《The Apex Guardian》The Game Begins
After collecting them, Asher leads them to a hidden entrance that Lou had opened for him. Lou smiles at them as they walk in.
”So this is the wonder family?”
”This is Marcy, Killian and Ryan.”
”Guys, this is Lucky Lou.”
”Lucky Lou?”
She grins, “You see, rare is the occasion that I am wrong. I’m never wrong. Did you bring them up to speed?”
”Yeah. They get it.”
”Good. Saves me from having to explain. I’ll show you to your rooms, you will each have your own protector. You can ask them about entertainment, food, whatever. We have plenty of, everything.”
”So we just stay inside all day and night?”
She smiles at Marcy. “This will be fun.” She says to Asher,
”Yes. You do. You don’t leave unless I say it’s okay or give the order allowing you to. Whoever is after you isn’t sparing expenses. They won’t just walk in here like a natural. Because there is no way they are.”
”How do you know?” Ryan asks as they walk,
”Because I’m the leader of the Skull Dynasty. Nothing goes under my nose if its within the Skrout world. And I have ears just about everywhere else. Speaking of which, my meeting, thankfully, was pushed back, not canceled. While you three get settled in, Asher is going to help me with one of the debts he owes me.”
Asher frowns, “Doing what?”
”Helping to settle a deal.”
”What kind of deal?”
She smiles at him. “Your ears only. I don’t trust your friends.”
”That sounds fair.” Ryan sighs,
”He’d make a good lap dog.”
”Ha ha ha.”
She giggles at Asher, “Relax he’s not my type anyway.”
She leads them to a level below the club. It’s the residential area for important guests and some staff. The rooms for Killian and Marcy are next to Ryan’s.
”What do you guys think about playing a few rounds of pool after my meeting?”
They all exchange looks. She laughs, “Oh come on! After the crap you guys have gone through, Asher and…Ryan? Especially. You deserve to just relax a little. Shoot a few holes, get to know each other a little more. I like to know who I’m protecting.”
”You want to interrogate us?”
She smiles, “No. Just get to know you. You’re my guests. I don’t like it when my guests are stressed.”
”She’s serious.” Asher says,
”We’ll think about it.” Marcy says,
She shrugs, “Might help more than you think. Asher, I’ll give you a few minutes.” She turns and walks down the hall,
”Charming girl Asher, is she sixteen yet?”
”Hey! Look, she’s serious. You become her friends, get even sort of on her good side? She’ll be even more eager to make sure you’re happy here. When it comes to business, she doesn’t mess around. She’s smart, skilled, talented. She’s someone you want as a friend, she’ll have your back, contract or not.”
”Do we have a choice for our friendly game later?”
”Yeah. You do actually. She’s changed since Ive known her. She’s kinder, if she wanted you to play, she wouldn’t have made it a question.”
”And what if something happens to you while you ‘help’ her?” Killian asks,
”Is the oath void?” Ryan asks,
”My debt to her will have been paid. She’ll take care of you. But nothing will happen. She swore an oath to protect all of us. I know this sucks, I know it’s a lot. Just have a little faith, if not in her, then in me. We got this.”
”What do we do while you’re gone?”
”You have body guards in the hall playing cards. If you’re hungry, ask them. If you want to do something, ask them. They aren’t as scary as they seem. Just don’t be jerks to them.”
”When will you be back?” Ryan asks,
”I don’t know, hopefully not long.”
”Be safe.” Marcy says,
”I will be.”
He walks out of the room, they weren’t big but they weren’t tiny either. Its like a hotel room. One bed in each room, a TV, bathroom and shower. The walls were painted green, not the most appealing shade either, but it wasn’t bad. The floors were carpeted, nicely.
He turns into the hall and sees Lou leaning over the body guards who are intensely playing cards.
She smiles, as she watches them. Asher walks up and she looks at him. She looks back and pushes off the wall.
”Jackson’s got a straight!” She says,
”Ugh! You lying sack of crap!”
”Hey!” Jackson calls after her,
She grins hard as the pair walk away. “You have changed a lot Lou.”
She smiles at him. “Yeah?”
”You are the inspiration. You left us. It sucked. I lost one of my favorite people. Then I saw you become one of those rich brats. I was bitter about it, but then I saw you gave control to a…friend?”
”Yeah, she’s part of this too.”
