《Re:volutionist》10: My new prison life and cellmate
Mirrond: So… another chapter. Having plenty of free time really speed this up. That’s more or less everything I have to say now. Resus, you have something to add?
Resus: I just wish this whole thing would be easier to write...
Mirrond: If it was easy, everyone would do it. So… stop whining, it’s O.K.
Resus: Write a story, they said. It would be easy, they said xD
Mirrond: Who said that? xD And why did you believe such an obvious trap?
Resus: … Shut up...
Chapter 10: My new prison life and cellmate
The darkness disappears and I lie in my bed again.
Shadow’s last words were… spooky, on many levels. So, not only I have two rivals now - even more can show up later. And even without additional reincarnated falling from the skies like snow in Siberian winter, there are more factions around here than I previously thought. Shadow and his still unknown ‘colleagues’ - at least if he really have friends who aren’t imaginary - his sister, and the Old Gods. And I’m still not even sure if by that name he might have meant the goddess-protector of Res…
I really need to hurry up with my rehabilitation. I’m five years ahead, sure, but I can’t afford to waste any time. If Res is a one of the Old Gods then their Chosen One is going to have Temple’s full support in search for me. And if I won’t be capable of a proper self defense by the time he will grow up and begin his search… well, let’s hope that it won’t happen.
For a moment I want to go asleep, but… no - I finally have a bit of time to look through Options menu. WITHOUT ANY DEADLY INTERRUPTIONS!
||=================||UI:Interface Activation Trigger:Gesture (presets)>Gesture Presets:27. Reach with your right hand as if the status window was already there./Map Activation Trigger:Voice command>Voice command:“Open map.”Chat Activation Trigger:Voice command>Voice command:“Open chat.”System Messages:When the status windows is opened.>HUD:Heads Up Display:on / OFFOHP bar:INACTIVE (on / off )MP bar:INACTIVE (on / off )Clock:INACTIVE (on / off )Update pop-ups:INACTIVE (on / off )Hostile Status Display:INACTIVE (on / off )Other:Automatic Translation:ON / offOMonths names:ON / offOWeek days names:ON / offOIdioms:ON / offOReal Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
The screen looks more or less like I remember it from last time. Though I wasn’t paying much attention to it back then. I can see that Shadow dropped his game and managed to set the triggers for map and… chat… as simple and doable voice commands. That’s surprisingly domestic of him. Maybe after what just happened, or even right after that… previous interface disaster, he thought that it’s pointless to torture me like that when I’m practically paralyzed? Or he’s simply making me feel safe, so he can surprise me when I least expect it…
I open the map screen after my third try… It seems like I have to say the command fairly quick or it won’t register.
A low detailed map is floating before my face… It’s basically just an outline of what looks like a continent. There’s no legend nor any additional information. It seems fairly useless for now. Maybe later, when I’ll actually gain some knowledge about geography of this world this map will get more detailed.
Anyway, nothing interesting there for now. So, I decide to try this ‘chat’ and… really, Shadow? Keyboard? I can see a small keyboard floating in front of me, together with a chat window. There is contact list next to the window, but there is only one contact written there. ‘Shadow666
Then I move on to HUD. I switch it on and… well, it’s a weird thing. The empty HP bar in the lower left corner of my view feels like… that moment, sometimes, when you notice your own nose and it shows in your field of view for a while until your brain filters it out again. I guess I will have to get used to it. After a moment of consideration I decide to switch HP and nonexistent MP bars off. It’s pretty unnerving… and, well, empty. But clock seems useful, so I left it, and update messages, on. The clock is in the upper right corner of my vision. It’s small, and well, it shows time with numbers, instead of a clock face. Useful thing, I don’t need to look at a Temple’s clock tower anymore.
Hostile Status Display… well, lack of hostiles to check it on. For some reason I doubt that Iverie would count as one, at least as long as she won’t attack me with something sharp.
And at the end… Automatic Translation. Auto translating idioms and month names? Ok, count me in. That’s something really useful.
I turn the interface off. Well… I feel sleepy, so let’s call it a day. And from tomorrow on, let’s just focus on getting back into the right shape.
* * *
It took half a year… and now I’m more or less back to normal. At some point I noticed that there was ‘paralyzed’ status effect with a vague timer. It was actually quite correct in its predictions. But… when it disappeared, it was instantly replaced with another one, that will take another half a year to remove. At least I can walk now. With crutches and painfully slowly but I’m not confined to my bed, and occasionally the wheelchair, anymore. And that in itself is a huge success for me.
It gets slightly worse when I’m tired, when I sometimes feel like my limbs refuse to listen. And my words get less and less understandable. But that’s just a minor inconvenience, right? I can at least go to the toilet without anyone’s help. That’s more than enough to make me happy.
