《The Defier of Everything》⊹⊱Cһ-7 Tһє Aẇѧҡєṅıṅɢ⊰⊹


The creature was approaching slowly and steadily with a dreadful laugh as if trying to mock me that I have no place for running anymore.

I crawled till the end of the road in fear as I had sprained my ankle and could not walk. After reaching the wall at the end I supported my back with the wall and stared up.

I could now somewhat see the creature. It was standing on two legs and with furry hair all around its body.

Then it stopped at a distance from and observed the pitiful me carefully. It stared at me and at the same time I did the same too, we both made eye contact. I could see that it had blood lust red eyes on both the sides and it stared at me curiously with the salivary fluid coming from it's mouth.

Then it pounced at me without any warnings and I screamed that very moment. The moment that creature's attack was about to reach me, the world around me suddenly froze, even the gentle breeze which had been flowing was still now. Then all of a sudden, the world started to break down around me.

I came to the same pitch black place where I had been once before, I was not able to recall the place and didn't knew exactly if this was the same place I had been previously, but I had a feeling that this was indeed a place familiar to me.

There was the colour black all around, I was not able to feel or see anything and to be in this world felt somewhat uncomfortable yet comfortable. Then out of thin air, a figure appeared from a distance. I was not able to see properly but as I could see the area on the right and left side of the figure were lit, the right side was glowing with dark light while the left side was glowing with white light.

The figure was approaching towards me slowly. As it approached as close as a hand's worth of distance, I could see the features of the figure clearly, the figure was actually a peculiar face.

On the right side, the skin was pitch black with a dreadful smile, showing its sharp teeth and the eyes were dazling with blood lust red light. While on the left side, the skin was pure white without any additional colour with dazling graceful cycan light coming from the eyes, though there was no much of an expression from the mouth in this side but the most intriguing and distinct part of the left side was that, blood red tears were flowing out of the eyes and were passing endlessly through the cheek.

All of a sudden my hands started to move on its own to touch the weird face, eventhough I had no desire to do so. It was now the second time that this has happened to me in this wierd world.

As I touched the face, immense pain rushed through my entire body, especially my head. The pain was uncontrollable and at that moment I thought that it was better to die than to suffer this pain. Then came the memories and picture, these were my past memories which I had forgotten! Even though I had witnessed it previously but that time it was blurred and I could barely remember anything. But this time my memories were much more clearer that before and I could remember each and everting of what had happened in those past five years, or rather to say, my past fifty thousand years! I was able to remember my purpose, my desire and my strength and also to what I belong to.


All of this just felt unreal yet they were all reality that cannot be ignored. Quite a lot of things had occured in the past few years and much more for me to keep up to. My comrades have fallen, my son lost in a variant space and time and my wife and daughter's whereabouts unknown. I had always desired to be perished because my entire life has been full of suffering and grievance, yet I am unable to do so because of the damn curse.

I remembered my power limits and for the moment felt ashamed for being the strongest in the world yet being chased by a good for nothing creature.

Now that I have regained everything of my memories and internal strength back except for my blood and body, there is only the feeling of pain and agony and the ambition to divert this future of pain and agony caused by my curse. My desire is to defy anything and everything upto my satisfaction and destroy my destiny to create my own path which is suitable for me to walk for in the future without leaving behind any regrets. I am the ultimate creator as well as destroyer, nothing can ever stand in my way. If someone dares to do so, then their awaits only one future for them and i.e., to perish from existence.

The world now started to break apart, there were cracks appearing around me. After a while the entire world broke and I was back to the place where I was.

I jumped out of the way as the creature pounced on me. Now as I watched the creature closely and giving my focus on it, words were popping in front of me.

These words were the description of the creature, I recalled that it was due to my chaotic eyes, which would show me the ultimate truth of anything and everything I desire. My chaotic eyes are refined after my eyes had been exposed to both the chaos of anhilation and creation for a long period of time.

The chaotic eyes did not only have one single use, the second and the most important of its function is that it can show me all the possible path for achieving success . There would be strings of light that connects me and guides me to the path of success and the rate of success is determined by the brightness of the strings.

Now I understood that why my eyes previously used to feel blind-like even though my sight of vision was very clear, it was all because I have been used to the distinct vision of the chaotic eyes of mine.