”That told me that you’re still the same selfless guy I’ve always known. Though you have grown a backbone.”
”You quit drinking because of me?”
She looks at him again a half smile, “I missed you. You lifted the room where you went. When you left. It inspired me to be better. Smarter. I wasn’t jealous of your money. Or power. But it made me miss the good you brought into a room.”
”That’s…that’s really cool Lou.”
Her smile broadens, “Don’t you dare let that go to your head.”
He grins, “But. I need proof it’s you Lou.”
She frowns at him, “What is that supposed to mean?”
”Prove to me it’s you and I’ll tell you.”
”Hmm. I first met you on the street. It’s how I first owed you a debt. Some tiny band of guys ambushed me and my two bodyguards. They were fighting them, another came out of nowhere behind me and pulled a knife and held it to my throat. Before he could even utter a threat, you hit him in between the legs, he dropped the knife and my bodyguards tackled him and you. But I told them you saved me.”
She clears her throat and continues, “We brought you back to my father, he insisted on a contract, I signed my second one ever with you, on that day. You didn’t stay, you left back out into the world, never cashing in the contract.”
“How old were we?”
”I was 9, you were 10. You didn't become a Skrout until you were 12 and you left when you were 16. That good enough?”
He nods, “You have any coffee?”
She giggles, “Coffee? This late? How long you been up?”
”I don’t know. It’s been a long day.”
She snorts, “Go get some rest, I’ll handle the meeting.”
”No. You’re cashed in a debt.”
”Well I’m changing my mind. I got this. Go get some sleep. Tell me about everything after pool later.”
She stops walking and pulls on his arm to stop him. “Go on! That’s the debt now. Go sleep.”
”No debt necessary.”
”Fine. You still owe me seven, happy? Go to bed.”
He frowns at her. “You’ve become very different Lou.”
”So have you.” She smiles,
”See you later.”
She waves goodbye and turns away, he heads back but doesn’t think to check in with Ryan and his parents. They might be sleeping too. He walks into his room and shuts the door. It’s quiet, a peaceful quiet. He sighs with relief. Finally. He crawls onto the bed and closes his eyes.
A knock wakes him up. He jolts upright and gasps, staring at the cracked open door. She smirks.
”Sorry. The others are getting breakfast, Ryan wants to know if you’ll join us at 8.”
He rubs his eyes, “What time is it?”
”It is…7:40AM.” Lou says as she checks an upside down watch on her wrist,
”Sure. Uh. Give me a minute, I’ll be up.”
She shuts the door and leaves. Asher lay’s his head in his hands. It wasn’t the best sleep he’s ever head but it wasn’t the worst either.
He definitely could have slept longer though. He rubs his face and eyes and sniffles. He crawls out of bed and walks over to the bathroom, with a towel at the ready. He turns on the shower and hot water. He undresses and climbs in. He feels the drowsiness wash away with the water, as if it was running down and off his body.
She washes his hair with the shampoo and conditioner. He then climbs out and dries off. He goes to the closet in his room and gets dressed in officer clothes hanging in the closet. Black pants, boots and a jacket, though Asher leaves it hanging up and wears the burnt brown colored long sleeve shirt.
He hangs his towel up and leaves, finding his way to a cafeteria which happens to also be the exterior ‘nightclub’ of the building.
The yellow lights from the ceiling illuminate the entire room. It doesn't even look like the same room. It’s filled with people eating and talking and laughing, plenty of noise.
He circles the square room twice until he spots them at a giant circle table. They also wear officer clothing, Marcy and Killian and Ryan wear everything. They sit next to Lucky, along with the bodyguards. He walks over and they smile at him.
”Asher. You hungry?”
”I’m starving.”
”I figured you guys would be too wiped for a round of pool.” Lou says,
She’s changed so much, she hasn’t been switched out for a robot…right? She remembers him, so much about him.
”What are we talking about?”
”A deal.”
“You guys made a deal with her!?”
”Re-lax! Not a contract, Killian promises to shut up about how this place sucks and I won’t tell him how rich people are the sum of the earth. Excluding you Asher.”
”They aren’t all bad, just have been taught to hate poor people. Or segregate them, most of the rich people anyway.”
”I said most Ryan.” Asher smiles,
Ryan rolls his eyes with a smile. “See him I see that with. It’s you two that I have trouble with.”