I also learned how to read and write! My father hired a tutor to teach me during my rehabilitation. And I actually learnt it quite fast. Although, my old knowledge was a big help in the whole process… so while I weren’t exactly branded as a genius, I was definitely very, very praised. The only problem was the fact that local alphabet is so totally messed up… It reminds me a bit of Earth latin alphabet. A bit. My first thought was that, at some point in history, someone showed it to the locals without explaining which letter is which. And the results of that… for example local letter ‘A’ looks a lot like the ‘X’ I knew from Earth. Many letters are also missing, or at least it feels like it, because they added combinations of two letters to serve as a different one. And FOR FUCK SAKE, who was crazy enough to make stressed letters be written UPSIDE DOWN?! It’s ridiculous… I can’t possibly describe how painful it is to write even the most simple question.
Now I really want to conquer this world… simply to enforce new, and much simpler, alphabet. Future generations would love me for this. Urgh.
I was learning more or less alone… because my newly met family members - by whom I mainly mean Meritri and Ni’ren - were busy. The former with avoiding me for some reason, the latter with… well… learning. It turned out that Res - or rather Temple and all the venerable Houses like Veles - decided to change local educational system… just around now.
Previously it was left to private tutors hired by rich families. After learning basics, kids were allowed to enter the library in the Temple, which was… more or less… the only real library in the whole city.
However, few years ago, the Temple decided that it requires more place to store books, the number of which gradually grew over time. So, they expanded the Grand Temple’s complex by adding additional buildings to house expanded library. They also decided to add ‘classrooms’, and entire new wing of the building to house and accommodate students. They turned it into something in between of a classical university and a boarding school. It was opened this year for the first group of students, which was composed of 5-8 years old kids from all Houses. And that was actually the reason why Varthia moved into the mansion in the first place - because this allowed her granddaughters to attend this new ‘school’.
At first I thought that this was retarded… I mean, boarding school? With every student living in the same city…? But then Shadow’s blessing made me understand what it was all about. By making all wealthy kids spend five days every week under the care of the Temple, and its tutors, the Temple gained considerably big influence on them. And within twenty or thirty years most of the students is bound to start becoming influential personas in the city…
It was actually quite surprising to see all the Houses let it happen so willingly… It looked that I severely underestimated the current influence the Temple had in the city. In the beginning I thought that Res was an oligarchy, where the wealthy families used religion as a way to legitimize their rule over the city. But now I begin to think of it being more like theocracy, with Houses being loyal servants of the Temple. Sure, they are rich and have power over everyday matters of the city, but only because Grand Priestess doesn't bother to deal with them. She lets them thrive for as long as the Temple is well supplied, and the city stays relatively peaceful.
It was quite a fun time, mainly because neither Shadow, nor anyone else bothered me too much. However, it just ended. And quite abruptly at that. It’s saturday, and I’ve just been called into my father’s office. So, I took my crutches and slowly but surely begin my walk towards father’s office with Gavlan following slowly behind me.
It’s actually rather surprising of father to call for me like that as - since my brother’s death - he diligently avoided any contact with me. Shadow’s blessing’s telling me that he may be afraid of getting too close to me, because then if anything were to happen to me, he would be hurt again. I think of it as irrational, but I guess that’s how psychological trauma works, right?
The much more upsetting thing with father right now is his increasing levels of paranoia. Making sure that both his and mine meals are thoroughly tested before eating is ok - he also included Lena in that treatment, after my numerous outbursts of crying that I don’t want her to ‘go away like my brother’ - but being surrounded by bodyguards 24/7 is… a bit too much. He even avoids leaving the mansion because he’s afraid of assassins! Sure, he leaves when he absolutely has to, but only by carriage. And a well secured one at that.
I’m probably the only person who has no problem getting through his security. Although this may change when I get older… Nevertheless, they let me in and I’m in father’s office. The window is covered with thick, dark curtains, and the only light source in the room is some sort of a magic device that hangs from the ceiling. It’s decorated, surely, an fits quite nicely to the design theme of the room, but I really feel like I’m in a World War II bunker with a lone bulb hanging from the ceiling…
“So, how are you feeling?” He starts after a cold greeting.
“It’s much better, father. It’s still hard to walk or speak when I’m really tired, but other than that… I’m good.” I reply and he nods. For a while he’s deeply in thoughts and doesn’t even look my way.
“That’s good to hear, because after the weekend you are going to join Ni’ren in the Temple’s school.” Oh, so here goes the happy - even if a bit lonely - childhood. I’m not going to argue about that, though. I wasted enough time being sick. “I decided that it is a good time for you to start attending school, as you are going to have company. Meritri is nearly five years old, so it’s a high time for her as well to begin her education.”
Now that I think about it… Ni’ren? Meritri? It’s the first time I hear my father mentioning kids that aren’t his own by their names. Iar’e is always just ‘Lenniel’s child’ or ‘nephew’. Even Lena is ‘Alva’s daughter’. Did he get closer with Varthia and her branch of our family when I wasn’t paying attention? Ding ding ding! My blessing is giving me signals. Are they cooperating against Iverie? I hope so…
“That’s great, father.” He finally looks at me when I answer him. This time with a bit worried face.
“There is also… another matter.” Ok, now I’m worried too. I sense more problems coming. ”It is possible that some of the kids there… might act towards you in a similar way to Lenniel’s kid back then. We are the only Great House composed of humans, and humans… well, we aren’t exactly the most respected race here in Res. If something like this happens, try to ignore it and focus on learning as much as you can, can you do that?”
