《The OverGod》Chapter 8 – Escaping (5) - End


Chapter 8 – Escaping (5) - End

*Number 7 POV*

After running through this dark but beautiful cave, I finally could see the exit…I could see the warm light, just some meters and I could see the outside world, but all of sudden the ground trembled.

Stalactites started to fall due the tremor, the ground trembled and large cracks appeared on the ground, indicating that the cave was falling apart.

‘The destruction began’

Straining my legs I kicked the ground, and ran faster than before… rocks were failing but in my eyes everything moved in slow motion.

‘I need to go faster’

Due to my enhanced vision I could see that above the cave entrance a big cracked rock could fall at any moment and blocking the way out




All of sudden my surrounds blurred, and I could feel the air hitting against my face, and pressuring me to stop. I could hear the buzzing sound that resounded in my ear as if cutting the air itself, however, I could tell that my body couldn’t withstand for much longer in this state, I could hear all my bones creaking with each step.

When I was a few feet away from the cave entrance, my heart skipped a beat…the rock above the entrance fell. With my strained body all I could do was kick the ground with all my strength and jump.

Unconsciously I directed UPs towards my legs, making the jump faster and higher, while in the air I realized that I was going faster than ever, like a bullet cutting the air but I had no time to reflect on it, the entrance stood in front of me and the rock was few feet from touching the ground. Seeing this I put a hand on the ground and propelled my body forwards. The opening was too narrow, due to that some rocks hit my already injured back opening another wound, but it didn’t prevent me from passing.


Light hit my eyes after I passed through, making me blind for a moment and causing me to trip on a loose rock and lose control of my body that was too injured to even lift a finger. Rolling through a cold and white blanket that covered the ground and eventually stopping, lying belly up.

Lying on the pure white blanket and looking up, I could see the grey sky and tiny crystal white dots falling from the skies, slowly descending, these white dots joined with the others on the floor, and beautifully blended in the majestic pure white blanket.

‘This is beautiful’

In the corner of my eyes I could see a beautiful and silent mountain coated with the same pure white blanket… the mountain proudly stood there undisturbed as if a royal king but this didn’t last long as the mountain trembled and its peak slowly fell followed by the rest, when parts of the mountain hit the ground, the pure white blanket seemed to be lifted as it spread through the air, like smoke.

‘Luckily I stopped here…if I was a little closer, the rocks would have hit me....but now I have to find a way to survive that’

Without much time to think since the white curtain was quickly coming my way, I attempted one thing that since I discovered about the UPs I wanted to try. Focusing my attention at absorbing the UPs in the air and compressing it inside my body, at the same time I began the projection and manipulation of the UPs outside my body… a purple energy was emitted from my body and started to take the form of a purple blanket/shield that covered my whole body.

‘I succeeded, Now I just-‘

I couldn’t finish thinking as I was hit by that white curtain… the ‘storm’ threw me up like a doll without strings, certainly, I was now at least three to five kilometers away from where I was.

‘About one thing I am sure…this worked, neither water nor snow can penetrate this shield/blanket…This discovery is going to be useful’ I thought

I could do nothing but let this ‘storm’ take me away, since I had no strength to protest or…move

‘ I wonder where this will take me’

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