”Why? What did we do?” Marcy asks,
”So anyway. Breakfast.” Asher says, trying to change the topic,
The others catch on and thankfully let it go. “What do you have to eat?” Killian asks,
”It’s all over there in pots and trays.” Lou says,
They get to their feet, Ryan’s parents are a little quick to do so. Probably to get away from Lou. “How did you come to be in charge of this place?” Killian asks,
”It was a competition actually. A traditional but unique test. The leader picks 25 people, they answer questions, go through scenarios, how they would handle situations. Then the last part is a brawl.”
”Brawl?” Marcy asks,
”A tournament. Whoever holds their own wins, but overall score of the entire competition is what counts.”
”What kind of scenarios do you run through?”
She smirks, “Many kinds, last man standing, simple leading, firefight.”
”So thats how you became the leader?”
”I reminded people not to judge the underdog too quickly.”
They grab food trays and grab pancakes, bacon, sausage eggs and simple water. As they start digging in, Ryan and his parent’s eyes light up. Asher looks at Lucky Lou who flashes a smile. “You guys haven’t had decent meals in a while?”
”No. It’s just that good.” Asher says for them,
Lou begins eating, smirking at every bite. No doubt she’s thinking about how ironic it is. They come from the rich district yet the best food they have ever had, so to speak, is here.
”What have you been up to Lucky Lou?” Asher asks,
She frowns slightly at him, “That’s only the second time you’ve called me that.”
He waits for her answer, she shrugs and swallows. “Business. But we can get into that later. Outside of that and running the faction and nightclub. I’ve perfected my gaming ability.”
”What game?” Ryan scoffs,
”All of them. I’m unbeaten In every faction.”
She grins, “You doubt me Asher? Pick one, I’ll destroy you.”
”Oscar?” Asher asks the bodyguard,
He shrugs, “She’s not messin’ man.”
”What about you? Besides surviving.”
”I used to play a lot of video games, and play guitar a little. But all this kinda happened.”
”No friends Ryan?”
”Just Asher.”
”Oh yeah? You’re lucky. He’s one of a kind.”
”Apparently I’ve changed a lot.” Asher says,
She shrugs, “Yes, but you’re also the same. You have an idiotic sense to care about everyone.”
He just raises an eyebrow at her. “What about you Asher? What do you like to do these days?”
He smiles, “I haven’t had time for anything.”
”Not even when you began school?”
”I trained and learned more at home.”
”Ugh. Sounds fun. And you two?”
They just stare at her with slightly aggravated faces. “I get life sucks right now, but I’m being nice. People normally don’t get this treatment from me.”
“What do they usually get?”
”Buddy I would shut up if I were you.” One of the bodyguards says,
”He’s okay. Disregarding your tone that makes you sound like a five year old, which, normally I would back hand you across the face…with a pipe. But sorry.” She laughs shaking her head mocking him,
”Back to your question. I would usually tell them to suck it up and be far more cruel. Considering how I nicely asked if you would like to play pool last night and I allowed you to get away with yelling at me. I’m at my end. Be kind or I will be cruel. Asher and I made a pact. I have to protect you with first class protection, that means you have bodyguards that update me personally of events that happened that day with you. So that you are totally secure, if you were to go out in public you would also have someone following you for extra protection. You however, aren’t promised a first class life with under my protection. I could have you sleeping on dirt floors with two meals a day. I’m known for a lot of things, being kind isn’t one of them.”
Asher looks at Ryan’s parents, at long last the realization hits them and their eyes soften. He sighs softly, he feels relief wash over him as he sees Lou soften a little as well after their apology. But she keeps up her intense eyes and demeanor. “Are we good?” She spits to them,
”Yes.” Killian says,
”We’re sorry for being so rude. We aren’t used to this.”
”We don’t always get what we want. We’re all human. But with, no screw respect. You the full grown adults, man up.” She says,
This time they seem to take it a little better, probably from fear of sleeping on a dirt floor. She rolls her eyes, “I was gonna invite you to listen buuuuut no. Asher? I might have a lead. Wanna come?”
He frowns, “What is it?”
”It’s not confirmed. I know someone who, may be able to point us in the right direction. They know everyone. Usually.”
”When?” Ryan asks,
”We are, dropping in to pay him a visit in two hours. Southerland.”