Oh great. I try to conjure a genuinely curious look on my face.
“Why would humans be treated this way?”
“That is because we have no magic. And this makes many nonhumans feel… superior. Lack of magic doesn’t make us any dumber, but some of them think of us as a race inferior to them in every aspect. It is rare to see human family that is wealthy or influential, but… as you can see, we are an exception.” He gives me a weak smile. “Go and prepare yourself. Good luck.”
I return to my room accompanied by Gavlan. Dark thoughts rumbling in my head. Shadow… WHY?! I like being human, sure - it’s something I am quite used to. But if they really are universally disliked or even despised... HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO RUIN THIS WORLD?! It gets really, seriously hard, when people around you think of you as a dumb, magicless weakling… urgh, it must be an elven revenge for the Witcher’s world. Definitely. When Shadow will give me magic with this secret method of his, maybe I’ll try to pose as a hidden half-breed? Urgh, no, then it would mean that I’m not fully legitimate Veles, and it would generate issues with my standing in the family. Aaaargh!
Alright, there’s no need to be depressed about it! I’ll face it on Monday. But before then… well, time to indulge myself in pleasures such as doing absolutely nothing while I still have some time left for that.
* * *
The carriage ride to school is unsurprisingly awkward. Even more so as, while I expected to be here alone with Meritri and her shy slash scared attitude towards me, Kiera and Ni’ren are here with us. It feels really crowded in here even though the cabin is pretty big - it could easily contain six grownups.
Kiera and Ni’ren are busy talking but they’re mostly whispering to each other so I can’t hear anything. It surprises me at first when I think about the scene six months ago with me meeting Varthia’s branch of the family and their opinions of Iverie, but then Ni’ren’s parents weren’t there so I can’t just assume that they would feel the same. Anyway, that leaves me only Meritri to try and talk to, the problem is that she… isn’t the most talkative person around.
Oh damn it… I should start the talking, shouldn’t I? Getting through the town is seriously taking forever. Sure, the distance is short, but the atmosphere in the carriage is… urgh. Now, what should I say? I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY! She seems shy and since we meet she’s been purposefully avoiding me. It’s not the case of breaking the ice. It’s a full blown glacier between us right now… Or at least it feels like it.
Oh great, she notices that I’m looking at her and, well, reacts more or less as expected. She looks like she’s trying to discover a way to become invisible or something… seriously, how shy is she!? I hope she grows out of this.
Okay, I officially abandon all plans to end this silence. Let’s just pretend I’m alone in here. Step one, look through the window. Step two… Ok, so it’s a one-step plan but it seems to be working. Some time passes like that without anyone bothering me and vice versa. But, there had to be a ‘but’, it seems like the older girls don’t feel entertained enough with just talking and begin teasing my younger cousin.
“Meritri’s silent again. Can you even speak? I never heard you speaking.” Kiera, of course it’s her being mean and all. She really start to look like a younger Iverie, but why so childish? Wait, childish?
It just occurred to me… It’s going to be fucking kindergarten… What did I say earlier? 5-8 years old? I’m going to be stuck… with little children… five days a week… and I’m supposed to act like one of them or else someone might start to see me as ‘the weird child’... and that could lead my enemies to discover that I’m the reincarnated one. It’s very unlikely to happen but not impossible. Up till now it was fairly easy for me to pose as a child because effectively there was no one who would care about my behavior… Wait, what are the girls talking about?
“Yeah, she’s silent like a slave girl.” Now that’s pretty heartless… I mean, majority of slaves in the mansion are strictly ordered to speak to family members only if there is some serious matter to talk about… like reporting that they finished their work and want another one, or to inform that there is a group of assassins hiding in the closet. Besides, that slaves are treated pretty much like furniture, so there is barely a place for being friendly and talkative.
Not to mention - Ni’ren, if you are siding with Kiera against your own cousin… I’m seriously disappointed in you.
I really expected better from her. On the other hand… they spent a lot of time in school together, with all other students most likely ignoring them or something… so, theoretically, it’s no surprise they got closer. It’s still a bit sad, though.
Meritri tries to retort but… whatever she said, it looks like her voice decided to surrender midway, so it’s incomprehensible. Ok, I give up. I’ll try to shut them up, but I have to make it sound somehow childish, I guess. I just need to remember all those insults from my early school years and use one… Easy, it was only like… 15 years ago!?
“Why won’t you to just go back to whispering? It was so nice without your squeaking.” What become of me. I can’t even think of an actual, basic insult… THAT WAS PATHETIC! But, surprisingly it worked. In a way. I’m their new target now.
“Shut up retard.” Well, Kiera definitely tries everything she can to antagonize me even further. Great.
“Yeah, who asked you,” Oh, Ni’ren, Ni’ren… you know that you act like moderately intelligent sidekick to the antagonist in school-life chapter of some second grade fantasy novel? Seriously, you should be intelligent enough to say something beside ‘Yeah, who asked you’… it’s… just infinitely stupid, seriously.”
“It’s your fault for taking stupid like that.” I feel my IQ dropping with every word I speak… The worst part? I’ll need to keep acting like that for a long time… Argh, why does it always happen to me?!
