《The War of Two Kinds》Logbook #012 - The Martyr
'USP, hurry up. We ought to carry the supplies to the Winosa tribe.' Chieftess Welter, her mother, called out. 'The faster we do, the faster we can stop work for today.'
'Yes, mother! I meant chief!' Mary replied as she carried a crate filled with packaged and dried grains. 'Behind the cart, yes?'
'Yes, USP. You shall ride the horse today. Miss Selina is busy and I ought to check on the products.' Chieftess Welter replied as she heads into the cart, checking up a piece of paper with small writings and check-marks.
'Fine...' She sighed. ('Wait, why have I never thought of using the horse for casual use during the free or hunting times?')
As she scratched her head and combs her hair properly. She makes sure, she brought all the proper crates before sitting on the cart front and preparing the horse. 'Chieftess, I am ready! Shall we go now?'
'Alright then. Go ahead.' Welter replied before going through a small window and sitting beside Mary. 'Alright, USP. Hope your horse riding skills gone better.'
'Well, considering the time I used the horse cart, I could probably lack quite a little. Just a warning.' With a small chuckle she lashes the rope to start the ride.
Heading towards the direction of the Winosa tribe with a little excitement, Mary hummed a soft rhythm that she listened from one of William's cassettes. It was rather peculiar. A rhythm from the more modern past.
'USP, how do you know that song? I never taught you that. Did NZ taught you?' Welter asked as she checked her check mark board with a little curiosity.
'No, no. NZ didn't. ('She probably thinks I don't know he is a male.') Mary(USP) replied. 'I stumbled upon some sheet of music and cassettes in our old trunk, some interesting classic music and also some old mix-tapes of modern music.' She lied.
'Ah, I see. That song was a fond memory. Didn't know we had a copy of it in our old trunk. Mind if one day, I could listen to it?' Curious Welter asked in her more normal and motherly way with a sense of friendliness.
'Fond memory, huh? Alright then Chieftess, I might do so as we return back.' Mary replied as she steers the horses slowly to the west.
'Alright. Seems everything is fine for now. You look a little nervous, or perhaps excited? Did something happened?' Welter asked again, she started to sound like a talkative child, beig curious and constantly asking questions.
'Chieftess, I don't know. I am just making sure the horses are stable enough to reach the village. Sorry, it was some time since I spoke to you after taking your job back. It feels, different.' Mary replied.
'Alright Mary, well.You can just call me mother if you feel like it. Come on, cheer up. Give a smile.' With a short laugh, she decided to make a joke.
'Mother, that was a really terrible joke. But, good effort on it.' Mary laughed together with Welter.
'Alright mother, serious note though. Is it fine if I ask a question?' Mary's tone sounded a little more serious, with a more lax and normal tone.
'What is it, Mary?' Welter asked.
'Is NZ not what 'he' used to be?' She asked.
'He? You found out that NZ was a he?' Welter surprised, she asked. 'When did you found out?'
'Quite some time ago actually, I asked him myself. He reminded me of someone. A silhouette from my old dreams. ' She made a short lie to make it as some childish old memory. 'Tell me, does the name William rings to you any bells?'
'Oh...oh. So you found out.' Welter chuckled with a slight nervous tone. 'William, its been a while since that name was brought out.
'So it does ring a bell, mother? Tell me, who is this soldier? What is Continuum? What is Axis, What are Guardians, what is The Happe-'
'Shh. Mary. Shhh. I know you have a lot of questions but I can only answer one by one. After all, I am rather old. Alright I will start.' With the clear of a throat, Welter inhaled and opened her mouth slowly.
'William or should I say NZ was a soldier of Continuum. William Endicrite, was his full name. He had a nickname during his working days named 'Rampage'. Though with unknown meaning of why his nickname was given like that, it is said as more from a more spiritual standpoint of his way of communication and his sudden appearance from the unknown.' Breathing slowly, she looks towards Mary.
Mary still riding the horses, she made sure she could concentrate on two different works at the same time.
'Continuum was a military base created publicly after The Happening happened. The Happening was an accidental biological attack that I explained back during science class years ago to you, was slowly killing each of us slowly. All of us have this bio-chemical in our body. Upon achieving a dosage of Y-chromosones in our body whether naturally or injected, we will not only immediately die but the ones who are immune to it has a chance to be carrying it. The ones who carry it not only grow slower than normal but they tend to also die faster too. So early age death is possible. You understand?'
Mary nods slowly, as she quickly drinks some water from her flask. 'Continue...mother. About Continuum.'
'Well Continuum after officially being revealed to the public. Showed off towards to a better future, with the act of making use of youngsters and young adults to join as much as possible to not only check up on them and ensure safety to their families and friends but to also experiment with weapons with a secondary being known as Beings. Though they are mostly a crystal, like the one you have there. They too have a more ethereal and physical form. Though unknown means of transformation, they can look normally like us humans or have unique looks using the following of mythos. The weapons they hold could be historical heirlooms created magically way back towards the medieval or earlier times. Once ancient and thought to be some fable, with science it was found out to be much much more.' She explained. With a small exhale, Welter reached towards Mary's water flask. Taking a small sip she looks forwards.
'Want me to explain more?' Welter asked.
'Sure, it could help ease my understanding of our current living.' Mary answered back. 'The world now isn't what we used to know. Where are the buildings, the people... the flora and fauna. The different languages that existed. All of those just dissapeared.' Mary replied.
'Well, if I tell Mary what happened to end up like this, would it be fine? Everything?' Welter asked.
'Sure, no matter how long it takes, even after this supply run, the return and also the times at home. I may be a little selfish right now but it may only help before ones of us passes any time soon.' Mary sighed as she lashes the horse to ride a little faster.
'Alright...I notice you have a tape recorder. May I borrow it?' Welter asked. 'I got a little gift.'
'How did you- Wait, you have a guardian crystal don't you? You can see aura, I am very sure of it.' Mary replied as she pushes her rucksack towards Welter to pull it out.
'Yeah, I do have one, dear Mary. But its not with me, it's in me.' She laughed softly. 'Don't tell anyone, if its removed, I may as well not be alive right now.'
'Knew it.' Mary sighed. 'All those times you were notified easily during attacks of rival tribes and those sudden common odd sickness, made it truly noticeable.'
'Do you want to hear or not? Or are you just going to speak.' Welter asked in a roughened way as she inserted the tape.
Mary staying quiet, she made a slow nod of agreement.
'This is tape twelve. The final one before the other batches. I saw your set of tapes when I was cleaning your room. I know that NZ told you everything, now I will just make it more understandable of what happened. What nobody told about tape thirteen and the very much much more is that, its a little....different.'
