《The Forest Emperor》Chapter twenty: Would you trust a glowing mythical sprite?


Let’s see, there is meat. Which is nice, I could really eat right now. There also seems to be a bundle of feathers. Pretty big ones, these feathers are longer than I am tall.

I could use these to make a glider, or even spears. Well it remains to be seen if they are sturdy or flexible like my wooden ones.

Shouldn’t be a problem to sharpen them a bit. I mean, at the speed my spear flies, sharpness isn’t exactly an issue.

I still haven’t let go off my last spear. My right arm is still pulsing with pain, I think numb was the wrong word.

It’s more like I don’t have a lot of strength in it nor the will to move it about.

The ambient music is still going, it’s a bit low in comparison to earlier.

I can’t remember when it went down but there are definitely more of those fuckers floating about. Probably.

I eat clean the last of my canned food, I really want to cook some of this new and fresh meat but that would require me to get wood, a place to cook. Maybe I can break some of the thin branches.

Son has popped out and is meditating on top of my head right now so I won’t get any supernatural warnings if something sneaks up on me.

I really don’t want to move but I need to make sure this place is safe before I meditate.

I made a few rounds around the tree’s platform but couldn’t spot any nearby winged creatures.

The ambient sound is getting lower but with it there I can assume this place isn’t perfectly safe like the outer-layer trees. At least at the moment.

So meditation it is. I broke off some small branches, small being relative to the absolutely gigantic ones around here.

I smashed them down with my feet and left them to dry, hopefully they’ll be easy to light when I wake up.

Ah! Ouh! What is happening, hello?

That was traumatizing. I feel like my chest has caved in. When I was meditating I got attacked by one of them winged bastards.

I knew they were still floating about. I can taste the blood in my mouth still. I just barely managed to pierce into its chest.

That made it back up but it clearly wanted to take me out. After I got rid of that ninja, another one came and almost immediately rushed at me.

I took him out quickly. Thankfully they didn’t decide to gang up on me. I doubt they have that kind of thinking capabilities but I’m grateful nonetheless.

The ambient music died as soon as I finished the second bird. I assume I’ve conquered this tree completely.

I still haven’t checked up on that huge bastard, I think he ended up falling down the tree, hoping the drops didn’t get to0 scattered.


What? Who?

“Hi? Who's there.”

“Ohohoho, you’d know me as the system I suppose.”

“Uhm. Okay. Where are you?”

Right before my eyes, I can see a silhouette of something similar to Son in size appearing. What is going on now? You can’t just drop in when you feel like it.

“Alright, before you start asking questions and questioning your existence I’m going to tell you a few things.”


“Shush. Alright first, congratulations on reaching a Kelas rank zone and capturing one of the points.

Usually this much isn’t worth celebrating but considering how short a period your race has been around and the very small amount of you there are it’s quite an achievement.


Also you did it by yourself, without an army or even a group of people. And of course this being one of the more difficult areas for your race to travel.

Statistically speaking, only the races that have the ability to fly even consider taking on the aerial zones.”

What in the name of the divine green is going on?

“Eh, so let’s see what else?

Ah, I am not exactly a living being. I am an extremely advanced piece of technology.

Okay, you get a few minutes of my time for some questions, I’ll answer as I can. I have a few restrictions but go ahead.”


What should I even ask? Why am I here? What is the point of all of this? Yes, that sounds alright.

Also, I should try to sneak in some questions about the whole affinity and crafting thing.

“Why am I here?

No, why is my entire race here, I don’t remember this planet at all or anything about it but I remember my own home.

Actually, why can’t I remember things? And is this some sadistic game?”

“Great questions, always asked.

First of all, this isn’t your planet.

Your planet has been destroyed and one of my ordinates is that I am required to save any sentient race from complete eradication.

I then place them under this trial.

The reason for your faulty memory is an after effect from reassembling people when they die. It is preventable but we’ve found help people become a new version of themselves.

This could be considered a game but at the same time it is more of a means to an end. We call it ‘the trial of ascendancy’.”

What? So I’ve been reanimated every time I die? Seems like sloppy work. Also trial? Means to an end?