“You can’t talk to me like that, you’re just a retard!” It makes me wonder if she even knows what ‘retard’ means, or is she just repeating her mother...
“C’mon Kiera, don’t listen to him, he’s stupid.” IT’S FUCKING WORKING!? I don’t know if I should be happy or sad about it.
“You’re both stupid! And ugly!” I’m literally crying on the inside right now. Shadow, if you’re listening to this - please, tell me you can fast forward this shit show called my life. I WANT TO BE AN ADULT NOW, PLEASE.
“I’m not ugly!” Is she crying? I… made Ni’ren cry… And Kiera’s just staring at me… As if I’m the bad guy here...
||=====Stat Increase=====||
||====================||Most unfortunately there is no way to fast forward your entire life. Which is oh so sad :C No, seriously, I’m being dead serious when I’m saying that I’m crying over your pitiful existence, so let’s join me and cry our eyes out together! :C
Or, whatever. Well, I’ve decided to answer your… prayer? Let’s call it that for now… for two reasons. Firstly, because I wanted to say ‘NO’ and make fun of you (hey, at least I am honest!). And secondly, because I decided that you already know enough, so you don’t need a deity of madness going on around you. From now on I’m seriously going to limit my contact with you to absolute minimum. I know I said that once or twice already… BUT I REALLY MEAN IT THIS TIME!
Unless of course, there is something important going on - like an on-going apocalypse only you could stop, which is, well… very unlikely - I am going to stay silent and just watch over you. At least until you’ll start doing something interesting and/or something worth my commentary. And by interesting I mean people dying in horrible ways. So yeah, good luck with that.
By the way (which is actually the only reason you see this message), you just got +1 to Intimidation for… ‘Making a Little Girl Cry’. So, well… good job? It’s some sort of a beginning for a Dark Lord career… I think. o_O No, seriously, I’m not really sure if that’s just pathetic or EVIL AS FUCK?! So, like I said, have a nice childhood, full of racism and stuff.
PS. Nazi says ‘Good job!Real Life Game System’s HUD by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Oh, thank you SO FUCKING MUCH, Shadow. I sincerely hope that you are serious this time and you really are going to leave me alone. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!
“No, you shut up!” No, seriously, I’m really acting retarded now… eh, it’s not like I’m in position to think about something better. And even with just this, the carriage looks like it’s going to change into Fight Club’s youth group in a moment… Although, I would really prefer to avoid all this. I mean, using violence against kids? And girls, on top of that… I’m not even sure if I would win! Now THAT’S pathetic...
The carriage suddenly stops. The doors open, and there’s Gavlan’s face with ‘WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU LITTLE RICH BASTARDS I HATE SO MUCH’ look painted all over it. I, of course, stay silent - you don’t talk about Fight Club! - and the rest doesn’t know him at all - maybe beside the fact that he’s my bodyguard - so they also say nothing as we leave the carriage one by one.
Now, wow, that’s some serious architecture over here. I can only see a small part of the entire complex, and in itself it’s quite spectacular. Even though I don’t have time to enjoy the view. Gavlan is urging me - without words, but I can see it in his face - to get inside. And local servants - slaves of the Temple - unload our baggage from the carriage. Gavlan looks restless because he isn’t going to accompany me inside - the school has it’s own security - so he’s going to be temporarily freed from following me everywhere.
As we enter, there’s a hall with few armed people with bored expressions on their faces - local guards, from the Temple - and a man in a robe that looks like some fantasy-like cleric’s robe in light and dark shades of… mainly blue. He has wolf-like ears, so he is a beastman like Gavlan. Ni’ren and Kiera pass by him without even noticing him, so he must be just a low rank Temple-member. And he’s looking my way, so I guess he’s the welcoming committee for me and Meritri. How lovely.
“In the name of Grand Priestess I, hereby welcome you in our Library.” He begins, with a rather… neutral expression. Well, we’re just two human kids, right? No need to get all excited about us. ”I hope you will enjoy your stay, and learn as much as you can.” Am I overreacting because of what my father told me? Because just now I nearly heard the unspoken ‘but of course it won’t be much since you are just humans’ Argh, damn it.
“I am here to lead you to your room.” Wait, room? Singular? Not plural? He can’t possibly… “We only have double and triple bedrooms, and as our policy is assigning students from the same race to them, you are going to share a room.”
Oh for fuck’s…
Resus: Does this counts as actual story and not just a buildup? I honestly can’t tell…
Mirrond: Well, I can’t help you. The first thing that comes to my mind after seeing the word “buildup” is bodybuilder at the gym, so I am ABSOLUTELY NOT QUALIFIED to speak about this. Let’s just be happy that we finished it.
Resus: Yeah, one more thing. It’s your turn to beg for comments and reviews :P
Mirrond: Eh, I find it rude and offensive (if they want to do it, they’ll do it) so let’s just stick with something like that: We sincerely thank you for every review (even the ones without text that doesn’t really show on a main page), for every comment, and for every one of you that decided to follow us and/or fav our story. God bless you, kind people :D I hope there will be more people like you in the future.
