《The Apex Guardian》Extraction
The flight was long, but they all slept on the flight. They land at the airport and start off on a vehicle they stole from the airport parking lot.
The sun beats down on them, but none of them actually mind it. They haven’t seen much of the sun lately. They had put their guns in the trunk, in their suitcases.
”It’s so green.” Asher says,
”It’s weird to see so much of it.” Lou says,
The world here is very present, but there’s just so much nature integrated into the world. Big parks with trees and grass. It feels to Asher like he is living in the 2020s, most places these days are so focused on technology that cities barely have any trees or natural life. The sky even seems bluer than back home. It’s nice. But still a little overwhelming.
Once Asher’s eyes find something natural, they don’t want to leave it. It disappears from view and Asher’s heart beats a little faster. He longs to see it again.
He faces forward, trying to bring his thoughts to the objective at hand. It’s not a far drive with the airport in Holland. Asher is surprised, even the city, Germany is so far behind the rest of the world tech wise. But it’s definitely still got beauty the rest no longer has.
They pull up to a large building. Looks like some kind of corporate building. A large structure that spirals like a DNA strand. Windows cover the entire exterior of the building, many people walk in and out. It doesn’t exactly scream ‘Bad guy den’ but Asher wasn’t exactly sure what he was expecting.
”Hey Tarsh? What is this place?”
”Believe it or not I don’t sit on my laptop all day researching ever foot across world.”
”I left my phone on the plane, idiot, remember me saying that? I can’t just google it.”
Lou smirks wide as she hangs her head.
”Shut up.” Tarsh says to her,
Her smirk just broadens. “Come on puppy. Do the trick.”
”Screeeew you.” He half sings, half scoffs at Lou,
Now she and Asher grin and managed to make Tarsh crack a smile. “First glance though? If this is the place, a building like this, it’s gonna have decent security somewhere. We can’t just storm this place.”
”Can we get access to blueprints?”
”I know someone. Rather of someone. I’ll handle it. If he doesn’t already, he can get his hands on it.” Lou says,
”Alright, Asher and I will look at the security and figure out what the heck it is we are looking at.”
"Okay, I'll take a walk. Leave you both to it."
For a moment, she seemed like herself again. Confident, like she's got everything you need. Playful. Asher smiles, good. He would have died several years ago if not for her. "Be safe please." Asher says,
She smirks, "Aren't I always? Don't miss me too much."
"Are you two done?" Tarsh asks,
Asher looks at him and down at his feet, Lou smiles and shuts the door. Tarsh hands up his phone. "Here. Google something."
"Thanks Tarsh."
They spend the next two hours figuring out that the building is a chemical plant. They test and create so many different kinds, from cleaners to poisons. Apparently chemical plants couldn't be deep into cities in the past. But they've managed to become much safer and more secured. After really digging deep, they learn that the company also creates and sells on the black market, acids. The kind that will eat you bone and all in half an hour, but it’s all hushed, obviously.
Lou comes back and they bring her up to speed. She just stares at them with a raised eyebrow. “They put them in these specialized containers, you need an access code to open them up even.”
”Well this just got more interesting. I don’t know what kind of security it has but I’d bet they got sufficient guns protecting their secret cargo. It’s got three basement levels, likely where they make and store the acid.”
Asher’s stomach turns over, sour fills his mouth. Chills run over every inch of him, what if Noctus is there? What happened to her? Is she even alive still?
He takes a quiet deep breath through the nose. “So what’s our play? Sounds like the acid factory is where we want to be.”
”There’s a few access gates, but we need to get to the tunnels, but they are likely locked down tight.”
Tarsh raises a hand. “I have a, kinda crappy idea?”
”That’s the way to start off when you have a plan.” Asher says,
”Hey it’s an idea. But we’ll have to check some stuff out first.”
”How much longer would we have to wait?” Asher asks,
”It’d be our way in.”
“What is it?”
They watched and planned out the routes of the delivery trucks for the next two days, living in the car. Then they move.
”Asher? Where are you?”
”I’m running! Chill out!” He spits over the phone,
She smiles and rolls her eyes. As the car door opens, Ellie grabs the driver and throws him to the ground. “No offense buddy.” He says and clocks the man in the head with the butt of his rifle.
