《Assassin Type: The Rifle Girl- Rica Reyes》Assassin Type- Chapter 9- Mom!


North of The City

Tiara trembled in the back of the Lincoln. After twenty minutes on the road they'd left the city and she saw trees, an empty road, and no people. Alexa kept her arm around Tiara's waist to calm her junior classmate, and assured her not to worry.

“We’ll be ok!” Alexa whispered, and Tiara believed her.

The Lincoln turned on to a dirt path toward a large white plantation style house. An out of place hideout in the middle of the woods. The Lincoln stopped in front of the house and a man in charge opened the door.

"You girls keep your mouth shut, your friend comes here, gives us what we want, you all go home, ok?"

The girls cried yes, fearful of his violent tone. They were dragged into the white house and locked in a small room with a bar on the window. Once inside Tiara panicked.

"They’re going to kill us," she cried.

Alexa calmed her, and herself, "Take it easy! They need something from Caleb so I know he’ll come for us. We’ll be fine!"

Tiara wanted to believe Alexa and behind her tears she asked, "Are you sure?"

“Hey! What did I say? We’re good!" said Alexa, not sure at all.

The Mercedes

Rica Reyes killed the Mercedes driver’s partner. Now she held the driver at gunpoint, and told him to make a phone call.

"And you say exactly what I tell you to say, in English, or I will fuck you up!”

The driver, immobile and bleeding from his hand and knee, called his boss and told him, “Everything’s good. Will be there in twenty with the boy.”

“Smart man. And I’m telling you now, your life is yours to lose! Now drive!” growled Rica, gun to his gut.


During the trip Rica questioned the driver, demanding the layout of the wooded hideout and telling him his part in her plan.

Caleb sat quiet for most of the trip, but he reached a point that he had to ask, “Rica...who are you? Really?”

She smirked, never taking her eyes off the driver, “Who do you think I am?”

‘It couldn’t be her, she’s a little girl, Caleb’s mind raced, then he answered,“My father hired you, didn’t he?”

Rica kept the gun on the driver and shushed Caleb's lips, touching his face.

“You bad-bad boy, you smell like gunpowder and I know what's in your bag cause I know what you did last night!” she said.

Caleb clutched his bag. It seems she knew he burned Farfis bar to the ground.

“So, you know me. My father told me he’d hired someone. But I didn’t know girls like you were... so young,” he said, staring at her gun.

“Girls like you? Hmph! I’m one of a kind,” she pouted, then faced him, “But I need your help! You and your bag of tricks, you boy!”

“Heh, somehow I don’t think you need my help, but I’m all yours!” he smirked, telling her the truth.

The White House

When the Mercedes reached the dirt path, the man in charge, named Milot, and his six goons stepped out to greet the care as it drove toward them. The men joked watching the vehicle increase speed toward them, calling the driver a show off. When the vehicle reached twenty feet and accelerated at them fast, they panicked

Just then Three explosions went off behind Milot on the porch, the sound was so loud and the impact so heavy that Milot and two of his men's legs were burned from behind and their eardrums nearly shattered.


The explosions in the house came from customized M80 firecrackers, loud and terrifying, Caleb Roman's own recipe. This ordnance was in his bag, used from the night before when he burned down club Black Sea.

This was part of Rica's plan, drop Caleb in the woods, to get behind and into the house, while Rica and the driver circled to the front of the house. The Mercedes was merely a distraction for Caleb's bombs.

From the Smoke

From the porch Milot knew him and his men were being ambushed, he ordered three of his men to get the two girls in the house, Those girls were his only leverage, while he would.. POP! POP! POP! POP!

Four shots whizzed across Milot's face, one grazing one of his men in the arm. The shots came from the Mercedes. Milot and his man dropped down and opened fire on the car. Their volley of bullets shred the windshield and killed the injured driver that Rica held at gunpoint. But Rica wasn't inside the Mercedes.

She'd escaped through the back seat and trunk. From behind the vehicle she tossed two smoke bombs and saturated the yard in white fog. Pulling her stolen nine millimeter pistol she fired four shots before one of the men from the porch came from behind her, with a gun in her face.

Rica caught his movement, and spun in time to avoid a point blank shot to her head, in her spin she slapped the man's gun hand with her left and fired at his face with her right. But the man was fast, he evaded and slapped Rica and her weapon on the ground.

The man couldn't advance on Rica before indiscriminate gun shots from his comrades on the porch grazed and whizzed by him. The man hit the ground avoiding the shots, and when he raised his head a flying knee from Rica crushed his nose. He yelled and tried to grab her, a bad move. Rica let loose with a flurry of elbows, knees and kicks pushing the man back.

Still, Rica knew her physical attacks would not be enough, her size and weight could never take down a man this big, she looked around for the gun, but the smoke concealed everything. As she looked up the man recovered and charged at her. Rica didn't have a weapon but she was ready.

The man charged hard at Rica, intent on beating her to death. Rica braced with the smoke as cover and charged right back at him, but before she could move forward, someone pulled her backward by her skirt, and used the Loli as momentum to hurl themselves forward at the charging man. In the split second that it happened Rica saw who pulled her back, "SENSEEEEIII!" ^_^

Charging at the man at full speed, with fixed bayonet on her M40A3 rifle, JEZRIEL, The Villain Reyna 鬼 Rai, mother of Rica Reyes, wasted no time and bayonet thrust the charging man through his heart, stopping him dead in his tracks.

Bleeding and unable to move, the impaled man looked up at the sinister smile of his executioner, her eyes hidden behind her hair, and he knew who she was. This woman was a Rifle Girl, he'd heard of them, he'd heard they were bayonet fighters.

And as Reyna kicked his lifeless body off of her rifle, and he blacked out the man thought to himself...This killer..is she really so beautiful?

He was certain she was when his eyes closed, for the last time.


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