---Tape Start---
The sound of metallic clanks and bangs could be heard. Soft grunts and moans, sometimes a sounding shrug. A small sigh could be heard as the person in front of the camera looks back at it and looks up towards the user.
'Recording, huh? That would be interesting to notice.' The soldier asked as she faced the user.
The user nods as quietly whispered something, similar to a prayer. 'Don't worry, this could be used as evidence if anything interesting happened. Maybe a discovery.' An unusual voice replied. A feminine one. This tape is not one of William's but one of someone else.
'Wait, this tape isn't William's?' Mary asked as she faced in surprised.
With a temporary pause, Welter looks back at Mary. 'Yes, William's one is after this recording. It was edited on. Just wait.' Welter replied as she continues to play the tape.
'Well, you better survive for this. I want to see what you got there as we return. You better.' The soldier replied as she makes a small smile, slightly covered with her dust-mask.
'I will, I will. no worries.' As a heavy sound of pressure could be heard, a sound of landing was in place.
A loud voice shouted as a loud bang was shuddered. 'GO GO GO!' A sonorous voice screamed.
The user of the camera immediately got up and started running towards the exit. With flashes of white, it suddenly ended up in a misty and dim sky of a battlefield. Sounds of explosions, moans and gun shots could be heard.
'Team 45, head to your stations, Now! Hurry up.' A soldier, probably a shout-man gave orders towards the soldier as the user ran together with her team. With a fast reload, she loaded her rifle with ammunition from her ammo pocket.
With a quick-aim, she took some shots to an incoming enemy soldier that started to run straight at her and the other soldier in the middle of no man's land. 'One down!' The user shouted.
'Go! Put your head down!' A soldier shouted as a quick sound of an explosion could be heard as some dust flew everywhere.
The user immediately covers the camera and got down as she ran into a bunker. Upon entering the bunker's room, she noticed a medic and a few injured soldiers trying to mend their wounds.
'Fuck sakes. Are we even enough? Is Continuum even doing anything?!' A nervous soldier started chattering as she was being bandaged and injected with a syringe, probably insulin.'
'Shut the fuck up! Continuum is doing most of their work to give us some breathing space. Just because most of their soldiers are youngsters it doesn't mean their bloody useless. Come on, some of our teammates siblings could be there, trying to kiss their asses off.' Another injured soldier shouted towards the nervous dolt.
The user as quiet as she is, went through them as she immediately headed towards a meeting board table.
'Great, the back up are here! We need to defend this spot, or else all shite will be loss, you er' me lasses?' A woman dressed in a Tactician uniform shouted towards a radio phone as she bangs it off. 'Come with me now! Hurry up!' As she speed-walked her way to a board, the others stood there looking at the board silently.
'You, captain! You bring your team from this point here, indicated with this red circle towards the forest lines here. Build up a safe spot and some whatever defenses your soldiers have. After this, try your best to push assault into the building here. There will be some soldiers from Continuum probably waiting for you there to give you the next orders. If their all fucking dead, well you know who to call alright? Is that clear?!'
A voice from behind the user, shouted "Yes, Ma'am' as the team started moving again. "Move it bitches!' The probable captain of this team guided the user and the other soldiers towards the defense point they were given.
Trying as much as possible not to lose composure or lower their team numbers, they slow kept an eye through the forest they rustled through. Being normal soldiers from a normal military, fighting with higher powered zombie like humans are not the only pain they have to go through, but also the harsh nature that weather brings upon them.
It was a windy and cold winter of an evening. Sight is barely visible and most enemies they encountered were mostly properly camouflaged. There were times they encountered some enemies who had the ability to stay invisible or some sort of enhancements to their body. It was the pain in the ass but the user and their team still stood tall.
"You, yes you. Help the engineers to build a barricade here.' The captain points towards the user as she immediately runs towards the engineers who were quickly preparing some sandbags and wooden stumps to hide behind.
'Fucking hell.' An engineer softly cried as she cuts her own shoulder with the metal security spikes. 'I need a medic here!' She called.
Trying to not get distracted by the call-out, the user lays the security spikes for the engineer as she nails them with a piece of rock and very big nails. 'I did it Captain!' The user shouted as she looks towards the captain.
'Good. Now just stand by and take care of stragglers. You there, put up the sentry guns. You better not fuck up like last time and overheat it. I am calling in the General for further orders.'
'Yes Ma'am.' A soldier shouted as she took care of her assignments. The user, placing her rifle properly onto the sandbags, she places a tripod on it as she leaned by. Watching through the iron sights of her gun, she left her reticle turned off, to not waste any battery.
A sound of footsteps returned as a sound of throat clearing could be heard. 'Alright team, General replied. We have to head to the building now, giving out coordinates. But, one must defend this place at all cost unless its in ruins. You there, with the tripod. Take care of this place. We will take our leave.'
'But Ma'am?! Me only? What if-.' The user asked.
'Its an order! You heard me?! Stay quiet and do your job, soldier. I am sorry if we return to see you dropped dead, but its the only choice. Come on, let's go!' As the captain shouted. The user sought off the soldiers heading deeper into the forest in-front of her. Reaching themselves towards a slightly broken down building.
'Fuck sakes...' The user replied. 'This is the best day of my shitty life. Alright, I will do this. I wish I can see my aunt and my niece again after this. Thanks for abandoning me assholes. I would be glad to save a bullet for you blokes.'
[The tape suddenly skipped ahead of time, being scratched off to another perspective.]
"Get over here!" A feminine voice called out as she was tossing some bodies into a fire pit.
Some soldiers picked up the rotting clones and with a heave and a ho, down the corpses go to the burning pits of hell.
"Damn it, this sucks like hell on high water." One of the Foreign Continuum member said.
"Well, we have no choice mate. It's not like these damn suckers dispose demselve' ye?" One of the soldiers replied to her as she wipes her gloves onto her uniform.
"Yeah, you're right." The Foreign Continuum member tosses the last sighted body before heading back to the base.
As William enters the makeshift safe-house, he was greeted with a few other unfamiliar masked up soldiers and a few Continuum members here and there.
"So, we got potential coordinates in this certain area of our base's hill-point. There seems to be an abandoned building which should possibly lead us to a camping site of our "friends" that visited us earlier. Not only they managed to clone more of them but at the same time, they managed to get themselves better equipped weapons. So, be careful..." General Shriway pointed out.