”Blocking the road with an accident and hijacking the truck. Not going to lie. Wasn’t sure it would work Ellie. Nice plan.”
”Yeah hasn’t worked yet.”
Asher runs up to them and bends over on his knees, huffing and puffing.
”Nice of you to join us. Hop in.”
Asher probably would have sassed him back but he was too out of breath and the truck is behind schedule as it is. They jump in the back and climb into the empty barrels and place the big lids on the barrels.
Ellie didn’t waste time, as soon as they were in the back he had gotten dressed in the driver’s clothes, and just started the truck and began pulling away from the backroad. Asher had driven a car through an intersection and caused a crash, luckily, according to plan he was okay. All of which made the delivery truck radio in and tell them about their ‘detour’. Lou and Ellie opened and emptied two barrels into a gutter, not that anyone would care even if they had noticed in this neighborhood. These guys weren’t delivering acid, just the environmentally safe whatever chemicals. Asher and Lou then hid in them. With Ellie in the disguise and at the wheel. He would drive them to the factory and get them all in with ease.
Even without the chemicals in the container, Lou is practically gagging. That smell is way too strong, hopefully Asher’s do- she hears him cough hard and groan. Never mind.
”Jeez, should have washed these out first.” He says,
She scoffs. Seriously. It’s like paint and gas mixed together. How is this possibly environmentally safe with this stench!? She plugs her nose and breathes as quietly as she can through her nose. But now the smell is stuck in her nostrils. Hurry up Ellie! For Pete’s sake.
Her body lurches. They stopped. Here’s where it counts. No sound. The engine still runs with the sound like a chainsaw but dropped several octaves. Which means guards are probably checking to make sure the cargo is secure. She hears muffled voices. Impossible to tell what they are saying and she isn’t about to crack the lid to listen. How many barrels are in front of her blocking the guard’s view? She still isn’t risking it.
After a few seconds, the engine flares it’s roaring voice again and she lurches again. After almost a minute longer the truck stops again but doesn’t turn off.
Fwut-Fwut-Fwut-Fwut-BAM! That’s the cue! She waits two seconds, she lifts the lid, standing up and sets it to the side. Asher is beside her. People yell back and forth. The pair hurries to the edge, they peek out of the truck and check both ways. Asher can see, hopefully, everyone. From the front of the truck to the giant door to the tunnel that they just pulled through.
”What the frick just happened!?” Tarsh shouts,
Thankfully, they aren’t going that way. Lou taps his arm. He turns and follows her to the service elevator. After paying Lou’s informant a little more. He gave them an even further detailed schematic of the blueprints. They hide against the walls, pushing the B2 button repeatedly.
”Um. Hi.”
Lou looks at Asher then at a man standing in the corner against the back wall behind a crate as the doors closed. A very young man. Rectangular brown glasses characterize his grey eyes and flawless face. He stares at them both.
”Cameras don’t have elevators-I-I meant the elevators don’t have cameras. I’d recommend the ventilation shafts over the set of double doors. On the second basement.”
Lou raises an eyebrow. “I’m just delivering this to the first basement floor. I didn’t see you.”
”…Cool we didn’t want to see you anyways.” Asher says,
“Okay then.” He swallows hard and shakes a little. “Favorite color?” He asks,
The elevator dings. “Ah, this is me.”
The doors open and he starts out on the electronic lift that carries the pallet. Lou and Asher look at each other. The doors close. “Green?”
She rolls her eyes at him and sighs with relief and a smile. The elevator dings, the doors open and they start out into a tiny empty lobby like area. No cameras here either. They spot a vent on the wall, next to the double doors. They hurry over to it. Lou kicks Asher’s knees, making him fall to his hands and knees and wastes no time climbing on him.
“Gah Lou.”
She takes out a knife and loosens the screws and yanks, popping the vent out handing it to Asher. She crawls into the big vent. Asher takes her hand and is hoisted up into it. He then replaces the vent behind him and with the screws Lou collected, sinks the screws but doesn't tighten them.
They turn and start crawling through the vent, Asher lets Lou move ahead though so weight is distributed. The vent is surprisingly strong and doesn’t bend or make any noise as they move. They crawl forever before Asher lines up with Lou who looks down through a grate.
”There’s a bad guy over there. Or we keep moving.”
