《Assassin Type: The Rifle Girl- Rica Reyes》Assassin Type- Chapter 7- Start a War


Start a War

Last night Reyna kidnapped, tortured and killed a man named Asim Bora, a lieutenant in Boss Tseka's crew. Asim, even under torture, couldn't tell Reyna where Boss Tseka was or why Tseka wanted to kill Caleb Roman, but Reyna's torture techniques are thorough, so she knew Asim wasn't lying to her.

Asim did say that Boss Tseka's crew had a serious problem with Boss Gashi's crew and that was one of the reasons Tseka was so hard to find these days. Knowing this Reyna decided it would be best to get Gashi's crew all angry and have the two crews kill each other off, start a war.

At best the Gashi crew would kill Boss Tseka for Reyna, or at worst all of the trouble Reyna caused would force Boss Tseka out of hiding and Reyna would kill him then. Reyna and Rica stuck to a plan that started when Reyna picked up Rica. First The Rifle Girls bagged Asim Bora's body and put him in a freezer uptown for later use:

"Whaddya mean we're gonna come back for him?" asked Rica

"We need him!" replied Reyna

"But he's dead!"

"Yup, and we need him"

Next, the bad girls drove home, showered and put on their, super cute, tactical clothes.

"Rica-chan, you're not wearing the Prada boots I bought you?"

"Eh? But these are the Corcoran boots you bought me, they're awesome too!" replied Rica.

"Oh, well I just thought, ya'know, the Prada boots are cuter and we'd match from head to toe, see!" she showed Rica her Prada boots.

"Mom, you're too cute for me, I'm done!"

"Are you teasing me, you brat? Hmph!"

"Hee hee!"

By 11 pm they were back on the east side of the Bronx. Reyna parked her car north of a bar club called, Black Sea. The Gashi crew ran this club, and Reyna knew a certain someone would show up tonight.


Rica took position on a rooftop 200 meters east, overlooking the club. The Rifle Girls discussed their plan on their phones.

"So I don't know if Alexa's gonna invite me to her party, but she'd better if she knows what's good for her!"

"Haha! So wait, you want to go to this girl Alexa's party on Saturday and your plan is to bully Tiara into getting you an invite?" asked Reyna, laughing.

"I'm not bullying her I'm shaming her!"

"Princess, you're not gonna hold your popular crown for long if you treat your subjects this way, and you aint that cute!"

"Ya, but I need an invite! if I don't go to Alexa's party-"

"What? All the girls are gonna tease you? 'Hi Rica, why you didn't go to Alexa's party, oh? I'm sorry, you wasn't invited!' Haaaaa!"

"I'm gonna be a social outcast and you think it's funny! I'm hanging up!"

"Rica, don't hang up! Mommy's sorry about your junior high soap opera! Hee hee ! So tell me about this Alexa! you know if Caleb has his eye on her you might," Reyna spots him, "Rica!"

Rica scanned the club entrance with her scope. She watched four guys exit a Lincoln Town car and zeroed on the tallest one. Her target, Besian, Boss Gashi's right hand man.

"Rica, body-shot!" said Reyna.

"His guys are in the way, I'm going for a head-shot!"

"No! He's too far! I'm clearing him now, body-shot!"

Reyna dialed Besian's phone number from Asim's phone. On the sidewalk Besian felt his phone vibrate, and separated from the crowd. Alone on the sidewalk, he never reached his phone before the shot.


Besian's body dropped on the concrete sidewalk in front of club Black Sea. Dead in a pool of blood. A woman screamed a bloody scream and the block panicked. Reyna drove away from the club to pick up Rica, and scold her.


"Rica? What was that? I told you a body-shot!"

"Body shot? Where's the fun in that?"

"I'll give you fun!" Reyna pinched her belly.

"Ow! Ma, you're so villainous! You didn't even say 'Nice shot, baby!'" Rica pouted.

"That wasn't a nice shot baby, that was an impossible shot! That is, for anyone but a Rifle Girl," she rubs Rica's cheek, "Would you agree?" asked Reyna

"Oh yesh, I'm Rica Impossible!"

“No, you’re a troublesome little girl who doesn’t love her mother, hmph!” cried Reyna

“Don’t love you? Ma, you're the worst parent! Going on about body shots after we blew some guy away, and now we're heading back to some freezer to pick up a dead body, again. Eeeww, and now his body is frozen so he's gonna be heavy!"

"If he wasn't frozen he would shit himself, would you want to carry him then? Or should we cut him up?" asked Reyna.


"Hee, hee, that's what I thought!” laughed Reyna


The evil Rifle Girls drove east and recovered Asim's frozen body, and he was heavy.

"Rica, lift his legs!"

"I'm trying, he's dead weight!"

"Really? You had to go there?”

"Of course! Who wouldn’t?" laughed Rica.

They put the body in the back and drove to a spot called Farfis. A north Bronx bar run by Tseka's crew. Reyna knew Tseka wouldn't be there, but her plan was simple. Drop Asim's body off in front of Farfis and make it seem like the Gashi's did it in retaliation for Besian. One problem.

"Mom, Farfis is on fire!" yelled Rica.


When Reyna drove to the Farfis bar block, she witnessed a scene from the evening news. Fire engines, police, ambulances, and Farfis burning to the ground.

“Ma? Did the Gashi's retaliate this fast? I mean we just killed that Besian guy?”

“I don't know pumpkin, I don’t who did this.”

“You said Boss Tseka's been hiding, maybe he has a lot of enemies,” Rica figured.

“I would say he does,” agreed Reyna

Reyna and Rica watched the roof collapse on the burning bar as something exploded inside. Still, they had Asim Bora's body and they needed the body found in public.

They drove around the block and unceremoniously dumped Asim Bora’s frozen body down the street from Farfis bar. The same bar Reyna kidnapped him from, circle of life and death.

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