《The Apex Guardian》The Informant
“What do you mean he left?!” Tarsh asks,
Asher shrugs, “I woke up, he was leaving, said this wasn’t for him.”
”You didn’t stop him!?”
”Ellie, calm down.”
”I tried to convince him. He wasn’t biting into it. I’m not gonna force him to stay. I told him how it was, he doesn’t stick with us, he’s a dead man walking.”
Lou sighs, “He’s just scared Asher. We got to get him.”
“Or he was tired of waiting. It’s been almost a week.”
”He said he didn’t want to be involved in this any longer. He thinks things have settled down by now and wants to get back to being a bounty hunter.”
”We aren’t letting him go Asher.” Lou says,
”Too late.”
They turn around and look at Noxi, her hair hangs over her shoulder. She looks just like she did last night, the same ‘Big Boss’ look.
”He was in a hurry. I tried to convince him as well, even intimidate him. When Jack’s mind is made up, it’s made up.”
”He’s gonna die.”
”Probably. But we aren’t his leash holders. And you two are?”
”Oh right, Noxi this is Asher and Ellie. Guys this is Noxi, former bounty hunter, now known as The Dealer and lines out jobs and contracts for mercs and bounty Hunters."
"Thanks for helping us."
"I'm not always so willing. You want favors in the future? You help me out."
"With what? Jobs?"
"A matchmaker always has jobs that need to be. You can't live in this world and not have problems that need to be solved. Speaking of needing to solve problems. I have found your man, and confirmed that he is in fact the one that set the bounty on Jack Gales. Consider that a token of good will. I like making friends."
"I figure you would have enough." Asher says,
She smiles, "You can never have enough friends. I pour the beer into all my client's cups. If someone has the balls to challenge me. I imagine a lot of guns would turn towards that stupid someone."
"What's the catch to this?" Tarsh asks,
"Getting Dillan Kreech. That won't be easy. But, I can tell you where he will be. How you collect him is up to you. But, I want an advance."
"That wasn't the deal." Tarsh says,
"Someone tried very hard to hide him. The only reason I found him is because one of my people risked everything for a glance that lasted maybe a hundreth of a second. You want it? Pay up."
"How much?" Lou asks,
"A thousand. That's five hundred for the name and five hundred for the location and time. This is after all, the most costly and risky information I’ve ever received.”
”No I got it Lou. How do you want me to pay?”
Noxi pulls out a phone and taps the screen several times, she then lays it horizontal on her hand to show Asher. A thumb print is in the center of the blue screen, ripples around it.
”You’re finger print.”
Asher looks at Noxi and at the screen and places his index finger against it. Noxi looks at Tarsh and smirks. She studies his perfectly scruffed face and dark soft eyes. Her phone dings and Asher removes his thumb. Noxi replaces her phone in a pocket, but still looks at Tarsh.
”If you ever get tired of work like this. I’ve got friends in modeling agencies.”
Tarsh just raises an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
”What? You definitely have the look. A perfect model. Unlike Lucky Lou and Asher here, your features are immaculate. Though neither of you are bad either.”
”Oookay.” Lou mutters,
Noxi rolls her eyes, “Now, the location and time. But this isn’t the place for such…sacred details. Follow me.”
”And yet you allowed us to talk about it in the hallways.”
”Oh please! No one will find him in time. And they know better than to cross me. A success for you is a success for me. But if someone happened to cross the same location as you at the same time. Well, I can’t kill someone for impeding my clients if I have no proof, can I?”
Lou narrows her eyes, Noxi doesn’t care about proof. Lou knows her type, she’d kill them where they stood if she desired. Noxi is just messing with them. Having fun and wanting to seem like she’s the one you turn to if you need your nose scratched.
They’re lead to a private office beneath the club. Its like a mini lounge. Beautifully brown wooden walls, a maroon carpet which actually adds to the room. A mahogany desk in the spacious room and a black leather chair behind it. The room is designed with so many different objects, from paper and pencils to cabinets, to strange objects that Asher’s never seen before.