”It would be a lot of sound.” Asher says,
Lou shrugs, “Seems quiet. Wanted it to be your call.”
He almost instantly nods upward, silently telling her to keep moving. She turns and continues, they crawl for five more minutes before they come to an empty room. Looks like an empty lab.
She nods, she kicks it hard with both feet and withdraws them letting Asher jump down. The bang of the grate breaking shatters the silence. He touches the ground and does a fast scan. He sees her. She stares, mortified and scared to death.
He bolts after a woman in a lab coat. She jumps out of her chair and hurries for the door. Asher wraps his arm around her throat and turns and throws her down to the floor, kneeling over. He pins her to the ground and spits at her to shut up.
“Please! Please dont kill me!”
”Shut up! Answer our questions and we’ll let you live.” Lou says,
She whimpers softly under Asher’s grasp. “Do you have any prisoners here?”
”What!? Are you crazy!? This is a laboratory! We make chemicals!”
”Shut up! We know you make acids too , you sell them on the black market. It’s on this level.”
”Maybe we should dumb her in a barrel of the so called ‘chemicals’ I mean if she’s right then we’re wrong right?”
“I bet there’s plenty of scientists here.”
”No! No! Please! I-in the back! Out those doors! Down the stairs to your right! They’ll lead you to the interrogation rooms!”
Lou and Asher lift her to her feet. Lou then rips her out of Asher’s grasp. Lou slams her head against a table twice. Hard. The girl then drops to the floor, limp.
”I don’t want this to get messy.” Lou says,
She grabs her under the arms, Asher helps her and picks up the legs, they then put her in a nearby tall metal cabinet.
”It might get messy now.”
”Then lets hurry.”
They crack open the door and peek. “Let’s go.” Asher whispers,
They let the door swing open and rush through, the room is well lit with so many ginormous containers likely stirring the acid. So many vents and machines against the walls and stairs to upper levels of the floor where there are more machines. To their right stairs lead into darkness.
They hurry, crouched down, to the stairs. They make it and practically glide down the white tile stairs almost soundlessly.
Asher jumps as he feels his phone vibrate, he pulls it out and answers it. “Tarsh.”
”Where are you guys? You okay?”
”Yeah, we’re in the basement searching for some interrogation rooms. Noctus might be there. We’ll call you in a second.”
Asher hangs up and shoves the phone away in his pocket. They walk down a corridor and to a corner, peeking around it. Asher jumps back.
”Camera facing doors and guards, 5 guards playing cards.” Asher whispers softly,
Lou sighs, “Want to nuke them?”
”We’ll probably have to.”
Lou moves around him to the corner, Asher moves back and lets her pull out a grenade. “If this isn’t it. We’re dead.” She mumbles,
”It’s your call Lou. We can go steal some pistols from other guards or something.”
She shakes her head. “Just getting ready. Okay.”
She quietly pulls a pin and safety lever and counts to three. The steps out into the hall and chucks the ball. It hits the floor and rolls awkwardly to them. They look at it and her as she and Asher jumps behind the corner again.
Everything is caught up in plaster and red mist as they fly in every direction. “Go!”
Lou and Asher sprint down the hall and up to the shredded corpses lying in the blood splattered and covered hallway, chunks of the wall, ceiling and table lie on the ground. Asher drops beside the one furthest back and finds a pistol that is only covered in dust…by some miracle.
He pulls it as Lou tries to open a locked door.
She turns and searches the corpses, are you fricken kidding!? She jumps up and swings open a door with a key from one of the corpses. A woman with long red hair lies on her side, her wrists are chained to the center of the floor. Her clothes are stained and dirty and worn and way too big.
Lou drops to her side while Asher stands in the doorway watching with the gun. “Lou?”
”She’s breathing. Give me the gun!”
Asher tosses it to her and looks down the hall.
”Here!” She throws it back,
Asher raises the gun, he hears loud footsteps. Heavy soldiers.
”Hey Lou?”
”I got her! Go!”
Asher jumps into the hall almost simultaneously with several soldiers. Asher doesn’t give them the chance though and opens fire. Two of them yell and drop to the ground, the others dive behind the corner. Asher moves forward with Lou behind him. She sets the girl down and unlocks the second door and swings it open.
