《Etryria [discontinued]》Chapter 21 - My Siblings?
Chapter 21 – My Siblings?
This building has a LOT of steps onto it, damn; these steps sure can be considered as training (for a child).*sigh* Anyway, back to climbing this 500 stepped stairs, after we got to the top a guy greeted us.
Man: *shouts* “HOOOO!!!! SOPHIA, BERNARD!! YOU’RE LATE AGAIN, GET THAT WATER TO MY BATHTUB AND…” he stopped when he noticed me..
“hmmmm, and who do we have here. Young one state you’re name.”
Elous: “Greetings, my name is Elous.”
Man: “Hmmmm, I think I’ve heard of that name before. But it seems like, I can’t recall, hmmmm. *sigh* age sure hits me, being 150 years old.” *What!! He’s 150 years old, but he looked like around 40 to 50 years old. Hah! That special water sure has great effects. –Elous*
Bernard: “Huh? Master has known Elous?”
Sophia: “Uhm, Master can you please help Elous? He seems to have hit his head from falling and can’t recall anything but his name.”
Master: “Hmmm, but he looks fine. If he has hit his head, he should have any wound, bruises or even marked of being hit from the head.” The master was now looking at me from different angles.
*sigh* “You two prepare my bath immediately; I will tend to your friend, and the next time that you’ll be late, I’ll be sure to PUNISH you.”
Bernard: “Sorry master, will prepare your bath, and the guards hold us off for too long, be sure to punish them as well.”
Sophia: “Hey, Bernard wait for me.”
As the two quickly get inside of the building.
Master: *sigh* “Those kids, haha they sure grow quickly. Oh sorry I forgot about you young one. Let’s get inside shall we?”
Elous: *nod* “Nn.”
The inside of the building was similar to the old houses of Japanese but a bit modern I guess. The floors were a mixed of wood, smooth stones and some were made in tatami mats. The Master led me to a room with tatami mats, and a small table in the middle, what do you call them again? Kotatsu?. There were also two guards or servants (not really sure) in that room. Around the table were sitting pillows, he let me sit there and ask someone to bring us something to drink.
Master: “Hmmm, you seemed to be a well mannered child, you even know how to properly sit in our culture.”
Elous: “A lucky guess maybe? Or it must be just reflex, as Sophia have said that I lost my memories, it must be from my way of living ha ha ha ha.” I gave a wryly smile, and act the best I can.
Master: “hahaha, relax, you don’t need to be so nervous, Oh sorry for the late introduction I’m Wyndram.”
Elous: “Nn, nice to meet you Master Wyndram.”
Our drinks have finally arrived and Master Wyndram gave me a cup, I gentle smelled it and took a sip. The smell was nice and similar to normal tea with a minty kind of smell mixed to it, and the taste was so delicious it burst inside my mouth and tickles my taste buds.
Wyndram: “Hohoho, so how was it Elous, did you like it?”
Elous: “Nn, I liked it, I can’t really tell what’s the specific taste was, but it sure was delicious. It feels like my body just became lighter and more relaxed.”
Wyndram: “hahaha, that’s the effect of a special herb mixed into it, removing your fatigue and stress, it also recovers a great amount of stamina and mana. Let me checked out your status, and examine your body shall we? If you truly have amnesia or any kind of curse, or illness, I’ll look into it if I can somehow help you.”
Elous: “Ha ha ha ha, Sure Master.”
Master Wyndram gave a signal to one of the servants, the servant get out of the room and in an instant he was back. *huh,that was fast* The servant gave a scroll to Master Wyndram, when Master Wyndram opened the scroll, someone called from outside of the room, it was Bernard.
Bernard: “Master!! Your bath is ready.”
Sophia: “Master? Can we have permission to enter the room? We would like to see Elous.”
Wyndram: “Oh the bath can wait. Sure thing, come inside you two.”
Sophia and Bernard entered the room and waved to me, I also waved back at them and smiled. Master Wyndram ordered the two servants to move out of the room, and they bowed and exited the room.
Bernard: “So how was it Master? Can you help Elous?”
Wyndram: “hoho, I was about to do that, but first I need to look at his stats.”
Master Wyndram opened the scroll and makes some hand signs. * It felt kind of amazing to see someone doing this kind of thing haha – Elous* The scroll gave a faint light, and Master put the scroll at the table.
Wyndram: “Now Elous, but your hand on top of the scroll. I didn’t know if you can use mana but it would be faster to do it this way. This scroll will identify your stats and any ailment like sickness or curses.”
Sophia and Bernard were looking closely as I put my hand over the scroll, and as my hand touches it, the faint light from the scroll was now gone and some writings slowly appeared at the scroll, it’s my stats.
