《The OverGod》Chapter 10 – Battle (1)


Chapter 10 – Battle (1)

*Number 7 POV*

The Golden Great Wolf arrogantly raised his neck and arrogantly looked at me, as if saying that he was superior and I had no right to disobey him. Lazily he stared at one of the wolves surrounding me, the wolf as though understood the meaning of the looked leisurely walked towards me.

In front of me stood a wolf higher and fiercer than the one in the lab, his eyes looked at me proudly, erecting his neck and looking up, he howled… Like a ritual all the other wolves did the same.

After some time they finally stopped, and like a flash the wolf jumped, its mouth wide open aiming at my neck.

“So predictable”

Jumping backwards I evaded the wolf attack, he looked surprised that I evaded his attack but I could see signs of anger surging in his eyes. Dropping low to the ground the wolf began circling me, looking for the right time and where to attack.

The tension was increasing second after second, when finally the wolf attacked… running towards me the wolf jumped, this time stretching his paws and aiming at my chest.


Kicking the ground I charged, when the wolf was nearing me I bent my knees and slid through the snow that covered the floor, shocked the wolf tried descend but alas…

Lifting the knife-wielding hand I sliced to his belly. Blood gushed from the cut tainting me and the pure white snow red, feeling the warm that the blood provided, my mouth curved into a satisfied smile.

“So warm”

Turning around I could see the injured wolf trying to stay standing but to no avail, his legs trembled and he slowly fell. His once proud and arrogant eyes now held a lonesome semblance; the snow under him now resembled a pool of blood.


“It seems like my strength and speed increased again… Maybe it’s because of the quantity of UPs in the air.

With the increase of UPs in the air, I could absorb much more of it, leading my body to new heights and breakthroughs. Now I could kill these wolves with just one hit, since I can just penetrate their hearts with a knife

The wolves looked at their dying friend and sorrowfully howled; saying their last goodbyes as the wolf slowly closed his eyes.

The wolves started to bark at me, but I looked indifferent at them and just concentrated in the Great Golden Wolf who now angrily looked towards me as the other wolves began to advance and slowly approach me.

All of sudden the Great Golden Wolf howled and all the other wolves backed away, and the Great Golden Wolf slowly walked towards me as his eyes cautiously watched me…When he was a few feet away from me, he stopped and stared at me.

I could feel killing intent being directed at me, alarmed I took a defensive stance with the knife-wielding hand stretched forward and the free hand opened near my chest.

The Great Golden Wolf began circling me, his intelligent eyes looking for any opening, all of sudden the Wolf moved…It was too fast. Like a flash he appeared in front of me, mouth wide opened with his fangs prepared to bite me.

Without much time to think, I jumped backwards and at the same time lifted my leg and kicked his head, when my legs touched his head it felt like I hit the hardest metal existent, but it didn’t prevent the wolf from biting my thigh.

I had no time to scream as the wolf held me by the thigh; I could feel its sharp teeth penetrating my flesh and muscles and slowly reaching my bones, without much time to think I lifted the knife and aimed to his eyes. The wolf too concentrated chewing my thigh had no time to react, as the knife sunk into his eyes.



A painful cry echoed through the dead forest as the wolf dropped me and backed away, when I touched the ground, the pain assaulted me and I knelt on the ground. Looking at my thigh, I could see the femur and the chewed muscles, directing UPs to the wound that slowly started to heal.

“I have no time”

Without time to cry or heal my injures, I looked at the wolf who was still lowly crying but ferociously looking at me, one of his eyes gushed blood and slowly painted him red.


Sooo....sorry about the length of the chapter, I had no time to write because I failed on my math exam ( Damn...math) and now I am studying. I will make up for you guys as soon as I pass...hopefully

I will divide the chapter in parts....

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