Asher’s eyes widen, “You’re going to Southerland?”
”We are.”
”You think you can hold your own?” Asher smiles,
”Watch it Palmer, this is still my place.”
He smiles softly as he takes his last bite of eggs and bacon. “Is it dangerous?” Ryan asks,
A man hurries up to Lucky Lou’s side and whispers in her ear. After a few seconds of whispering, her eyes widen. She turns and looks at him.
”What!?” She asks softly but angrily,
”Okay go-go-go!” She says pushing the man,
”Lou?” Asher asks,
She looks back at him, “Uh..come on. Hurry! Just Asher.”
Asher looks at Ryan and back at her, he jumps up and is at her side. “”What’s going on Lou?”
”Shut up.” She says to him,
They are practically running out of a cafeteria. Once out they slightly quicken their pace down a series of hallways and to a private elevator door. Lou pulls a key attached to the man’s hip that stands with them. Its attached to one of those retractable wire reels. She turns the key in the slot next to the elevator and pulls it out, letting it go and retract fast.
The elevator door opens. They hurry in, Lou punches a button with her finger and repeatedly pushes the close door button. Finally it closes and begins moving, Asher glances at Lou, hatred and fury is in her eyes. This is big.
After an eternity of moving they finally stop and the doors open. Someone is waiting for them along the wall next to the doors. The woman opens her mouth but Lucky Lou beats her to it. "Shut the frick up." Lou says,
The turn down a hall and walk through glass doors into a sort of conference room, but it's wider and longer. All eyes turn to her. "Tell me what the heck just happened. Now."
She sits in a chair, Asher sits next to her. "Ma'am, uh. One of our scouts found them."
"Are you waiting for an invitation?"
The speaker looks at Asher. "If he didn't have clearance, he wouldn't be here! Can we be useful now?!"
The man jumps, "Uh! Yes, these are the pictures."
The first pulls up on the whiteboard. A man hanging from a wire wrapped around his ankle. "What kind of sick prick thinks he can mess with my men?"
Asher already guesses, S.S. He looks at the picture again. The man has been beaten, cut, stabbed repeatedly.
"He bled to death ma'am, our people found him, by the time medical arrived, it was too late. He said the name Jack Gale. He had been beaten and stabbed, but in nonlethal places. they wanted to torture him.
Lucky Lou looks at Asher, determination and anger, but not directed at him, she then studies the different pictures as they cycle through of the man hanging and lying on the ground after they cut him down.
"Jack Gale?"
"A bounty hunter ma'am. He lives in Northern Province. We have a team trying to establish contact with him now. But there seems to be a bounty on his own head. We don't know who initiated the bounty."
She jumps out of her chair. "Contact that team, tell them to meet me at the dock."
"Ma'am! It's dangerous over there!"
"Camil is my second in command! I'm going to grab him before another bounty hunter does!"
Asher jumps to his feet and burst out the door, practically beside her. "Hell no! You're staying here Asher!"
"Screw that. I'm by your side. Besides, who else are you gonna take that you trust as much as me?"
"Ellie Tarsh."
"Fine, but I'm coming."
"Yes! End of story!"
"Yeah? And if you die doing something stupid?!"
"I'll throw Ellie in front of me."
She glares at him, "...You stay behind us."
They take the elevator down and hurry out of the building. As the light hits Asher's eyes, he flinches. It seems so much brighter than the last time he saw it. Though it's been a few hours. A Yukin Ausi is waiting for them. A body guard sees it and opens the car door for her and Asher. They both climb in and the door shuts behind them.
"The airport, now. Our private hangar."
"Still fly out illegally?" Asher asks,
"Shut up Asher. Driver a little silence."
He nods, a small window separates them from him. He pushes a button and closes the window. She looks at him. "I'm sorry, I'm pissed."
She shakes her head. He nods, "It shows how dedicated to your people you are."
"Of course I'm dedicated! They are my men! People! Ugh! This is probably S.S. Asher."
"I know. The question is, why Jack?" Asher asks,
"We're going to find out. Ellie will meet us at the airport. Asher, we do not fail."
"Not a chance."
She stares at him. "Gah...I have missed you a lot. I like this version of you." She says softly,
"As opposed to old me?"
