《Assassin Type: The Rifle Girl- Rica Reyes》Assassin Type- Chapter 8- The Precious Student



Thursday morning, seven a.m. Alexa and Tiara gossiped away walking to Caleb's apartment. Except they didn’t know where he lived.

“Rica thinks she's all that! She's only been here since Monday and she walks around like she’s running the school, fug-outta-here!” Tiara complained.

“And that's why you’re scared of her,” teased Alexa.

“No! Why would I be scared of a little girl like her? Is she even old enough to be in St.George’s?” said Tiara.

“Haha, she does look young~” said Alexa with a playful face.

Tiara frowned at Alexa.

“Sounds like you’re inviting Rica to your party? You like her or something?”

“Of course I’m inviting her! And yes I like her!” said Alexa.

“Yeah right, you inviting her so Caleb will come to your party!” snapped Tiara.

“You stupid! Caleb will come to my party regardless of Rica, but it doesn't make sense making enemies with her since that's his girlfriend. I'll just give her an invite.”

“Rica's a little beeyotch, I don't like her, but apparently you do!” growled Tiara.

“She’s so cute! A little tomboy and doesn't even know it. And you don't like her because you can't handle her,” teased Alexa.

“Whatever yo, and you talking about not making enemies but here you are going to her boyfriend's house without her knowing, and you don't even know where he lives!”

Alexa chuckled.

“Hee hee Somewhere that way,” she pointed straight ahead, “and we're all friends, I can see Caleb whenever I want!”

Tiara wanted to answer and give Alexa a hard time but a Mercedes cut in front of them and stopped. Two burly men flashed police badges from the car.

The passenger barked out a question in a strange accent, "You two girls, you go to St. George?"

"So what if we do? You're making us late!" said Alexa, calm and collect.

The passenger didn't waste time, he pulled out a photograph of Caleb.

"You know this boy? Where does he live?" asked the man.


Tiara flinched, Alexa played cool, "Nope! I don't know him and I don't know you, so excuse you, you're wasting our time, come on Tiara!"

The two men spoke in a foreign language then exited the Mercedes. Alexa grabbed Tiara's hand and walked faster, "Come on!" she pulled Tiara. The passenger asked, "How you are going to school when school is the other direction?"

Alexa ignored the man and kept walking, but it was too late. A second car, a black Lincoln, pulled in front of Tiara and Alexa and two other big men jumped out and forced the two girls into the Lincoln.

Alexa and Tiara screamed, but the men were big and the car drove off fast. No one saw the girls taken off the street.

Sneaky Boy

Reyna watched Caleb's apartment last night while Rica went home and passed out. She needed the sleep. When Rica awoke for school Reyna wasn’t there, but left a note.

Little Anime Girl, your boyfriend snuck into his own apartment last night around 1 am. He was dressed like he bombed subways with Graffiti and climbed up his own fire escape. You need to find out what he's doing!

P.S. He’s a cutey, I am pretty sure he has another girlfriend xxxooo hugs kisses, love you! -Reyna

Rica read one part, snuck in at one a.m. ‘Why would Caleb be out so late?’ Rica asked herself, mystery.

Ten Minutes Later

Walking down Caleb's block, Rica saw him exiting his building. She felt warm seeing her boy, but she had to find out where he went last night, somehow.

“Yo Boy!” she yelled. Caleb smiled and walked to her, “What up Girl!” they slapped five.

“Hey! (sniff)..Why do you smell like gunpowder?” she asked him.

“I do? Maybe when I was cleaning-” Vrrrrm! His phone buzzed, Alexa's number. Caleb kept a poker face and answered.

“Hello, I hear you..yes..I do have it...not problem, I'll call you back.”

“Who's calling you so early?” asked Rica, suspicious of Caleb.


“No one, this guy, he reminded me of something I gotta do though,” he answered pulling Rica toward him, his hand on her lower back. She blushed.



“Tell the homeroom teacher I'll be a little late.”


“Don't worry, family business,” he lied.

“Oh..ok, I'll tell Ms. Sanders, you can get a late pass,” she assured him.

“I will.”

Caleb touched Rica's face, he wanted to kiss her, but he knew it wouldn't be right, and he had to go. Rica felt him hesitate, and she had enough. She put her hand behind his head and kissed him, Mua!

Her first kiss. Brief and magical. She pulled away, loving every second of it. So did Caleb.

“That was nice, we’ll do it again,” he joked.

“Hmph! You have to earn it” she teased.

"I will, after homeroom," he lied again.

"Okay,” she replied. Then Caleb ran down the block and disappeared, leaving Rica alone on the sidewalk.

Caleb's Run

Caleb felt sorry for ditching Rica, but he had to, and he knew this day would come. With all the things he did, he knew Tseka's goons would catch up to him. And they did in the worst way. They kidnapped Tiara and Alexa. Caleb had to think!

The caller told Caleb to meet him on the corner by a park entrance. As Caleb walked down he saw the Lincoln and Mercedes, and two men standing outside the Mercedes. They watched Caleb walk toward them.

As Caleb moved closer the Lincoln lowered its tinted window and revealed a scared Tiara and Alexa in the back. The girls called out to Caleb but were silenced when the window raised and the Lincoln drove off. Caleb's heart sank seeing the girls taken.

The passenger goon from the Mercedes yelled out to Caleb.

“Hey you, boy! I called you, you have document? Get in the car!” he growled.

“I don't have it here, but you bring the girls back and I can get it,” Caleb stalled.

The goon wasn't having it, he punched Caleb in the stomach and threw him against the car.

“Get off me!” Caleb yelled and kicked the goon hard in the shin, freeing himself.

The second goon, grabbed Caleb from behind and shoved him in the back of the Mercedes. The passenger goon followed Caleb in and pulled a gun.

Caleb stopped fighting, he had a plan B. He would..do nothing. Because what happened next, happened too fast.

Caleb watched a hand and a large blade jab from outside into the back passenger window. The blade, moving at the speed of sound, stabbed the passenger goon through his neck. One jab, and the hand and the blade and the figure holding it disappeared again.

The attacked goon didn't know he had a hole in his neck until he stopped breathing, and blood leaked out of him like a sieve. The goon outside, still walking to the driver's side, wasn’t aware of his partner.

The assailant then ran around the back of the Mercedes, behind the walking driver, dropped low and stabbed him in the back of his knee.


Screaming in pain the driver goon fell backward on the street. Not done, the assailant took her school bag and pushed it on the driver's face, and stabbed his left hand with her blade.

Panicking and big, the driver goon pushed the assailant away from him, and on pure adrenaline, pulled himself into the Mercedes. Caleb ran outside the Mercedes, leaving the dead goon in the back. Now outside he watched the bleeding driver attempt to start the car. Nothing happened.

The driver goon, now a prisoner in the driver's seat, faced his assailant. An eleven year old girl in a school uniform, holding a bloody seven inch rifle bayonet in one hand. In her other hand, the Mercedes keys and a Smith and Wesson model 5906, 9mm handgun. The latter taken from his dead partner.

“My name is death, nice to meet you,” she said to the driver, and cocked the hammer of the gun.

The driver didn’t panic. The little girl was death. So maybe if he prayed to her, she’d spare him.


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