《The War of Two Kinds》Logbook #013 - The Strain
After stacking upon the final crate that was needed to be delivered, a yellowed robed lass wiped her sweat off with the back of her arm. 'Phew.' She exhaled softly with squeezed cheeks. With her noodles for legs and her breathe a fiery burden, she takes a seat on a makeshift bench that was made from scrap metal and deerskin. 'Finally, delivery accomplished.' She sighed.
With a few steps of elegance, a shadow covered the lass above, The silhouette, tall and curvy brought along a body, bending down was holding upon a metal tray. 'Care for a drink, honey?' A feminine voice answered. With a face so familiar and the hair as silky as it looks, it was the loving partner of NZ, caring enough with her truthful honesty to greet the guests with some refreshing beverage.
'Ugh- Thanks!' Mary answers as she picks up a small mug of a dark red liquid filled with odd transparent cubes. 'What is this suppose to be?' She asks, revealing to be USP also knows as Mary
'Sweet tea, Iced Sweet Tea to be exact.' The maiden answered back as she smiles towards the little resting lass.
'Ice?! I have never seen ice in cubes before. Is this suppose to be some sort of magic thing or are they collected from a cold mountainside nearby?' Mary replied. 'This looks kinda nice.'
With a short giggle, the maiden nods slowly, knowing the girl does not know the artificial way to make ice. 'This ice was made by freezing water inside a freezer. A freezer is a type of machinery to keep fresh food stay fresh temporarily and as well, keep it cold. Useful if trying to keep easily rotting ingredients for quite some time.'
'Ahhh~' Mary answers. 'That type of machine, I have learnt about it before but I never knew they still existed. My bad.' Mary shakes her head in embarrassment as she chuckles to herself slightly.
'Don't be. It is indeed a rare thing to see or use and considering our current times, there is no such factory or warehouse, to be able to produce any more of these devices. Even electricity is kinda harsh to find nowadays. Mostly relied on generators or oil.' The maiden replied as she walks over to Dr. Aug and Chieftess Welter who were conversing with Chieftess Winosa over some trading goods. Giving them the kindly made icy and sweet beverage.
NZ on the other hand was no where in sight, curious, she looks around as she sips her tea. 'Is he perhaps in his room again? That's what his partner usually says he is in. What was it again, a study room?'
Finishing her drink, she got herself up and stretched her arms and legs like a cat, reaching as high as possible to the air. Satisfied, she takes a short stroll around the village. Though small, there were at-least some curious sights as some lights glowed in different hues of color and sizes. Looking through some windows like a busy body. She was either greeted with no-one or one or two unknown villagers who were minding their own business, either resting or doing some sort of activity to past the time.
As she looked through a random window with a familiar face in it, her arm was suddenly held as she was roughly pulled down slowly. 'What have I told you about being a busybody, Mary? Some privacy is needed and its not nice to looks into other people's business.' It was Chieftess Welter, aka her mother.
With an apologetic bow, she apologized to her mother as she heads towards NZ's partner who was heading to their direction.
'Oh hello, Miss Welter and, Mary. What can I do for you?' She asks as she noticed them beside her residence. Chieftess Welter replied with a 'My apologies for my daughter being such a busy-body, looking through the window looking for 'someone', perhaps.'
NZ's partner smiles and nods in understanding what she meant. 'Ahh- I see. So you want to meet NZ, don't you little girl? No worries really. Come, let me let you in. We will be here for a while, after all. Come, follow me.' With a wave of her hand, Mary was kindly invited by NZ's partner to introduce her to NZ.
Curiously following NZ's partner, she knocks his study room a few times as her sweet tone of voice asked if she could come in. With a reply of a yes, she nods with a smile to Mary and enters.
'Dear, we got a visitor. A familiar face, if you can remember.' She says.
In a room filled to the brim with dusty journals, newspapers, books and scrolls, there in the middle stands a wooden drawing board, neatly arranged with inks, pencils and pens. Behind the table, was NZ sitting there backwards as beside the table, stood a smaller table holding a very antique and rusty typewriter.
Turning around from his wobbly old computer chair, NZ smiles with a surprised face. 'If it isn't the curious gal, come come~. Don't be shy, I was just writing some notes, come take a look.'
Nodding and smiling with glee, Mary skips herself towards NZ, and looks beside him at what he was doing.
'Darling, you can go take a rest. You did quite a lot today, thank you.' With a smile, he kisses his partner's cheeks and waves to her as she leaves the room.