Bullets spray the hall, Asher jumps to the wall and fires back a few shots. They are just shooting around the corner with heir hands, not even looking.
They dive into the next room. A middle aged man lies on the floor near a wall to Lou’s right. She runs over and checks him. He’s gone.
”Lou!” Asher shouts,
”It’s not Noctus! He’s gone!”
Plaster from the wall near Asher’s face explodes. He twists hard and falls back into the room. He jumps up and sticks his arm out and fires three times.
Then shouting fills the halls, mixed with gunfire. Asher peeks out carefully, Tarsh rounds the corner, gun raised. He sees Asher and hurries over to them.
”The heck are you doing!?”
”Me!? Who’s idea was it to throw a fricken grenade!?”
”Come on! Help us look!”
”Who are they!?”
”We don’t know! Come on!”
They check two more rooms with corpses they've never seen.
Tarsh swings open a door and covers the hall again with Asher while Lou sets the girl down inside and sees a blood covered mask on the floor. A woman with black hair and highlights hangs by the wrists from the back wall. Like the redheaded girl, blood and black have corroded her fingernails and skin. Lou rushes over as Asher and Ellie begin another firefight.
Lou puts her fingers against the woman’s throat. Asher looks in and stops firing for a moment. Shocked and horrified.
”Asher! Focus up!”
Something snaps in him and he fires three more rounds but now is out of ammo. “I’m out!” He says,
”Asher!” Lou calls to him,
He sprints across the hall into the other room and runs up to the woman. Lou’s face is just, broken. Asher looks up at her, his heart plummets, his fingers and legs go numb and he falls to his knees as he sees the mask in her hands.
Lou just stares at him. “Guys!” Ellie yells,
There’s a level of pain, dread, defeat where you don’t cry, you just stay silent and still. To put it simply, Asher looked dead. Not figuratively.
She opens her mouth but closes it again. Asher just stares at the mask, he presses his fingers to her neck, he closes his eyes and sighs. He gently takes the mask that rests in Lou’s hands and places it on Noctus.
He lifts her shirt slightly and looks at her side just above the hip. The teenie branch like scar, almost not invisible unless you’re looking for it. She showed it to him once. They likely didn’t replicate that tiny of a detail. But even if they had, he can’t explain why he knows. But he does, this is Noctus. The real Noctus, he’s sure of it.
”Let’s go….hey Tarsh? Shoot the restraints.”
”A little busy.”
”Ellie! Give it to me! Grab Noctus!”
He does as asked, she takes the rifle and fires four round bursts at the corner as she marches on them, she throws the barrel of the gun around the corner, as she does she opens fire and pumps them all with lead. They drop to the ground fast. She them fires two more rounds for good measure. She checks her clip. A few rounds left. She grabs another rifle from a soldier and a few magazines.
”Guys!?” She asks,
Ellie hurries out with the young girl, Asher carries Noctus. Her stomach drops, she almost bursts into tears. She bites her cheek to avoid doing so. They hurry up the stairs, suddenly a loud alarm blares around them. “Let’s go!” She shouts,
They run around the work area until they come to conveyor belts, big ones that would carry the barrels. “There!” Ellie yells,
They turn and follow him to a cargo elevator, it’s different than the typical ones, it has it’s own battery source. Lou lifts the upper horizontal gate and pushes down the bottom one and they hurry in and punch the R button, the roof. Lou closes the horizontal, grate doors and after a moment they begin their ascent.
Lou looks at Asher, well both look at Asher, holding his lifeless companion. All this way. And he’s so struck by it you would think it didn’t even affect him. Lou just wants to hug him and cry. She wants his pain. She’d do anything to take it from him.
The elevator stops, a red light flashes on overhead. They didn’t expect to get to the top though. Lou lowers the gates and she and Ellie pulls open the elevator doors.
They climb out and start across a skybridge.
“You marking us?” Lou asks,
”I got you.”
Lou raises her gun, stopping halfway across the long skybridge. She fires, shattering the glass.
”Go! Go!” She yells,
She turns and falls to a knee, aiming and waiting for soldiers to come. Ellie and Asher hand over their limp passengers to Megan. Lou begins opening fire on the soldiers as bullets spray all around them. Ellie and Asher jump on, Lou turns and steps onto a brace and jumps into the doorway. She yells out as Megan stumbles back and hits hard against the back wall, sliding to her butt and yelling.