Now, I saw started to go through the information of the creature Infront of me. The creature was actually a mutuated blood lust werewolf which has an origin from the Devil Wolf race and the Blood Hound race. The creature was five hundred years old.

Eventhough the previous me would have pissed his own pants after facing this sort of monster, but the "me" now is different from the "me" then and I too have regained my strength which I had lost.

"Human! Stop running, you have nowhere to hide!!!" the wolf said in a dreadful tone.


I rose up. "Hmph. Just a mere stray dog. Not even worth the attention of mine." I said in an egoistic tone, not because of the over confidence, but because of truth. The werewolf had many flaws as I could see one thousand eight hundred fifty six extremely bright strings, showing me the path to defeat it.

"TOO ARROGANT!!! NOW GIVE YOUR LIFE AND BECOME MY FOOD!!!!!" the werewolf roared. It used the special skill of its race, blood red claws. Even a tiny scratch from the claws could result in the losing of half of the blood in the body of a human with the highest level of physique, not to mention the current weak body of mine, my body physique is very low.

But I still had advantage against him I thought. But then it came to my mind that, all my skills and powers require me to have very strong body physique to use for, but at the moment my physique was very weak which had erected an invisible wall between me and my powers.

I hesitantly dodged the moves with the help of my eyes easily, but the stamina of my body was also very low and I knew that I might not be able to hold on for long in this way.

Then I thought of using the most weakest of my skill that I had know, i.e., the "Art of Destruction", which was a physical type move created by the founder of the Black Devil Wolf Clan. I had learnt this skill because back then I was lacking a physical move and needed something to do with. Even though this skill is the weakest of all my skills, but still the cost for using it is going to be very taxing to my current body and at that moment I could only use the first move out of the ten, i.e., "The Shattering Palm".

Now that I had made up my mind of using that skill, the strings of light started to appear to show me the path to victory.

I let the werewolf charge upon me. "Huh! Tired already human?! Now become my food!!!" The werewolf pounced upon me with his claws straight ahead. He fell right into my trick!

As the werewolf was in mid-air, I initiated my attack swiftly. "ART OF DESTRUCTION: FIRST MOVE, THE SHATTERING PALM!!" I recited with a loud voice and launched the attack. In my current level, if I would not recite my skill's initiation, then impact of it on my body would also double.

The werewolf was shocked and struggled to avoid the attack, but all was in vain as it was in mid-air and my attack successfully landed on it.

The werewolf and hit hard and was pushed back through dozens of houses, destroying everything to pieces that came in its path. The shock wave of the attack was so devastating that the land of at least ten meter of radius around me was completely flattened.

As I landed to ground, pain started to surge all around my body and my hands from which I had made the hit was disfigured and I began to cough blood.

Then I looked at the direction towards which I had tossed the werewolf, with my special range vision skill. I began to sweat as I could see the werewolf was starting to get up slowly. Though the werewolf's injury was much worse than me as the entire part where I had hit it had a big hole, but the blood lust wolfs are known for their excellent regenerative ability. If it had even a little bit of its strength back then probably I would likely not be able to handle it at my current situation.

Then all of a sudden, cracks started to develop around and eventually the world around me collapsed and I returned to the road from where I was going through back to my way back home, the place around me had a street light but it was fused to work.

Then I came to know that the world where I was before was the wolf clan's common skill illusory devouring world, a place where they drag their prey and feed on them in that world. If the person becomes the feast of the wolves or dies in that world then his consciousness is devoured by the werewolf and the werewolf, by doing so are able to become strengthen their spiritual powers.

The wounds and injuries which I had developed in the battle against that mutuated wolf had gone, but the pain was still surging through me, though it did not have much of an impact to someone like me who had spent almost ten thousand years worth of time in the Prison of Eternal Sorrow, the dimension's most painful and vigorous place to exist where one could suffer eternal pain.

Then I noticed a shadow next to me and as I looked up I saw the girl from the convenience store standing beside me and blood was flowing from her mouth and she was holding her stomach as of she had a stomach ache. As I looked through her information by my chaotic eyes, I saw that her real name was Natalya Devilwolf and the one who had initiated the illusion attack on me was also her and she was standing right beside me and I will be too helpless to resist if she initiated to launch an attack! This situation is very critical for me and now it all depends on my luck. I knew that I will not suffer actual death because of the curse, but if I die once, then everyone will be able to take notice of me and then the situation will be way worse than before.


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