Noxi leans against the middle of the desk, staring at the trio as they enter. Tarsh closes the door behind him.
”Now who wants to start? What about you Ellie?”
He frowns at her, “You want to have a laugh or help?” Asher asks,
Noxi smirks, “You guys are no fun. Alright, Dillan Kreech. He’s scheduled to arrive from Rhode Island to New York today in 6 hours at 2:30. But it’s a diversion. He’s arriving later tonight at 10:00 PM. Along the beach via a Sky Deck.”
”Of course it’s a Sky Deck.”
”Eh. Shouldn’t be much of a challenge.” Lou says,
”Are you kidding? Those things are practically tanks.” Asher says,
”Not the engines.” Lou smiles,
“Hah! I like you more and more. Better hope he’s strapped in. They don’t crash land well.”
”How sure are you that he’ll be there?” Asher asks,
She raises an eyebrow. “He’s new to this kind of thing.” Lou says,
”You don’t say.” Noxi says,
Asher frowns at Lou who just glances and dismisses him. “I’m a great matchmaker Asher. You haven’t pissed me off, I only send people that I hate on suicide missions.”
”Any security?” Asher asks,
”Doubt it. If so it would be a small detail. Even the Sky Deck will be small, nothing to draw attention. That said, there will likely be officers on the Sky Deck, soldiers. Don’t know what it’ll look like though. I'll send you the flight plan.” Noxi says to Lou,
”Thanks. Come on.” Lou says to them,
”Feel free to return.”
”We’ll think about it. Promise.” Lou says,
They walk out of the office, leaving Noxi inside. “Let’s go do some recon.” Tarsh says,
The three of them make their way out of the club and into the day, fresh air filling their lungs. Lou's phone chimes, she pulls it out. "Alright, got the flight plan."
They take a cab down to the beach. Once they find a secluded spot along the beach, Lou lays out the flight plan, how and where and when. It's a long discussion on where the prime d\position will be. Then Ellie and Lou are on their phones nonstop. Asher uses his to call Ryan.
"Hey. How you holding up?" Ryan asks,
"Not bad, I got a free moment. I'm getting closer Ryan."
"Really?! What's going on now?"
"I don't want to say right now...over the phone. But we're making progress. I don't know when we'll be back, but we'll have to do something when I do come."
"Oh please dude!"
"How're your parents?"
"Not bad, they've adjusted well actually. Dude they are even okay with dirt stains on their clothes man. It's weird."
Asher can't help but smile. "It's good that they are relaxing a little more."
"Yeah, it's cool here and all but...we need to get out and do something when you come back man. We can't get out much. For our safety."
"Yeah, Lou doesn't mess around. Hopefully we'll figure something out soon."
"You got this Asher. You're smart, that girl is lucky to have you. Ha! Pun not intended."
Asher chuckles, "I miss you Ryan. Can't wait to see ya again."
"Soon. How are the others?"
"We're surviving. We got this. They're okay."
"You all got this. If nothing else they got you. You're pretty smart Asher."
"Ryan, you're one heck of a stud."
Asher hears him laugh. "I know."
"Ryan did you just agree to that?"
"Shut up. Hey, I'm gonna grab some breakfast. Talk to you later?"
"Yeah buddy. Take care."
"Stay smart Asher."
Asher tucks the phone away and smile at the sand by his half extended shoes. Ryan is pretty cool. Despite everything, Asher is glad Ryan was there for it. He gets to his feet and wipes the sand off of himself. They found their way to the bottom of a small cliff, Asher walks over and leans against it, next to Tarsh.
He waits for both of them to get off the phone for the last time. "Well, I got some guns, east side of town. "What kind? Just secured a deal for a thermal launcher."
"What?! From who?"
"Luke George. He's an arms dealer. Done work with him in the past for us."
Lou frowns hard at him. "Ellie, isn't he kind of sketchy?"
"Eh. Yeah. But I trust him on this."
"You sure?"
"Positive, who did you call?"
"Lillian. She's in the area, owes me a few favors, she's getting us some break-down rifles."
