《Re:volutionist》09: More or less at the same time somewhere else
Mirrond: So… I’ve finished my exams, and passed all of them easily, SO I CAN FINALLY GET BACK TO WRITING. This was written in two days :D It’s actually more like a prologue of a second act, and the next chapters will be longer… and we won’t be writing them as fast as this… but still, more chapters will come! :D
Resus: Yeah… I said all of that already… under the last chapter… The only important thing is that WE’RE BACK! NEW CHAPTERS AS FAST AS WE CAN WRITE THEM!
Mirrond: All Hail The Great Me :D
Chapter 09: More or less at the same time somewhere else
My name is Natalia. I am a… 19 years old soon-to-be-student. And I think I’m high… Ok, what I mean is - I don’t do drugs, I never have, so I don’t really know what it feels like. But I assume that when you’re standing on top of a pile of corpses, including your own, and a woman made out of bright light is standing right beside you… yeah, I don’t think that’s anywhere near being ‘not high’.
Details! I went on a trip to Africa. And there was… a car, no, a bus… From one city to another… And we were going through a… desert? I think I remember it as just a road in the middle of nowhere… And then there were those people… with guns… a lot of guns… They… took the whole bus somewhere, with us still inside… They tied us up… outside? There was a camera… i think… They were talking for a while… and then…
They killed us all? What?
I am not mad. Nor disappointed. I’m not even surprised. Why am I so neutral about it. I just died and it’s like it doesn’t even matter to me. That ‘light woman’ is smiling?
“What are you?” I ask her. I don’t really expect any answer, but it’s not like I have anything better to try instead.
“A God. Although not the one you might have heard about.” A God. I just died and met a God. Yeah, sure. That’s plausible enough. I mean, I’m certain that I really died. So… whatever happens now must be plausible… Besides, in this weird state of mine, I can’t even be surprised by it.
“So, which God are you? And, more importantly, what are you doing here?”
“A foreign one, currently searching through a part of this world’s deceased population for someone to work for me.“
“Work for you? As in some kind of afterlife labor camp? I can’t say I like that idea.”
“No. It’s more like getting reincarnated in a completely different world, a ‘fantasy’ one with magic, with your memories intact, and then leading righteous crusade against majority of the world.”
“And why exactly does that sound like one of those ‘wishful thinking stories’ for losers of the internet?” Is this really happening to me…? No, I already made up my mind about this being the reality. “Why me specifically?”
“Who knows, I have never read any of those stories. About your second question, this knowledge really isn’t necessary to you for anything, so I feel no urge to tell you. The important part is, whether you agree or not. And just before you answer, I regret to inform you, that the fact that I visit you doesn’t mean you were judged as a nice person by any local deity. So if you say no there is a chance you will end up in local version of afterlife designed for sinners. For eternity.” She seems… bored. Or sad. More like bored to me. And she speaks so monotonously… As if she was reading a boring speech from telegrams.
“Ok. Let me get this straight. You want to… reincarnate me in a different world. The one you called a fantasy one. To lead a righteous crusade? And you say that why you chose a teenage girl for that job is not necessary for me to know? Have anyone ever told you that you’re insane?!” I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that.
“Yes. There is a person that keeps saying this to me. But as it’s a real madman, I prefer to ignore such statements. You have other questions.” I can’t be surprised. But this is entirely new level of ‘what the fuck’...
“Yes, well… Following your speed of this conversation, can I get more details regarding that whole reincarnation business? You won’t tell me why me specifically, so… what exactly do you need me for? And what do you mean by ‘magic’?” I know it’s surreal, but I simply can’t make myself think of it as ‘not real’. Especially since I’m still on top of my own dead body… and I’m slightly clipping through it.
“Didn’t I already tell you what I need you for? I need someone to become my champion, my chosen one, someone to start and lead a holy war. Against pretty much everyone there. Current state of this world is one full of corruption, moral filth and evil, and I need it cleansed. Both its current overlords and my… rivals, have to be eliminated. And by magic I meant magic, another unnecessary question.“ I can’t really see her eyeballs in all this brightness but from the face she made I swear that she just rolled her eyes... “Fireballs and all this stuff. Different races. Demons. Evil deities of madness I would love to see dead. Evil deities… “ she repeats, while stressing every word “... that already have their own reincarnated ‘hero’, what I find as a most problematic matter. So not only you will have to make a righteous crusade, but also find a way of eliminating those obstacles.” For some reason irritating her is amusing. I a very bizarre way, but amusing nevertheless.