StatisticsNameElousAge6Title---SexMaleLevel0TierNoviceClass:---Sub-Class:---Strength50Vitality105Agility50Dexterity50Intelligence208Luck30HP455MP825Offensive PropertiesDefensive PropertiesAccuracy12Defense225Critical Hit Rate0.55%Evasion1.25%Parry1.25%Magic Defense452.5Physical PropertiesMagic PropertiesAttack Power100Attack Magic Potency425Skill Speed1.5%Healing Magic Potency300Spell Speed5.25%
Master Wyndram, and the two siblings were shocked and surprised about what they saw.
Bernard: “Seems like you’re not bluffing.”
Sophia: “A level 0 with this kind of stats, you must have gone through a tough training.”
Wyndram: “ho ho ho, what great talent we have here. It’s the first time that I saw something like this. But I can’t see any ailment attached to your stats, you’re in perfect health. But having this kind of stats may bring you to a great danger Elous. I will perform a seal to you so that if anyone may use any item or skill to identify your stats, this seal will help you hide your original stats, are you ready? This might hurt a bit.”
Sophia: “Wow, master can do that? Awesome.”
Wyndram: “It’s a special skill of mine, I cannot tell you what skill it is, but it can help, and I’m the only one who knows this skill. As far as I can tell no one has seen through this skill of mine.”
Elous: “Thank you master. I’m ready at any time.” *Wow that skill is a cheat skill, wow –Elous*
Wyndram: “Okay Elous, just relax, take your shirt off and also swallow this pill, this pill will help you ease the pain.” *What? Does this really hurt so badly? –Elous*
The two siblings cheered me, as I take my clothes off and swallow the pill. I can feel that my body starts to get numb. As it gets harder to move, it was a sign that Master was waiting, the pill was now showing its effect.
Master Wyndram starts making a lot of hand signs as he goes faster and faster, the room starts to get dark and Sophia and Bernard were a bit scared. On Master’s finger tip was a black flame, the black flame was small but as master channels his skill, the flame became bigger and now the flame engulf his two fingers (the index and middle finger). He came to my side.
Wyndram: “Are you ready? Boy you must endure this pain.”
He slowly put his flaming finger in the middle of my chest where the heart is, he slowly write some shapes and rune inscription into it. The pain was so bad; it felt like my soul was being burned. As I endure the pain a window pops out.
Congratulations you have learned a new skill.
Great timing, wow…(sarcasm)
New Skill
Pain Endurance
Wow that’s great, but the new skill didn’t really help me that much. The hellish pain was still the same. It feels like were going for eternity, and Master was still writing the seal. *Oh come on; yes please take your sweet time. –Elous*
As the room gets back to its original lighting, Master was now done doing the seal. I was sweating so hard it felt like I have bathed in my own sweats, and the two siblings were sweating just like me, maybe they were scared and felt my pain. LOL.
Wyndram: “HUH!! Finally were done, I need to take my bath, the water will get cold, haha you can now check your stats Elous, I’m sure it has changed and Bernard.”
Bernard: “Yes master?”
Wyndram: “You’re in charge of Elous, he will be living with you, and also you three come back here tomorrow, I’ll give you some training. Elous, would you also like to train here?
Bernard: “Yes master, I’ll be the one to look after Elous.”
Elous: “Yes, I’ll be more that glad to train here, thank you Master Wyndram.”
Wyndram: “Hahaha, now go along and take some bath in the public bath house, I’m looking forward for tomorrow. I also need to search some old scrolls about an undetectable illness of lost memories or similar, to help Elous.”
Elous: “Thank you Master for the help.”
We all bowed to Master Wyndram.
Master Wyndram hurriedly exited the room because his water bath might get cold. The three of us were now looking at the seal in the middle of my chest; hmmm I guess it’s worth the pain to have a cool tattoo. Hahaha, I then opened the menu and looked at my stats.
StatisticsNameElousAge6Title---SexMaleLevel0TierNoviceClass:---Sub-Class:---Strength50(10)Vitality105(20)Agility50(10)Dexterity50(10)Intelligence208(20)Luck30(5)HP455(85)MP825(85)Offensive PropertiesDefensive PropertiesAccuracy12(2.2)Defense225(45)Critical Hit Rate0.55%(0.095%)Evasion1.25%(0.25%)Parry1.25%(0.25%)Magic Defense452.5(50)Physical PropertiesMagic PropertiesAttack Power100(20)Attack Magic Potency425(45)Skill Speed1.5%(0.3%)Healing Magic Potency300(30)Spell Speed5.25%(0.55%)
The one in the () must be the fake one, hahaha this is convenient. I tried to look at the scroll that was in the table but it didn’t change. Maybe I need to update it or something, I tried pouring mana to the scroll, now the scroll was similar to last time giving a faint light and when it’s done, all my original stats was now change to the fake ones.
Elous: “Hahaha, this is awesome.”
Sophia: “yeah, you’re awesome Elous, you can manipulate mana freely, and unlike me I still need to practice a lot.”