General Mia turns off the lights and opens a slide. "It appears to be that there are currently four captains out of the eight that are part of Axis. With as much technology we could use, their recognition of identity is unknown but with the help of Aura Identification, we can guess the type of Corrupted Guardian their welding. "
General Mia turns to a next slide with pictures of old artifacts containing Guardian crystals. "This are the weapons they are currently holding, this was before they were stolen and corrupted. The first captain of the slide is certainly wielding double daggers, the Guardian's name was Lezandra. A Beast-Type Guardian of the Felinus Race. She was one of the warriors guided by their elder before she was kidnapped and contained. With permission, we have information about her abilities and how she affects her User aka the Axis Captain number 1. Upon research, Lezandra has the ability to stay in some sort of invisibility state in shadows but can be revealed in light. NVGs could help in revealing her if you might encounter her in a night mission."
Next Slide: "Misa is next, An Elemental Guardian of Flame. Well, was flame. She is now able to conjure Dark Flames, a flame which is more devastating and longer to extinguish. As a wand for a weapon, her user might had to learn to use her. From recent sightings in satellite and drone surveillance. She seems to be able to make portals, walls, bomb-like traps and even typical burst of flame, which is commonly known as a fireball. Since Dark-Fire is corrupted flame aura, it seems to be stronger than napalm enhanced flames, so, if you are up against her. She would probably be able to win unless we have a Ice type Guardian to support you. Unfortunately, Ice-Types are quite rare as they don't really like cooperating and/or they are just too scared to leave their homes."
Third Slide: "Thirdly, we have a gun. This was recovered after a search site in Utah, America in an abandoned Mine. It was stated by the residence of the town nearby that the gun was cursed with an evil and whoever touches it becomes insane and somehow always have perfect aim. Upon further investigation and research, it was confirmed that it was a Guardian. Collected and brought to Continuum, it is now stolen. As per the insane part, I am not too sure. The user tends to be very quiet and calm compared to the others in our surveillance. Also, the gun somehow also have unlimited capacity even for its eight barrel, so if you are up against her, good luck dodging her shots."
"Now for the last ...." General Mia notices someone reaching their hand to the air. "Yeah, what is it?"
"You state that the Gun Guardian was collected for research but no origins of her?" Sherrinford was the one who asked.
"Unfortunately, we hadn't gotten a response when we first encountered the weapon, even the other Guardians couldn't enter into the Guardian's Subspace. It probably used a specially locked pocket dimension only accessed by the Guardian who probably didn't like to interact." General Mia explained.
"But, our researchers theorized that it would be of demonic origins..." General Shriway voiced out.
"It's only a theory but we could stick to it for now." General Mia replies as she puts the last slide.
"The last one is a little unique, not one but two Corrupted Guardian are on the User's hand. A cloak that can shift reality in small dimensions and a crossbow which shoots arrows of any type upon the users choosing, might as well be a lovely hunter duo. Oddly enough, the Guardian's Names are Red (for the cloak) and Zeruiah (for the crossbow). The user however only managed to use a few of the cloaks potential. Invisibility, Pocket tripping, Telekinesis by the act of tossing her cloak to kidnap soldiers after sucking them up to a probable portal and finally, reality bending. However, that can only be accessed once she has someone under pocket dimension occupied. Basically, it's a interrogation room with thousands of possible torture methods. I think she might be the most dangerous of the bunch. As they say, two is more dangerous than one."
Everyone from the Echelon and The Aviation were under shock as they heard through the guardians.
"Are you kidding? That's basically a suicide mission" William gave his opinion. "All four of them are using overpowering weapons that can literally turn tides in a flick of a finger."
General Shriway nods slowly. "That is true."
"Yeah, but...their still corrupted, they can't work even 50% of their true power as both the user and the guardian has an equal wavelength of literally none. Yes, some may have evolved but it doesn't mean their strong. Some of the soldiers from the Global program fought them before. They are considerably still alive and well and I am pretty sure you guys will too." General Ma replies.
"But aren't the Global Program actual ex-millitary soldiers? I'm pretty sure they are older and more experienced." Chau-Min asked.
Quietness filled the room.
"Yeah, you are right." General Mia nods.
"Alright alright, let's get back to the original reason you guys are here." General Mia points to the map.
"The Aviation crew will have to team up with the Echelon and ambush the campsite. Obviously, without your planes. You have to learn to use your guns and guardians for once and this will be a great opportunity."
A pilot raised her hand as she asks a question. "Wait, no planes? Then how are we going to reach for the base. It's quite a long way in the looks of the map."
"You guys will be transported with a van. The reason we are not allowing planes is to make sure they don't have Anti-Air Defenses , who knows. In our higher technology era, anything can be made in small bits." General Mia answers. "No worries, it's not like we're going to force you to walk all the way. "
The soldiers nodded their heads as they proceed to concentrate.
"As you ambush, your team will be separated to five. At-least, one support, two of our main soldiers and two of our aviation pilots....I meant mages." General Mia said. "Each of the five man team will be given a task according to their skills. One to disrupt the troops, one to streak Intel . Another for the resources and the last for whatever side job we decide to throw into you. Out of the five man teams, one of you have to fight at-least one of the Captain's if they are available. The further they are , the easier they fall."
"It sounds simple General. But the execution may not be what it seems." Captain Shanina voiced. "What if they suddenly left the place and then suddenly came back and notice the ambush, I'm pretty sure they will call the rest for backup."
"That sounds possible but I am pretty sure the Captain's wouldn't risk themselves for a unfair fight. After all, cloning takes progress. You can't just keep on cloning its original being. So, you might see into it." Mia replies back with a smile.
"Anyway, that is it for now. Your team would be grouped up soon as we call you. Also note, the members of Phantom could also be in your team each depending on the job. Since you stated more experience, I am pretty sure they could give some help for you folks. That's it, dismissed!"
The soldiers nodded as they headed to the door. Sighs and worried smiles left the room for the immediate leaving.
'Hey Rampage, come on! Hurry up!' A voice called out to him as he was running around aloof of his assignments. 'We got to go, get ready dammit. No time for daydreaming.'
As William was stumbling about with his noodles for legs, he suddenly regained his mind and shakes himself awake. 'On it!' He shouted as he ran towards them, following them towards the side of the building, where it was defended and cleared off.
As they were pushing into the building, William and the rest of the continuum soldiers introduced themselves as they fought through the incoming clones of Axis.
The metallic crunch. The cocking of a gun could be heard as a small ping sounds came from dropped shells.
"Guardian, Blaze, stay put. I will handle this." An agitated shout from a feminine silhouette sounded as she disperse into the shadows.
Some sounds of struggle could be heard as a crunch of bones breaking came after. The silhouette returns, giving a hand signal to call the other two.
