《The Apex Guardian》The Dealer
Close to their destination, Lou finally emerges from the back room. Her hair is cut slightly shorter than it had been on top, a dark flame blue from the back, that fades to a a very discolored or pale blue. Her hair barely hangs over one eyebrow, being swept to the side while the sides of her head are still brown and cut close.
Tarsh and Asher both stare at her, slightly taken back from the change. “Well?” She asks,
”Hot. A little gay in my opinion.” Tarsh says,
She rolls her eyes at him. “You look good.” Asher says, just as she started to open her mouth,
”You see?! This is why we don’t need to worry about him pissing off anyone Ellie. Even if I look gay, he says it looms good.”
Tarsh snorts, “He’s a good teacher’s pet.”
Asher and Lou both flash him a glare. “I meant it.” Asher says to them both,
“Ellie? Updates?”
”Not yet. This guy is good at hiding.”
”Keep us in the loop. Asher, you want to get some rack, now’s the time.”
”No I’m good.”
All three of them scour the internet for any clue as to where he is. A few times he pops up in different cities, creating a giant zig zag circle. Tokyo is a cyber superpower right now. But at the same time, they are so caught up in their crime and wars that they don't pose much of a threat. They are really experimenting with robotics like none other, limbs that connect to neural pathways, basically gives you the ability to move fingers or toes on command. Not to mention spyware, hacking and more. They are definitely going to change the world. They're already starting to.
”Possible location Jack Gale! Downtown Tokyo, the Tong Shai courtyard. No clear picture of his face, but was seen entering a building that’s majorly still under construction. That was 36 seconds ago.”
Lou tells the pilot to hurry up, 20 minutes out they finally land. They hurry off the jet and out to a pick up lane where taxis wait to be called. Lou jumps in while Asher and Larsh hurry to throw their luggage in the back. A full moon shines down on them, soft rain taps against the ground and car. Neon lights blow up the inside and exterior of the airport and even cars. lights and holographic ads on the doors and back windows of company cars.
”Tong Shai courtyard.” Lucky Lou says,
They driver turns and frowns at them, he has big doe brown eyes. “No go there! Bad place! Many bounty hunters there.”
”J-just drop us off a few blocks away.”
”If he’s not going there, it must be bad boss. We got to be ready.”
She nods, they get dropped off to a street a few blocks away, they pay the driver and hear a series of gunshots.
The driver speeds away leaving them with their luggage. They open their hard shell suitcases and unlock them, revealing their disassembled rifles.
They carefully construct their weapons, once locked and loaded, they leave the suitcases and start hurrying down the sidewalk to the courtyard and closer to the gunfire. "We aren't looking for a fight guys, but we'll probably find one. Jack Gale makes it out of here, with us. Got it?"
"Let's go find out guy." Ellie says,
"With all do respect, they won't be showing us mercy. I'm not showing them any." Asher says,
Lou looks at him and nods, "Fair enough. Now that I think about it, they might think we are trying to steal a kill. We aren't known here, but don't just go guns blazing at every bounty hunter you see."
The others agree as they carefully march toward the courtyard.
"Eyes, up, down, all around. I don't think Jack Gale is expecting three friendlies from the Skull Dynasty." Asher says,
"That too."
The rain runs down their faces and bodies, dripping from their clothes and hair. Gunshots grow louder and seemingly more consistent as they come to the perimeter of the courtyard. There it is, a massive, maybe thirty story building, still under construction. Bodies lay in the courtyard, bounty hunters, possibly gang members and officers. 14 total including the cops. More than he thought. Probably around 7-10 that weren’t cops. The gunfire comes from the building.
”Lets go.” Asher says,
”Asher!” Tarsh calls after him,
Lou gives Tarsh a look but hurries after Asher, Tarsh hot on her heels. They hurry into the building and find an elevator, but of course, it’s not operational. They start for the stairs, making their way up. They get to the 26th floor and hear the shooting is louder, but so inconsistent. This guy is holding his own.
Voices echo from the floor they are on. They catch their breath and start onto the floor, Lou peeks around the corner. “What are we gonna do bombard him?”
”Yeah, we got numbers, he can’t take us all, we split the bounty.”
