned around and disappeared. He could not listen to the last ramblings of a dead enemy.


The new universe for elementals was made for the sake of containing the universes that were already in the ring. As for the world of faith, it was also included.

The new universe as well as all the universes inside of it could keep expanding. It was a miniature Everworld. They named it the Elemental church Everworld.

“Now that we have them all settled, we can make this Elemental church Everworld our main base of operations.” Devinn said before he continued : “We found out that both elementals and faith can coexists and be bestowed. All the summoning objects that I made for the faith people and elementals can access the cosmic level. The elementals had a better grip on the astral bodies bestowed on them and their kids were later born like them. Now, in our small Everworld all living beings have been bestowed the power of faith and the power of fear. All that remains is the transplant of an elemental seed into those that do not have elemental powers.”

“We could tolerate all these elements in us. Can cosmic levels do the same?” Alwyn asked.

“It should not be hard if done slowly. Time is on their side. Eventually they will be able to contain them all. For now, we will transplant one element per person. The advantage is that they can choose what element they want to fuse with.” Devinn said.

In the world of elementals, there were still humans that could not practice magic. All they needed was a nudge to rattle the element inside of them or another transplant.

For the world of faith, it was the transplant of the element that could push on the path of magic.

The astral planes had long turned into a common destination for the elemental humans and the people of faith.

All of them had been bestowed astral bodies by Alwyn and Devinn. For the former they kept their appearance and for the latter the were turned into demons. They had astral bodies comparable to the previous astral gods as well as true immortality as long their gods still lived.

As for the summoning objects, Devinn had made them into many shapes. Mostly, pieces of jewelry. They could use the ambient mana or access it from Devinn and Alwyn directly. They were given to anyone who asked for them. All the object needed to be used was having faith into Alwyn or Devinn. The more faith you had in them the more power could be accessed.

They had created a world in which the power of faith and the power of the elements worked together.

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