"Why not just use the ones from the jet?"
"These are better, armor piercing. Equipped with silencers, besides, mine got thrashed the night we got Jack, it's done."
"Alright. how much?"
"Eh, she owes me seven times over, I told her it would get her off five."
Tarsh and Asher look at each other and at her, raised eyebrows. "What? We need this. I just want this done, same as you. I got plenty of people who still owe me."
"Well...the launcher is in New Bedford, about two hours away. You two grab the guns, I'll get the launcher and come back."
"What? Dude how you gonna smuggle a big thermal launcher over here by yourself?" Asher asks,
"I got connections too man. Not just Lou. I'll be back here in time."
"I can grab the guns. Just in Haverhill, an hour away. Asher, it's up to you. We can't miss this, want to tag along or wait just incase something happens? You can stay with the cargo?"
Asher nods, "I got this. You both go, I'll hang out. just to make sure they aren't pulling a fast one and coming early."
"You sure?" Lou asks,
"Yeah, go already. I got this. Let you know if something comes up."
"Alright, we'll be back."
They start away, leaving Asher alone on the beach, He watches as they depart. They talk to each other, not looking back until they are about to disappear from his view. Both look at him and gone. He sighs, now the waiting game. He looks to the ocean and watches the water come up and recede. After a few seconds, he catches himself, this is the most relaxed he's been in a while. It's so peaceful. He's so ready. He wants this over so bad, but at the same time, he just wants to skip to the part where he shoots this assassin in the face. He physically shakes his head, breaking the thought process and pushes the thoughts away. He refocuses on the waves and admires them. the thin film of white on the edge of the water where it meets the sand as it rolls up. He wishes Ryan could see this. And Riley. what happened to her?
'No! You deserve a break Asher, just relax, no thinking beyond watching for that Sky Deck.' he thinks to himself.
He looks down the beach and stares at people in the distance in the water and on the beach. Some sit down, some stroll down the sand and others are in the water, jumping and swimming. He is ready for a peaceful life. And yet, something tells him it will never come. After everything that has happened, how do you just go to a simple and quiet life?
He's not sure he would even want to anymore. He's missed Lou, even Tarsh. He prays Noxi isn't selling them out. What if this is for nothing? What if all this running around, finding answers, hiding, running again and hiding again gets him killed? It would be worth it, if the others live. Lou, Tarsh, Ryan. If they live, he hates the idea of course, but he could come to peace with dying. He can't keep himself from thinking about it, no matter how hard he tries. What if they all die? What if he has to live to see it? He doesn't know if he could take losing anyone else. And he means that. He's put so many people in danger and lost great friends, Noctus, Raegan. Jeez. Raegan.
The images flash in, the bloody scene in the house. At first he couldn't even tell if it was them or not. He wishes it was someone else, Raegan has never deserved an end like that. He could be the reason that Ryan, Lou and Tarsh find a sudden end like that to their lives. He shakes his head, it's not coming to that. No.
'But-no! No buts Asher!'
He tries to just push out the thoughts but they keep coming back again and again. Finally he decides to get his mind somewhat satisfied. If Ellie and Lou die, he'll finish this, but then he'll join them. With that his mind seems to step back a little, ease off, as if agreeing to the terms.
He sits there, his mind having relaxed a little but still in a panic over the scene his mind has created. "Gah! Get out!"
"You okay?"
He jumps and looks back at Lou, she stares at him, concern slapped on her face. He looks around, it's getting dark, how...how long was he sitting here trying to get his mind under control? He looks back at Lou.
He shakes his head, "Sorry. Must have zoned out."
She sets three three backpacks behind him and sits next to him on the sand. "Asher. What happened? Who were you just talking to?"
He swallows hard, "Myself. It's nothing. Sitting here, it just...it made my mind wander, that's all. Couldn't stop thinking about worst possible outcome."
Lou's shoulders sag. She puts her hand on Asher's shoulder, "Asher, this is going to work, we are all getting out of here with Dillan safely."