Lou looks back at her compatriots and holds up five fingers. They nod, she counts down from three to one. The trio jumps out and fires several rounds, dropping the group, they yell out as they fall, some firing rounds into the wall. Tarsh walks over and examines the faces of them.
”Yeah. You didn’t know by their accents? This guy has a lot of people after him.” Lou says,
A few more gunshots from the levels above.
”You guys ready?” Ellie asks?”
They hurry up another two floors and enter the 28th floor the last one. Corpses cover the floor, blood everywhere even sprayed across walls. Everything is quiet and silent. The rain has grown heavy, drowning most noise.
They jump and look back, Asher carefully walks into the stairway while the others watch his back. He looks down into the stairwell.
”Company.” He whispers to them,
They must have hit the metal railing bar pretty hard to make it ring that loud.
”Take them out?” Tarsh suggests,
Lucky Lou nods, “Either that or wait and find this guy first.”
”I’ll find him, you guys deal with them.”
”Tarsh. I’m not bringing you home lifeless.”
”Hurtful.” He jokes,
He turns and walks around a corner, gun slightly raised.
Lou joins Asher’s side. He has leaned out of their aerial view. “Ready?”
”Lets waste em.”
They lean over with their guns, Asher looks through his scope lining it up with bodies and fires the first shot. Lucky Lou is right behind him and they fire a few more rounds. Then the team of fifteen or so hugs the walls, disappearing from view, shouting to each other.
Asher and Lou back away as well. “You know what? Go help Tarsh. I got this.
”I got this. Go.”
”Be careful.”
She turns and hurries onto the floor only to run into Tarsh. She gasps and pushes him away, reflexively, lifting her rifle.
”Whoa! Whoa! Its okay. He’s okay, but he’s hurt.”
”Call me when you’re ready to exfil. I got this.”
“Okay. Go. Go!”
Lou then disappears with Tarsh, Asher checks his clips and gun and waits. Lucky Lou arrives a few minutes later with grenades. "We stabilized him, we need a way out."
Asher holds a finger to his lips. They raise their guns and wait, they can hear the heavy breathing of the bounty hunters. Lou readies a grenade, she waits a second and jumps up, aims and throws and ducks again.
Their ears ring. They jump up and open fire, the men and women yell and fire back but don't get the chance to aim like Asher and Lou because of the explosion. Lou throws another of the grenades only to fly back to the ground with a shout of pain.
Asher ducks away as the explosion goes off. He looks at Lou laying on her side, groaning. He looks back over the concrete railing. Clear, they're gone. He turns and drops to Lou's side.
"Ugh! No, I'm fine! The little prick hit me in the fricken shoulder."
Asher leans over to look at her backside, blood oozes from her jacket. "It went through."
"Little brat." She groans,
He helps her up to her feet, she yells in pain and falls against him, she looks down at her stomach, a bullet pierced and went through her right side. She growls in pain.
"Are you mother fricking kidding me!? I didn't even notice I got shot twice."
She pulls her hand away, she's gushing crimson liquid. Asher pulls his jacket off, then his shirt and presses it against her stomach, she cries out. He puts his jacket on once more and picks her up in his arms.
"Keep the pressure on Lou."
She groans as they explore the level, finally finding Tarsh helping a man with a black mohawk bandaging his waist. "Is he okay?"
"Yeah, what about her?"
"She'll live, got any spare bandages?"
The man grumbles, "You're lucky I don't just take your head off."
"Really? We just took our an entire squadron for you, two actually, wanna show some respect?"
He scoffs and grumbles some more. "Here set her down, I'll sew her up real fast, keep an eye out for us." Tarsh says,
Asher agrees and hurries to the corner, aiming his weapon toward the stairwell. “So, Jack? You okay?”
”I’m fine! Come on! Give me some credit.”
Tarsh flashes a glare. “We’re assisting you here.”
”Stop talking Ellie.” Lou groans,
”Who the heck are you guys?”
”As soon as we get out of here.” Tarsh says,
“Guys? We need to get out of here.”
“You want to help Asher?” Tarsh asks rhetorically,
He jumps and looks at the stairway. “I heard something.”
A ball rolls into the room. Asher’s eyes widen.
”Blue Core!” He shouts and dives away.