Resus: You don’t sound sincere enough for me… GIVE ME A PROOF THAT YOU BELIEVE!
Mirrond: Is that another one of your hidden MLP quotations? NEVERMIND, I don’t even want to know. Let’s just call it a day.
Spoiler: Status ||===================||
||=====Varth Veles=====||
||===================||Race:HumanSubrace:Northwestern RepublicanNationality:Free City of ResOccupation:ChildAttributes:Health Points:10 / 10Mana Points:0 / 0Physical attributes:Vitality:1Resistance:1Strength:1Endurance:1Dexterity:2Agility:2Intelligence:5Wisdom:6Social attributes:Charisma:0Attractiveness:1Intimidation:1Fear:2Faith:1Fame:1Menus:SkillsSpells (LOCKED)QuestsCodexActive EffectsPossessions (LOCKED)Companions (LOCKED)OptionsReal Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Skills ||==============||
||==============||Combat System:Active:NONEPassive:NONEMagic:Proficiencies:NONEAffinities:Spoiler: Magically Talentless: When it goes to magic your talent is literally nonexistent. You are absolutely, totally magicless. And it doesn’t even give you any antimagic bonuses. Too bad for you ;_;
Better hurry towards gaining magic… oh no, I forgot - you can’t. You can’t do shit about it till your 16th birthday ;_; It’s a real tragedy.
Miscellaneous:Lingual:Spoiler: Western Republican (Southern Coast variant): You possess average skills in using the Southern Coast variant of Western Republican language. This allows you to communicate freely with people who are capable of using it, you can also read and write in it.
You are using it fluently, but you still lack some vocabulary to truly master it.
Social:NONEUtilities:NONEReal Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Spells LOCKED ||======================||
||=====Spells LOCKED=====||
This function is currently LOCKED.
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Quests QuestsUnchangeable Main Quest: Ragnarök DelayedSpoiler: Description
You are now playing a game you don’t understand. You don’t know the rules, you don’t know who plays with you…But you must win. And to achieve that you need to learn the rules… And find a way to break them. Or write them anew.
For now follow Shadow's orders. He wants you to be a hammer that will shatter this world’s political and economical order. While doing that, look for clues about fate of the Old Empire, and the truth about Lost Deities.
Avoid the Old Gods’ attention at all cost.
Success conditions:
World Stability Old Empire Capital discovered
Fate of Old Empire discovered
Truth about Lost Deities discovered
World Stability 100%
Secondary Main Ouest:End of Veles Family?Spoiler: Description
You were born as a part of ancient bloodline of Veles. This family has long since fallen from grace. The corruption within grows and its members are too busy fighting each other to cleanse it. The power of family slowly fades.
Will you become family’s head, and reform it to become more powerful than ever? Or maybe you find it’s sins not redeemable… and you will decide to destroy it?
Only time will tell.
Success conditions:
(one of the following is true)
Varth Veles is the Head of the family
Slave trade controlled by Veles is destroyed
Varth Veles is a sole survivor of the family
Veles successfully framed for plotting a revolt against the city of Res
Naharius Veles Senior is the Head of the family
Veles slave trade on its peak
45 family members alive
Veles reputation remains untarnished
(depends on which conditions were met)
Gaining control of Veles family
Secondary Main Ouest:Followers, Servants and Allies (FSA)Spoiler: Description
There is no way for you to finish your mission alone. You will need help from other people. It’s not easy to find people you can trust. Most of your supporters will never knew the truth about you.
Search for people that can be of use and recruit them to your cause.
Success conditions:
Recruit a follower whom you trust enough to tell the entire truth… and link him to Real Life Game System
Recruit at least seven companions without knowledge of who you really are
Side Quest:Dish Best Served ColdSpoiler: Description
When Iverie murdered your brother you were too young and too weak stop her. You could only be a powerless witness.
But… things change.
Success conditions:
(one of the following is true)
Kill Iverie
Be a part of a scheme that leads to her death
(depends on which conditions were met)
Side Quest:Dark LordSpoiler: Description
Your received a blessing from a Lost Deity. There are still many of them out there who can be... persuaded to assist you by clearing various requirements.
You will need every possible blessing to finish your mission… but unfortunately you don’t know what those requirements are. Continue to do evil deeds to unlock more blessings.
Success conditions:
All blessings received
(other conditions will be unlocked after gaining access to magic)
Side Quest:FSA: LenaSpoiler: Description
Your half-sister Lena is younger than you… and alone. As a single person from her family who treats her as a human being you can influence the way she will grow and thus gain a truly helpful and trustworthy companion.
Success conditions:
Lena Veles possess knowledge about Lost Deities existence
Lena Veles is a follower of Varth Veles
Side Quest:FSA: GavlanSpoiler: Description
Your bodyguard – Gavlan - is a capable warrior. While his ardent faith in Old Gods makes him incapable of accepting the knowledge about who you really are his hatred towards slavery and current state of the world can be of use as a way to recruit him.
Success conditions:
Gavlan is freed from slavery
Gavlan decides to remain in Res and serve you
Optional conditions:
Find a way to weaken his faith, to make him capable of accepting the full truth
Side Quest:Coup de grâceSpoiler: Description
While your… intrigue managed to severely cripple your uncle’s influence within your family, if given enough time he will recuperate by persuading others that he was framed by your father.