He lays his head on Lou's shoulder and sighs, "I just want to stay here, in this moment. I'm so nervous and scared for the next." he says,
Lou bites her cheek, "Asher. It'll work. This will work. We'll get Dillan and finally get some answers."
She then gently pushes him upright and touches his chin and turns his head, making him look at her. "We can do this. Right?"
Her tone is confident, assured. He smiles, "Let's get ready."
"Good. I talked to Ellie, He's on his way and will be back in a few minutes. We'll wait over there against the cliff, the Sky Deck is gonna fly overhead out there, but not deep enough to where if they get shot down they'l just drown. They prepared for that, it'll be over the water though. Ellie will blast an engine, they'll go down, hopefully closer to the beach. We go in, shoot any of the soldiers still breathing. Grab Dillan and we bolt. I got a ride secured. Not our jet, I bought a car off a guy, we'll throw Dillan in the trunk and split. We go to a parking garage, hijack another car. There's some places in the ghetto district, we can take him there. And then we get answers."
Asher agrees, "Alright, solid plan. Let's get ready."
They assemble the rifles and lean Tarsh's against the rock cliff. A few minutes pass and Tarsh arrives, he carries a big, bulky, hard shelled suitcase. "Subtle." Asher says,
"Shut uuup. you want to do better?"
Asher smirks, "Come on, set it up Ellie." Lou says,
Tarsh does as asked and sets it in the sand and pops open the case. He then lifts the launcher and Asher helps him get it ready. "Ready Tarsh?"
"You ever gonna call me by my first name?"
"Probably not."
Tarsh rolls his eyes, "Yeah, I'm good."
Then they wait going over specifics and a batte ready plan including the equiptment they have. Scenarios. Three hours pass, it's midnight and they are about to pack it up, when a soft but heavy whooshing. "Hear that?" Tarsh asks,
"Ellie!" Lou whispers,
He lifts the launcher up onto his shoulder and looks through a thermal scope. He looks all around but stops and settles. "Got it! That's them all right. Lou, waiting on your word."
"Do it! Bring them down."
"Here goes. Locked."
He squeezes the trigger and the rear end of the heat seeker explodes and shoots out the tube. A trail of smoke follows it as it sails through the sky and curves slightly and explodes against the engine.
A secondary firework follows immediately. The ship whines loud and the camouflage glitches but disappears. Revealing the not very large vessel. It’s spinning and descending with increasing speed.
Tarsh, Lou and Asher grab their rifles and sprint after the ship. Finally, it brutally hits the ground with an echoing BAM! Flames roar up over the remnants of the engine, still desperately clinging to the rest of the vessel.
As they sprint towards it, the side door slides open slowly. A soldier takes a step and flops out to his face. A few others emerge, clearly dazed. Tarsh stops, aims.
A soldier drops, Asher stops next and fires a round, a soldier’s head snaps back and she awkwardly flops to the ground. Lou is rushing up, she rounds a sand hill, clear view and fires several rounds, the three remaining soldiers groan and whine, falling to the earth. The flames of the craft are like a bonfire. They keep the darkness away, excluding the white lights inside the Sky Deck’s half open door of course.
“Back off! I’ll shoot him!
Lou narrows her eyes, she takes a step back and flicks a switch. Asher and Ellie join her side, guns ready.
”Got it.” Ellie whispers back,
He raises his rifle and flips the switch, Asher mirrors him. Their thermal figures are perfectly illuminated, both point guns at another on the ground in front of them.
Asher switches off the thermal sensing and lowers his gun, slowly walking close and into their view. They both see and shout at him but its so loud that its impossible to tell what they are saying. They hold rifles pointed at a man on his knees, hands over his head.
“I got confirmation.” Asher says,
”Three, two, one.”
The shouting stops and the two soldiers drop to the ground. “Clear.” Asher says louder,
He starts in, jeez this thing is a tank! It looks all intact still. The man on his knees looks up but Asher kicks him, forcing him to his side.
”Don’t look at me! Name?”
”Name! Now!”
”D-Dillan Kreech!”