Everything goes black. He slowly opens his eyes, his head is exploding with pain and dizziness. Standing above him is a Braven Hunter. His foot is crushing his chest.
Asher groans and pushes against it, but it only makes the Braven Hunter push down harder.
”Got him?” He asks,
Asher looks back and sees another one standing over an unconscious Jack. He raises a fist with spiked knuckles. Asher pushes and tries to move but he cant.
Then she jumps out. Lou jumps onto the Braven Hunter that stands over Asher and rams a knife into it’s neck deep, she rips it out and raises her arm to stab him again. But the Hunter grabs her by the hair and throws her off, down into the floor. She yells out.
The Braven Hunter falls to both knees. Lou is already on her feet again and slams the knife into his face mask, she uses the same motion to flip over him and behind the hunter, putting him between her and the other Hunter.
Asher pulls a pistol out of the Hunter’s holster on his thigh and doesn’t even take the time to aim, just fires at the other hunter. They ricochet off but they knock him back a step, giving Lou enough time to grab the knife and charge him. As she approaches, Asher stops firing, Lou ducks and rolls under his swinging arm and thrusts her arm back, stabbing him in the calf.
He yells out, she rips the knife out, but it hardly seems to phase him, he turns and slams his hand against her, grabbing her by the throat. She tried to duck away but he caught her. He lifts her up, she whines and squirms in the air, he turns and throws her into the ground. She had managed to reach his pistol and pulled it out, but being thrown to the ground threw it out a broken window.
She hits hard and squeaks, her body jolting uncontrollably as she begs for air. Asher is on his feet and drops kicks the Braven Hunter. He takes two steps back to regain balance and marches on Asher.
He lifts his leg and stomps down, Asher rolls to the side and jumps up to his feet only to get a knife barely cutting his chest. Asher yells and jumps back, almost falling to his butt. He goes pushes a hand off the ground to keep him from falling and slams his back against a wall.
The Braven Hunter is rushing him, Asher jumps, turning in the air and kicks off the wall, flying overhead of the Hunter. The Hunter awkwardly stops himself against the wall, he turns and throws the knife, it sinks deep into Asher’s upper back.
He drops to the ground with a thud and whines at the pain.
”Asher!” Lou shouts,
She looks at the Hunter as he meets her gaze and marches toward her. She runs from Jack’s side and tries to duck under again but he thrusts his hand against her throat, hard this time.
She makes an ugly sound as it happens, and is thrust into the air. She punches him in the side of the helmet, he sucker punches her gut and throws her overhead against a wall.
”Insect.” He mutters,
She drops to the ground, limp. Then suddenly, BOOM!
A charge detonates on his head. Asher carefully maneuvers to his knees and looks at Jack who is conscious and crawling to Lucky Lou’s side.
”I-agh! Is she alive?”
Jack looks at him with surprise. “How are you alive!?”
”Is she okay?!” Asher asks trying to crawl over while holding his left arm in suspension, keeping the pressure off his shoulder.
”She’s okay. I don’t know about your other friend.”
Asher looks at Tarsh, he lays on his back, the side of his head is bloodied. Asher looks at Lou again. Jack shakes her lightly. He sees the Braven Hunter, a needle charge, Jack must have had some. A tiny spike shaped explosive. She must have stuffed it in him before he threw her to the ground. “She’s out hard.” Jack says,
Jack pulls out a rare stim shot, he injects it into her thigh.
She gasps and yells as she jolts upright and pushes Jack down onto his back and raises a fist but stops.
She looks away from him and finds Tarsh and stares for a moment and then looks at Asher.
She jumps to her feet and hurries over, she drops to her knees and slides to his side. Her eyes widen as she sees the knife still in his back.
”Glad you’re okay.” Jack says sarcastically,
She puts her hand in his chest to help steady him. Asher leans against her, laying her head on her shoulder.
”You okay too Jack?” Asher asks, his voice is slightly slurred,
”Hey, stay with us okay?”
”Thanks Asher, I’m fine, Tarsh is over there by the way too chick. Not sure if you want to check him or not.”
Lou flashes a glare. “You have a radio Jack?”