You should find a way to eliminate him… decisively.
Success conditions:
Lenniel is dead or banished
Iar’e is dead or banished
Side QuestAcademic KnowledgeSpoiler: Description
You are new to this world. To ruin it, you must firstly understand it. Gaining common knowledge is a necessity but it’s not going to be enough. You will also need insight into politics, trade, sociology, geography, history… and many other subjects.
Not to mention learning languages as there are plenty of them out there.
Success conditions:
A tutor
Access to a library
Fluency in at least four languages
Side Quest:Every Dark Lord’s NecessitySpoiler: Description
What kind of Dark Lord can exist… without his faithful harem!
Begin gathering some nice girls :D
Or boys. Or trees. Or horses. Or whatever!
I’m too busy not giving shit about stupid details to be intolerant.
Success conditions:
Harem! Harem! Harem!
Well, no progress so far… which is understandable as you have only five years… but you still suck D: Not literally as that would be some kind of a progress in that quest D:
Oh, I guess they will reward you in MANY different ways, hihihihi :D
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Codex ||===============||
||===============||People:Dramatis Personae:Veles Family:
Spoiler: ??? Veles - Iverie’s son.
Spoiler: Alva Veles - Your mother and… well… not the smartest person around. She holds absolutely no contact with you. Recently she also lost all contact with your father, after she betrayed him with a slave and gave birth to Lena (whom Alva openly ignores).
It is still unknown to you why she remains Naharius’s wife.
Spoiler: Damit Veles - Son of Paforth and Ferke, younger than you.
Has the best name ever. xD
Spoiler: Ferke Veles - Paforth’s wife, mother of Meritri and Damit.
Her mother-in-law think she’s adorable.
Spoiler: Iar’e Veles - Your cousin, son of Lenniel Veles, and a person you have mentally scarred for life. Even after your coming out he still fights with lingering fear of darkness.
He is also doing everything he can to avoid any contact with you.
Spoiler: Iverie Veles - Your “aunt”, daughter of your grandfather’s sister. Avoid her at all cost - really talented in schemes, and ruthless. Very ambitious, she is scheming to become the next head of Veles family. She killed your brother and is in cahoots with one of the eight Res mages.
Currently she is the most probable successor of your grandfather.
Spoiler: Kiera Veles - Iverie’s daughter. Looks like younger Iverie. It seems like she is growing into a younger version of Iverie.
Might be a pain in the future.
Spoiler: Lena Veles - Your younger half-sister, born from your mother and a slave whose name you don’t know. Openly ignored by everybody in the family except you.
Still very young.
Spoiler: Lenniel Veles - Your uncle, father of Iar’e and one of three important figures in family who compete to become the next head of Veles family. Pretty straightforward in his schemes, mainly because of the fact that his mind is pretty much like a hammer - large, powerful… and blunt. Might be cooperating with Iverie but she may as well only manipulate him. It’s unknown if he knows anything about her business with one of Res mages.
Currently has a very low level of influence within Veles because of your ‘molest’ lie.
Spoiler: Meritri Veles - Daugther of Paforth and Ferke. Around your age, and rather shy, or simply scared of you.
Spoiler: Naharius Veles Junior - Your father. Firstborn son of your grandfather, and one of three potential successors. Through your early childhood he more or less ignored you because of your mental disability but his fatherly feelings reignited after you turned out to be normal. However, continuous calamities that befell him (your mother’s betrayal, you being ‘molested’ and death of your brother) are making him sink deeper and deeper into paranoia.
He lost a big part of his influence after he knocked up a slave girl. Currently he is more or less second in line to the ‘throne’.
Spoiler: Naharius Veles Senior - Your grandfather. His continuous attempts to ease tension within Veles family suggests that he is either delusional, or have some lingering trauma with family infighting.
Most likely the latter as he is much too good in administering Veles slave empire to be mentally impaired.
Spoiler: Nameless Veles - Your dead brother, killed by Iverie and one of the eight Res mages.
Spoiler: Ni’ren Veles - Older than you, and a bookworm. Granddaugther of Varthia, but you don’t know her parents.
Rather cold to you.
Spoiler: Paforth Veles - Son of Varthia, father unknown. Seems like a decent man. Hates Iverie, but not as strong as his mother.
He also seems to be at least a bit better in hiding his thoughts than her.
Spoiler: Varthia Veles - Younger sister of Naharius Senior. She has at least two children (one of them is Paforth, the second is Ni’ren’s parent). She likes to drink alcohol, speak before thinking… and hates Iverie, whom she sees as a plague that threatens entire family.Others:
Spoiler: ??? - One of the eight Res mages. Helped Iverie in killing your brother. His agenda is currently unknown, just as his identity.
Spoiler: Gavlan - Your bodyguard. Wolfman warrior from Leana, taken as a slave by one of Veles fleet slave raids. Shows deep hatred towards slavery and Veles family.