They headed off to a designated area that looks similar to an armory. Somehow empty of traps or security, they went ahead and stolen some intelligence that they breached through a safe.
Blaze using her abilities melted off the lock of the safe by putting little fiery pressure from her Aura-Mana Manipulation.
"Alright, Captain. It's done." She cools her hands down by letting it rest.
The silhouette reveals herself under some dimly brightened light, Captain Shanina was proven. She heads to the safe and takes out the intelligence as she brakes a quick read before placing it into her metal briefcase.
"Alright, let's go, before we cause any further commotion." Chau-Min called out to them as softly as she could as she peeked through a corridor.
Blaze and Captain Shanina nodded as they exited as quickly and quietly as possible.
"P....le...ase...St....op!" A roughened voice shouted as she kept on shooting over and over again with a Guardian-Made Crossbow. "Ad..MIT.....Arres.t..." She growled as she muttered to herself random gibberish (probably the "Axis" Language).
"Nah-ah, you wish." Rampage said as he returns some shots with his FMG-9. Some of the bullets collided with a metal sheet and a boulder making thudding and clanking sounds. "Damn, this bitch is hard to fight against. She literally is faster than all of us." He grinned out as he continues giving shots and running to another barricade to hide behind.
"Grahh!~" The Axis Captain hid behind the boulder as she swaps her arrows to exploding ones.
She shoots a few to the barricade which causes it to give a shockwave, causing William to fling back a bit with some ear-ringing.
"AHH! Dammit." He shouted as he shook his head from the concussion.
"Demo, could you try to flank her ?" Rampage asks Demonia who was by the other barricade.
She made a hand signal that it was possible. Crimson using her Blood Manipulation splattered some sort of blood orb onto the wall causing it to splatter back to the Axis Captain.
Simultaneously, Demonia extends her portable barricade into a shield as she moderately walks towards the Captain. Rampage who is standing behind Demonia , takes a few burst shots to pressure the Captain before he went physical as he rushed to her.
The reason why the Axis Captain was stuck at that spot is because one of her Corrupted Guardian, Red has been managed to be yanked off of her during a firefight. Leaving her to be stuck with only the Crossbow Guardian Weapon. Her gun was also out of ammo as it was rather a small Sub-Machine gun.
The Axis Captain thinking it was over gave up resisting Rampage's hold as she accepts arrest. "Pl...ea..se Don't....Hu...RT..Me." She pleaded in her roughened and almost dead voice.
Rampage winked at her before he dragged her slowly back to the extraction point with his team.
"And there, we are settled in our part." Rampage said as he removes his gloves and changes back the Crossbow and Cloak back into crystals and carefully placing it into a special container.
A support soldier that was assigned with Rampage's team was a little dumbfounded. "That was such a strange fight. It started as a losing battle but ended as a winning one."
"Well, that's because we used a little thing called... Patience, silly." Demonia said as she sits under a tree, taking a rest.
"To be honest, yanking off the pocket dimension cloak was the hardest of them all. She kept resisting. Because she was weak after all, she just relied too harshly on her Cloak." Rampage theorized as he placed the special Containers into a Metal Briefcase. "Oh yeah, did you manage to get the documents, Crimson?"
"Yes, yes, I did." She shows him the documents which she kept in her sling-bag. "I will keep it with me just in case."
"So what now?" One of the other Aviation/Mage Crew asked. "Just wait for the others?"
"That is what our Mastermind said. We should just follow the order." Demonia said as she yawns and lays onto the hard stump of a tree that looks like it was going to collapse any time soon.
Timber maybe?
"Hey! You guys finished !?" Guardian came running to them as she held a metal briefcase. She places the briefcase together with the other briefcase in a separate compartment.
"Yep, and we also manage to capture one of our Axis friend too." He points. "Though, she was rather a pain in the ass most of the time."
"No worries, the scientists and doctors will revert her back to her original self. Though we still have to keep an eye on her as she is still under the Bio Mother's enhancements." Guardian explained as she waves to Blaze and Captain Shanina who was slowly waltzing.
"How was your assignment?" Captain Shanina asked Rampage's team.
"Was rough...to be honest." The support soldier replied.
"Yeah, what she said." Crimson replies with a smile.
Rampage gives a grin. "Most of the work were done by me and Demonia anyway. But, they still helped in a way or two."
"Well, that's good that you guys are cooperating. Just make sure to keep an eye out for each other too. Anytime and anywhere, someone could get hurt." Captain Shanina explains as she ties up her hair and takes a sit in the broken down van
"Don't worry. We will." Demonia replies back as she looks towards William with a gleeful smile.
Meanwhile, Rose's team was having a little more than a struggle with the Second Axis Captain who wielded the so called "Perfect" Gun .
Pang Pang Pang~ The sound of shrapnel ricocheted every where in the warehouse that they were in.
"Griffin just defend the hack. I will take care of this freak." Rose shouted through her Walkie-talkie as she was taking shots through her Sniper Rifle over and over again. Since it was enhanced with her Guardian, the gun also could shoot perfect aim and also enhanced the bullets speed of impact.
As the firefight between the two gunslingers continued, another team had completed their job but the Axis Captain they faced had vanished before they could proceed to arrest.
After some time, all five of the five man teams return with the briefcase they needed.
"Sweet, a second one." Rampage chuckled out as he helped to strap her onto the van.
"Yeah, she was really annoying to handle , her bullets kept perfectly hitting my direction, I had to rely on Rosa's Nature Aura to protect me from the shots.
"Yeah, my water shields couldn't suffice either, hahaha...." Agua sighed out in embarrassment. "The bullets somehow were fast enough to break the waters density.
"Well, that's why it is called the Demon Gun for nothing." Rose replied back.
Heading back immediately to a hole of the entrance of the building, a drone waited for them, made by the operation master's younger sister.
'Here, place the briefcase on the van and continue inside. The world need us.' Captain Shanina shouted after relaxing for those short few seconds. Taking her ammunition she prepared and refilling her weapons, the others lined up to do the same. After that, they headed back into the ambush. Though tired from this awful fight through the day, it felt like another day of work.
Heading inside, the team were separated again to their five teams. Now back to the original positions of echelon, out of the whole team, Ri-kae was the only one missed. Because of that, Demonia had to take her place to fit the team.
'Are you sure, you want to be with us?' Captain Shanina asked as she ran through the hallway of the building.
'Well, it has been a while since we fought together and I do need to watch over Rampage. After all, I am his mentor given by General.' Demonia replied.
'I mean, we can take care of ourselves but alright then.' Chau-min replied as she shoots an axis soldier mindlessly stumbling onto them. 'One down!'