He nods, “Are we getting out of here now?” Jack asks as he crawls over to Tarsh,
Jack reaches over him and grabs and throws a radio to Lou. She snatches it out of the air. “He’s still alive. He’s…he needs medical attention now.” Jack says,
”I’m on it.” Lou says,
Lou looks at Asher and pushes him upright, making him jolt. “Asher. Stay awake.”
Lou raises her arm and smashes the radio to the ground, breaking the back of it and exposing countless wires and a circuit board. She then begins to play with the wires for almost a minute before she turns it over.
”Megan? Megan can you hear me?”
”Lucky Lou?”
”Yeah! We need an evac, right now. We got our guy, we need an evac though, get medical supplies ready!”
”Y-yes ma’am! Ready for coordinates!”
Asher’s head is pounding so hard, it’s also spiraling like crazy, he’s so dizzy. And tired.
Everything is starting to go numb. His vision is blurry. He can’t tell if the rain stopped or not. Voices are starting to be muffled. But Lou keeps shaking him and checking to make sure he’s awake.
Soon, he sees a blinding light out the windows. He flinches slightly.
”Come on megan! Let’s load em up now!” Lou says,
The two girls carefully carry Tarsh and then Asher onto the private jet. They lay Tarsh on the first First Aid bed and Asher on the second.
Both are unconscious at this point. Jack Gales painfully sits in a seat and they start away.
Lou asks kneeling beside him. He shakes his head, “I’m okay. Whoever’s out first, I call that bed.”
Lou scoffs, “Fair enough. I’m sorry, I-“
”You ever seen someone you care about die?”
”Plenty of times. He’s different.”
”You love him.”
She looks at Asher and back. “I wouldn’t say that. I do like him though. I’ve never lost someone in that instance. But it’s not that, he’s helped me become who I am today. I’m a gang leader in the US. I’ve had quite a run in with different people. He was there in the moments I needed someone I could trust. My darkest moments.”
”I get it. The world’s dangerous. It’s hard to trust people.”
”Yeah. He’s loyal to a fault.”
”Or to the end.”
”Don’t.” Lou says to him,
”Sorry. Who are you guys?” Jack asks,
Lou pushes off her knees to her feet and sits in a chair next to Jack’s. “Lucky Lou, Ellie there is a skilled fighter. He works for me, I lead the Skull Dynasty in the US. Asher…he’s involved. Someone’s after him. We don’t know who or why. People in his life have disappeared too. We think it’s the same people that put the bounty on your head and sent the Braven Hunters.”
”Why? Why me?”
”Maybe you know you something? Can you think of anything?”
Jack sighs, “I know someone. They know everything. They’ll be able to give us some answers.”
”Like plural?”
”Yeah. They have ears everywhere you can and can’t imagine.”
”Where are they?”
”Okay, I’ll tell our pilot.”
Lou pushes up to her feet out of the chair. She groans and walks over to the cockpit.
Asher stares up at the ceiling. He yawns and looks around, Jack reads a magazine. He looms up and nods to Asher.
”Sup bro? You alright?”
”Yeah. You okay? Where’s Tarsh?”
”Uh-restroom I think. She’s one tough brat. Six broken ribs and still helped you and Ellie onto the jet.”
Asher looks to her, she lies unconscious in a first aid bed. “She’s someone you don’t abandon.”
He huffs, then mutters something in a language he doesn’t understand, a smirk on his face.
He shakes his head. “She already tell you what’s happening then?”
”Yeah. We’re going to see a friend of mine.”
Asher’s head hangs. “I’m tired of seeing friends, sorry but, seriously, will he have answers?”
”She will. Trust me. And I want answers for this too. Its all connected to you, or at least that’s what your friend says.”
”Yeah. I’m afraid it might be. I’m tried of running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Only the butcher is still chasing after me.”
Jack frowns hard at him, “What the heck kind of analogy is that?”
Asher shrugs, “I…never mind. It’s old. Where we going?”
”Boston, my girl’s got a nice set up there.”
Asher raises an eyebrow. “You two together?”
”Used to be. She’s probably one of the deadliest women there is.”
”I knew someone like that.”
”Knew? What happened bro?”
”Don’t know. I’m gonna find out. She’s probably gone.”
”Same peeps that after you?” Jack asks,
”Man I’ll kill em.” Jack says clenching his fist.
