《The Forest Emperor》Chapter nineteen: Burning bright.
We’re going to move during the night this time, should be safer. I can’t quite see the next branch but I know the general direction.
Actually, it doesn’t matter. Let’s see how far we can climb before daybreak. Just merge with me, I’ll try to be quick.
If you can’t handle staying merged just pop out, we can’t win every fight right?
I’m making great progress now, I’m practically jogging up the tree, shouldn’t be too long before I reach the top.
First thing I’m going to do is find a place to meditate and try and get a good sense of my surroundings.
I can only hope I’ll be able to take them out one by one from a good hiding place.
I’ve just reached what could be considered the platform of the tree. It is bigger or at the very least more spacious in comparison to the outer-layers trees.
I’m moving at a crawling pace, I can’t remember the last time I took a breath, not that I ́ve been counting.
There are numerous coal black winged creatures lying about casually. Occasionally I can hear the wind brush passed me as an enormous bird flies by.
I doubt they’ll be floating about endlessly, they might be patrolling the area. Which is a bit weird because, why would they?
Are they expecting an attack? How smart are these things? They could always just be nocturnal, aye?
I ́ve made my way onto one of the mid-sized branches, there is a convenient cover here.
Not exactly the dream hiding place as I can barely hide myself by lying down. But it’ll work. No reason I can’t meditate while lying down.
It has always been about having the focus to do just one thing rather than two. Which sadly doesn’t allow me to sleepwalk and meditate, that would be amazing and terrifying at the same time.
I haven’t spotted a snake-lizard-wizard type guardian yet but I have noticed the vastly different sizes in these birds.
They don’t look to be of the same race, every third bird is clearly of a different gender or species.
Not sure what to make of all of this but the plan is as clear as it can be. I kill one, I hide. That’s the ideal scenario anyway.
But first, let’s try and familiarize ourselves with the tree’s pulse. Son has already come out and is sitting on top of my left lower leg meditating.
I’ve woken up a few times but I stuffed myself with food and resumed my meditation every time.
I’ve gotten really close to entering the same state as I can easily do with the outer-layer Naturai tree’s.
Son, has of course never even so much was twitched during his peaceful meditation.
I figured I’d at least try and record my progress down because I’ll run out of food in the near future and it’s either time to act or run away.
Since I can’t possibly run away, that would be incredibly boring, right? Future me, you agree right?
Meditating is good and all but if we have to eat all the time, it sort of ruins it. I’m going to try and connect properly with the tree.
To see if there really is something incredibly dangerous hiding within the tree, it doesn’t help that there are always quite a few winged behemoths moving on and off the tree.
Seems I failed to hit the sweet spot again, just woke up, this has become slightly frustrating.
But it’s time, I can still see a few of the birds on the tree without any problems, one of them will be my first target, wish me luck, actually wish yourself luck.
Also don’t forget to tell me I’m brilliant or stupid depending on the results.
I got a spear in one hand, I’ve waited for night time, and I intend to throw two spears. I think that’s the maximum amount I can throw before it becomes obvious where I am.
I haven’t raised my spear, I won’t until the last moment. The way I’m lying down might affect my accuracy and power but since the targets are lying down unmoving I shouldn’t miss. Right? Right.
With an awkward twist of my hand I make a small swing with all the power I have The spear, imbued with energy, it still emits no energy.
As rapid hand movement does its thing, I can almost feel that I won’t hit, and the spear probably won’t even go half its normal speed.
The spear flies out of my hands and I instantly lie down and focus everything I have, even picture the hand movements in my head to ease the transition into meditative trance.
Did I miss it? Hmm, I just woke up. I slowly eat some extremely dried vegetables that look like they are about to fall apart. They taste sour, a little slimy. It’s disgusting. I still have a few canned goods but I’m saving them for last.
I’m trying to get a sense of the place, I take a very careful look at the platform, and I’m slightly above them so I need to raise my head a bit.
The winged bastards are relaxing as if nothing has occurred. And here I was worried, pft.
It is still day out and even if there is a constant shade over the tree platform I don’t feel that it is safe to throw spears right now, best to wait until night comes.
Also, I have to get into a better position. I should sit up, it really won’t work lying down and throwing.
Test number two. The plan is as follows, we sit up, go for a nice proper swing and take out one of them. Then we hide. Flawless.