'Fine, you may stay but after this he ought to leave to bring in some further orders, alone.' Captain Shanina replied as they ended up in a communication room.
'Guardian, hack out the computer. We will stall you time.' Shanina ordered Sherrinford as she helped William nail some barricades around the corner-sides of broken glass.
Inserting a laptop with a USB line through the mainframe, Sherrinford tried her best to access into the files of the works. Doesn't matter how many seconds, minutes or hours it would take. This would be the only chance to make a proper move.
With the free time they had, Shanina and William roamed around the building as they took care of defending the surroundings. Demonia took charge to guard the communications room as Chau-min made some extra supplies and help in repairs if it was needed.
'Goddamit it, this firewall is corrupted so badly, it can't even be a firewall anymore. It's like a fucking virus of hellfire.' Sherrinford mumbled.
'Chill, and continue. It won't be so hard. If you need help, call up Demonia, she knows how to access files too.' Chau-min replied as she was sterilizing her medical utensils.
Upon fighting defense for some time, The team managed to access files before entering the centre of the building, only to end up falling for the axis trap. Laden with some traps, there were slightly overwhelmed by the clones of axis as well as the few remaining captains themselves.
'Scheisse! Will. Go.' Shanina shouted towards William. 'Take the drive, we will take care of this. Demo make sure, he manages to get out safe, then come back here!' Shanina ordered.
'On it.' Demonia nods. 'Los gehts, Will.' Demonia charged towards an axis soldier with her extendable shield as she protects Will's quick running legs.
Running through the many corridors and hallways like a labyrinth, they finally managed to head back to the entrance of the building's hole. Upon a safe secure, Demonia watches William run towards the forest, before she ran back to head back for a fight.
'Hope, he will be safe.' Chau-min spoke as she spat blood on the floor. 'Also the back-up, when are they coming? They better have a medic.'
'No worries, he will. He got coordinates to a make-shift defense made by the backup. Someone will take care of him as the others get here.' Shanina replied as she shot another axis soldier dead. 'Rose! Hand me that ammo maker machine!'
'On it!' Rose replied, as she stops sniping and pushes over the machine to Captain Shanina.
"Mate, can you hear me...?" Rampage whispered as he made a soft gesture towards the unwary soldier. A little annoyed by the soldier's lack of concentration, he takes a twig he found on the ground and flicks it to the soldier's cheek.
The soldier alerted from the feeling of touch turns towards the direction. "...." She was surprised to realize that someone was with her but as she realized it was an ally, she didn't point the gun at him. "Wait' when were you here?" She asked in a rather surprised manner.
Rampage gives out an annoyed sigh. "Quite some time... So, what are you doing here, all alone? Where's your troops or company, don't tell me they abandoned you?" As he inspected the soldier, it wasn't a Continuum uniform but rather a typical British trooper one.
"I was asked to keep watch but I guess...I was a little burnt out and light-headed. I didn't even realise someone was next to me until it was too late, seeing from your uniform, you are one of those Continuum dolts, ain't ya?" She asked as she shuffled herself and comforted her aching legs onto the wet and cold soil.
Rampage nods slowly agreeing to her question. "Yeah, I am a part of Continuum. I was assigned to keep an eye on a full soldier who was keeping watch and I think that it is supposed to be you." He smirks as points his finger.
The soldier made a small smile. "I guess so, I was the only one separated from the team, the others all ambushed the Axis Camp, so it made sense they would call in reinforcements. But to call one to assist me, I didn't know they care so much." The soldier sighs as fixed her scope on her rifle.
"Were you the type to always be abandoned? You sound as if this is per the norm." Rampage asks as he rubs the dirt off his vest. "Hmm, is it?"
The soldier exhales loudly from her nose, sounding a little stressed. "Yeah, that is true. I am always abandoned as I am rather clumsy, I accidentally triggered alarms twice, causing my team to panic the Axis, only making them struggle to put up a fight. Unlike you Continuum folks, we are stuck with only weapons and wits, you guys have the ability to use magic and stuff which can be really a hassle for us normal soldiers..." She replied.
"I see then, I guess that makes a little sense. If you feel so clumsy, maybe try another class role or something. You don't seem fit as a rifle if you are more to the back lines supporting. " Rampage told her.
"All soldiers have to start by learning to rifle...I can't change roles as I am still under some amount of training. I pleaded my general to ask if I could learn medication to be able to support my teammates a bit but she insisted no, so have no choice. " She felt the wind blew oddly, as she immediately takes concentration and looks the scope.
She inhales and takes a shot towards a nearby area. Bang!~
A thud could be heard as a soft moan whizzed in the air. "Got a runner..." The soldier said as she reloads her rifle by inserting a new bullet and cocking it.
"Phew~" Rampage whistled. "Nice shot there..."
"Thanks, I used to go hunting with my father when I was younger. So learning about air and behaviour patterns are one thing to master the art of sniping." The soldier smiles as she reaches her hands to Rampage for a shake.
"Names Petra, What's yours soldier?" She asks.
"William, but people just call me Will or Rampage, nice to meet you too Petra " He firmly shakes her hand.
Petra shakes back before letting go. "Been a while since I saw a guy. Last time was probably four to five years ago...but unfortunately, he had passed due to The Happening's dreadful effect to the male's system. " Just hope you don't end up like him..."
Rampage chuckles a little. "It would be strange to say this but I may be immune to the effects hence why am I still alive..."
"Just don't get your hope too high." Petra sighs.
Rampages nods. "Yeah, that's true..." He then takes an aim with his SMG and flanks to a corner of a tree. "Be right back...."
In a distant place, a sound of screams and shouts as well as gunshots could be heard as small flashes of light hued in that area. After some time Rampage returns, he was slightly covered in mud and some dark red liquid similar to blood.
"That was quite a hassle, one of them went rogue and tried to close in on me with a knife. Had to give them the ol' fisticuffs action." He wiped his face with his sleeves as he spits out some dirt off his mouth. "Ugh, disgusting...."
Petra makes a small giggle as she takes a quick glance into her scope. "I guess it sounded like a really big hassle...you took quite some too. How many were there?"
"Around four to five...can't really remember, I don't count my kills, it makes no sense." He takes his mags and filled it in with new ammunition.
"Keep some extra laying around. The others may return for a fill-up." Petra told him.
"Yes, as noted." Rampage sighs and places the mags into his special pockets.
Petra sniffles her nose with her finger as she looks into her scope. "I will take watch now, you can take my six."
"We will be here for a while." She says.