Bernard: “hahaha, If you guys have any trouble doing that, you can ask me to help you.haha”
Well I don’t really need any help, but these two siblings are smart kids I can tell, and I’m sure they will be strong as they grow up.
Elous: “Thanks Bernard, I’m hoping that you can teach us a lot of things about mana manipulation.”
Sophia: “Nn, my brother is the best. Hahaha”
Bernard: “Hahaha, say that again.”
Sophia: “Say what?” as she pretends to be dumb.
Bernard: “ARGGHHH, never mind. Let’s just go outside and take a bath.”
We all laugh while exiting the room; I didn’t forget to bring the scroll with me it might be handy. As we walk in town, there were a lot of shops, weapon shops, armor shops, potion shops, food stalls, some ingredient shops and many more. Seems like the people here are not so bad I guess, we went to the bath house and the siblings were well known by the owner and we got to take a bath for free. We are now in the kid’s bath, well “we’re” kids that’s why we took the bath together and there was no dirty thoughts about it. I just happily enjoyed being a kid again, we played tag, and splash some water her and there. Hahaha I never knew being young again makes me happy, after we’re finished with the bath; we went to where I’ll be staying. The house was big enough for us (kids), a two leveled house, has a kitchen, bathroom (well we have a bathroom, but I guess it’s more fun in the public bath house) a living room and a dining room, it was a simple house but not that I didn’t like it, there were also three rooms upstairs. After that we went outside. They told me that this house was from Master Wyndram, and his servants always bring the siblings foods, and some money.
Bernard: “Let’s go Elous, we have something to show you.”
Sophia: “Hihi, I’m sure you’re going to love it.”
Elous: “Okay,haha. But can you at least give me a clue?”
Siblings: “NO!! It’s a surprise.”
Elous: “Hmm okay.”
We run passed the alleyway and exited the South Gate, where the Four Guards are stationed.
Guard2: “Hey you three, be careful outside okay.”
We happy run, and were taking a great speed, I didn’t know that the two can run this fast. *sigh* I didn’t really did a lot of things when I was a God, all I did was create and create, haha so this will be my first mission to explore, get strong and live happy, oh wait my first missions. Hahaha
After we exited the South Gate we changed direction and run to the South East of the Shadow Forest. My mini map was all blacked and the only thing I can see was the placed that I’ve explored, so if I got lost or something, I can go back on my own by tracing back my steps from the mini map or map maybe, haven’t open that map menu yet, hahaha.
After running about five kilometers south east, we finally stopped and I can’t see much of the surroundings. The two were just looking up at something,
Elous: “So what are we looking at?”
Bernard: “Just wait, you will see it soon.”
Elous: “hmmm, okay.”
Sophia: “Oh here it is, the wind.” As the wind blew the fog off from the direction that we’re looking at, something came to my view.
It was a very large tree, and at the branch of the tree was something like a tree house.
Bernard: “This is our hide out, haha be sure to keep it a secret.”
Sophia: “Master Wyndram build this for us, as a gift.”
Bernard: “I and Sophia were not born here, Master said that our parents died from an illness when we’re still babies, and Master raised us like his own child. He said that our parents were great people like heroes from a tale, that’s why we also want to be like them.”
Sophia: “This is where we also train, its safe here and the animals around here are all harmless.”
Bernard: “Let’s go inside our hideout”
We got up at the secret base through a hidden entrance at roots of the giant tree, and explore the inside of it; we also got to the top of the tree and watch the setting sun meet the horizon.
Sophia: “hihihihi” *giggles*
Bernard: “What was it Sophia?”
Sophia: “Nothing, I was just happy to be here with you guys,haha.”
Bernard: “Well I too am happy, hahaha.. And from now on we are all brothers and sister.”
Bernard looked at me as well as Sophia.*sigh* I guess I can’t help it.
Elous: “Nn*nod*, brothers and sister.” As I was smiling and was happy about it.
Sophia: “And now we should name our squad.. I call the Leader.”
Bernard: “Hey, I want to be the leader.”
Sophia: “Nope, I called it first, so I’m the Leader, and I will be in charge of naming our squad.”
Bernard: “tsss, not fair.” *sigh*
And we all laugh like there’s no tomorrow, I and Bernard let Sophia be the Leader of the Squad. And we went back to the village before it totally gets dark.
Thank you for reading. :) Advertisement Previous
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Chapter RSS About the author 2 Fictions 3 Posts 1 Threads elwe74 Follow Author Monday, February 8, 2016 6:32:01 PM Philippines Lazy Elf
Bio: I like reading light novels, and I'm also busy with college. Sorry if my grammar is incorrect feel free to point it out. yeah.. I love Manga, Anime I also like dancing and I can beat box but i'm not that good at both..
I'm just trying to write here because I would like to make my own story some how I got tired of reading and then i was just inspired to write.
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