'Hello, there curious gal. What brings you here today? I mean Mary, Mary Welter.' Worried if the nickname was a little bit annoying, he calls her politely by her real name.
'Me? I am here for carrying some loads of crates for trading among the villages. Other than that, I was a little curious learn about the past, hence I took the opportunity to come all the way here. Even if its distance is rather, time-wasting.' Mary replied.
'I see.' NZ replied as he held a pencil on his right hand. With his left he points towards his doings, a sketch of sorts on an enormous map. Looking closely, it was a detailed map on the many areas which are consisting of certain flora and fauna and the many different places where each village and territory lies ahead.
Mary looks closely as she bends herself down and looks at each of the detailed cross-sectioning and straight ruling. 'Ooh, this is very accurate! Not like the one I made.' She answers with a surprised tone. 'This looks very professionally made. It even has some small symbols indicating what are located in this certain areas, such as the rarer wolf dens and the many small caves that consists of either emptiness or some sort of ore?'
NZ nods with a convincing smile. 'Indeed, curious gal. This is made specifically for our search party in-case we have any idea of a future clue to find some sort of special resources if we ever stumble upon it. With that, I use my photographic memory to plot those areas down. I wish to be able to print multiple copies of this out, so I can share it with the other allied villages, as long as it is in the right hands. Not many of the residence from some villages are literate, after all.'
'Hmm, makes sense. Is it possible if my clan can have a copy soon? Since I am the only hunter of the village, I think I may need more use for this.' She giggles softly, teasing him a little.
'Sure! Gladly will do. But for now it is a work in progress and darn, my back hurts.' As he says that, he squeezes his shoulder muscle and turns around to his normal table, pulling open a drawer and a strange device that resembled a laptop of sorts. Turning it on , he flips it towards the middle of his table, so both he and Mary are able to see.
'Your shoulders look a little stiff, mind if I massage them for you?' Mary asks kindly as she looks towards the strange screened device. 'That kind of looks like the tape recorder when it transforms to visual-audio mode.
'That is indeed similar, but this one can do so much more, it is powered by a guardian crystal, hence why it is able to run without battery or recharging, other than that it has access to the internet so I can search some old forgotten archives or documents that I have saved. Got a few videos here too, if in case you want to take a look. Not all of it are so, family-friendly.' He grins intentionally.
'If it's those kind of material no thank you.' She blandly stares. 'But if you mean like violence or a bloody mess, that's something else to consider.'
'Oh yeah, you want to massage my shoulders? I don't mind really. Usually my wife does it, but I feel bad for her as she worked really hard today. So I happily accept it.' With that, he relaxes his shoulders and commands the laptop with voice commands instead.
'Anything you want to ask me, by the way? Anything curious you want to learn after the few tapes you listened or watched?' He asks, as Mary reached to his shoulders and gave me a hard pressing shoulder knead in a circle notion.
'Hmm, perhaps tell me more about what happened after you defeated the Axis General. What happened next? Especially to the Miss Goyang-I.' Mary answers.
'Oh, Chau-min.' As he heard about that, he stayed quiet for a few seconds. With a sigh, he nods slowly in the awkward silence. Still being massaged, he inhales slowly and commands the computer to show a visualized tape thirteen.
'Don't worry, it's not as bad as you think.' He replies.
---Tape Starts---
A few days after the ambush into the Axis Communications and Main Headquarters, the building was then sealed off and researched by some government agents and scientists. The soldiers were given a free temporary leave if they so wished, with that a number of members returned home if they had their own or stayed in with their families.
The generals however had to take care of the many problems that were happening. A few arguments here and there from the many tables and directors, but also some preparition for the burial of a few respected soldiers. Some were specially contained into pods if they had a chance to live again, there contains one with a familiar height and face. It was Lieutenant Chau-Min part of Echelon Zero in Continuum. Floating nude in this pod filled with air and many different wires injected into her limbs and muscles. Some scientists were pressing some buttons as they looked through some mechanical line graphs that the machine generated.
A lady of a beast, watched the maiden, as she wore a lab-coat and wrote some scribbles on the note-pad. 'How's her breathing pattern?' She asks the fellow scientist who were concentrating themselves with thick and heavy coffee as they stared into a small monitor.
'Her breathing pattern's fine, Madam Shimaya. Though consisting of a corrupted wound in her chest, she is still curable. She was a given a dosage of some guardian essence (water purified with the heating of the crystal of a guardian) that her guardian produced. Heart rate is also normal though slow and she is still yet in a comatose state.' A scientist replied as she writes her report into the monitor's note-pad that was given to submit.