”Hit them all you want. You’re not allowed to kill them.”
”Says you.”
Asher gives him a dark stare. “I’ve lost almost everything in my life. People that I have really come to care for have tried to kill me. The others are either dead, most likely dead, dead to me or have nearly died. Have your fun with whoever is behind this Jack. But I get to gut them. I don’t want them dead I want to see the light leave their eyes.”
Jack remains silent. He just stares with a soft almost curious gaze. Asher sighs and rubs his eyes.
He looks up and sees Tarsh coming over. A big smile on his face. “How do you feel?”
He sits in a chair across from them. “I’m okay. How are you?”
”I feel okay. A little exhausted. That was rough.”
Asher nods, “You’re friend better have some good answers Jack Gales.”
He frowns, “Or what?”
”Or nothing. I feel like I’m just prolonging my death at this point. I can’t keep running and running.”
”Hell nah dude, we ain’t running.”
Asher glances up at him, for a moment flashing him a glare. He doesn’t like swearing.
The flight isn’t that relaxing, even in a luxury jet like this. Lou must have really worked hard for it. Or some idiot lost it in a bet. He never heard the story of how she got it. Jack had made a call and told them that a ride would be waiting.
He is so tired but he forces himself to be awake. He blames himself, for Noctus, for dragging Riley into this, for dragging Lou. My gosh! Lou! He almost killed her! What kind of selfish prick would put a friend like her in such a dangerous situation. He can’t ask her leave, he know she won’t. He prays, to God, literally. Please let her and Riley and Ellie and Jack live. This is his fault, not theirs. They deserve the lives they have always dreamed of, especially because of the damage and pain Asher has indirectly caused them. Yet, they are willing to fight with and for him. And he lets them. How selfish can he be?
The jet finally lands, they walk off the jet and to the entrance. There a man holds a sign with the name Ellie Tarsh. Probably for protection for Jack and Lou.
Jack walks up and shakes the man’s hand. He welcomes them and they all follow him to a black limo. The man opens the door and welcomes them in. They quickly start off and drive through the busy streets. Boston has mirrored itself or at least it trying to mirror itself, after Japan. Neon lights, crazy tall buildings. And of course, every inch of the city looks like ghettos. Ghetto people, looks, signs that glitch. But no one seems to mind, it’s their home.
Tiny water dots splatter the windows and buildings and ground. Asher’s glad it isn’t raining. He normally loves the rain, but right now he just is annoyed at everything. Getting Jack. It wasn’t a triumph, it was a miracle. Humbled everyone. Shut everyone up. They stare at the floor mats of the car or out the window.
They may have succeeded but it wasn’t exactly a victory. The dangers are getting worse. Asher isn’t sure how much longer they can survive. Its 20 minutes easy, of silence. Depression, weariness. Exhaustion.
Finally however, they arrive. A night club, but not just any night club, the night club. Ethereal 7. It’s night just a night club, but a hang out for different lower level gangs, but dangerous ones and from mid tier to high tier bounty hunters, scavengers, and any kind of sketchy people. But for the most part, all of them behave as if Ethereal 7 were some sort of escape. It’s in no way a safe haven, but you aren’t likely to get shot if you’re there. Unless you’re that ignorant or stupid.
They all climb out and walk toward the entrance. Two bouncers spot them and take a step closer together, covering the entrance.
”You got a messed up looking band. What are you the ‘Joy toys?’
”Is Noxi here?” Jack asks,
”Who’s askin? She’s a busy lady.”
”We have a meeting with her.” Lucky Lou says,
”I bet cha do. Names?”
”Jack Gales. It’s important.”
”Alright. Alright. Cool your jets.”
She nods to the other bouncer, the one who’s stayed silent takes a step closer to the group while the other walks toward the doors.
”Hey boss you got some customers askin for you. Yeah Jack Gales. Aight. I’ll send them to ya.”
She tucks her phone away in her back pocket and nods to them. Looms like she is expectin ya. Be respectful. You’ll find her on the balcony above the night club. On the roof. Take both sets of stairs up. But. Only two of you. Sorry house rules.”
”What?!” Tarsh whines,
The bouncer shrugs, “Hey that’s how it is.”
