《The Second Try at the Cataclysm (Apocolyptic Gamelit)》Chapter 3


[Error: User is {Last one Standing}]

[Skipping tutorial]

Kal looked at the slightly-transparent panels in front of him. They appeared quickly, and once he read them they vanished almost immediately. Instead of the tutorial messages he got in his first life, in front of him appeared his status sheet. It wasn't quite the impressive display he once had before the Earth fell, but it was his start and he would become stronger than he once was.

[User: Kal Walker (20/80

Stats: (1 Free point)

Strength: 10

Endurance: 8

Dexterity: 12

Mind: 9 (-2)



First one in

Last one standing]

Kal looked over his stat sheet. Right now, it was very simple and didn't have much complexity to it, with the exception of the Titles tab. In his past life he only had one title, the title of demon slayer. He was able to best a demon in battle granting a 15% attack bonus and 10% experience gained from demons. It was one of the most common titles of his times once demon invasions became popular, but he already had two titles starting his new life. He put out his finger and tapped on "First one in" and "Last one standing" and a popup appeared displaying the information of both.

[First one in: You were the first person of your continent to enter the system. Congratulations! You will need 20% less experience to level up your skills and gain a free point every time you level up]

[Congratulations! You saw the end of your race on a world lost. You fought to the end and were the last one standing. You have been sent back because of your tenacity and will gain 100% more experience points and higher luck. Good luck.]

Kal grinned, what he saw in his current titles was much better than the one he had previously. He could go much further in this life when he gained twice the experience and needed four fifths the experience to level up. He thought of what to do in the future though, and what he needed to be and what he needed to do. Every stat point meant something, and in the future people would come to figure out those initiated were about twice as strong as the average person, meaning the average person had about a 5 in every "statistic" if it was compared to the system. Strength was how much you could carry, how hard you could swing. Toughness was how strong your body was and how much punishment it could take, how much blood you could lose before overcoming to your injuries and that sort of thing. Dexterity affected your nimbleness, how fast you could move, and how flexible you were doing so. Mind was the ability of your soul and mind, connection of your mind and body, it was especially important for magicians and anyone who used magic really as using magic took up some sort of "space" in your brain, , and if you didn't have enough your brain would pop. It was a gruesome death and Kal hated thinking about it, but there was a Mind level recommendation tagged to each spell, so if you tried using a spell above your mind level it was almost your own fault.


Kal was at 20/80 experience from killing one rat and had one free point. He put the point in endurance immediately increasing it to 9. He had lower than average endurance even as a normal guy, and that really hurt him in the starting cataclysm stages and did not want to repeat that again. His mind was suffering a -2 penalty, which he thought was normal because he was drunk , and that was impacting his ability to make decisions. Even so, he decided to venture forth across the alley crossing the road and taking a right before heading closer to the park. His lack of clothing felt less obvious, the endurance made him feel as if the cold of the night never existed as he walked almost naked towards the park.

Rats faced him down, three to a pack this time. The one that Kal first faced was definitely a scout and this was more what he would be expecting. Without hesitation, Kal rushed the three knee-high rats. He could try going on the defensive and counter-attacking but that would possibly buy time that more would show up. Once he got near the rat his newfound strength made itself apparently useful when even in his drunken state he was able to execute his plan perfectly.

With one hand he grabbed the rightmost rat by the side of the body and kicked the one in the middle into the one on his left. They fell to the ground, clearly with a bone or two broken while Kal raised the rat he held in his hand. A large circular motion with his hand brought the rat off his feet into the air and back down onto the ground with incredible force, with a large audible crack breaking the silence of the night. Undismayed by the death of their comrade, the other two rats jumped back at him. They performed a good pincer attack, and Kal could only kick away the rat on his right and suffered an bite on his left leg. Kal's ego took a bigger hit than his body did, he was a grand warrior in his previous life so being hit by a rat hit his ego hard.


Kal grabbed the rat by the fur and with another circular motion brought the rat up and back down, this time onto the spine of the rat on his leg. Two cracks rang out, and the rats were twitching on top of one another. Kal's foot fell onto the two, going up and down again and again until there was a foot sized hole through both the rats, blood covering Kal's legs like a pair of pants should have been.

[Skill Gained - Unarmed Fighting I]

[Unarmed Strikes are 10% more effective]

Kal's eyes opened in surprise. Originally he thought that the experience gain and experience threshold where just for his level experience, but it turns out it was for skills as well. It was rumored in his previous life that skills had hidden experience, an example being that the "Unarmed Fighting" skills had a sort of experience threshold you couldn't see that once you hit gaining a certain amount of experience while unarmed, would grant you the Unarmed Fighting skill. Seeing how fast he gained this skill, Kal knew this must be the case. It was also what made magicians level up their skills so it made sense that the system would scale skills in that way.

Blood fell off of Kal's leg, an uncomfortable feeling making him feel his missing pants like nothing else could. While walking closer to the part Kal had the idea of just breaking into someones house and taking their clothes. Sure it was immoral and a crime, but police would stop caring entirely about crimes in about five days from now. People would probably stop needing their own clothes by that time anyway, seeing how normal life would be overrun by monsters and most would be worried about simply staying alive. Drunkenly, Kal decided that it was a good idea to try getting some clothes before he got into the dungeon, hoping not to lose the contents of his towel while fighting. He reached the corner of the street, about to cross the road when he changed his mind and started heading towards to the house sitting on the corner of the street. Surely they could spare him some pants, whether they wanted to or not.

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