Asher raises his rifle and slams the butt against his head, knocking him out. He’s bruised and bleeding from his shoulder but it’s nothing serious. Asher reaches to the bulge in his back pocket. Wallet. He pulls it out and checks. An awfully nerdy looking picture. But same guy, Dillan Kreech. “It’s him. “Cool. Let’s dip. Security will be on it’s way.”
Asher picks up the man and they hurry away from the crash site. Running across the sand, carrying a captive isn’t easy. Jeez this guy’s heavy! “There! The dorian!” Lou says,
They run to the small green car, Lou pops the trunk, they throw him in and climb in. Lou turns the key and turns over the vehicle. It roars to life.
She hits the pedal and they speed off. They find their way off the beach, to the road and start toward the parking garage.
“Ha ha! That was awesome! I’ve never shot a launcher like that before!”
”Ellie? Later.”
”I can’t believe that worked so easily! It was really easy! We were in and out so freaking fast!” Tarsh cheers,
”That was way too fast guys. Pull over.”
”What!? Why?” Lou asks,
”Just trust me!” Asher says,
Lou does as asked and stops in an alleyway. They climb out and hurry to the back. Asher opens the trunk and feels around the man’s body. He feels it, he reaches into Dillan’s jacket pocket. Asher reaches in but its imbedded in the suit.
“Got a knife?”
Tarsh frowns but hands him a pocket knife. Asher cuts off the pocket and pulls out a small device to show Lou and Tarsh.
”That’s why it was easy, a tracker. There’s no way that should have been that easy though. That can’t be it.”
”Nice find Asher. But sometimes, we can get lucky. Let’s get out of here.”
”How far is the garage?”
”Not far.” Lou says,
They shut the trunk and climb back in, starting away. "That was kind of easy." Tarsh says, but his smile is still there.
"I hope we're just lucky too." Asher says,
The night is cool, he can hear the air blowing past the car, it sounds like a giant storm. He's never driven in a car and really listened to the sounds outside before. They make it to a multi-level parking garage. They drive to the fourth floor and climb out. Banging comes from the back.
Tarsh sighs, he opens the trunk, the man looks at them and begins to open his mouth, but Tarsh bends down and slugs him in the face over and over until he gets knocked out again.
Tarsh shakes his hand and sighs. "There."
He looks at the others and shrugs at them. "He's got a punchable face."
Lou snorts and smiles, "Grab him."
Tarsh lifts him onto his shoulder, Lou places her phone against the driver's side window of a Yorbino SSX.
Thud! The car unlocks, she opens the door and unlocks the trunk. Asher lifts it quickly and they set Dillan in and shut the trunk. They climb in, Lou bends down and rips out wires and plays with them for a few minutes.
"Shut up Ellie." Lou mutters,
Another minute passes and the car flares to life like a purring cat. "Ta daaa." She sings lifelessly,
"When did you learn to hot wire E-cab cars?"
Lou frowns at Asher. "I learned a lot growing up, which is why I'm the leader of the Skull Dynasty. I can hot wire engines, E-cabs, system guidance. even your tv."
"I'd say 'stop bragging' but you're my boss."
"Yeah I am Ellie. Good memory."
"Har har har." he fakes laughs, mocking her which causes both her and Asher to laugh.
"I love how we are laughing...with a body in the trunk."
"You had to make it weird Asher."
"You're welcome Lou."
They pull away and drive out of the garage. "You ready Asher?" Tarsh asks,
"Heck yeah. I'm ready for some answers. And terrified."
"I'm excited a little. We got this. We are getting something from him."
"Me too. Take a breath Asher."
He does so, he closes his eyes, he's waited for this for a while. He sits in the passenger seat, Lou takes a hand off the steering wheel and places it on Asher's hand which is clenched and on his thigh. He looks at her and smiles softly.
"You look like you'll be sick."
"Probably." Asher mumbles,
They drive through the city and reach the ghettos, they drive to a tiny street lined with abandoned houses. They shut the engine off and look around, waiting. After twenty minutes, they are sure that no one is around or watching. They climb out, grab Dillan and hurry into an abandoned house that's a few houses away from the car. Lou kicks out, the top hinge of the door rips out of the frame, the door bursts open and swings back, slamming against the wall.