'That's good. Glad she can make it and so as the the rest, having more deaths will only cause more harm to our rather small population in every country. How about the original corrupted axis, are they in good shape?' She points towards the other tubes as she slowly walks towards a few of the remaining pods, taking a quick glance.
Turning of a chair, a scientist replied. 'Considering their long time of being corrupted. Some of their flesh has either deteriorated due to dehydration or may have started a decomposition state. Other than that, their vitals seem fine, but others have some drastic mental inductions here and there. They are taken care of with also purification consisting guardian essence and also nano-seal procedures to fix their dead skin follicles.'
With a nod of concentration, she then deduces her answer into her report pad. 'Thank you fellow scientists for the effort. I shall take my leave now.'
'You're welcome Ma'am', they replied as a few soldiers who were guarding the lab saluted towards her leave.
'As usual, do not. I say, do not notify her family what happened to their kids, if they are still alive. As long as they are curable, we have many chances for them to be still alive and well.' As she circled her hand, a light of a circle appeared as a door slowly opened. With that, she enters through as it disperse to nothing, not even an atom.
Back to the Endicrite residence, William was sitting outside of his house on white bench, which were surrounded with many different types of flora, both beautiful and aromatic. As he sat down and stared at the skies, he was lost in thought as he was trying to figure out Chau-min's confession. He was in a rather depressing state, normal for a fresh meat of a soldier when they encounter themselves in a high stressed situation for the first time. Probabilities are usually moderate as this happens quite usually in the everyday world of roofing and or being ignorant of the others around them.
The sister of William, Elaine heads towards William as she pats his shoulder. 'Bro, it's time for brunch. Would you like to come? You haven't eaten much lately.' In a worried and sad tone, she didn't usually see her older brother in this kind of state.She has grown quite a little since the last encounter as he left his home. A few inches taller and a more prominent body slowly becoming mature, you could know that she was under puberty by then.
With a slow nod, William got up. As long as it is his sister that calls him, he wouldn't want her to feel bad for her lovely invite. Sometimes, it reminds him of Chau-min too as her height is quite similar. 'Sure...I will come.' He smiles a little as he limps his way towards the house's back entrance. Still having a strike of pain due to the injury he got on his leg and shoulder.
From there, you could see the sight of many windows and pillars filling the surroundings. Not only the door leads to the dining room immediately but it also gives a lovely sight when the sun rises early. Perhaps maybe a sunset would make such an eye-catching moment.
Heading inside, William stood still for a second as he neared his chair that was prepared. He saw a void, and a voice. A seducing one. 'Fester....Will, fester..' Blinking his eyes a couple of times, he shakes his head and sits down. 'Thank you.'
His mother a little worried, looks at him and tries to cheer him up. 'A little hard I guess, now you know a little of how your ancestors felt when they were scurrying about during the world war.' With a small laugh, she apologies for her rude behavior.
William chuckles a little and smiles, as he looks at the food he was given. A plate filled with his favourite food. Though simple and rather common, it was vermicelli with tomato sauce, basil and a few other garnishes. On the side was some chips and foie gras. As a beverage, it was a glass of sparkling champagne, with no alcohol, unfortunately.
'It looks delicious, thank you.' With a nod to the head maid and the chef who waited by the kitchen entrance, he excuses them with the compliment. Picking up his utensils slowly, he slowly ate the food in a very odd fashion.
'Delicious?' Her sister asked with a smile.
Chewing his food, he nods back at her. Swallowing his food, he then reached for his glass of champagne as he raises it a little. 'A little cheer, perhaps?' With the three raising their glasses , they clinked their glasses with a smile as the mood felt happy again.
After some time of eating every course that was given, William satisfied finally still felt a little more hungrier than usual. Not worrying about it, he tried to explain the many few exciting incidents that happened while he was learning and operating in Continuum. Explaining about how the school part operates, how the guardians are used and the many guardians and comrades he befriended and associated himself with.
'And with that test, I was able to contract myself with two magical guardians who wielded a strange sword and a custom made gun. They kind of look like those fox-like Kitsune's that you see in those animes and their powers are similar to those of superheroes and science fiction films.'
His sister was a massive fan of the more media culture of her eastern side of the family. She was very much into magical girl animations, which usually consist of a girl gaining magical powers after some bad incident happening to her or some stereotypical incident of being some chosen one to save the people from the very evil of very dumbly written villains. She too was very interested in many legends such as legendary artifacts, accursed books and also yokais in general, a more eastern form of demonology.