Recently he started to show no signs of hatred towards you just because you are a member of Veles family.Companion / Ally / Friendly / Neutral / Hostile / Dangerous / EnemyRaces:Spoiler: Eastern Republican - Human race variant, that can be most commonly found in the area of Free Cities, and eastern/central Protectorates. Caucasian, with a tendency of having white (or even pale) skin even in the mediterranean climate of Republican Coast. Hair either normal or in various shades of blue (very pale blue is most common). Eyes either normal or in various shades of blue.
Spoiler: Wolfman - Beastman variant, most commonly found in Leana continent, but is also quite widespread in Free Cities, Protectorates and some other areas due to frequent slave raids and “normal” emigration. Either humans with wolf-like features, or a humanoid wolf capable of speaking. Strong, and tough, makes good soldiers and warriors, but have a relatively slow ratio of magic users in their population.Humans / Beastmen / Elves / Arcane Races / OthersOrganisations:Res:
Spoiler: Temple of Res - The one and only religious organisation in Res, that worships the goddess of sea and water who doesn’t really have a name - for her worshippers Res is more or less an extension of herself, so to some point she IS a city. The Temple as an organisation is an important player in political schemes going on in the city. It possess its own military force (one hundred warriors - they protect the city’s one and only grand temple), can pass judgment on various crimes that were taken out of city’s jurisdiction (for example - heresy/blasphemy/participation in some underground sects).
It’s head is a Grand Priestess, but she rarely leaves the temple.
Spoiler: House of Veles - One of the weakest Houses in the city of Res, the only one composed of humans. It mainly deals in slave trading, and possess a formidable fleet of warships.
However those ships deal mainly in slave raids, and are at best moderate when it comes to ship-to-ship combat.
Spoiler: Council of Eight - Council of Eight is more or less unofficial (but widely accepted) name for an “association” of Res mages. It’s composed of all eight sorcerers residing in the city.Religious / Political / Magical / UndergroundGeopolitics:Countries:Spoiler: Free Cities - Union of independent merchant republics spanned along The Southern Coast. Most likely merely a defense treaty against foreign enemies, always full of internal strife and without anything that could be described as central government.
Together, with their military, maritime and industrial power, they could became a leading superpower.
Spoiler: Resian Republic - Also known as Free City of Res or Republic of Res. Merchant republic on the Southern Coast, independent but remains a part of Free Cities. Oligarchy, ruled by a handful of wealthy families.
Other groups with wide influence within Resian Republic are Council of Eight - organisation composed of eight Res magicians – and the Temple. Great Powers / Secondary Powers / Independent Nations / Vassals and Satellite States / Uncivilised and TribalRegions and Places:Spoiler: Southern Coast - Coastal area near the south border of civilisation. Mediterreanean climate, only two seasons. Important hub of trade, full of coastal cities bursting with activity.
Spoiler: Republican Sea - Sea between Southern Coast and continent of Leana. Dominated by Free Cities navies. Calm and more or less safe for travel.
Spoiler: Silverwater River - River that flows through the city of Res.
Spoiler: Leana - Small continent to the east from Republican Sea. Inhabited by beastmen, and full of barely civilised countries and tribes. Frequent target for slaver raids, because of its residents permanent inability to defend themselves or retaliate.Southern Firell / Northern Firell / Leana / Meronia / Northern Khar / Southern Khar / Western KharCities, Fortresses and Villages:Spoiler: Res - A coastal city located on Southern Coast. Build alongside Silverwater river estuary. Notable areas: massive harbor, and a grand temple dedicated to local goddess-protector, that also possess a clocktower visible from nearly every part of a city. Village / Town / City / Fortress / OtherHistory:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITMagic and Religion:Magic:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITSpells:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITArtifacts:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITDeities and Religion:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITBestiary:Corrupted Lands:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITInhabited Lands:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITGeneral Lore:Alchemy:Spoiler: Dream Resin - Rare poison created by the Old Empire. First symptoms of poisoning includes headaches and sleepiness. Then, after the victim falls asleep, vivid dreams and nightmares. The end is death by CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE :D. Diluted 1:1000 in water creates a drug that induces vivid dreams. Can also be used as a lubricant for heavy machinery (especially good for ones that use magic) or as a way to restore magic power (by rubbing it into the skin).
There is an underground ‘cult’ in Res that has access to this poison and uses it for assasinations. Also Iverie has access to it, most likely through that group.Weapons:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITEquipment:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITResources:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITDiseases:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITFolklore and Culture:Spoiler: Res Funeral Rites - In Res, the dead people are cremated. Then, their ashes are offered as a sacrifice to the goddess of water and sea that is this city patron and protector. This is achieved either by throwing them into Silverwater River or Republican Sea or by storing in them in stone bowls filled with water. The former is done by poor, the latter by the wealthy.Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
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Spoiler: Active Effects ||=====================||
||=====Active Effects=====||
||=====================||Other side of the coin
Blessing of Shadow
[Lesser]You have received a lesser blessing of Shadow, Lost Deity of anarchy, revolution, chaos, darkness and madness.Learning skills +10%
Your flashes of intuition will be accurate much more often.Side effects may include…Your nervous system is completely healed, but there are side effects of regenerating half of it in just six months.