They hurry in and shut the door behind them. Asher grabs a chair from the kitchen and brings it to the front door, wedging it against the door. He turns and walks into the empty dining room. Tarsh has set Dillan in a chair and is tying him to it.
Asher is shaking like crazy. Lou looks at him and grabs his shoulders gently. "Asher? Hey. Breathe. Slow breaths, we're almost there."
Asher nods, "I don't know if I can do this. I'll kill him."
"Asher, you can do this. I know you can, try to focus just on breathing okay?"
He nods and walks behind Dillan and leans against the wall. “You guys start.”
”You sure Asher?”
“You want to start? Or me?”
Tarsh snorts, “You two are deeper in this than I am. Beat the crap put of him.”
”In time.” Lou says,
She raises a hand and slaps Dillan hard across the face. He doesn’t react, his head just swings.
She rolls her eyes. “Get some water.”
Tarsh walks into the kitchen, he looks in the cupboard and pulls out a dusty cup. “I’ll be back.”
He walks out the front door and returns with the cup filled with water. Lou raises an eyebrow, no one said clean water.
Tarsh throws his arm out, the water splashes against his face. He gasps and jumps. He breathes heavy and looks around him until he processes Tarsh and Lou standing in front of him.
”Who are you!? Where am I!?”
”Shut up. You are Dillan Kreech?”
”Who are you?!”
Lou and Tarsh look at each other and back. Tarsh nods, “Got it.”
He then slaps Dillan hard across the face. “You aren’t asking the questions, we are. Dillan Kreech?”
He looks at them and spits at their feet. Lou punches him in the face.
”Want to try that again?”
”What do you want with me!?”
”To what!? Do you know who I am?!”
”Sure we do, but you don’t seem to be getting it. He doesn’t need both knee caps right?”
Tarsh shrugs, “I’ll get the guns.”
”Heh! You think torturing me will do anything!? I’m not afraid of you.”
Lou comes close. “I know. You’re more afraid of something or one else. You’re gonna tell us who it is. Or either way. You’re gonna have a sucky day. And knee caps? We’ll work up to that.”
He glares at her. She smiles, “Maybe we’ll start with fingernails. Each one, then toenails. I’d rather start with-“
She gasps and turns to Tarsh. “Dude! Find a battery! Biggest you can find.”
”You’re gonna jump me?! You guys new to this?”
Lou smiles and rolls her eyes. “There is just so many options. Hard to choose where to start. But I’m not the one to worry about right? Don’t worry, we’ll have fun and give you back. I’m sure they'll believe you didn’t give us anything. I’m definitely not your problem.”
Tarsh and Lou walk outside. Asher stays, leaning against the wall. Studying him, his anger is rising more and more. The man mutters and looks around the room. Asher pushes off the wall silently and walks up close behind him. Asher leans over and punches him between the legs.
The man groans and leans forward hard. “That…ugh…your b-bes…shot?” He groans,
Asher snorts, “No. Don’t worry they’re coming back.”
Asher then hits him as hard as he can, three times in the jaw, then takes the pocket knife that Tarsh gave him.
”Let me get the question out before we start.”
Dillan spits blood to the floor off to the side.
”You put a bounty on someone named Jack Gales. Someone had you do that. You’re gonna tell us who.”
”I have no idea what you are talking about.”
”Okay.” Asher lifts his hand and stabs the small blade into Dillan’s foot. He screams out, Asher covers his mouth as he screams.
Lou and Tarsh hurry in with jumper cables and the car battery. “How’s he doing?” Tarsh asks,
”Let’s give him a jump.” Asher says,
Dillan groans and is growling practically. “I-I don’t….I don’t know! I cant!”
”That’s fine, we can just hook you up and leave you.”
”Come on! She’ll find me!”
”She? Who?”
Dillan looks at Asher and clenches his jaw. He just breathes steam out his nose and ears.