”No, it’s fine, Jack, you and Lou go up. Tarsh, I’ll buy you a drink, I need one myself.”
“Alright. See you after.” Lou says,
”Cool. My personal favorite? The Hawaiian lagoonie. Can’t even taste the alcohol, won’t get ya drunk, but it’ll take the edge of…whatever this is, off.”
”Thanks, uh…”
”Thanks Carli.” Tarsh says and they all walk in,
Immediately the first set of stairs appear on their right. “Alright, see you after. Be careful.” Lou says,
“Same to you guys.”
Asher and Tarsh then head for the bar while Jack and Lou head upstairs. Tarsh smirks at Asher.
”When did you start drinking?” Tarsh asks,
Tarsh raises an eyebrow, “That’s why Lou looked at you like that.”
They walk up to the bar, the bartender takes a few minutes, helping other customers till he comes to them.
”What can I get you two?”
”How strong is your Hawaiian Lagoonie? Was it?”
The bartender nods, “Not that strong at all. But some people grab it to get stress off from a long day.”
”One of those for me.”
”Two.” Tarsh chimes in,
”Coming right up.”
Lou watches them as they walk through the crowd of people toward the bar. Following Jack. Asher’s never drank before. Jeez. She’s gonna rip this assassin’s throat out. Asher isn’t afraid to defend people or himself. At least the new him. But he’s still got that gentle side. It’s just been corroded. He must be losing his mind to so easily go drink.
She walks next to Jack, geez he looks like a fricken bounty hunter. She wishes that she could be drinking with Ellie and Asher. The upstairs is still lit by thin pink lights on the walls, where the walls meet the ceiling. It’s not as crowded as the ground floor, but people still fill the floor. This upper floor overlooks everything from the front doors to the bar.
”Jackson Gales!”
They turn and look at two women smiling sweetly at Jack. Jack smiles at them. “Greta. Ilka. You two look good.”
”Want a drink? You can even bring the tramp.”
Lou narrows her eyes at them. “Screw off.” She says,
”Oh relax. It was a joke brat! Like yourself.”
Lou opens her mouth but Jack throws his hand out to her waist, silencing her.
”Next time. We’re busy.”
”Put your dog on a leash.”
Lou is practically exhaling smoke out her nose. Jack turns her around and they start way quick.
”She talks to me like that again. I’ll break her arm.”
”She’s just drunk. Calm down.”
”Fine I’ll put some lead in her face. She’s wasting all that money on alcohol anyway.”
Jack snorts, “I feel bad for the guys that piss you off.”
”Don’t ever silence me like that again. Got it?”
He gives a worried look but nods. “Good.” She says to him,
They find the next set of stairs and walk up to the door at the top. They swing it open and walk out onto a concrete floored roof.
Leaning against a metal railing is a tall, slender figure, then there’s the 6 inch heels which make them even taller. They look over their shoulder and stare.
”You look like hell Jack.”
He nods, “Shoulda seen me last night.”
”Noxi, this is Lucky Lou, Lucky Lou, Noxi. One of the best bounty hunters I’ve ever seen.”
”Not anymore hun. I’m running the club and underground full time.”
Jack’s head turns with such speed as he gives a shocked expression.
”You!? You gave up the bounty hunter life!?”
”Eh…sorta. People call me The Dealer now. I collect contracts for bounty hunters. And they come to me for jobs. So what do you want?”
She takes a long drag of a cigarette and slowly lets it out of her mouth.
”Information. We’re in a tight spot Noxi.”
The Caucasian woman with long brown hair lets out a chuckle.
”I’ll say, you had quite a bounty on your head. Still do. But…what happened in Tokyo? I heard some heavy duties came after you.”
”We don’t know who it was that put the bounty on my head. We need to figure out who.”
”No we don’t.”
Jack looks at her, telling her to shut up.
”The person who set up the bounty. If you can even find them. It was likely a frontman for whoever we are looking for. The person we want is skilled, an assassin.”
Noxi tilts her head. “Seems like you’re pretty desperate.” Noxi giggles,
She takes another drag and smirks. Lou takes a step forward, showing that she won’t be restrained by Jack.
”I am desperate. People probably say something along these lines a lot. But if you know me at all. That should, if not scare, then worry you. I’m not looking for a fight. Just information. I’ve got some of my own. If mine doesn’t cut it, I’ll pay you too.”