Petra walked in the darkening fog of the forest. She heaved something heavy as she slowly dragged herself through the dense forest. She inhaled and exhaled loudly as if falling into heavy exhaustion. "You son of a bitch. You just 'ad to run into those bastards ey?." She grinned out as she let go of the heavyweight. A sound thud could be heard from behind her.
Upon turning to the sounded view, William dragged his way to a nearby tree, laying on it as he left one of his lag flat straight and the other curved. He took out a small box from his vest as he fumbled about with a small pair of scissors and a couple of thin strips of wires. As he applied surgery on himself, Petra activated her radio to give out attention that they changed positions of their temporary camp, giving new coordinates and a new code of advice. "Hotel One Niner, Do you copy? " She asked her teammate again.
"This is Hotel One Niner, Understood *static* Two Fiver." A voice replied as a sound of shuffling and gun shouts were heard in a small split second.
Petra collected small dried sticks of wood as she tumbled them into a bunch and lighted a flint on it, causing it to burn a small amber red spark, turning afterwards to a phoenix's nest. Her eyes glowed alongside the fire as she does her hair and keeps herself comfortable. She takes a quick glance at William who made small grunge of pain as he finishes his surgery, biting onto a piece of leather that looks like a part of a belt. He probably cut it off as it was an excess extra.
"You done yet, Mr.Rampage?" She pulls her zip of a bag open and takes out a small bag of rations, only to be eaten at the shortest break possible. She breaks the opening and pulls out the food that was ready-made for her to eat, in small little packaging.
William nods slightly as he sighed and inhales deeply, tossing the extra strips of wire to the unknown. "Hahh~ hah, Yeah done..." He spoke in a very rough tone.
Petra heated one of the small bags for a quick second in front of the fire before she tore the plastic open and ate slowly on it with a small set of personal cutlery.
She swallows a spoonful as she points her spoon towards William. "Next time, don't be an idiot and rush head-on, you heard me? I may not be a medic but I also do not access to one of those Guardian Equipment. Your weapon may be for close combat....but it doesn't mean you can handle a group single-handedly." She puts the spoon into her food bag and takes another spoon, reaching it slowly to her mouth.
William sighs. " Yeah, my bad..." He combs his hair slightly. "I will try not to do that unless we're in a group or with another Guardian User, My apologies..."
Petra does not reply and continues her eating, she probably thought he learnt his lesson by getting his leg shot.
William activated his electronic goggles and pulls out a small communication mic. "Rampage to HQ? Are the others alright? If there's time, could you send me coordinates of the others?" He asked as his goggles glowed a slight blue with small white lines acting as maps and applications.
A familiar voice replied. "This is General Ferdunov, Coordinates will be on their way, as seeing from our GPS, you seem to be camping in a new area from the designated location, why is that?" She asked.
"The temporary camp was spotted out, so we left before they could overrun it and the designated escort had to drag me to the new camp as I injured my leg, a small fracture to my kneecap." He replied back.
"I see, take care of yourself and the escort, the coordinates will be sent throughout so we can then make a designated area to extract, is that clear?" General Ferdunov asked.
"Clear Ma'am. Rampage signing off." He said. "Roger." She replied before William turned off his goggles.
Petra finished her food and wrapped them in a small plastic bag. She used her remaining time to clean up her muddy rifle with a small strip of cloth she ripped from her handkerchief. "Sometimes I wonder, what if the Happening didn't happen or the axis for that matter." She asked in a curious manner as she wiped her barrel of the rifle.
"I have no clue, to be honest, but if that were the case there would have been a drastic increase in population due to the species of Guardians and new problems will occur in both between the government and the civilians such as Racism and that kind of jazz. In my theory, Continuum would have still existed but I wouldn't even know about it as I will still be studying in a college or probably uni. Maybe I would know about it as I experience about business, but, I am pretty sure I would be the heir of my father's business. The only reason my mother took over the job is because of a will he made saying if he died unnaturally it's better for her to take care of it so he could keep me and my sister save...but yeah, that's about it." William gave a long talk on theories and what it would have been if the Guardians didn't even exist either.
Petra listened closely and nodded at certain things that made sense to her, giving her own opinion on it too. "Well, I suppose that's true. I am pretty sure if I didn't lose my significant other, I could have gotten married and probably have children here and thereafter retired from service but look where am I now, still doing service " She gave a soft chuckle under her breath as she lost focus on what to ask next.
As quietness came, a small sense of awkwardness could be felt. Soon after, the two just took a short rest, closing their eyes for and listening to the ambience of the burning twigs and the slight singing of the wind as the trees danced amongst each other.
During their time of rest, a sudden call-out was given from a General of the British Royal Army. 'Plans changed, General Ferdunov! Extraction is nigh impossible. Defense force push in, we can manage the fight. Stop defending, go !'
Awakening Will, Petra listens to her walkie-talkie. 'Are you sure you want to do this Rampage?' Petra asked.
'No choice, even if my legs are injured. I had to hold the pain then. Lets go.' He replied as he slowly got up. With a pile of snow, he shuts off the campfire with a toss, as he and Petra, ran towards the main headquarters of the building.
As they ran back through the ever pain of the labyrinth, William guided Petra through. Heading back to the buildings, he noticed it was quite dark than usual. Some machines were broken off and some sparks of broken light could be seen. What has happened here? Bodies both axis and allies, both injured and dead. This is a sight for sore eyes.
'They are...' Petra asked with a shocked face.
William sighs. 'Leave them be, we have to go in.' Using his glasses, he contacted directions towards the fight. It seems his company and a few other soldiers are still alive. Guiding Petra once more, the two shot and broke through an amount of axis soldier clones and debris of dangerous sorts. Everything here was razor sharp, sharper than a knife and as piercing as a needle. With careful and cautious handling, they pushed away those hazards and ended up at the place.
Petra and Rampage were immediately confronted with a fight. In-front of their eyes, they saw the Axis General, the one and only. Just as similar to General Ferdunov, she is indeed related to her. 'What the fuck?' William muttered.
Shanina holding onto the neck of an axis commander with her whip, Demonia used as much of her strength to detain and remove the corrupted guardian off her.
'Rampage! Faster!' Petra shouted as a sudden blade was reaching towards William. With a sudden glow of purple, he realizes his blade automatically revealed itself and melted off the blade. 'Idiot! Fight!' Sae-yong shouted into William's head.
Gaining his attention, he feels the sense of adrenaline into his veins, as he protects petra from getting shot from a sniper rifle of a hiding assassin. 'That's a close one , you ok?' As he asks her, he shoots the hiding sniper with an automatically summoned Shin-ae dual pistol.
'Bull's eye!' Shin-ae cheered.