“And anything more specific about the reincarnation itself? Are you just going to create me a new body? Or take that one… beneath us? You seem awfully reluctant in giving me any detailed information. Sorry, to disappoint you but I need details to work with… I can’t just like that take an offer I don’t know much about. And you’re doing a poor job trying to persuade me.” I know it’s risky to talk like that. But I really need something more… I can’t just like that… Can I?
“You, people from Earth, really are similar. Can’t you just say ‘Of course I will gladly do that, Mistress Shimmer!’. No, you always have questions.“ she really seems disturbed by that “I am going to put your soul in a body of a randomly chosen, newborn girl. You may experience some residual feelings, at least until you get five years old, but it’s a minor side effect of reincarnation you don’t need to bother yourself with. Somewhere around the time when you will reach your fifth birthday, RPG mechanics - that will help you get stronger really fast - will start working. I am also going to resurrect you if you die for a few times, maybe more depending on your progress. Is that everything you wanted to know? Can we get on with it?”
“Your name is… Shimmer? Really? That’s… Nevermind. You know what? Ok, I agree. Just do what you want, it’s not like any of those loser stories ever ended in anything else than an immortal hero saving a world.
Suddenly… Shimmer… twitches, and looks somewhere far away in wonder.
“They can’t… urgh. Why does it have to get so complicated. Next thing I know Destiny and her bunch of morons is going to get one to…” She looks back to me. And from her expression I can tell that she didn’t mean to say any of that out loud. “Nevermind, see you later. Much, much later.” She reaches with her hand and pushes me. And everything turns into pure white light.
* * * * *
It took them a whole year to make a decision. Theoretically it really wasn’t a problem - even after the decision was made they still had to wait four more years for an occasion. But still, to spend a year arguing about some bullshit like that…
They eventually decided to do it. WHICH IRRITATES ME EVEN MORE, BECAUSE I WAS AGAINST IT! And these bastards even made me do it, simply because I was ‘arguing too much’. Wrrrr, one joke too many about that self-righteous Dareh bastards, and now I am getting pounded.
They made me do it… and they are going to regret it!
Detecting a summoning was much easier this time, since we made sure to receive a warning if it ever happened again. We still have no idea who knows magic so strong like this, but after years of research of the first spell they used we managed to duplicate it. We still couldn’t reach another world on our own… unless there was already a hole, made by someone else. So when we detected that they are summoning someone again, we found their hole and I went through.
I rummaged through this world’s common consciousness. For some, unknown to me, reason most of the population was outside my reach, but out of the few I could get to, I soon found a suitable person.
A young man, full of… well, plenty of feelings. Most of them stupid. His name is Bartosz, or something. Frustrated with life, angry because of some events in this world’s politics… perfect, perfect!
I watched him as he was constructing a bomb in his basement. I barely understood what a bomb was, this world is really, really different than mine. It’s utter lack of magic is something I can barely stand. I feel as weak like as a baby.
Then I watched him carrying it in a bag into nearest government office. He wanted to ‘accidently’ leave it there. Or at the very least he tried to do it, but then… KABOOM! He died. I didn’t even had to do anything. How nice of him!
As far as I know this wasn’t a part of his plan, so he must have done something wrong with the bomb… although I must say, that the explosion still was formidable. He managed to blew up half of the building together with himself. Fragments of bodies scattered around. Screams, fire, and smoke everywhere. Wounded people trying to crawl outside… And then the ceiling came down.
So now, I catch the soul leaving what’s left of his body. I can’t stop laughing. They told me to go fetch a status quo defender, so I’ll give them a terrorist! Hahahaha!
“Huh?” He is seemingly shocked. He barely understands what happened. “What the…”
“Beautiful bomb!” I compliment him. “Really, it was absolutely awesome! But you kinda blew yourself up in the process, you know? This wasn’t really a part of a plan, was it?”