'Ooh! That's so good! I want to see them one day! Is that possible?' With an excited tone, she asks with a smile. 'I bet they are beautiful too just like how their shown, are they like that?!'
'They are rather beautiful and a little playful here and there as they are shown through their more animal-ques behaviors but personality wise, their not so straightforward like in the animes. They have different emotions and moods just like us normal humans do, so its hard to actually know how they actually feel, unless you are good at understanding body language which their tails and ears usually indicate like how again, animals do.'
'Nice! But is that a yes.....?' She dragged her yes as she made a rather puppy like eyes.
'Yes, yes! It is possible. As long as they want to introduce themselves.' He replied with a little surprise as the sister's eagerness is making him feel a little queasy.
'Elaine, please don't be so noisy to your brother, he isn't really in a good mood today, after all it's only been a few days since his return.' His mother replied, giving him a small wink of an excuse to take a leave.
Nodding slowly, he got up and pats his sister's head.
'Don't worry, I am sure. they will be excited to see you soon. The younger one is rather playful like you too, so I suppose you two will be good friends. I promise.' He explains. 'In a few days, it will be Christmas. I would like to still be here to celebrate and in the evening, I may go out with a few friends. I feel a little more confident in going out to the public even if I still have to disguise myself as a female.'
With a hug from his sister, she smiles and runs away as she cheekily makes a tongue at him before heading to her room, I suppose. 'OK~!' She shouted.
With a sigh, he turns to his mother and bows apologetically. 'My apologies for my terrible behavior lately. I am still down because of a friend's fatal injury, way worse than mine.'
'It's alright, Will. It will take some time anyway~. Don't worry, just take care of yourselves and continue your hobbies if you have the time. I am here to help too if you start feeling bad again, alright?'
'Uh-hmm...' He replies as he slowly limps himself to his room, closing it. It was in pitch-black. As he sat on his bed, he weeped softly and started pathetically gagging and moaning softly. 'I am sorry, Chau. I couldn't save you...I miss your smile and your cat-like behavior. Even f your guardian is a ignorant as a cat, I still feel terrible. I could have saved you from the shot, if I was more aware that she was still alive....I am sorry...Chau, I am ....sorry.'
Crying in an umpteenth amount of time, he falls unconscious on his bed.
---Tape Ends---
'Yeah...That's what happened.' NZ replied with a rather dry sigh, sounding more like a rusty metal being scratched with coarse sandpaper.
'Even-though she was able to survive, you still felt pathetic. My apologies NZ, really. I hope she passed away happily too in an old age.' Mary whispered as she hugs NZ slowly.
'Dead? You think she's dead...?' He chuckled softly. 'Silly curious gal, she's still well and healthy. She's just not...here...though.' NZ replied.
'Wait...really?!' She shouted a little, accidentally.
Surprising NZ's partner awake who was sleeping for quite some time. Confused, she tries to sleep again.
'Shush shush, not so loud...My wife is probably sleeping. Yes, that is true.' He replied. 'She is still well. I contact with her sometimes when we are on radio, giving ourselves coordinates and reports on the infected sightings.'
'Infected?' Mary asked. 'Oh, like that banshee black thing that attacked me in the cave?'
William nods. 'Yeah.'
Knock knock, the window side's wall was sounded. 'Mary! It's time for you to home now!' Dr.Aug called as she pops her head with a cheeky smile.
'Alright~...' Mary dragged with a sad tone. 'Thank you NZ, for helping me to know more. I am grateful for you spending time with me today.'
'No problem, all for the curious gal. It's nice to know with someone whose interested in the past sometimes, like me. You intrigue me, gal. Well, in a friendly way.' He scratches his neck with a one eye as he laughs cheekily.
'Alrighty then, old man.' She laughs together with him as she waves. Leaving his room, she slowly closes his door as she left.
Heading to the cart, Mary climbed herself on the cart-front as she helped up her elderly mother. After some time, with some sayings of leave, Mary lashes the horse, as they returned back to the direction of their village.
'How was your day, Mary? Did you have fun today?' Asked her curious mother.
'Yeah, I did! Albeit, all the carrying of the crates and moving here and there rather made me back hurt.' She says with a sulk.
Her mother laughs softly as she pats her daughter's back. 'Silly you, you are still young. Wait till you reach my age, even walking for a while hurts.'
'Right...' Mary cheekily answers.
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