'Alright, take care of the commanding officers, I will join the fight.' As he excused himself, he ran towards his teammates after shooting off a glass door.
Alerted, the general slowly looks at him as a sudden wave of her blade deflected his blade.
'Are you sure, a fore-front charge would kill me?' The axis general asked in a very roughened and raspy voice. Both having a Russian accent and at the same time the rotting of the voice-box.
As William tries to distract the General, time and time again. His teammates fought through the other commanding officers and captains of the Axis.
'Goddamit!' A soldier shouted as she held her dislocated shoulder. 'How strong are this assholes?'
With a pull of the arm from Chau-min, she fixed the soldiers arm. 'Sorry.'
'FUCK!' The soldier shouted. 'You should have warned me before pulling.'
'If I warned you, you would then start getting nervous, its best to do it when you are still distracted!' She replies as she rolls into a corner and summons her guardian weapons. A blade shaped of a ceremonial heirloom. As the oncoming axis soldier arrived, Chau-min immediately gets up and stabs the axis soldier a few times, the blade using its power, sucked the life-force off the soldier and in turn empowered Chau-min.
'Doctor, Behind you!' The soldier shouted as she shoots the ambushing soldier. With the blood covering the soldier's eyes, her eyes started to get irritated and she started to feel like a puddle of mud.
The ambushing axis soldier now dead, stumbled and fell onto of Chau-min, who did not get off from the stabbing yet. Being sandwiched between the two clones. She struggled herself to push the heavy weights off. 'Goodness gracious. I could have got crushed to death if they were ever heavier.'
The soldier, slowly pulled up by Chau-min, she drags the unfortunate one towards a darker and safer area.
After doing so, she ran back towards the direction of Shanina, Demonia, Sherrinford and William who were all attacking the General and her last living commander.
The axis commander growled at them as she used her ability to slow down time for her, making herself faster than everyone else but only slow towards her own sight. A time manipulation guardian, she held. A blade of sorts, similar to William's Psionic blade.
'No...' Sherrinford murmured as her injuries couldn't hold her much longer. With a stumble, she dropped onto the floor both exhausted and losing consciousness.
'Man down.' William shouted as he held onto the blades of the last living commander. The two fighting with this specially made blades. The two held a fight as much as possible. Everyone including the enemies out of ammunition, they only made use of their guardian weapons and their blades, if they solely relied on it.
'Chau-min running towards the slowly but surely unconscious Sherrinford, She noticed that she wasn't the only one to have fallen. There were Rose, Mia, Blaze, and the rest of the crews of the army that ended up downed. The only ones still remaining were she, William, Captain Shanina, Major Demonia and Liutenant Agua, who slowly started to lose her composure as well.
'Will, I can't hold much longer. The shield is going to break off, sorry.' As Agua released her shield of water to protect William from the blade strikes, she herself fell in the pool of blood she left behind from the external injuries she faced from an earlier fight. 'No! Agua!' William shouted as he parries the hit of the commander, causing her to stumble.
With that chance, he kicks the commander towards a wall before stabbing the blade through her and shooting her two times to the chest and one at the head.
'You, manage to killed my strongest officer, impressive.' The general of axis clapped slowly as her mana shield was still protecting her from Captain Shanina's and Major Demonia's strikes. 'Stop hitting me, its useless, its just a shield you are attacking.'
With a small wave of her palm, the shield forced Shanina and Demonia back, hitting themselves towards a wall.
'You soldiers fight like children. It's useless. I have already prepared the warhead. Once this is launched, not only everyone falls to termination but everyone will die.' The axis commander started laughing hysterically, as she protects herself from William who started shooting her with his twin pistol.
'Why are you doing this? Why did you decide to make use of The Happening, just to make more people suffer? Do you have a personal motive?!' William shouted as he strikes at her. 'I am no fucking hero alright!'
'You pester me child. If you want to know the reason, stop fighting then. Drop your weapons.' She laughs. 'Your a male after all, I can see that. Mr.Endicrite.'
With another swipe of her melodically waved hand, William was sonorously impacted by a wave of shriveled tunes, forced to hit a wall and injure his hand from a piece of laying shrapnel. In pain, Williams grinds his teeth tightly to hold the pain. 'Fuck sakes!'
The axis general nearing William, she squats down and stares at him into his eyes. 'Not dead yet? Impressive.' She taunted at him as she uses her gloved hand and chins him a check-up.
'What a beautiful specimen. Since I am so kind to you, let me explain.' Sensing Demonia and Shanina trying to ambush her again, she used another set of corrupted guardians she had by her which forced them to the ground, like heavy gravity. 'Stay down, dogs. Stop trying to pull my pants down.'
'Personal motive? Well, it all started when years ago when your lovely general of my sister was decided by my father to take the role of general of the army, instead of me who was more experienced and older. But no, they had to pick my sibling instead. Pissed at her, I secretly revenged a plot by doing science experiments when I was sent to do experiments with Guardians. Torturing them, ahh, what a lovely sight it was. They screamed, moaned and cried for help but there was no one to help. Not even a family member, not even a commoner. Making them mine, they turned to lovely tools. After that, I attacked one by fucking one my subordinates. Making them into the very dogs they are now. Growling and mumbling as they used the experiments they were given to do my bidding. For the sake of science, I continued everyday learning the many different ways I could manipulate a brain of the person and to also learn how to restore death. Until, my spy called out to me that they found you, the secret cure. William fucking Endicrite, the last man on this fucking earth.'
'Fuck you! You're a bloody psychopath, what you need is a therapist?!' He shouted at her as he grins angrily at her.
'Me? A psychopath. No no, I am a genius! I found so many ways we could keep up the population running. You the cure?! Hah, you are just a child. You hold the same disease as any female here do, the will die fast and so. do. you.' she holds William's neck and slowly strangles him with both her hands.
Choking, he struggled, as he smiled a grin of pain and suffering.
Looking at the girls and the face that was blocking his view, he thought that was it. 'A wasted opportunity.' he thought in his head. His weapons ammo-less. His guardian weapons, exhausted and his teammates, wait his teammates.
Captain Shanina with a dreaded stare, held a huge boulder and crept slowly as William was slowly losing consciousness from the strangle.
'Cry boy, cry. Once I have hold of you and your so called 'comrades', I will promote you to be my substitute general. With a maniacal grin and laugh of a devil, she gripped her pair of hands the hardest she could.
'Fuck....you..' As William mumbled Shanina smashed the debris of a boulder onto the head of the Axis general.
'Wha...' The axis general muttered as she felt the back of her head bleed crimson red, feeling a blackened stared. She slowly started to fidget a little as she dropped onto the floor.