“No, it wasn… wait, I’m dead?”
“Yes. Well, rest in pieces, friend.” I start laughing, what a nice joke I just made! “You couldn’t have really survived after getting reduced into so many little fragments. Only your soul is intact. But I came with a once-in-a-lifetime offer! You can either continue with this world’s usual afterlife process… although I have no idea if there is such a thing… or I can take you!”
Ok, he looks shocked. Really. Well, I can’t blame him, can I now?
“I know you have a plenty of things to… digest… but hey, you can have a lot of time - years and years - to carefully think about… well… things, after you take my offer! I can reincarnate you in a whole new, different world, with your memories completely intact. And then you can go on doing… um… things! We will give you a little bit of a quest. You will become a champion of gods… Old Gods to be precise, and defend our world from some… unwanted entities, that are messing with it, and already summoned two humans from this… your world.“
“We will also give you magic, and all the necessary teach… wait, did you just say something?”
“Yes, ok. I agree.”
“Shouldn’t you be… like… shocked?” He shrugged.
“I am. But getting reincarnated in a different world seems… legit? It’s interesting. So I agree.” Great, now I am left speechless. It takes me a few seconds to adjust to his strange behaviour.
“So, um, let’s proceed to next part. There are plenty of gods, from plenty of countries that are going to be on your side… But, since it would be hard to have all of them working together with each other, as there isn’t a single one of them who likes obeying orders… We are summoning you, who will serve as a... well, someone neutral. So, each and every one of them will try to help you… and use you at the same time. You will be born in a wealthy household, most likely one connected to my Temple, so I can keep my eye on you. Then you will receive all the necessary help in getting stronger and things like that. It also looks like you will get in-life mechanics similar to what exists in things you call RPG games. Our enemies use a system like that and it looks like you are going to be linked to it during summoning to our world. You have anything to add?”
“No, it’s nice.” … well, and least he isn’t making problems, right? Just… how can he be so hard to work with when he actually don't even try to resist?!
“Well… the RPG mechanics should fully launch around the time you will get five years old. One of the summoned ones is five years ahead of you, and we still can’t locate him or her… the other one is being summoned as we speak. We will try to do anything we can to find them, but as we have to try to avoid initiating world-wide panic, our hands are rather tied. Anything else to add?”
“Nah, just send me. I am tired of waiting.”
Well… ok?
“Ok… So, see you later.” With that I Inflict a gesture associated with this spell. I push him a little… WHO CAME UP WITH THAT?! No… I’m done. Mission accomplished, I am going back. I have that one believer girl of mine… I wonder what she is doing now…
* * * * *
It was a long… and painful… and tiring day, but I am finally alone in my room. Freed from the wheelchair and lying in my bed. I still can’t really move my body. I can barely speak, I can move my eyes, and move my hand… a bit. It’s tiring, but I can do it if I give my hand some rest after using it, so… damn, now that I think about it, it sounds… NEVERMIND. I have some of time for myself, so I decide to look through the options menu. I wonder what else can I find there. I mean, choosing the way I can open interface is a pretty important thing. Maybe there are hidden some other equally important things?
So I open the interface.
Due to recent events RLGS has been updated to enable storing more informations in the Codex because you are an idiot who would forget about everything you hear when you’re mostly unconscious…
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Current number of users… 3
SHAAAAADOOOOW!!!! No more than a second later darkness envelops me, and I’m once again in front of Shadow’s throne. He’s still in his thorny armor, but this time he looks genuinely embarrassed.
“Can you explain it to me!?” I begin with shouting. Thankfully my body here is completely healthy, so I have no problems with moving or speaking.
“Well… things happened.” He starts. I interrupt.
“YOU DON’T SAY! Why the hell are three people linked to the RLGS right now?”
“Two additional summonings happened today, as you might have noticed.” He sighed. “One was a part of our plan, but another one… was rather unexpected. The first was my adorable, lovely, twin sister’s work. Another reason why I regret I didn’t succeed when I tried to strangle her with umbilical cord when we were being born.” He noticed the look I was giving him, so he shrugged. “Parents saved her, unfortunately.”
