《The Defier of Everything》⊹⊱Cһ-8 A Sһȏc̫ҡıṅɢ Tяȗṭһ⊰⊹


I was not expecting something like to happen. Even though she was very annoying yet I had not noticed any ill intentions from her. But now that I see it she took me as her prey and tried to hunt my consciousness. I guess it was indeed my mistake for being naive and letting my guard down Infront of others whom I don't know. She was stalling for time at the store, so as to initiate her illusory attack on me.

Only because of this reason and trusting others too much, I had to suffered quite some pain back then. I have to change this naive nature of mine, so as not be misused by others again.

We both stared at each other, I could see the blood was flowing out of her nose and eyes as well except for her mouth. Although she was hurt bad due to the destruction of her soul fragment in the illusory world, seeing her then made me enraged and then I turned my face away in anger.

She gritted her teeth and clutched her hands and then finally spoke, "Who... are you? Why do... you know... the skill... of my Black Devil Wolf Clan?"

Then I spoke to her in a very cold tone, "Whoever might I be is none of your concern... you bloody bitch!"

I then stood up and walked away towards my home, that mutuated werewolf also did not followed me because I knew that she had suffered too much and if she were to take that similar hit in the real world, she might not be able to survive. My clothes were a little dirty and I knew that mom would be worried about why I was late. So, before reaching home, I tidied up my clothes.

Now that I had remembered my painful past of which I had forgotten, I tried to access my strengths and limits to see if there were some changes in my strength.

After accessing my strength, I found out that my human body is not strong enough to control much of my powers. But this was not that big of a trouble. The most troublesome thing was that most of my strength is now sealed by the Seal of Truth and I could only access a little portion of it until and unless a certain condition is not met.

I truly was tricked by those three Creators back then. Because of them now my powers are sealed and most of my comrades have fallen from the previous battle.

I took a vow, I will resurrect my fallen comrades and rather than simply annihilating the tenth Chaos Dragon from existence, I would place the eternal curse of pain upon its entire family.


Eventhough my chaos cultivation base is limited to that of stage two only, but it is in fact not a problem. Rather to say, this seal is a blessing in disguise for me. If I were to enhance my cultivation for chaos at this phase, then my future cultivation base of chaos is going to be invulnerable and unshakeable. But that to say, before improving my cultivation, I have to first enhance my body condition and surpass the body limits of a mere human.

Well, if the situation really were to be too much troublesome, then I will have to find a chaos stele, which could help me gain my complete cultivation base of chaos.

Also I won't be always able to use my chaotic eyes at the current moment as it would put strains on my weak eyes, so I have to refrain from using it often and use it only when necessary.

Well now I have already reached near home, the lights were still lit and from a distance I could see my mother walking out through the front gate, from her facial expression I could tell that she was worried.

She then turned her face towards me and rushed to my direction. "Where have you been?! Its already this late, what took you so long to come from the convenience store and why are your clothes so dirty?!!! We were worried!" She said haphazardly and worriedly.

I could see Yuki walking out and coming to me as well. "Brother Kate! What took you so long?! Yuki was worried!!" she showed an expression of anger and worry towards me and for some reason it made me feel guilty.

"Well... hehe... I was chased by some stray dogs and got lost on my way and it took me some time to come back." I told this story to them which I had made at the recent moment, scratching my fluffy hair.

"Ah! If you had trouble then you could have atleast asked for help! There might be someone going by the road!" Mother said.

"Well... at that time no one was on the road." I spome out a little truth.

Mother calmed down a little and said, "Fine come home now and have your meal, tomorrow you have school early in the morning to attend so don't stay too late up night today."

"What? School?!" I had never thought of attending school in here so soon and also I was not even informed before.

"Oh! I wanted... to give you a surprise. Now that you know... you might be pretty much excited with enjoyment... right? Hehehehe..." Mother said with a fake and wierd smile on her face. It was pretty noticeable that she was telling a lie and most probably she might have forgotten to inform me about it.


Well that's my mother for you. She is quite air headed after all. But still to experience this felt quite nostalgic as it had been almost fifty thousand years for me already, though here it's only been around five years.

We all went in and finally had our dinner. Yuki seemed to be pretty quiet since the time I came back, even during the dinner time she was pretty much upset and didn't ate much.

After when I and Yuki went into the bedroom, she was facing towards me with a serious and saddened look. She asked, "Brother Kate, you will not leave behind Yuki alone anymore, will you?"

Her eyes were too innocent and her expression was that of a poor little who had lost something precious to himself.

I spoke up to calm her anxiety, "Don't you be afraid Yuki, this brother of yours is not going to leave you and go around just anywhere at the moment, after brother loves Yuki the most!"

"Really?" Yuki was asking with a cheerful expression.

"Yeah, I promise that I won't let my little cute sister Yuki be ever alone for the rest of her life." I made this promise with a great spirit but as we know it is always easy to say than to do. After all who knows what the future has to come about except for the Ruler of Time himself.

Now both me and Yuki went to bed after a little chat. It truly did felt good to have the warmth and comfort of family back again but I knew that this comfort may not be something that may last for long.

From the time I had got back memories and I had seen my mother and little sister, I felt something off. At the midnight when Yuki went to sleep, I went down near mother's room in order to use my chaotic eyes on her and know about the truths.

When I approached near the door of my mother's room. I heard mother talking to someone on phone. It was really strange as it was too late at night yet mother was awake and talking to some. So, finally I decided to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Do you truly mean it, Kate had returned home after this long?! Goddamn! The kid truly made me worried, I had searched for his traces in almost every part of this world!!!" Screamed a familiar voice from the phone.

"Yes dear, keep it down. The way you scream, the entire neighbourhood might just wake up any moment." Said my mother in a charming voice.

Now that I think about it, the only person that my mother had ever called 'dear' and talked to this way was my father. So the voice from the other side might be my father.

"Well, so why did he leave us for five whole years and was almost nowhere to be found? Did u ask him?" Asked dad in a serious seriously.

"Ah! I tried to ask but he seem to be unable to answer properly and even screamed due to trauma, so I left that topic at that." Said mother.

"Oh, I see. Let it be then. By the way, did he found about the secret?" Dad asked in a tensed voice.

"It seemed that he didn't knew about it. He probably must not have afterall." Said mother, trying to cool down dad.

"Hah! Thank goodness, it is best if he doesn't know about anything about it and leads a peaceful and happy life, staying away from the dangerous side of this world." Dad said.

"Yeah I know. Well when are you and the other two kids will be coming back?" Mom asked in a tensed voice.

"Well I don't know when I and Kelvin are going to come back but Yumi will be going back within two weeks." Said father.

"I see, well I guess the situation on your side might be really tough on your side." Mother spoke in a sad tone.

"Whatever the situation is, I am soon going to come back and let our family be reunited. Well now it's too late and you need to sleep as well in order to maintain you beauty sweetheart." Dad now strated to tease mom. Well, I guess that old man would never learn.

"Ah! Stop it now, I gotta sleep good night." Mom shut the phone before dad could respond. Well I could understand about this kind of response from mom.

After hearing their talk, it truly was too much relieving to heart for hearing their talk, though there were some shady and unknown things that they were talking about me behind my backs (this was what I thought back then).

Now, I thought it was time to use my chaotic eyes to check into my mother. I then surged the chaos energy through my eyes and started to check. The words appeared as usually and I hopped that nothing was wrong with my family.

The moment I started to read, I found out something shocking. Almost everything about my mother's detail shown was upto my knowledge except for her race. She was a half human and half vampire!!!


Author's Note: Sorry guys for the late. There truly was some troublesome issue on my side.

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