Lou falls to a knee and begins to fall backward, she gasps but Ellie snatches his hand out and grabs hers. She is pulled to her feet but another round shoots into her calf. She screams and falls to her side. Megan is already falling into her seat, groaning and growling and begins pulling the jet away, closing the door. She shoves the power stick forward and jolts back into her seat.
Ellie is thrown to the ground but immediately bounces up and is beside her and Asher pulling her into the craft further. She’s groaning and yelling.
”Gah! Just get me onto a fricken bed!” She screams,
”The bullet didn’t go through! We got to get it out of your leg first.” Asher says,
”I got it! Look at Megan!”
Asher hurries to the cockpit and drops to a knee beside her and Kendell. “Megan?”
”Ugh! I’m fine!” She growls,
She continues growling and grips the wheel in front of her tight, her knuckles are whitened. “Go back there.”
”No! I got this.”
”Megan. Get in the fricken back now! Kendell tell me what to do.”
He practically pulls and throws Megan out of her seat, she cries in pain but stumbles to the back.
”Jeez, it go through?” Ellie asks,
”I don’t know!” Megan yells,
”Sit down!”
Ellie dumps the fragments in the trash and washes out the metal container and washes his hands for the third time. He dries them off with a towel and walks out. Megan sits in a chair, stunned, staring at both guests lying on the first aid beds. To heal the one and to just get Noctus out of the way.
”Megs? You alright?”
She looks at him, a dead expression and nods. “I’ve never been shot before…have you?”
He nods, “Yeah, sucks. But are you okay?”
She thinks for a moment, “I, yeah, I think so. That was scary. I haven’t taken control from Asher.”
”It’s okay. He seems to be managing.”
”I think we got hit. The plane I mean.”
”The lights flicker sometimes, instruments back here wig out. Cheap electrical system.”
”Oh…it doesn’t do that in the cockpit.”
Ellie shrugs, “Its the most important place to have power.”
”Oh. Yeah their heart monitors freaked out for a moment. I thought she flatlined.” Megan says looking at the redheaded girl,
Ellie walks over and pushes her hair back out of her face. She looks familiar. Is she one of the girls Asher was lookin for? Ellie then frowns, “Wait. ‘Their’?”
”What?” Megan asks,
”You said ‘their’ heart monitors. Her’s too?”
”Y-yeah. It flared for a second, like you said it does.”
”Yeah-not if she’s already flatlined!”
Ellie rushes to her side and looks at the monitor.
He taps the touch screen a few times and brings up the brainwaves. Rather than a straight line it’s like ever so slightly bumpy.
“Holy crap.”
Lou asks walking out of the restroom. “What’s up?”
Ellie yanks open a drawer, pulls out a syringe and presses it against her arm. Then another.
”Ellie! What the he-“
Noctus jolts upright gasping, she looks and sees Ellie and jumps into him, tackling him to the ground and wrapping her fingers around his throat.
”Whoa! Whoa!”
Lou rushes over, Megan gets to her first but Noctus upper cuts her and raises a fist towards Lou but drops to her face, groaning.
”ASHER!” Lou yells,
She’s knelt beside Noctus and rolls the groaning woman to her side. The cockpit door swings open, Asher sees her and drops to her side faster than Ellie can push himself up onto his elbows.
”Noctus!?” Asher shouts,
”She’s really weak! Help me get her onto the bed now!” Lou says,
They carefully lift her, stepping over Ellie who tries to squirm out of their way. They set her on the bed and synch her to it. It whines, powering up and begins the process.
”No…I’m okay. So is Megan!” Ellie says,
Asher and Lou ignore him and he helps Megan to her feet. She stumbles a little but catches herself. She doesn’t shake nearly as hard as Asher. As if his life depended on shaking.
”She’s alive.” He cries, tears stream his cheeks,
”Wh-what happened?” Lou asks looking at Ellie,
”Megan caught a flutter when the lights flickered, the system turned on when Noctus was laying on the bed, it read a heartbeat. I injected her with two stim-shots. It should give her the boost she needs.”
Asher grabs his shirt and pulls him in hard and fast, wrapping his arms around Tarsh. “Thank you.” He sobs,
He hugs him back tight but gently. “You got it. Glad she’s okay.”