Ok, so… I suddenly stopped thinking that my current childhood sucks. Or I should say, it sucks… but it definitely could have been worse. Much worse.
“So, she summoned a hero. A girl. Someone you knew. That’s all I can say. That person is now supposed to lead some bullshit, righteous crusade against this world’s evil… which means both, us, as in you, me and my colleagues, and our enemies. You are still five years ahead of her, but sooner or later it will be kill or be killed between you two.”
“Sweet…” I reply. “And the second one?”
“Looks like Old Gods catched the wind of your summoning. They analyzed the magic behind it, and managed to find their own little Chosen One.” He sighed. “Someone from the same area as you, so you might have known the person in question.” Really?... I wonder who it might be. “Well, these are bad news for you. It means that they understand that there are summoned people around. And they know, more or less, when it happened. It took me few weeks to successfully put you in the retarded boy’s body, so they don’t know the exact date, but still, every strange acting person that was born around that date will be suspected. So, you know, try to lay low and avoid doing any weird things.“
“Weird things? Ain’t you the one who does all the weird things?” Laughter, again. “So, in other words, I’m going to be pursued by ‘Old Gods’... which I presume to be Res goddess and her colleagues… “ He gives me the ‘I can’t tell you, sorry’ type of look. Urgh. CAN’T YOU BE MORE HELPFUL FOR ONCE?!
“Right now, you should focus on getting better, and learning.” He says with a serious expression. It reminds me of the Lawyer, I wonder why I haven’t seen him and Nazi lately. “They decided that you are too boring, so they left me the job of managing you. “Argh, I forgot he can hear my thoughts. One mystery solved. “As I said, learn as much as you can, try to find a way to become a head of your family, and look for a future harem candidates!” Seeing a look I gave him, he starts laughing again. “So, should I send you back now?”
“Two more questions. You mentioned some rules. As in… game rules? So does it mean there is some sort of game going on above my head?” I really hope he will answer me. That would… clarify things a bit.
“Probably. Though you know, some games are barely any different from a war, especially when the players are dead serious and ready to do anything to win.” So… is it the ‘we can’t fight directly, so let’s play in mortal world with people we have chosen as a pawns’ type of game? Interesting, however it’s still only a hypothesis. Taking it for granted would require me trusting Shadow… and that won’t happen anytime soon. “And the second question?”
“So… how many players are out there? And… can all of them summon someone from earth or gain a local ‘chosen ones’?”
He smile faintly. Before darkness envelopes me again I can hear his answer.
“I have no idea.”
The most scary part is that I believe him.
Resus: So… we tried to come up with some interaction with you, readers… But we can’t think of anything good. Any ideas what to ask you about… NO! I’m just about to be brilliant! Think of a question we could ask you… write that question in a comment… and answer that question in the same comment. :D
Mirrond: Eh… or just make some “descriptive” reviews, so we get more time on a main page, so more people hear about it, so we can gain more attention… or just clone Truth a few hundred times.
Spoiler: Status ||===================||
||=====Varth Veles=====||
||===================||Race:HumanSubrace:Northwestern RepublicanNationality:Free City of ResOccupation:ChildAttributes:Health Points:10 / 10Mana Points:0 / 0Physical attributes:Vitality:1Resistance:1Strength:1Endurance:1Dexterity:2Agility:2Intelligence:5Wisdom:6Social attributes:Charisma:0Attractiveness:1Intimidation:0Fear:2Faith:1Fame:1Menus:SkillsSpells (LOCKED)QuestsCodexActive EffectsPossessions (LOCKED)Companions (LOCKED)OptionsReal Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Skills ||==============||
||==============||Combat System:Active:NONEPassive:NONEMagic:Proficiencies:NONEAffinities:Spoiler: Magically Talentless: When it goes to magic your talent is literally nonexistent. You are absolutely, totally magicless. And it doesn’t even give you any antimagic bonuses. Too bad for you ;_;
Better hurry towards gaining magic… oh no, I forgot - you can’t. You can’t do shit about it till your 16th birthday ;_; It’s a real tragedy.