Slowly gaining his breathe, William slowly got up and picked a dusty blade he found on the floor. Slowly limping towards her, He stabs her hard through her chest, puncturing a hole, slowly towards her heart. Coughing a few times, William pulls out the blade and sat by the general.
Having difficulty to breathe, he makes a small smile towards Chau-min who was staring at him with surprise as he thumbs up to Captain Shanina.
'Is that it? Is she dead?' Chau-min asked as she slowly stands up and looks around before staring back at the two of them.
'Thats what she looks like.' Captain Shanina sighs as she slowly reached for her walkie-talkie, contacting the General. 'General Fer...dunov, General eli...minated.' She struggles to speak as she coughs some blood out of her, slanting onto the wall, she slides a wipe of blood before supporting herself on it. The walkie-talkie replied with a long static as the sounds of 'Will... come!' could be heard.
The axis general who still had the last laugh, slowly reached for the gun that was in-front of her, unnoticed by the three. As she slowly reached the gun, she picked it up and cock it with a pull of her finger, a revolver. As she was about to aim and shoot, a sound of a muzzle of a gun could be heard, as it whizzed through the room and hit the General in the head.
In exchange, another bang could be hard. The revolver of the general, unloaded.
Slowly coming out of the shadow, it was Petra, still surprisingly fine and grouped up with backup.
'Captain..' Chau-min smiled and called out. As Shanina looked at her, her eyes widened, a spew of blood and a burned hole was seen through her clothes.
William already in shock got up and slowly reached his hands towards Chau-min who slowly stumbled and fell. Chau-min made a small laugh as she stared at the ceiling.
'Chau, chau! You will be alright. I swear!' William neared Chau-min, holding onto her and removing her vest. Making sure it only hit the vest instead of her, it was false and confirmed. SHe was shot through the heart.
'If I die, well Will. Come...near me for a bit.' As she muttered, William slowly eared himself near her.
'From ...the day, I knew you. I knew you will be the friendly one...but over time, my heart changed, I felt something else.' She muttered.
'What are you saying Chau? Keep it in there, you will be alright, I swear!' He shouted, as he signals, the backup soldiers to help aid her.
'Will, I love you....' She whispered as a tear dropped from her cheeks as her eyes slowly close. 'Take care of my sister ....and my.. moth-.' With the final mutter, William and Shanina looks in shock. Words couldn't be spoken.
'Chau? Chau! Medic, please check up on her!' William called out to the backup medic, who slowly but truthfully responded to his call for help.Checking her pulse and trying to perform CPR, there was no response, not even a pulse. With that, the medic shakes her head slowly.
'A guardian could help, right? I am sur-' William spoke before being pulled back slowly by Captain Shanina.
'Sorry, Will. I know it's hard but. She's gone.' The captain replied, looking towards William in his pitiful pathetic state. With a sad thought in her head, she only could do so much to guide her team.
'No...it can't be.' As he muttered, he got up and stumbled alongside Captain Shanina and Demonia, who guided the critically injured soldiers with as much strength as possible she has back to the extraction point. As they walked their way out of the entrance of the Axis building, paramedics with blinders and some firefighters were employed to the station as they prepared themselves to take care of the remaining survivors and the other freshly made axis soldiers, either restraining or taking care of them.
William still holding the blade that he used to stab the Axis General with, he slowly puts it into his armor vest. 'So this is how war feels like.' he whispered.
Demonia with a calming tone replied back. 'Not too close.'
'So what now?' William asked Captain Shanina as he slowly sat onto the ambulance's backseat. Helped by Demonia, she and Shanina took a seat too before a paramedic attended them.
'Now? Well, we report to General.' She answers slowly.
Weeping slowly to what Chau-min said earlier to him, he looks towards the outside. The black soot that filled the air. The embers that flamed brightly like the eyes of a demon. The rushing and shouts of order and chaos conversing as safety is being proceeded, all the while he, the last guy on earth, has to watch people suffer even more before death grasps him and the many more people he loved or respected. Captain Shanina bandaged and feeling bad for William, gives him a hug and a shoulder to cry to.
'Will, anything you want before you return home?' She asks as she was given word of the soldiers to receive a short holiday to aid themselves and meet their family and friends again.
'Yes, I have a question.' He wiped his tears as he smiles towards his captain, who willingly spent her time to make sure he is alright. 'Is this what they call, the meaning of ... life?'
- In Serial96 Chapters
A Boy’s Simple Ambition
A story of a young orphan coming of age in a world slowly recovering from an otherworldly invasion that not only brought it to the brink of collapse, but that also introduced a new element similar to magic. Follow his adventures as he attempts to fulfill his ambition, one that is so simple, yet so far out of reach, all the while trying to survive the antics of his friends and the growth of his powers. Release Schedule: Wednesdays & Saturdays Afternoon EST
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I know, the title doesnt seem to make sense. Its an acronym. For what? Hm. T means True. Up to you otherwise. Oh, right. The acronym actually does have an impact on one of the themes of the "story". At the same time I mixed it up with a reference to the original plan for this when I started, so yay. A double. Well, actually, a triple. Again, up to you. I should also mention that, as the rhyme that starts the story probably tells you, its gonna get kinda disturbing. All kinds of disturbing. Just to let you know.
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The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants
Eighteen year old Akira Katagiri applied to be a dormitory caretaker on a whim. Next thing he knew, his application was rammed through and the job was his. Akira now manages a dorm in which tenants from another world come to stay. However, his tenants may be carrying more baggage than what's in their suitcases. Some are scarred from war, others suffer from depression. Will this high school graduate be able to navigate his life as well as the livelihoods of others? Art by Nyxview First volume of the book, containing the missing chapters, available on Amazon!: Amazon.com: The Caretaker of Tenants from Another World: Vol. 1
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memoirs || beomryu
[ completed ]in which, when you suddenly get old memories of your past life.and it leads you to your destiny."do you believe in what they said earlier?" - choi beomgyu"if they were really made for each other, both fate and destiny will surely have its own ways to connect them together once again." - shin ryujinmemoirs:↳ a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources.I would advise you to read the first two books, although this book isn't in the same timeline as those two, they are all still connected, this is just so you wouldn't be confused with the plot.book three of the royalty series.↦ royalty series: royalty || beomryu heiress || beomryu↠ memoirs || beomryumost impressive ranking:#1 memoirs: 01 - 23 - 2021date published: 01 - 12 - 2021date ended: 06 - 03 - 2021© Center_Queen
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The Dungeon System
A Curse goes wrong, a prophecy is mentioned, a dungeon core is created.
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