《The Second Try at the Cataclysm (Apocolyptic Gamelit)》Chapter 2


Martha yelled to Harold, "Honey, come look at this. That Kal boy probably burned some food and is running through the neighborhood like a madman!" the elderly lady's voice scratched through the air. Harold sighed, the poor boy was probably just going out for a walk but Martha always blows things out of proportion. He sauntered through the house about to tell his wife that she needed to take her meds and go to bed when he got to the window.

"Good Lord!" a shout came, "That fire is spreading like no tomorrow and he is just doing aerobics in a bath towel?!", Harold was almost knocked off his feet in surprise, his grey hair standing straight up. The old couple panicked for a moment before they ran to the phone and dialed the fire department, and the police as there was no good reason that Kal would be doing exercise in a bath towel unless he was on some narcotics. The operator told the couple that help was on the way, and not to worry but stay in the house in case the man is a physical threat in his current state.

Kal thought to himself, "Fuck my body is so stiff.". He breathed deeply while trying to gain every inch while stretching, trying to get his body into some sort of shape before he was to try and fight. After an unhealthy amount of cracking coming from his joints, Kal decided he was as ready as he would ever be as he started walking down the street. His memory serves him that one of the four dungeons that appeared in his home city was at his local park. It was only a block or two away and he hoped that there wouldn't be too many monsters making their way to his location yet. He looked behind him and felt bad, he was leaving his house to burn down and didn't try to call for help. He also realized he forgot his phone in the house, and any clothes that would grant him any sort of decency. He cursed at himself before jogging back to his house.


If nothing else, he would need his phone. He had no idea where he left it when he was drunk and stumbling around in his house, but he knew it wasn't the shower or else he would have noticed it while he was in there. Kal cursed his drunken state and went into the back entrance trying to open the handle a few times before realizing it was locked. Of course it was, Kal thought to himself, but atleast he had a hidden key around here. His memory blanked and he started getting scared when there was nothing under the doormat, the potted plant, or anything on top of the doorframe. Desperation and the glimpse of a memory sent his hands into the potted plant, dirt spewing all over his body and hands until he felt a jagged metal piece. He was able to get the key out and open the door and almost jumped inside.

The fire was spreading all over the walls, and the hallway that connected his bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom was starting to really become burned. His obviously pre-shower clothes were strayed over the floor leading to the bathroom. The fire had already gotten into the bedroom and was making it's way down the hall and Kal cursed himself out once again. The only place he could hope for his phone to be was in his jeans, that were just outside of the bathroom door that he missed on his first exit of the house. Kal ran to grab the pants before the fire got them, but Kal was barely outmatched as the fire got to the knees of the pants before he could get them to safety. Finally having one strike of luck though, his wallet, keys, and phone were in his pockets and he tore them out before dropping the pants and leaving the house. He could feel the heat start hitting his hands and he did not want to risk getting burned.

Kal tucked the phone and wallet into where the towel met his body, and put the lanyard that held the keys around his neck. Breathing a sigh of release he started to walk back outside when he heard sirens. He didn't have time to curse himself again before he acted, he could not have an interaction with the police or anyone else for that matter. It didn't take a genius for him to realize that he didn't quite look inconspicuous and he would probably have to spend a day in jail if he was caught. Kal slinked into the back alley and hid against the houses as he walked down the alley.


Walking down the alley he kept aware, any noise or slight movement set him off. He was almost at the end of the alley when he saw flashing red and blue lights start turning down the other end of the alley. As quickly as he could, he jumped over the fence of the house he was closest too, and got prone against the wooden fence as he watched the police drive by. Wood was stacked close together on this fence, making it impossible to see in or out of so Kal had to rely purely on sound to tell when the police had gone by. Giving it an extra minute to be safe, Kal peeked over the fence and when he made sure it was safe jumped over.

At this point he heard a second set of sirens, but the noise of water spraying reassured him it was the fire department and wouldn't be in more danger. Or atleast he hoped until he saw a foot tall beast low to the ground standing in front of him, blocking his exit off to leave the alley. They were finally getting here, the monsters were about to start unleashing their havoc. Battle was the one thing Kal had more experience than anyone else currently in the world had though, and felt safer in his fighting ability than his running away from the police ability.

The monster let out a few squeaks and charged at Kal, its tangled fur and patchy skin giving away that it was a rat. In a surprisingly short amount of time the rat closed the distance and was already going for a few ankle bites and scratches. Kal tried moving his leg for a kick, but his maneuver was off-balanced by the drunkenness and he ended up stepping around the rat. Kal focused in immediately after this, realizing he couldn't be overconfident because this wasn't the body he was used to. It felt like driving a car on ice and Kal only realized how much it would impact him now.

He took a more cautious stance, waiting for the rat to make a move again. The unintelligent creature made another move almost instantly, going to bite his leg again as if it wasn't dodged just a moment before. This time Kal brought his foot directly back and bent at the knees, bringing his posture down and driving a fist into the top of the creature. After the strike he opened his hand and grabbed the creature by the skin and fur, sliding it across the ground towards the wall. A loud thud resounded as the rat's head impacted the fence, and Kal used his knee to keep it pinned down while using his other hand to deliver more strikes.

Kal realized he couldn't rely on technique and that's why he used his knee to pin the creature down with his body weight instead of any fancy technique while he punched it. It took over two dozen punches, given they were poorly aimed and could barely connect, but the beast stopped resisting and it's body stopped giving off signs of life. Time slowed down again for Kal bringing a grin to his face because he knew what this meant, it was time to join the system once again. The world seemed to dim, and a black box with white text appeared in front of him.

Congratulations [Kal]

You have killed your first monster, granting you access to the system

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