Asher lets go, pulling away and pulls Megan in against her will for a hug. She smiles and hugs him back. “Ellie did the hard work.” She says,
”Thank you. Both of you.” I’m in your debt.” He says shakily,
”I’ll give you guys some room.” Megan says and she disappears to the cockpit,
”I’ll have a word with you two.” Lou says and disappears to the front with Megan,
Asher kneels beside Noctus’s bed and breathes shakily as he cries and tears stream his cheeks.
Ellie walks to the back of the plan and returns a moment later putting a blanket on his shoulders. Asher hardly reacts.
”Is this you’re other friend?” Ellie asks,
Asher glances at the redhead. It’s Nicole, her hair is so long though, she’s dangerously skinny, like Noctus, but the first aid beds will help with that. He wonders if it is Nicole.
”Yeah. It’s Nicole. Maybe.”
Asher doesn’t answer, he just looks back at Noctus and breathes out with relief, half laughing.
Ellie smiles. He then goes to the back and sits down. Giving them as much privacy as he can. Asher gets to his feet and opens a drawer and pulls a knife.
Ellie frowns. “What’re you doing?”
”I told you about the robots. I need to make sure.” Asher says,
Ellie gets to his feet and walks over as Asher cuts Nicole along the collar bone. Ellie gags and looks away.
”Jeez Asher, convinced?”
He steps away and nods. “Yeah. She’s human.”
He turns and walks to the bathroom and cleans the knife, leaving Ellie with an unconscious Noctus and Nicole. They restrained her and gave her a mask that forces her to breathe anesthesia.
Asher returns and kneels down beside Noctus again. Ellie sits in a chair behind Asher, staring straight at Noctus’s and Nicole’s feet.
Asher can’t wait to get back, San Diego. Some form of home. Lou appears from the cockpit and leans against the wall.
”It’s a long flight. Want some sleep?”
”No I’m okay.” Asher says,
He looks at her, slightly surprised. “Uh-I’m okay. You could get some rack.”
”Alright. Don’t push yourself guys.” She says,
She plops down in a chair and closes her eyes. Ellie keeps his eyes open for two hours and chooses to give in to the temptation of sleep rather than spend the rest of the flight fighting it. Asher however chooses to fight it. He grabs an energy drink from a mini fridge in the back of the jet and sips it throughout the flight.
They land, a big limo waits for them. They carry the guests into the limo and drive off. Lou looks at Asher. Obviously, he’s still attached to her hip. Lou isn’t sure how long she’ll be out. She was just about dead.
She still can’t believe that she’s alive. How did Ellie, er, Megan, catch that? Just coincidence, thanks to that coincidence, Noctus is alive. She had held on by the fingertips.
They arrive at the club and park in the underground garage. Asher insists on carrying Noctus, they’re led to the med-bay. Asher doesn't leave her side. Again. Not that Lou is complaining at all. She just feels bad for him. Noctus is practically all the family he has left. But he’s been awake for how many hours.
Ellie comes in the room and whispers in Lou’s ear. “Okay. Hey Asher? Nicole’s awake.”
He looks at Lou. “I want to stay.”
”Asher. She’ll still be here. I promise to personally watch over her until you get back. Go see Nicole.”
He takes a deep breath. He stays on his knees. She rubs her shoulder, flinching at an aching in her neck from sleeping on the jet.
Asher gets to his feet. “Personally watch over her?”
Lou nods, “I promise. She’ll be safe under my watch.”
He walks over to Lou and hugs her softly. But she realizes he isn’t hugging her softly. He hugging her weakly. The whole thing of exploring the facility probably tired him out. Not to mention finding Noctus, thinking she’s dead only to find out she’s alive. He must be so drained.
”Thank you Lou Lou.”
She smiles and hugs him back. “Of course. Go see her.”
He smiles at her softly and walk out of the room to one nearby. Lucky Lou sits in a chair, staring at her, wondering, so much. Who is after them? How is Noctus connected? What will she do when she wakes up? Will she even wake up? What does she look like under the mask? She’s tempted to look but she wants to be respectful, for Asher.
Asher rubs his eyes and looks into the room. A bruised redhead looks at him, she turns to shock.