”You really think she’ll come for you? Or let us just torture you and torture you till your heart gives out? We’re here, she’s not.”
He swallows hard. “Tell us what we want to hear. Come on.” Lou says,
He remains unresponsive, eyes searching their faces. Looking over his decisions.
“We can just hook you up and leave you for a while?” Tarsh says,
”She’ll torture me herself.”
”We’ll torture you. And whatever she wants to do to you. Again, She’s not here right now. We are.” Lou says,
He doesn’t say anything. Lou shrugs then nods toward him. Tarsh sets the battery near him on the ground.
”Go between his legs, got a few good hits in, but could take a few more.”
”Whoa! Whoa! Alright!”
Lou looks at him, she scoffs and attaches the cables to the battery and tests them. The sparks shoot.
”I dont know! I dont know who or where she is! I know place that she was! I know the place they make the AI! I went there!”
Lou stops, she sets the cables on the ground. “Go on.” She says,
”I….okay it wasn’t where they were created, but-but! It was a hotel. They used it as a safe house kinda thing, a training facility for them. I overheard that she had people who tried to cross her in the past. She had prisoners there. I don’t know if she still does.”
Lou looks up at Asher. Shocked, she looks back at Dillan. “Names?”
”I-I don’t know. I didn’t stay to listen. I just passed by a door. I didn’t linger.”
”Where?” Tarsh asks,
”Holland, Germany. I know the coordinates! That’s all I know I swear!”
“Give us the coordinates.” Tarsh says,
He taps them into his phone, saving them in a note. Asher then cuts Dillan loose.
”We won’t kill you. But considering what you told us. I’d go hide. Somewhere she won’t think to look for someone of your high class.”
”Y-you’re just…letting me go?”
”Do we need to change our minds?” Lou asks,
He throws his hands out, “No! No! I, I’ll hide. I promise. I won’t ever tell her anything.”
”If you go back to her. You might as well just kill yourself.” Tarsh says,
”Let’s get to the airport.” Asher says,
”I’d try sticking around here, as deep in the ghettos as you can get. Maybe join a faction.” Lou says,
They walk out, replace the car battery and start away to the airport. Leaving Dillan alone in the abandoned, lightless house.
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8 184 - In Serial133 Chapters
The Nameless Warrior *New Cover*
Since her father's suspicious death eight summers ago, Kindra has trained to become her tribe's first woman warrior. Although she completes the whipping ceremony to prove her strength and make a blood-bond with the tribe she fails to receive her warrior name. She's determined to earn her name in battle, but her plans change when the enemy Obsidian tribe claims her priestess sister as restitution for the war. To Kindra's surprise and horror the new chief allows them to take her sister. Rumors widespread at her father's death are whispered in her ear once more. It was the new chief who poisoned her father, they say. It was the new chief who sold her sister to the enemy. It was the new chief-not the War God-who refused to grant her a warrior name. Although she didn't believe the rumors in the past, Kindra begins to doubt the chief. When new evidence emerges it threatens to place the entire tribe in the hands of the Obsidians. As the last living descendant of the War God, Kindra's the only one who can depose the chief and save her tribe, but it will mean giving up the quest to rescue her sister, and the hope of ever becoming a named warrior.
8 222 - In Serial13 Chapters
Seeds of Doubt #1: Born in a Golden Storm
In the eternal cosmic game between the agents of order and chaos, a new piece is forced onto the field. Will he be a mere pawn? Maybe he will be something grander, someone worthy of being a new player? Or maybe he will be someone with a fate beyond anything imaginable, perhaps even a god-in-waiting.... This book is how it all started, The science of magic and the seeds of doubt.
8 108 - In Serial43 Chapters
Just Jared ⌲ Padalecki
In which Jared Padalecki doesn't text Jensen Ackles for once.
8 76 - In Serial15 Chapters
Coming home|Linstead|
Erin works for Hank voight who also happens to be her father they work in intelligence together. Erin's boyfriend Jay is overseas since he is in the Rangers. Will he make it home her?
8 86