《The OverGod》Chapter 11 – Battle (2)


Sooo....I could squeeze out a chapter today... Sorry about the small length



Chapter 11 – Battle (2)

Forcing myself to forget the pain on my leg, I took a step forward and horizontally holding the knife, I dashed towards the injured Golden Wolf, trying to end this fight with one hit.

When I was a few meters away from him, the wolf opened his mouth wide open, showing its long fangs.

“What is happening?”

All of sudden I felt danger and stopped a few feet away from the wolf. Red particles slowly grouped together inside the wolf’s mouth, forming a blood red flame.

“What is that thing?”

Growling the wolf lifted its forepaws and almost at the same moment descended, spitting the strange flame at me.

When the blood red flame entered in contact with the air, steam instantly formed and the dead trees where the flame passed rapidly corroded, and fell.

“Acid flame….”

The wolf controlled the UPs in the air to create an acid fire; I didn’t know that we could control UPs that way; it opened a range of possibilities to me. Just imagine if I could manipulate the UPs the way I wanted…but I have no time to think now.

Looking at the Blood Red Flame coming at me, a crazy idea surfaced on my mind. Holding the knife I started to direct the UPs outside my body, like back then at the avalanche, but a little bit different. The difference was that I directed the UPs onto the knife.

The knife began to turn blue and small cracks appeared on the blade surface, and a strange purple aura covered the knife.

When the blood red flame stood a few feet away from me, I sliced the air itself and suddenly a strong airflow came out, blowing everything away. The trees were cut in half and the snow that covered the ground moved away, forming a straight line on the ground, and the Blood red flame that came in my way slowly dissipated on the air, cleanly cut in half.


This move wearied my body too much as I knelt on the ground. With one hand on the ground supporting my body to not fall, I looked at the Golden Wolf.

The wolf could hardly stand its own body; he staggered from side to side like a drunken cat. Making low noises which seemed like cries

“It seems like he paid dearly to make that attack…but damn, my leg hurts”

My injured leg worsened, now I could barely move it and the worst was the pain that assaulted me every time the cold air passed through the wound.

I shot a look at the wolf that was quietly crying, and almost falling to the ground. My mouth slowly curved upwards, forming a cold smile.

Holding the handle of the knife, I slowly lifted it with my free hand and aimed it at the forehead of the wolf.

Utilizing the remaining UPs in my body and rapidly pouring it into the knife, I shoot it. The knife traveled at an incredibly speed and forcefully sunk in the forehead of the Golden wolf, who gave a last painful cry and slowly fell to the ground.

Silence spread through the dead forest as the pack of wolves looked at their leader, and at the same time fearfully watched me

The silence remained for minutes, and finally I could stand up, but the pain was too much.

Looking at the pack of wolves, I could see that they were quite afraid and every time I eyed one of them, they backed away….as if afraid that I would kill them

With a victorious smile spread on my face, I gave a loud cry.


Hearing the roar all the wolves ran with their tails between their legs.

After confirming that the wolves weren’t around anymore, I fell

“It seems like…today’s meal is wolf’s meat”

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