Miscellaneous:Lingual:Spoiler: Western Republican (Southern Coast variant): You possess moderate skills in using the Southern Coast variant of
Western Republican language. This allows you to communicate freely with people who are capable of using it, but you are yet to learn how to write or read.
Social:NONEUtilities:NONEReal Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Spells LOCKED ||======================||
||=====Spells LOCKED=====||
This function is currently LOCKED.
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Quests QuestsUnchangeable Main Quest: Ragnarök DelayedSpoiler: Description
You are now playing a game you don’t understand. You don’t know the rules, you don’t know who plays with you…But you must win. And to achieve that you need to learn the rules… And find a way to break them. Or write them anew.
For now follow Shadow's orders. He wants you to be a hammer that will shatter this world’s political and economical order. While doing that, look for clues about fate of the Old Empire, and the truth about Lost Deities.
Avoid the Old Gods’ attention at all cost.
Success conditions:
World Stability Old Empire Capital discovered
Fate of Old Empire discovered
Truth about Lost Deities discovered
World Stability 100%
Secondary Main Ouest:End of Veles Family?Spoiler: Description
You were born as a part of ancient bloodline of Veles. This family has long since fallen from grace. The corruption within grows and its members are too busy fighting each other to cleanse it. The power of family slowly fades.
Will you become family’s head, and reform it to become more powerful than ever? Or maybe you find it’s sins not redeemable… and you will decide to destroy it?
Only time will tell.
Success conditions:
(one of the following is true)
Varth Veles is the Head of the family
Slave trade controlled by Veles is destroyed
Varth Veles is a sole survivor of the family
Veles successfully framed for plotting a revolt against the city of Res
Naharius Veles Senior is the Head of the family
Veles slave trade on its peak
45 family members alive
Veles reputation remains untarnished
(depends on which conditions were met)
Gaining control of Veles family
Secondary Main Ouest:Followers, Servants and Allies (FSA)Spoiler: Description
There is no way for you to finish your mission alone. You will need help from other people. It’s not easy to find people you can trust. Most of your supporters will never knew the truth about you.
Search for people that can be of use and recruit them to your cause.
Success conditions:
Recruit a follower whom you trust enough to tell the entire truth… and link him to Real Life Game System
Recruit at least seven companions without knowledge of who you really are
Side Quest:Dish Best Served ColdSpoiler: Description
When Iverie murdered your brother you were too young and too weak stop her. You could only be a powerless witness.
But… things change.
Success conditions:
(one of the following is true)
Kill Iverie
Be a part of a scheme that leads to her death
(depends on which conditions were met)
Side Quest:Dark LordSpoiler: Description
Your received a blessing from a Lost Deity. There are still many of them out there who can be... persuaded to assist you by clearing various requirements.
You will need every possible blessing to finish your mission… but unfortunately you don’t know what those requirements are. Continue to do evil deeds to unlock more blessings.
Success conditions:
All blessings received
(other conditions will be unlocked after gaining access to magic)
Side Quest:FSA: LenaSpoiler: Description
Your half-sister Lena is younger than you… and alone. As a single person from her family who treats her as a human being you can influence the way she will grow and thus gain a truly helpful and trustworthy companion.
Success conditions:
Lena Veles possess knowledge about Lost Deities existence
Lena Veles is a follower of Varth Veles
Side Quest:FSA: GavlanSpoiler: Description
Your bodyguard – Gavlan - is a capable warrior. While his ardent faith in Old Gods makes him incapable of accepting the knowledge about who you really are his hatred towards slavery and current state of the world can be of use as a way to recruit him.
Success conditions:
Gavlan is freed from slavery
Gavlan decides to remain in Res and serve you
Optional conditions:
Find a way to weaken his faith, to make him capable of accepting the full truth
Side Quest:Coup de grâceSpoiler: Description
While your… intrigue managed to severely cripple your uncle’s influence within your family, if given enough time he will recuperate by persuading others that he was framed by your father.
You should find a way to eliminate him… decisively.
