《The Forest Emperor》Chapter eighteen: We need a team of researchers
Alright I said I wouldn’t give up on my research for a fur affinity but this is going nowhere.
Maybe I should dig a hole in the ground and bury myself with it, have a small breathing hole in it and meditate.
That sounds a bit insane, I really need more books on the subject. I figure if I capture the middle-layer I should be able to get more access but it seems too hard.
Those flying fuckers really weren’t playing around. I wonder what kind of guardian it is in that tree. It has to be more ferocious than the things flying around the tree.
Oh, maybe I’m looking at this wrong, maybe they are the guardians. A group of flying birds that have made their nest up there or something.
It would make sense right? If I don’t get rid of all of them, would they peacefully leave? I very much doubt that.
Why isn’t water affinity a part of nature affinity? Hm. Ye it should. My theories keep hitting roadblocks, I really am missing too many answers.
Okay let’s think about this. What other kinds of liquid can I submerge myself in to meditate? There is molten lava, won’t be doing that though, there is no lava nearby.
How would one get a fire affinity? I feel like there should be a better way to get affinities. Is heat an affinity? It sounds like it should be.
Where does it end? Are people an affinity? Are the different affinities between a male and a female? The list goes on and on.
There can’t be so many arbitrary restrictions to get all these affinities, maybe the book was bullshitting me. This world really can’t be trusted.
One thing at a time, let’s try out my second choice. I’m going to meditate in the tall grass below the trees.
If I am in constant contact with the living grass I might be able to sense some kind of connection with them.
No never mind. They might be a part of the whole nature affinity, I mean I can already sort of sense them already.
So it’s the dig myself a hole plan then. I make my way to the ground and use a branch to start moving the dirt around.
It is taking a while, I could really use some kind of tool to dig this hole up. Something that could scoop it up like a big spoon.
After I make a whole deep enough to cover me up to my neck I go get Sera’s sister, apparently Sera was meditating inside a hollowed out bit of a tree.
I told her the bits I knew about affinities, she was really excited about it. It’s essential to feel the presence of the tree-mother.
Let’s get this started then. Let’s start by feeling the texture of the dirt, it isn’t just one big pile of mud, there are various sizes of small stones mixed into it as well.
Is there a stone affinity? Damnit, there are simply too many things. Let’s try and remove the stones.
Gave up on trying to remove small stones, simply too many. Maybe I should try to get used to the way it feels. When there is little to no stones in it, it sort of clumps up.
There is some moisture in it. Would that affect it? My hypothesis is starting to feel a bit stretched. No point in not trying, I need to meditate anyway.
If I intend to take over the entirety of Abraser I’ll need to be able to overcome that overwhelming energy pressure, which is what I think is a good name for it.
So in the name of efficiency, I thought it would be better to discover more affinities rather than just mindlessly meditate.
Actually, it might be better to improve water affinity, but I’m not sure if I even need to focus on it, I think it happens either way.
It would probably be a better bet to meditate near a source of that affinity, but since I have no evidence of that but I know discovering a new one gives me a definite increase so that takes priority.
I’m starting to like the texture of the dirt, it feels right. After I made a small perimeter around my hole I sit down.
There is no need to instantly start meditating on it, over or engulfed by it. If I can take anything from my nature affinity and water affinity, it’s that I need to understand it, in some way.
I think, can’t be sure so let’s play a little with it. It either falls through my fingers or stands as a pile on my hand.
It’s soft when I press on it, so it’s easily moldable. I can rub the pressure bits of dirt between my fingers and it starts to scatter, becoming various sizes some small as dust.
Well this is great and all, but this is just dirt. I didn’t really do this when I meditated in the past but sounds like something I should do. Alright, let’s start this.
Never thought about it, but I’ve been going in and out of long stretches of meditation and I barely eat.
I think my metabolism slows down dramatically, it has to. I might set up a way to know how long I go under each time.
People don’t really count days, too many have lost memory of too many things to even be able to estimate how long we’ve been in this world.
So it’s been seven sessions now, can’t say I’m closer to discovering some universal secret but I am far more comfortable sitting down and covered in dirt.
It’s an odd sensation. I am optimistic, dirt affinity might be possible. Right, that’s it for now, I’ll check in when I have something of importance to report, otherwise I’ll just continue meditating.
I haven’t felt that feeling of breaking through the next level, still not sure how that whole thing works.
Is there a limited number of affinities I can progress in? Who knows? See you later, me.
Ehem! Ta motherfucking da!!
Soil affinity
You touched upon the soil of the world while in deep meditation, after meditating in soil for prolonged periods of time.