“What is the purpose of this trial then? Also how did you even move all of us here?”

“Can’t say. Do you understand what the multiverse is?”


“Do you understand quantum physics?”


“Do you have a thorough understanding of physics? No? I haven’t the time or the patience to teach you the science involved in traveling between universes.”

Well shit. I was never good at math.

“Okay, fine. What is nature affinity? No actually better question would be, what is the deal with the whole affinity thing in general?”

“If I wanted you to know that I would have written it in the description.

After endless trial and error I’ve found that sentient beings are more motivated when you have to struggle against all odds.

That being said, you can still decide to do nothing. I’ll save you some time, I won’t give you any answers as to how the world works, not unless you earn it.”

What is this? I feel like I’m in some sort of experiment on a giant scale.

“So. You’re useless? What should I do now?”

“I’m not useless. In fact, I am amazingly useful. And you can do whatever you want.

Statistically speaking, you will most likely not manage to clear the first trial.

I’ll tell you this, if you want more answers then you’ll have to become far more powerful and clear a few checkpoints as well.

Alright, that’s about all the time I have for you. You won’t remember this conversation for some time. For now, bye bye sweety.”

What? What happened just now?


‘Aie, look at that, a lot of dead birds. So did we clear it?’

“Ye but I feel like something monumental just happened, can you check the Boon for me.


You are far more capable of filtering through that mess, it’s become a bit too long to casually browse.”

‘Sure, well let’s see… You finished killing a bunch of these critters then sat down where you are.

Then you called me and asked me to read what’s in the log and now I’m reading what I’m saying just as I say them.

From the looks of it you’ve been sitting at the same coordinates for a while.’

“Oh? Okay thanks, you can go meditate again. I just felt something strange happened just now.”

I’ve been going in and out of trance these days. Turns out my hand really got seriously messed up.

I’ve been thinking over what happened,when I threw that spear and I am honestly scared I might do it again.

Good news is, I got way too much food and these feathers when laid down turn into a decent place to sit and reflect on the fight for this tree.

I didn’t get any updates in the quest-log but this place has been added to a possible re-spawn point so I consider it conquered.

I still feel slightly oppressed in this area, it’s like wearing heavy wet clothes. Nonetheless, I want to fix up my hand before I do anything else.

I still haven’t gone to look for that big fucker that I think fell down the tree. I should try and remember that.

I’ve been thinking of different affinities, which I feel like might not be the optimal way to describe the various minor affinities I assume are up for grabs.

For example I’ve been constantly handling these feathers. I doubt it will turn into feather affinity and more in the direction of some sort of generalization of most beasts with feathers.

At least that’s what I think is the logical direction. I’ve become really close to properly, what’s the word?

Feel? Connect with? Ah, either way. I’m getting closer to another affinity. Forget it, I best go meditate.

My hand has finally completely recovered. I’m going to try and make something everyone dreams of.

Or at least me. The famous hang-glider. So let’s start by grabbing some of the vines and cutting them down and weaving them together, need proper rope.

I think the basic outline of the glider has to be in the shape of a spear’s head. This ended up being closer to a triangle.

The glider is about two times my height and around the same width. The hard part here is actually putting the feathers in line, they are enormous but they are very light.

Not going to lie, I’m pretty proud of this magnificent piece of work. Question is, how should I test it out?

I desperately want to jump off the tree and at the same time I really don’t want to jump off the tree. And off we go.

This is amazing, not at all how I imagined it to be. I’m floating towards the outer-layer. The glider is more than I thought it could be.

I’m not sure how long I’ve been away this time and I kinda miss my subjects, I should build something nice for them.

Did I ever make the whole trade route to the sanctuary? I should get on that, can’t let them live on my land for free.

Slight problem with the glider, it’s a hassle to move about with it, I’m still creating this new revolutionary way to travel.

There is a delicate balance in maneuvering the glider and applying the right amount of force when I land.

Turns out these fragile branches aren’t all that good for leverage when you’re trying to increase air time.

Almost broke my precious on the first jump. I was already close to arriving in, what should we call it? The land that my subjects reside. I should name the place.

The one where Sera is living. Right, I was already close to them when I finally landed majestically.