Noxi’s eyes narrow. She looks at Jack and smirks. “I like this one. Don’t dump her.”
”Of course you do. She’s like a young version of you.” Jack laughs,
Noxi smiles at her. “Well? Go on.”
“We have friends, downstairs. One of them has been targeted for a while. We need to find out who it is. An organization, S.S. They are serious, considering they hired two Braven Hunters. That’s all we know.”
Noxi takes a deep drag and lets out the smoke, slowly. She then taps the end against the railing, knocking off the burnt end.
”Braven Hunters take bounty contracts all the time.”
”Not like this. It’s happened twice. Are you gonna help us or not?”
She looks at Lou again. The gears are clearly turning back and forth. “You always risk this much information on a negotiation?”
”It’s been discussed. I’m desperate. Help me out, I’m getting that information one way or another.”
”Are you threatening me Lucky Lou?”
”Do I need to be?”
Lou’s whole demeanor is cold and dark. But it’s not hard to tell she’s willing to change like that. It’s enough however.
Still holding half a cigarette she scratches her neck and sighs. “I don’t know anything about S.S. Sorry.”
Lou raises an eyebrow. Waiting. “Perhaps I can find out who set off the bounty? How they are related to S.S.”
Jack sighs, “Oh have some faith. I’ll find them and leave you to question them, it shouldn’t take more than a few weeks.“
”Alright, you come to us with it. Not another bounty hunter.”
”Aren’t you forgetting something?” Noxi asks,
”We aren’t done. I’m just telling you how it is.” Lou says,
”The information? Something that I somehow don’t know?”
”AI. Some people came to earn a friend’s trust, one of the guys downstairs. Two of them, from the sound of it, fully functioning AI with full thought process and decision making ability.”
Noxi’s expression grows dark. She can’t tell if Lou is lying or not. But she finally believes it. “Proof?”
”He found it, not me. He didn’t keep proof.” Lou says,
She pushes off the railing and takes one final drag and slowly exhales over the railing. “How much do you trust this friend? The one the assassin is mainly after?”
”I would trust him with my life, even if he needed to take it.”
Noxi raises her eyebrows at her. “Hmm. I’ll admit, my interest is truly, piqued. That doesn’t happen often. That being said. A name comes to mind. I might already know who your guys is. Dillan Kreech. It’ll take a few days to find him. He’ll be hiding.”
”Are you fricken kidding me?” Lou sighs to herself,
”Problem?” Noxi asks,
”We’ve been running around talking and looking for people that know things only to be lead to someone else.”
Noxi walks up to her and bends down, bringing her face close to Lou’s.
”I never disappoint. If he’s connected to this the way I think he is, he’ll be able to tell us something that is very valuable. If not, I’ll find the person who will. I’m good at making cowards squeal. Do we have a deal?”
Jack sighs, “We got a choice?”
”You could look yourself. See how far that gets you.”
”It’s fine. We’ll be around. We’ll get a hotel. Give me your number, we’ll let you know where we’re at.”
”I recommend Dales on Blues Street. A few blocks away.”
”Thank you Noxi.”
”Interesting people making interesting friends. No one wants a boring life with boring people.”
Jack and Lou return and bring them up to speed on everything. They walk out of the club and take a taxi to the Dales and rent two rooms, since it would be cheaper than four. Its a very nice hotel but surprisingly cheap. That’s their thing though from what they say, very decent quality for cheap prices. Beautifully colored yellow and golden and well lit lighting in the lobby and hallways.
Asher lets Jack shower first. He then takes one, enjoying the steam. It seems to depressurize his body, get rid of stress.
He gets dressed and walks out of the room onto a balcony that is shared between them and Tarsh and Lou. Lou sits out on a chair, she looks at him and smiles softly.
Asher slides his room door shut. “Hey. You okay?”
”Eh. Stressed out my mind. Same as you. Ellie and, well I don’t know about Jack.”
Asher smiles and chuckles almost silently. “Jack hasn’t been here long enough.”
”True. How are you holding up?”
”I’m okay. Ready for answers too.”
Lou gets to her feet and joins his side, leaning against the railing. “We’ll get them Asher. I swear it.”