Success conditions:
Lenniel is dead or banished
Iar’e is dead or banished
Side QuestAcademic KnowledgeSpoiler: Description
You are new to this world. To ruin it, you must firstly understand it. Gaining common knowledge is a necessity but it’s not going to be enough. You will also need insight into politics, trade, sociology, geography, history… and many other subjects.
Not to mention learning languages as there are plenty of them out there.
Success conditions:
A tutor
Access to a library
Fluency in at least four languages
Side Quest:Every Dark Lord’s NecessitySpoiler: Description
What kind of Dark Lord can exist… without his faithful harem!
Begin gathering some nice girls :D
Or boys. Or trees. Or horses. Or whatever!
I’m too busy not giving shit about stupid details to be intolerant.
Success conditions:
Harem! Harem! Harem!
Well, no progress so far… which is understandable as you have only five years… but you still suck D: Not literally as that would be some kind of a progress in that quest D:
Oh, I guess they will reward you in MANY different ways, hihihihi :D
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Codex ||===============||
||===============||People:Dramatis Personae:Veles Family:
Spoiler: ??? Veles - Iverie’s son.
Spoiler: Alva Veles - Your mother and… well… not the smartest person around. She holds absolutely no contact with you. Recently she also lost all contact with your father, after she betrayed him with a slave and gave birth to Lena (whom Alva openly ignores).
It is still unknown to you why she remains Naharius’s wife.
Spoiler: Damit Veles - Son of Paforth and Ferke, younger than you.
Has the best name ever. xD
Spoiler: Ferke Veles - Paforth’s wife, mother of Meritri and Damit.
Her mother-in-law think she’s adorable.
Spoiler: Iar’e Veles - Your cousin, son of Lenniel Veles, and a person you have mentally scarred for life. Even after your coming out he still fights with lingering fear of darkness.
He is also doing everything he can to avoid any contact with you.
Spoiler: Iverie Veles - Your “aunt”, daughter of your grandfather’s sister. Avoid her at all cost - really talented in schemes, and ruthless. Very ambitious, she is scheming to become the next head of Veles family. She killed your brother and is in cahoots with one of the eight Res mages.
Currently she is the most probable successor of your grandfather.
Spoiler: Kiera Veles - Iverie’s daughter. Looks like younger Iverie. It seems like she is growing into a younger version of Iverie.
Might be a pain in the future.
Spoiler: Lena Veles - Your younger half-sister, born from your mother and a slave whose name you don’t know. Openly ignored by everybody in the family except you.
Still very young.
Spoiler: Lenniel Veles - Your uncle, father of Iar’e and one of three important figures in family who compete to become the next head of Veles family. Pretty straightforward in his schemes, mainly because of the fact that his mind is pretty much like a hammer - large, powerful… and blunt. Might be cooperating with Iverie but she may as well only manipulate him. It’s unknown if he knows anything about her business with one of Res mages.
Currently has a very low level of influence within Veles because of your ‘molest’ lie.
Spoiler: Meritri Veles - Daugther of Paforth and Ferke. Around your age, and rather shy, or simply scared of you.
Spoiler: Naharius Veles Junior - Your father. Firstborn son of your grandfather, and one of three potential successors. Through your early childhood he more or less ignored you because of your mental disability but his fatherly feelings reignited after you turned out to be normal. However, continuous calamities that befell him (your mother’s betrayal, you being ‘molested’ and death of your brother) are making him sink deeper and deeper into paranoia.
He lost a big part of his influence after he knocked up a slave girl. Currently he is more or less second in line to the ‘throne’.
Spoiler: Naharius Veles Senior - Your grandfather. His continuous attempts to ease tension within Veles family suggests that he is either delusional, or have some lingering trauma with family infighting.
Most likely the latter as he is much too good in administering Veles slave empire to be mentally impaired.
Spoiler: Nameless Veles - Your dead brother, killed by Iverie and one of the eight Res mages.
Spoiler: Ni’ren Veles - Older than you, and a bookworm. Granddaugther of Varthia, but you don’t know her parents.
Rather cold to you.
Spoiler: Paforth Veles - Son of Varthia, father unknown. Seems like a decent man. Hates Iverie, but not as strong as his mother.
He also seems to be at least a bit better in hiding his thoughts than her.