Didn’t quite master the glider but it is still in one piece, I’m calling that a win.

The total population has risen dramatically, eh. This is kind of too many people.

I don’t have a count for it but by the sheer number of horribly made tree houses littering up my once transcendent village you’d have to agree.

“Heeyo! Sera how have things been going?”

“Abraser, your back? Hmph.”


“This whole place is getting out of control! That’s what! My dearest green goddess, have you any idea how long you’ve been away? You have been gone for seven hundred or more days.”

Wow, seven hundred huh? That’s a lot right?

“Ah, I had some issues and ended up meditating a lot, you should know what it’s like right?

Anyway, we need more houses and I’m guessing more greenhouses right? Is there anything else?

I’m planning on making a training facility so people can hunt and I’ll also need people to travel to sanctuary and trade for gold and silver for me.

I also need a bunch of skill-books. We need any special facilities other than that?”

Smoothly changed the subject, I can’t be held accountable for the duration of my meditation.

“Yes, we need more greenhouses and places for people to live.

The situation in the other town is similar, it’s still manageable by the people that hunt regularly.

I want a place to bathe properly, I still remember taking baths on Avarth. People could use some entertainment as well.”

Entertainment? I wonder what that would include. Can't exactly make a sakarian field up in the trees or any playing field for that matter.

I could try to see if there are computers. But first I need to establish proper training areas and organize hunts.

Maybe get a few people that are interested in leatherworking to work some of the leather and then sell it to the sanctuary.

“Alright Sera, I’ll be up in the Naturai tree if you need me for something, cya.”

Let’s see what we got here.

Training area would just need a straightforward flat platform, right?

We’re going to lose some of the natural look in this place with just a platform but I need to be pragmatic here.

Maybe there are some training buildings in the construction system.

I was just planning on making a lot of open spaced platforms and linking them together but I should try and search for something adequate.

Time to dive back into that search function, there really are too many options available.

I’m going to start trying to connect the two towns and do something proper in the middle.

Right, I found something like an arena or whatever it is. It’s basically a giant circle, but I have no idea what it is for.

It’s called Kar, no description as per usual but damn that never gets any less irritating. Well whatever it is, I placed it down.

It took out tens and tens of trees. From below there are three pillars supporting it and there are branches, vines and leaves that cover it. Not exactly hard to notice however.

The plan is to make crafting buildings in the area around the training platform but that’ll have to wait until I have some money on hand.

I got a decent plan on how to quickly make my way towards sanctuary but the problem is the amount of stuff I can carry on the glider.

I might have to make a bigger one. I made wider bridges that lead from the two forest towns to the training platform.

I’m already very low on the currency at the moment, I honestly have no idea how much silver is in the ground or why that is something I can build stuff with.

Watching the buildings materialize out of thin air is pretty amazing though. Is this magic or some kind of energy thing?

I wonder what rank I need to achieve to get more information. Currently my only reliable source of information is libraries.

There are a lot of very unlikable people gathered. The kind of people that answer in short sentences such as “I can’t answer that.” And the famous “I don’t know.” Magical stuff.

I wonder why they won’t set up a store and buy my leather like in the sanctuary. Maybe they need me to make it? Ah, I don’t know. I always get a bit overwhelmed when I try to fit all the pieces together.

I spoke to Herros and Sera and told them to gather people at the training platform, got to get these people working.

After a few words I assigned some people to act as trainers and then let people volunteer their services.

Then I told the people that didn’t volunteer that they would have a few options.

One, hunt and skin beasts. In fact take everything of potential value from the prey and pile them together.

Second option is to craft things out of the gathered materials and third and last option is to haul the completed merchandise to sanctuary and sell it and give me that gold and silver.

Anyone that doesn’t want to do any of these things was politely asked to leave town.

Don’t get me wrong, future me, I’m not expecting some sort of well-oiled machine to labor constantly.

This is just what this town is about now, they get me the money and they can stay.

Once money comes in, they can commission stuff to be built, for example something for entertainment.

Food isn't an issue in the soon to be great kingdom of Abraser and neither is a place to sleep, so they should have nothing else to do but work.

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