He smiles at his hands. “We got this Lou. I think I owe you five more after this.”
”I didn’t do this for favors Asher.”
Asher smiles a little bigger. “I know. Still. Thank you. For everything.”
Then her face changes. For just a second. He’s never seen her so vulnerable. She goes for it, she leans in and presses her lips against his. But its so gentle. She holds it for a moment and pulls away. He smiles at her brightly.
Lou jolts, she groans. She rolls onto her other side and looks at Ellie lying in the other bed, passed out. She groans with realization. Really?? She rubs her eyes and looks at the alarm clock that is between them on the night stand. 2:03 A.M.
She can feel all the heat rush to her face. She rests her hands on her face and sighs. Stupid dream.
- In Serial43 Chapters
Mystery of the Dungeon
After long years of research on Dungeons with all his colleagues, learning all they could about dungeons. Mavis Shin, his family and friends have reached a dead end in their research. Without being able to see the other side of the mysteries of the dungeon they research how to make their own dungeon. After succeeding after several failures Mavis himself is now a Dungeon. Now able to discover the mysteries of the dungeon, how will he grow as a dungeon. Will he be conquered or will he conquered. Watch as the only sane dungeon makes friends and foes on the road to discover his own secrets. PS. This story was inspired by Lair, OreDungeon, Danmachi and a few others. You will see some similarities when it comes to dungeon structure but i will try to keep it as original as possible
8 101 - In Serial9 Chapters
Exiled to a desolate world
Lyns wakes up in the middle of nowhere. There is a sword in his hand, and he remembers nothing. His mind is filled with questions about his situation, will he discover his identity in this cruel world of magic, you should find out by joining him in this journey of fantasy. Who I recommend it to? This is a story for those who appreciate detailed world building with a protagonist who has actual feelings or at least great ambitions and not a super neutral uncaring guy, jokes aside the story will be dark with surprising turn of events, there will be beautiful places to explore and dark places to dread, there will be all kind of monsters, cunning smart enemies, human like main character shrouded in mystery.
8 227 - In Serial12 Chapters
Meat Suits
“Rejoice! Hell, and Heaven have declared a cease fire.”The news echoes into every nook and cranny of the universe. It’s true. New laws have been passed, forbidding all human interference or possession, punishable by death.As triumphant jubilation and excitement fades, reality rears its ugly head. Thousands of career orientated angels and demons find themselves not only jobless but also without purpose.Depressed, bored and without hope, angels, and demons scatter into the universe to seek out new meaningful and rewarding prospects.Pyriel, a disgraced arch angel and Asmodeus, her contentious objector demon friend, discover a “grey” area that technically does not constitute as human interreference or possession. Using their powers, they slip into, and re-animate deceased humans. They call them Meat Suits. They haunt the cities morgues, shopping for meat suits to use on their nightly pilgrimages in search of entertainment, good Whiskey, and biker gangs to annoy and terrorise. After one too many “Zombie” related incidents, management intervene. The duo are to be punished. Made an example of so other angels and demons, who are also using meat suits to roam among the living, cease their shenanigans. Their punishment? Their own, LIVING, human bodies.
8 70 - In Serial6 Chapters
Tidbits from Mahashoti and Other Stories
To share work derived from Mahashoti, Worldly Wisdom to Godly Grace, and other stories created by me.
8 132 - In Serial9 Chapters
Re: Hero's Weapons: Reborn
*Not good for kids under 18. Gore and such. I mean it. Unless you can handle it. I can. I'm the author.* Have you ever wondered what life would be like as a heros weapon? "Where is this place?!" Steven was your ordinary person. Had a good life, job, family, he had is good. That was until he died. Not by a truck, falling, or heart attack. He was murdered. That was the time when his life got hella alot worse. Now being able to turn into a sword and a shield, he makes the oath to find his way back home, convince his sister that he's her brother, and maybe pick up a Harem of two along the way. *Contains reference to other Royal Road stuff, and anime and manga.* (Some has been rewritten to make sense)
8 182 - In Serial14 Chapters
Politics Today
My opinions and thoughts about topics I want to talk about. Mostly controversial topics so I strongly encourage debate. Civil debate I might add. Stay respectful please.
8 177