Alright, much better results. Pretty sure I managed to hit one of them, didn’t exactly stick around to watch the aftermath but I definitely hit this time.
If I didn’t at the very least cause an injury that would affect it for a long period of time, then, well.
I guess we could give up and get out of here and train or something, although training is just me meditating and that only goes so far.
I could try to lure these guys down and hide under the trees, doubt their mobility would be as excellent as it is in the skies.
They can’t just ignore laws of physics. Although I feel I’ve been doing something of the sorts.
Actually this is a different world than my previous one right? Maybe a different universe and therefore has different laws of physics? No? Maybe.
When you’re stuck in a place and can’t move, you start either clawing your eyes out or play around in your head.
I think I’m slightly better off, I got you to talk to. Which is great, you are such an attentive person.
I’m watching a pool of somewhat congealed blood. They clearly moved the body of whatever I hit. Or it flew off, which I doubt.
But one thing is for sure, they aren’t smart enough to look for me. No, I can’t deal in absolutes. They might have just not found me, I can’t become complacent.
I won’t be able to stay here for too long, food is already getting scarce and frankly, I don’t have enough spears. I think it’s time for an all-out, me versus them scenario.
I think I’m becoming more adjusted to the idea of dying, at least the idea of going out in a blaze of glory is really starting to appeal to me right now, I’m getting tired, or better word would be bored.
There is only so much lounging around one can do before one needs to take up a new hobby.
Recklessly charging into a nest of creatures capable of flight might not be the most productive or safe hobby but you play with the cards you got.
Let’s see, I got thirteen small stakes strapped on me, four of my newest version spears, which are plain mid-sized spears that I’ve been carving stuff into, nothing special.
Still, I got to stay fashionable. I’ve got a decent amount of vines, which are pretty much useless in this case.
If I start swinging off the tree they’d probably have an easy time to strike me mid-air. So that leaves me with a few chances to at least take their numbers down.
I can also run around the tree, they probably can’t move too fast whilst on solid ground. Wouldn’t call the tree platform ground, it reaches to the clouds, but the point still stands.
Okay, fuck ii, I’m doing it, no more patient hunter. It’s time to get messy, to get a bit bloody.
“Son, my other half.”
‘What now? We still in this place? My heavenly green goddess, you look horrible, you probably can’t smell it but it’s putrid.’
Putrid? Who says putrid? Anyway, I’m going to go balls-deep. I’m going to try and take out as many as I can and I need your help.
Actually, what the hell do you even do? I know you sort of saved me before but that’s still arguable.You focus on not letting me die, can you activate the energy shield?
You’re on defense, I’m on offense. It’s already pretty dark so once you wrap your head around this for a minute I’m charging in.
well charging, I’m going to throw some spears and then run around and throw some more. Flawless plan. Let me know when you are ready bud.
I hope Son has settled in. These creatures aren’t really on alert, most of them are just lying around sleeping or grooming themselves.
Alright, going to have to try and take out as many as I can before they start charging towards me.
The first spear flies and hits its target before I even grab the second spear. There is only the sound of the spear hitting, no screeching sounds from the winged behemoths yet.
I throw a second one and I can already see their movement has changed, suddenly they all turn their sights on me and the spear that is leaving my hand.
It’s a strange sensation to be able to transcribe these acts while simultaneously throwing out spears with relatively amazing speed albeit with some questionable accuracy.
By this point I’ve thrown at least half my smaller stakes and only one spear left in case this turns into some sort of barbaric, peasant melee confrontation.
Although I’ve managed to throw my spears constantly, they still haven’t made it close enough to me to make me feel the urge to completely devote myself to feeling.
I’ve been targeting the closest ones followed by the ones that looked ready to jump at me.
I very much doubt I managed to kill everyone I hit but at least they won’t be giving up too much of a fight, I hope.
I’m down to my last two small stakes and one of their biggest is coming at me mid flight, right behind me.
Son somehow managed to detect it. I have no idea how. I think I got one shot at taking it down before it slams into me.
I turn around as fast as I can, my hand mid swing and rapid hand movement starts kicking in.
As I’m about to release the stake I can feel the bones in my hand shatter and the pain following alongside it.
A shockwave appears and shoots me backwards. I can’t see if the stake hit or not but I’m pretty sure I’m going to fall off this branch.