Spoiler: Varthia Veles - Younger sister of Naharius Senior. She has at least two children (one of them is Paforth, the second is Ni’ren’s parent). She likes to drink alcohol, speak before thinking… and hates Iverie, whom she sees as a plague that threatens entire family.Others:
Spoiler: ??? - One of the eight Res mages. Helped Iverie in killing your brother. His agenda is currently unknown, just as his identity.
Spoiler: Gavlan - Your bodyguard. Wolfman warrior from Leana, taken as a slave by one of Veles fleet slave raids. Shows deep hatred towards slavery and Veles family.
Recently he started to show no signs of hatred towards you just because you are a member of Veles family.Companion / Ally / Friendly / Neutral / Hostile / Dangerous / EnemyRaces:Spoiler: Eastern Republican - Human race variant, that can be most commonly found in the area of Free Cities, and eastern/central Protectorates. Caucasian, with a tendency of having white (or even pale) skin even in the mediterranean climate of Republican Coast. Hair either normal or in various shades of blue (very pale blue is most common). Eyes either normal or in various shades of blue.
Spoiler: Wolfman - Beastman variant, most commonly found in Leana continent, but is also quite widespread in Free Cities, Protectorates and some other areas due to frequent slave raids and “normal” emigration. Either humans with wolf-like features, or a humanoid wolf capable of speaking. Strong, and tough, makes good soldiers and warriors, but have a relatively slow ratio of magic users in their population.Humans / Beastmen / Elves / Arcane Races / OthersOrganisations:Res:
Spoiler: Temple of Res - The one and only religious organisation in Res, that worships the goddess of sea and water who doesn’t really have a name - for her worshippers Res is more or less an extension of herself, so to some point she IS a city. The Temple as an organisation is an important player in political schemes going on in the city. It possess its own military force (one hundred warriors - they protect the city’s one and only grand temple), can pass judgment on various crimes that were taken out of city’s jurisdiction (for example - heresy/blasphemy/participation in some underground sects).
It’s head is a Grand Priestess, but she rarely leaves the temple.
Spoiler: House of Veles - One of the weakest Houses in the city of Res, the only one composed of humans. It mainly deals in slave trading, and possess a formidable fleet of warships.
However those ships deal mainly in slave raids, and are at best moderate when it comes to ship-to-ship combat.
Spoiler: Council of Eight - Council of Eight is more or less unofficial (but widely accepted) name for an “association” of Res mages. It’s composed of all eight sorcerers residing in the city.Religious / Political / Magical / UndergroundGeopolitics:Countries:Spoiler: Free Cities - Union of independent merchant republics spanned along The Southern Coast. Most likely merely a defense treaty against foreign enemies, always full of internal strife and without anything that could be described as central government.
Together, with their military, maritime and industrial power, they could became a leading superpower.
Spoiler: Resian Republic - Also known as Free City of Res or Republic of Res. Merchant republic on the Southern Coast, independent but remains a part of Free Cities. Oligarchy, ruled by a handful of wealthy families.
Other groups with wide influence within Resian Republic are Council of Eight - organisation composed of eight Res magicians – and the Temple. Great Powers / Secondary Powers / Independent Nations / Vassals and Satellite States / Uncivilised and TribalRegions and Places:Spoiler: Southern Coast - Coastal area near the south border of civilisation. Mediterreanean climate, only two seasons. Important hub of trade, full of coastal cities bursting with activity.
Spoiler: Republican Sea - Sea between Southern Coast and continent of Leana. Dominated by Free Cities navies. Calm and more or less safe for travel.
Spoiler: Silverwater River - River that flows through the city of Res.
