《The OverGod》Chapter 9 – Dead Forest and Wolves


Chapter 9 – Dead Forest and Wolves

In a silent and desolate forest covered by snow, where dead trees spread everywhere covering the whole forest, some of these trees were so high that seemed to touch the heavens. In this desolate place no life could be seen, it was as if all the animals entered hibernation or they left in search of food and shelter.

Suddenly, in some part of this forest the snow shook and a hand came out, the hand searched for somewhere where the snow was hardest and got hold of it, as if waiting for it a figure slowly started to came out of the snow.

The figure was of a dark-haired boy in his 14-15 years old wearing a black coat with white lines on it, he had silk dark hair almost touched the ground, dark blue eyes that held a unique charm and a savage glint, his snow-white skin held no blemishes like the perfect gem and his face held the features of a wise general.A strange and beautiful purple energy covered him, like a blanket and if you paid attention you could see that no snow was on him as if the purple energy protected his body so nothing could touch him.

“Damn…it’s cold”


*Number 7 POV*

I am finally out…I was under the snow for hours, I had to dig my way through since that damn ‘storm’ buried me quite depth…but one thing I discovered, this shitty blanket don’t protect me from the cold, or it protects and I just don’t know how to do it.

“So…now, where am I?”

I had seen a map of the surface when I was in the laboratory so maybe I can recognize where I am…but first I need to get out of this frozen forest or I will die Without procrastinate I started to walk forwards as I had no direction.


Passing through the dead tress, I could only hear the sound of my feet sinking in the snow with each step I took…

“I am hungry, if the cold don’t kill me…hunger will”

It has been days since I last ate and since I entered in this damn forest I haven’t seen animals or any living thing.

“Let’s keep going”

Since I started walking forwards I could feel that the UPs were increasing as if the area where I was, repelled the UPs like in the Station

“Maybe the humans discovered a way to keep out the UPs…but if so, they should have ascended to the surface”

The quests were so many but the answers so few...

”I should have asked that woman before killing her...”

As I keep walking I could feel that the snow was decreasing and I already could see the rising sun replacing the desolate grey sky…What a breathtaking view

“I wonder what lies outside of this forest”

All of sudden I felt bloodlust aiming at me…taking a defensive stance and looking around trying to find from where the bloodlust was coming but all I could only see dead tress and the pure white snow covering the ground.

The bloodlust was increasing more and more…and I could feel that the quantity of bloodlust aiming at me increased

“There is more than one enemy”

I could feel at least five to six enemies and they were quickly surrounding me like experienced hunters eying their prey…The bloodlust keep increasing and the enemies nearing, strangely I didn’t panic… as if I belonged here.

All of sudden a huge figure jumped towards me, aiming at my neck. Surprised, I jumped to the right rolling on the snow, due to the softness of the snow my jump wasn’t that high but enough to escape from Death claws.


Looking at what attacked me I saw a Great Golden Wolf, its features were no different from the one I killed in the lab station.

Getting up from the ground and looking around, I could see that other seven wolves surrounded me, they looked exactly the same, with white fur and blue eyes

“The other ones seems to be the same as the one in the laboratory…but the other one seems to be the Alpha”

Pulling out the combat knife that I had taken from one of the soldiers I killed, I took a combat stance, my free arm was stretched forward and the hand holding the knife was near my chest as if I could slice someone at any moment…


My lips slowly curled upwards forming a savage smile.

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