”Asher…hi.” She says,
”Hey.” He says,
”I heard last you saw me I…wasn’t myself?”
He just stares at her. “You okay?” He asks,
”You know I’m me right? I’m human.”
He nods, “I know.”
She looks at him from his eyes to his arms and waist and back up. Her lip curls a little. “You look good. Really good.”
”How do you feel?”
She looks at her hands. “I woke up almost screaming. I’m…I’m a little sore. I’ll live. How are you?”
”I’m alright.”
He can read her face, she feels the tension and awkwardness. But, he doesn’t know what to say. Something else carrying the exact same face ruined everything.
”Noctus?” She asks,
”She still isn’t awake. But, she should pull through.”
Nicole sighs and nods. “I could…I didn’t know, but I guessed it was her. I could hear, I don’t know what to call it. They weren’t exactly screams. You know, can’t speak.”
”She’ll be okay.” Asher says,
”Good. Um. Could I talk to you? Privately?” She asks,
Tarsh looks at Asher, he shrugs. “Just a few minutes. I’m right outside man.” Tarsh says,
He pats his shoulder and walks out with the doctor, closing the door behind him. Nicole squeezes her hands tight.
”They told me that there was someone that looked exactly like me. Was it plastic surgery?”
Asher walks closer but remains at a distance. “No. It wasn’t a double. It was an AI. Fully functioning. A robot, with…human skin. I’m not sure how they did it. But it was you.”
Nicole just frowns at him. Not sure if she should believe him. “A robot with skin?”
”Yeah, I cut them open. There were wires and metal formed bones.”
Nicole turns pale. “Whoa. I mean, you’re sure?”
Asher raises an eyebrow at her. “I just. How? What? How is that even possible?!”
”You’re asking the wrong person.”
”Jeez. Did I, it, hurt anyone?”
Asher shrugs, “I don’t know. But it wasn’t you.”
”Still. Walking around with my face. Though I’m probably not much of a sight to look at right now. Did it hurt you bad?”
Asher doesn't answer. “I don't know, I thought you were dead.”
”I thought you might have been too. But I’m glad I was wrong.”
"I'm glad you're okay too."
She smiles softly. "I should get some sleep, but maybe you can tell me what I've missed out on later?"
He nods, "Okay."
"Asher? I'm really glad you and Noctus are okay."
He smiles back, "I'm glad you are too Nicole."
- In Serial32 Chapters
Awakened Cheater
Adam Kodak was pulling an all-nighter in his dormitory, playing video games. After finishing it and getting all the trophies, he did the thing he always does and beat it again with cheats, that was the thing he enjoyed most. As he was getting ready for bed he muttered under his breath "Man I wish I could cheat in real life." That was the moment his life changed as what seemed to be a bright star, shined and dimmed above the building he was in. Wish Granted Activating Cheat Mode "What The F..." This novel is a participant in The Writer's Pledge
8 207 - In Serial130 Chapters
This blurb concerns Incursions book 1: Incarceration. If you could buy superhuman abilities, but they might kill you—or worse—would you do it? Ten years ago, in a world not so different from our own, people with powerful abilities appeared. The new powers were dangerous, dangerous to acquire—dangerous to have—dangerous to wield. World governments raced to find and eradicate the abilities and those who possess them while using the media to rule by fear. Whereas corporations sought to exploit the abilities for profit. Raz Owens was living the dream - a rising star at a job he enjoys, a girlfriend he loves, but it all comes crashing down when Raz disregards his late father's advice. He is pulled into a chaotic underworld of clandestine labs, shadow organizations, and super-powered criminals. Used as a human test subject in a place where few survive the day, he must last long enough to escape. His only advantage? A power that seems nearly useless—a heads-up display. Contains: monsters, violence, death, dismemberment, gamelit, superpowers, superpower consequences, good guys, bad guys, good guys who might be bad guys, bad guys who think they are good guys, good guys that might go bad, bad guys that might turn good, guns for hire, competence, incompetence, continence, incontinence, conspiracies, and some of what I just said wasn't true. This story is written in third person limited POV. That means you can expect to know many of the thoughts and inner dialog of one character, and only see the actions of other characters. This POV does include scenes without the main character, and thus the reader can and will know things the main character does not. Further, this means characters act on what they know, which is almost always less than the reader knows. Something else to know. These books do not hold your hand. If you're reading it and thinking "Gosh, why aren't 'they' doing some 'obvious' thing." Bad news. You probably missed something that explains exactly that. If you're seeking a light read that doesn't ask much of you as the reader, you're invited and very welcome to come on in, but this might not be the story for you.