You need to master using your limbs (and vocal chords) again, so when you are tired, you may start having problems using them.
This effect should disappear within another six months. It takes so long simply because it can’t be sped up it with HP.When tired, your ability to move and speak drops.Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
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Spoiler: Possesions LOCKED ||===========================||
||=====Possessions LOCKED=====||
This function is currently LOCKED.
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Companions LOCKED ||===========================||
||=====Companions LOCKED=====||
This function is currently LOCKED.
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Options ||=================||
||=================||UI:Interface Activation Trigger:Gesture (presets)>Gesture Presets:27. Reach with your right hand as if the status window was already there./Map Activation Trigger:Voice command>Voice command:“Open map.”Chat Activation Trigger:Voice command>Voice command:“Open chat.”System Messages:When the status windows is opened.>HUD:Heads Up Display:ON / offOHP bar:on / OFFOMP bar:on / OFFOClock:ON / offOUpdate pop-ups:ON / offOHostile Status Display:ON / offOOther:Automatic Translation:ON / offOMonths names:ON / offOWeek days names:ON / offOIdioms:ON / offOReal Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Hunter Or Huntress
A human engineer named Tom accepts a deal to travel to a Fantasy world with the mission of changing it forever. He is given a week to prepare before setting off. Once on the other side, he is greeted by a fantastical world and its inhabitants. his original mission to change this world and have some fun while doing it quickly turns into him making a home for himself and defending it and his new family against whatever ends up coming their way. The story will also follow the POV of Sapphire a local woman who Tom encounters early on in his travels to yield a closer insight into our local population. The story focuses mainly on the interactions between the characters with intermittent action, romance, and the technical side of trying to bring a medieval-high-fantasy people up to speed with more or less modern technology. There will be discussions of mental illness, immense loss, and joy, ranging from the truly heartbreaking to the properly heartwarming. The first chapters are on the short side but eventually escalate to the 3000-5000 word range. especially the early chapters suffer from poor grammar and I am sorry. they are slowly going to be brought up to spec. The story is originally posted on Reddit r/HFY https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/jfgpie/hunter_or_huntress_chapter_1_the_offer_oc/ If you can't remember a character or just wanna see what's what. there is also the wiki here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sqP9B7Mqh2D1tpboFHqpk6f0284wX-HE?usp=sharing Cover art by the amazing Uwnycorn: https://www.deviantart.com/uwnycorne If you want to support this odd little project I do have a patreon. You don't get anything for supporting except gratitude though. https://www.patreon.com/HunterOrHuntress?fan_landing=true
8 76 -
Set In Stone: Follower
Allen Rickson is a fifteen-year-old animal trainer living on Nirvana, an ancient colony planet of Earth. In the aftermath of an early locust swarm, he is drafted into one of the first armies his world has seen in nearly a thousand years. Can Allen keep himself alive while keeping his sounder of swine from finding their way into the army's cookpots?A tiny bit of history:Nirvana may well be home to the last humans. With that possibility in mind, a rogue AI decided millennia ago to take a hand and 'help' humans develop into a less self-destructive race. Part of this process included reducing the technology of humans on Nirvana back to the stone age by literally removing their access to metal. At the same time, the AI allows humanity to retain most of their knowledge and history in the form of that ancient technology, paper.'Set in Stone' is planned to be a series of several books on a rational stonepunk theme.
8 158 -
Cautious Of The Intruder
I sat on my porch as the world changed around me. Until an old acquaintance forced me into the open. Now I have no choice but to take part in my fate. For the first time in a long time, I find myself enjoying life. cover art by gej302
8 63 -
Just another RPG story
Well this is odd... Didn't they say when you go to another world you become a hero or meet a godess? It's usually like that right? BUT I became a slime.. Well time to grind... Again. (Made for entertainment purposes only)
8 104 -
Desires of the Mind
|| Genevieve Cullen |||| The One who Holds Knowledge ||When Alice tells Genevieve what Edward is about to do in the clocktower, Genevieve goes and rescues him in thoughts that she would be able to walk away after. When she arrives, she realizes that she won't be able walk away for many reasons.Rated Teen || Caius x OC || Book 1
8 163 -
Twisting Fate (Complete)
Through the planes another world lies, fighting for survival from the taint their ancestors unleashed on their world. For generations, they have called beings from other planes to bolster their forces, but now few answer their calls. So, they turn to what their ancestors did in desperation, the very thing that doomed them originally. Forcing a planar junction, so they may retreat there to fight against their enemies. They turn to the plane their ancestors were thrown out of, a plane where magic is no longer. Earth, now a land of technological marvels unprepaired for both the demonic taint and the shattered kingoms of theirs. Adrian Ravnos a young man who wants little more than to have some fun playing games and reading books must survive in this world rapidly returning to the state his ancestors lived in, reality and fate in flux. Can he even survive let alone thrive in this twisted world? As the plane of Althrá has been dragging beings of power to their plane for centuries there are multiple systems of both magical and physical arts known by characters within this story. Likewise, many ideas have been adopted and implemented by the dying deities of Althrá. This story is being rewritten, it will stay up until the rewrite is done.
8 178