You can now absorb a minuscule, infinitesimal, very, very, very small amount of soil energy. This energy will align you slightly towards the purest form of soil.
Soil energy is a deviation from the lesser form of energy and has gone into specialization.
This will allow you to blend into almost any persistently soil based environment and furthermore, slowly increase every aspect of your physical and mental self.
Soil! Close enough. Ah, I completely forgot to go into the middle-layer a few times to compare the before and after of getting another affinity.
Though to be honest, I think we can still easily remember that traumatizing feeling, we managed to spend a decent amount of time there, right? Time compares this real quick.
Entering into the middle-layer, the fog-screen vanishes and the somewhat greener scenery appears. The pressure is definitely easier to handle.
I’d love to say that this was the new affinity showing its value but I have been meditating constantly.
I also have Son constantly meditating, though I’m not entirely sure if that helps me in any way.
But I have to assume the extra affinity helped. Dust is a kind of soil right? How do I gather dust? Never mind, let's see if I can meditate in this place.
I’m running straight for the Naturai tree. Well running straight isn’t really right, I’m making my way there through the trees.
I think it might be time to try and climb one of these trees. Wish I had made a glider. Though I doubt a glider would work with all these flying dudes roaming about.
The ambient sounds go up and down when moving at a fast pace. I still don’t see anything.
I’ve tried to feel the changes in the nearby trees but it doesn’t work, I still can’t focus enough in this area.
When I arrive at the root of the Naturai tree I look up, the vines that circle every tree are thicker than the outer-layer ones.
There is a kind of consistency in them, some look out of place but overall it gives the image of the tree being smothered by the vines.
There are a few offshoot branches, very small compared to the enormous ones at the top but still large enough for me to comfortably sit on. That’s where I am heading now, to the lowest one.
I intend to meditate there, in the open. As I see it, if I can’t properly sneak around it all becomes a full frontal assault on these flying bastards. As a budding spear assassin, I can’t have that.
I ́ve got a fair bit of vines in my backpack and some tied around my waist and shoulders.
I was planning on using them as some sort of escape plan or utility but I think they’ll do great for concealment. Mm. Staying hidden is a priority.
I grab all the vines I have, it’s much clearer how the different vines that cascade off the Naturai trees and the ones on the normal trees surrounding it.
Some are almost half the thickness of a tree. I wonder if I could make something cool with these. Crafting with vines doesn’t seem too viable though, does it?
After covering myself in vines I start trying to feel the pulse of the tree, I think it’s important.
I can’t really back it up, but I think if I mimic the tree’s breath or pulse I will make me look like I belong on this tree. Maybe? I really need a hands-on guidebook for this forest.
The main reason we are doing this, if I happen to forget if I happen to die tragically. Is to get higher clearance, to get more information from the library.
I’m pretty sure I could live comfortably for the rest of my life at this point but then I thought about the message I got when I took over the outer-layer.
It said I was one of four people to take this kind of ranked area. Meaning there are stronger people than me out there!
For some reason, that really pisses me off. So I’ll be the first one to take over the higher tier zones! Fuck those bastards.
When I woke up from my meditation, I didn’t actually have to spit out something disgusting, which is great. I still am very much in a muddled state of mind though.
The pressure is ever present. But! We can definitely assume that we made some progress, great job past me.
I’m going to continue to meditate a few times in this location before waking up Son to continue climbing this tree.
Actually, I’ve been thinking. Son can somehow use my body or his own after he merges with me and uses his energy.
It might not have as a devastating power as mine but this is an area I’ve really ignored.
Can he help me keep my heartbeat slowed? Maybe he can help me sense the pulse of the tree.
Actually talking about slowing my heartbeat. Didn’t it speed up an incredible amount when I entered that divine state before?
I still have some existential trauma after that event. The voice I heard at that time, it might have been Son in an incorporeal form. Well, that’s a bit of a stretch but I can’t prove it was or wasn’t him.
If that turns out to be true though, that means I have been devoting myself to an energy based version of myself.
No? Or would that just be another way the great floral goddess bestow her blessings unto me? Forever mysterious and gracious. I ́m going to continue meditating.
It’s been a few sessions and I can finally say that I’ve made some progress. First off, my energy no longer feels like it’s a lost kid in the dark.
Second, I’ve become a lot lighter again! This means I’ll be faster right? And finally, I’ve felt the constant pulse of the tree.