"You're willing to go out of your way to help people, whether you're working for them or not. You help them whether they ask or not. You can't buy that loyalty."
He smiles softly at her, "Talk to me about Jack, what do you know?"
"Nothing, Ellie will update us likely on the flight."
"Where is North Province?"
She sighs, "Tokyo."
Asher nods, "Okay...so we're on a suicide mission?"
She raises an eyebrow at him. "Having regrets about coming?"
"Did you hear me say I did? I've missed you too. You have no idea."
She narrows her eyes at him, "I guess you never did tell me."
"What happened?"
His eyes widen. He didn't. She's been so lenient and patient. "I-I'm sorry."
"Just tell me now."
Asher then spends the trip practically barfing information on her. She bites her cheek, "So whoever this is, they know what they are doing."
"Yeah. They are experienced and clearly have enough resources to keep their face hidden."
"We'll find em. But I want a shot at their nuts when we do."
They climb out of the car and walk to the private jet where a male and female bodyguard wait. They walk up into the jet and towards the back, finding their seats. Already sitting at the back is Tarsh. He welcomes Lucky Lou and smiles at Asher.
"Welcome back loser."
"What was that Trash?" Asher asks,
"Ha ha ha."
"Enough. Are we ready to go?"
"Yup, ready for take off."
They close the door and start off into the air. "Alright, Ellie, Jack Gale."
"Why is this one here?"
"Jack Gale. A pretty famous bounty hunter in Tokyo, actually you could say Japan. He's pretty good. Credited with 20 Kill confirms. On top of that, over a hundred bounties successfully captured and brought in. Guns and knives specialist. An hour ago, an anonymous set up a bounty of one million dollars for him dead. His last sighting was in Taijing, about five minutes south of the center of Tokyo. He's hiding somewhere there, but no one knows where."
"When was the last sighting?"
"Fifteen minutes ago."
Asher's heart is pounding. He can feel it, this person knows something. Why else kill him off? Jack Gale needs to live. He needs to talk to him. He takes a deep breath, his stomach almost hurts from turning over, thinking it could be too late by the time they get there. He bends over, his face resting on his hands.
"Asher? You okay?"
"Sh." he says to Lou,
He mutters under his breath for a few seconds and finally sits back and relaxes. She raises an eyebrow, "Since when do you pray?"
"I don't do it as often as I would like."
"Why? It's not like he cares?" Tarsh laughs,
Lucky Lou's soft smile disappears, "Back off Ellie."
"Serious? When has praying ever worked?"
"Do you know anyone that still prays Ellie?"
"No, they don't, for a reason."
"Or maybe it's for a reason that they don't pray. It's a lost form. I'm glad you still believe in God."
"Do, you believe in God?"
She nods, "I do. Which is one of the reasons I liked Asher so much at first. And Also why I am so lucky so often."
"You pray that people die?"
"No moron. Praying for good things, that is a lost art form."
Asher smiles at her. She pops her knuckles and gets to her feet. "Alright, I'll be back in a little bit."
She walks past Tarsh and through a door. Asher frowns at Ellie. "Changing her hair, she does it every time she flies. Less noticeable."
"How you been Tarsh?"
He scoffs, "Don't do that."
"You decked me in the face last time, I hit you back. We're even."
He hums and nods, flaring his eyebrows. "Fair enough. I'm not bad. Busy, working my butt off, dating my secretary."
Asher snorts and laughs, "Why does that not surprise me?"
"I got game buddy."
"As much as Lou?"
"Hey! That's Lucky Lou, and more than her, she ain't really into boy toys these days."
"Yeah, she got rid of them a long while ago."
Tarsh smirks, "Yeah she did...anyway, business definitely has slowed down since you left. The factions are, actually doing really well together."
"Yeah? Jules isn't killing her 'subjects'?" he asks with finger quotes,
"She actually got dethroned. Three months ago, no one has really heard from her since, but her nephew took over."
"Hm. What's his name?"
"Uh, Thompson, Willard Thompson. He's not bad, kinda like you, but without the whole obsessive need to please everyone."
"I missed you buddy."
"Yeah? I thought you'd hate me if you saw me again to be honest."
"I thought the same about you." Asher smiles,
Tarsh snorts, "I guess we have both grown a little huh?"
"I guess so."
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Thank you for picking this story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it ❤️ Love you xx ~Kathy
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