And that might spell death or I get ripped apart by those winged bastards which coincidentally is death.
Well, let’s not give up so fast, we still have plenty of energy to use, although that last shot dented my energy reserves. I can already feel a gnawing hunger coming over me.
Son, if you’re listening. Now is the time to pull some magical stunts, got any mega tricks you divined from your constant meditation? No?
My right hand has already gone numb. Pretty sure it's unusable at this point. I can’t really turn mid-air and the shockwave’s momentum is still carrying me further out.
So I figure, I can try that vine on a stake trick, I still have one left. I’m going to have to judge the length of the vine really accurately as well.
As quickly as I can I grab my last stake, I put it in my mouth and bite down.
I use my near useless right hand to facilitate a quick knot around the stake and I throw it at the branch I just got blown off.
The stake lodged itself into the tree, hopefully deeply enough to hold my weight whilst I’m getting blown backwards.
I quickly wind the vine around my right hand, because why not? I’d rather not take any risks with my left.
I still have a spear left, I might be able to make some kind of last stand with it, and if I was a fire I’d burn bright! Poetic ending and all that.
Once I reach the length of the rope, I get that familiar kick. I can’t feel my right hand but I really hope it didn’t dislocate.
I get pulled upwards a bit before free-falling down again. A quick look around, I see some birds flying about, as if whatever is happening is none of their business. Maybe it isn’t?
I can’t really control my swing but I’m going to try and really pull on the vine once I’m high enough.
Let’s see if I can land on the branch again, might be impossible but then again, this situation and this world is impossible.
Then again, I’m starting to lose any sense of my previous world and it’s kind of liberating actually.
It might be the adrenaline again, but I’m feeling as clear-minded as ever, downside is the pulsating pain.
The pain is coming from every tiny fragment of my body. I almost hope I’ll die soon.
I’m moving at a rather fast pace after that swing. From my peripherals I can see two or three blurry figures leaping off the tree, can’t be good.
I pull with all my strength when I reach a high enough altitude from the swing, my head is ringing from the everlasting screeching that these things squeeze out their beaks.
This sound is something I wish upon my worst enemy, how do you even describe this? I can feel something hot moving inside my ears, pretty sure its blood.
Upside is, the blood might be drowning out the noise as it does seem to lessen a bit. The ambient sound however is still in full-swing and isn’t affected by anything.
I’m almost landing on the branch, the birds I saw earlier dove down past me but they’ll probably turn around quickly enough.
I’m starting to feel a bit worse with this ravenous hunger dwelling on me. Maybe I’m an addict, or energy is like my blood.
As if I can’t lose too much of it before it starts affecting me. Ah, no time for that, focus on the problem at hand. How to not die right now.
Not going to lie, I’m a bit proud of this maneuver, I managed to land on the branch and got my spear in hand now.
I’ve managed to swing from a branch above the platform to another branch that is in height with the tree’s platform.
I’m making a dash for the platform. It is a better place to fight.
I can stick close to some of the branches and use them to dodge. Not really all that comfortable with close-combat scenarios however.
I can see some maimed creatures sort of whimpering, should I finish them off or hold off and see if anything else managed to get at me?
I’m also looking for a place to hide. Some of them are glaring at me while the other ones have different things on their mind.
There really isn’t much in the way of a hiding place. Ah too bad, I was going for the whole soar like a celestial body.
Burn like a falling meteor. Even if I managed nothing more, I think I did pretty well.
No? Pft, what do you know? I hope Son has something up his sleeve. Because honestly, I’m running dry.
The first one to charge at me is injured, it has my trademarked spear in its shoulders. Do they have shoulders? It is just shy of the neck.
Doesn’t look like it’ll be able to fly but its legs still work. I lift my left hand, the spear starts rocking back and forth.
The motion creates the illusion of a far longer spear and as if I was following through a swing it moves towards the beastie, piercing its head.
It still had some momentum so I’m moving backwards to the right. It sort of just keeps walking forward and straight off the tree. That was odd.
What’s going on? There is nothing coming for me. Did I scare them off or something? If so, why haven’t I got a notification, telling me I've conquered the tree?
Let’s clear out the rest of these guys, it’s pretty obvious which ones are still alive, and there is no loot. Wait what do birds drop? Can’t be leather can it?
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