8 145 - In Serial13 Chapters
Salvation of the Empire
One man with the hope of millions of frightened people. One man with the power to save a crumbling empire. One man with the ability to unite what has been divided. In a war-torn era, The Crisis of the 3rd Century, a period of both internal and external unrest and turmoil in the Roman Empire, the greatest of all time, meet Aurelian the Restorer of the World, most underrated emperor of the antique. In an alternative scenario where history unfolded in a different way than we used to know, our hero shall pay any price necessary, sacrifice anything demanded of him and destroy anything in his wake for one single thing, for one simple dream. The dream of Rome, the whisper of history, of greatness and civilization, of morals and of conquest. A dream surpassing generations, centuries, millennia. A dream still breathed today. The dream of an united world, a world in harmony and peace.
8 117 - In Serial6 Chapters
Res Publica: Republic Among Monarchs
Leonhard has always questioned the idea of rulership. In this world of endless war and strife, he often pondered the validation of Monarchy and Republic. For the past decade, he had invested his life into studying it. Still, as the son of Patrician Pabio Zieten, head of one of the most prominent houses in the Republic of Iodeal, he found himself obstructed by the duties he must perform. These duties range from venturing into the post-succession war island kingdom, dealing with rivaling houses and even leading troops into the field of battle. It would seem as if he would never get the time needed to discover the way of rulership. But perhaps being involved in such politics would enable him to discover something much more important than he had originally hoped...
8 101 - In Serial25 Chapters
An Ode To Fallen Nemo - Tales from the UnderCurrent (Short Story Series)
Sabban Vint & his fellow graduates of the 117th cadet core, are exhilarated at the chance to serve alongside the legendary ace pilots of IAFS - However they will soon learn that not all soldiers are heroes nor all pilots aces - Someone needs to don the redshirt, to bellow the Wilhelm-Scream - To pilot the mighty V-MBT-Neo-M - The Nemo.Bela Grimizan is considered the best of the best, regardless of any rumours her subordinates might speak of - But are years of training, experience & raw talent enough to counter someone with faith on their side?'Lucky' Luke. Luke is his middle name actually but it's what everyone calls him. That's the sort of place he lives - A place where a legend is required when war comes beckoning at their doors... Now on Royal Road!This is a series of short stories that take place in the world of the UnderCurrent. A world where 'plot-armour' is usually something the enemy have & where the machine you pilot may very well decide a battle before it ever begins.---- Now available on Royal-Road!For my review of 'Zeta Gundam' I wrote a short story detailing what the lives of the poor everyday background pilots must be like - In a war predicated on the fact that one man said another's name; "Sounds like a girl's name" - Leading to the deaths of 1000s. Since then I've begun writing an original novel, carrying over the characters from here, called 'UnderCurrent'.These stories can be read without knowledge of UnderCurrent and likewise it can be read without knowledge of this.Optimally however it may benefit you to read UnderCurrent to have complete context, the following are some words that may not always be in all of the stories should you choose to skip from tale to tale;Vijaik - A blanket term for mechs made of regular metals. They come in a variety of designs.Casnel - Specifically refers to any mech made of the rare metal 'Goibniu'. They are exceptionally advanced and powerful machines.Bhaile and Abhaile - The planets of UnderCurrent's people.IAFS - 'Independent Alliance of Free States', a rebel faction backed by private corporations, seeking change for the solar-system.TSU - 'The States Union', ruling body of all controlled space, known for often-times being callous and extreme in method.Remembrance - A somewhat 'wild-card' faction made up of former rebellion survivors operating from the 'Remembrance' continent. ----Thanks for reading😊👍.
8 164 - In Serial23 Chapters
The reader IS female.The main characters I will write for are...Anakin Skywalker x readerObi-Wan Kenobi x readerThe Mandolorian x readerI will write other characters if it is requested to be someone else, or if I feel like it. I do take requests.Started: 5/31/22BEST RANK#3 in Darth
8 168