I’m going to wake up Son now and try to adjust myself to the tree's pulse before climbing to the top.
| Nature affinity |
| Rapid hand movement |
| Gentle hands |
| Hide presence |
| Energy regeneration |
| Energy shield |
| Empower: Eye |
| Empower: Hand |
| Empower: Feet |
| Empower: Leap|
| Strength and dexterity increase |
| Body enhancing|
| Energy compression|
| Empower: Smell|
| Naturai sprite |
| Water affinity |
| Soil affinity|
Okay, so we got that recorded down.
Haha, you bastard. How are you feeling? Anything different? See if the pressure is more manageable.
“Oh? We’re in the middle-layer. Nice, so you made a breakthrough let me check real quick.”
“Soil affinity, Water affinity, Nature affinity. Aren’t these things the same thing?”
Exactly what I asked myself, doesn’t matter in the end. My energy got a bit uhm? More? It got stronger with every affinity so far.
I’ve also spent a lot of time meditating since we last talked. I’m sure you can feel some difference, probably more than I can.
I can’t really tell how much I improve seeing it is always just a little bit at a time, the only time I feel real change is when I get a new affinity, what do you think?
‘Ye, there is a bit of a change. Can’t say it’s much but it’s there.’
Oh, I hoped it would be a little bit of a bigger difference than just some casual increase.
‘You’ve clearly adjusted to the middle-layer, so it might be something else. We don’t know how energy works.
Also, I’m a floating energy body, we can’t explain that either can we?
I ́ve got to say, you’re missing out. I don’t feel hungry, tired or horny. It’s amazing, all I want is to relax all day and meditate.’
Fuck you. I ́m having to eat every time I get out of meditation, my self-pleasure time has been cut down dramatically as well but you know me, I make time.
Never mind all this. I called you out because I’m going to try and climb my first Naturai tree in the middle-layer.
I was wondering if you could help me stay stealthy after we merge together.
We haven’t had much of a problem in the past to stay hidden but this time, the monsters will have clear visibility of where we climb. What do you think?
‘I’ll try, it takes a bit out of me to stay in tune with your body and energy, not sure if I’ll be able to sense the tree's pulse but I can definitely make sure you won’t be attacked by surprise.
You don’t use all the information your senses give you. You receive them but somehow completely ignore them.
I’m not sure, but I think your mind wouldn’t be able to work with all the information at once, so you unconsciously ignore most of it. What do you think?’
Eh? I wasn’t aware I was ignoring things, I’ve been trying to be very aware of my surroundings, listening to every sound and eh?
I doubt I can do anything about this. Wait, how do you even know this, aren’t we supposed to be one person with two bodies or something?
‘No idea, but I can probably help you know if something attacks you, it gets hard to communicate with you once we merge.
Well, I’m excited should we start climbing or you want to do some preparation?’
I’d love to take a few months to think about this actually, but you seem pretty confident. I’ll just slowly go from branch to branch, try to experiment a bit after we merge.
Ehem, ehem. Operation M.L.C. Middle-layer climbing is now in effect. Son merged with me and I left him to do his own thing.
I’m going to start making my way towards the next off-shoot branch. It isn’t too far but every step higher makes me easier to spot.
I’m going at a pace that makes me want to cry but it takes enormous concentration to listen to the breath of the tree.
I also get mentally tired? I feel like sleeping when I do it, I doubt I’d fall asleep but probably fall into meditative trance.
It’s even getting harder to transcribe my thoughts at this point. I’d stop but I think this is important.
When I finally made my way to the second branch, Son pops out, he looks a bit annoyed. He isn't saying anything, he just sat on my head and started meditating.
His looks have been changing, he used to be completely green but he’s got blue, brown and green eyes now.
Not sure what to think of this, I could use something to see how I look, maybe my eyes are changing as well. Or my hair.
I’m going to meditate now, I feel an odd kind of hunger at the moment and nothing I’ve eaten seems to fill it.
It’s becoming easier to feel the Naturai tree’s pulse. The sky is dark now, I can’t even see the moon, and there are no clouds.
The moon is probably on the other side of the tree. I can’t see any flying creatures at the moment, do they sleep? I’ve never thought about this.
It should be easier to move at night time, right? I need to wake up Son, he is literally a ball of energy, and he doesn’t cast out as much light as before, and actually he should be invisible to most.
Sera couldn’t see Son. She did see the energy just not his image. I wonder if she’ll be able to when or if she gets nature affinity.
But the creatures here might very well see him, I haven’t seen them use energy, but I’ve seen the energy surrounding them.
At least in the outer-layer. In the middle-layer they suddenly stopped giving off that energy. Pretty sure it is energy compression or something similar.
Alright let’s go.
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