Spoiler: Leana - Small continent to the east from Republican Sea. Inhabited by beastmen, and full of barely civilised countries and tribes. Frequent target for slaver raids, because of its residents permanent inability to defend themselves or retaliate.Southern Firell / Northern Firell / Leana / Meronia / Northern Khar / Southern Khar / Western KharCities, Fortresses and Villages:Spoiler: Res - A coastal city located on Southern Coast. Build alongside Silverwater river estuary. Notable areas: massive harbor, and a grand temple dedicated to local goddess-protector, that also possess a clocktower visible from nearly every part of a city. Village / Town / City / Fortress / OtherHistory:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITMagic and Religion:Magic:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITSpells:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITArtifacts:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITDeities and Religion:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITBestiary:Corrupted Lands:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITInhabited Lands:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITGeneral Lore:Alchemy:Spoiler: Dream Resin - Rare poison created by the Old Empire. First symptoms of poisoning includes headaches and sleepiness. Then, after the victim falls asleep, vivid dreams and nightmares. The end is death by CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE :D. Diluted 1:1000 in water creates a drug that induces vivid dreams. Can also be used as a lubricant for heavy machinery (especially good for ones that use magic) or as a way to restore magic power (by rubbing it into the skin).
There is an underground ‘cult’ in Res that has access to this poison and uses it for assasinations. Also Iverie has access to it, most likely through that group.Weapons:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITEquipment:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITResources:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITDesieases:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITFolklore and Culture:Spoiler: Res Funeral Rites - In Res, the dead people are cremated. Then, their ashes are offered as a sacrifice to the goddess of water and sea that is this city patron and protector. This is achieved either by throwing them into Silverwater River or Republican Sea or by storing in them in stone bowls filled with water. The former is done by poor, the latter by the wealthy.Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
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Spoiler: Active Effects ||=====================||
||=====Active Effects=====||
||=====================||Other side of the coin
Blessing of Shadow
[Lesser]You have received a lesser blessing of Shadow, Lost Deity of anarchy, revolution, chaos, darkness and madness.Learning skills +10%
Your flashes of intuition will be accurate much more often.ParalyzedBecause of a severe damage to your nervous system, you are currently paralyzed. Not completely, but moving and speaking is still extremely hard. You also can't stand without help.
This effect will disappear after approximately half of a year.Movement -99.9%Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
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Spoiler: Possesions LOCKED ||===========================||
||=====Possessions LOCKED=====||
This function is currently LOCKED.
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
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Spoiler: Companions LOCKED ||===========================||
||=====Companions LOCKED=====||
This function is currently LOCKED.
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Still no Options :P
Summoner Of Miracles
Talented in magic but useless in physical combat?
8 370 -
Ciarra the Cold
The gods created a game-like world for their high-stakes contest, and Ciarra is the most powerful of their pawns, she ignores little things like racism, bigotry, and societal norms. One little foxkin who has lived a hard and brutal life becomes Ciarra's pet. For the first time in years, she has hope, and a chance to follow her dreams. Assuming Ciarra, an amoral sexual sadist, doesn't kill her first. Expect DUBCON, lesbian harem, NSFW themes, dark themes with a chance for a brighter future, and dragons eating vanquished foes - both literally and figuratively.
8 137 -
What is god to a non believer
Reincarnated as Godzilla. Cultivation world, monsters, angry GOD, god and many others. King of the Monsters vs all. PS: Sorry for any mistakes I make. English is not my language. I am still learning. I do not own any pictures I will post here
8 101 -
Riverdale Village
You are a mage leading a team of B-Ranked adventurers. Every B-Ranked Adventurer Party is given a test to determine whether or not they're worthy of being graded A-Rank. The Guild Master issues you the test. In Riverdale Village, there is a great fiend attempting to resurrect a powerful demon... You must investigate the town, find the villain and his conspirators and thwart their plot! How will you do so? Will you work with the town, who may or may not be conspirators, or go at it with your team alone? Use your judgement and logic to determine the best path to proceed and deliver justice upon the villains! (This is a choose-your-own adventurer theme fiction. I've browsed the site fairly well... But have yet to encounter this genre. If you do know of one here, do tell me. That aside, this novel is still incomplete... This is just to show that I'm not dead yet, nor have I given up.)
8 59 -
Falcon || Jurassic World
"Blue might be my Beta, but Falcon is my baby girl."Owen Grady hates to play favourites with his raptors but Falcon was just that - his favourite. She'd been born smaller than her siblings, and with a little help from some genetic manipulation, way smarter. She can understand human speech and comprehend human emotions.Despite the odds being against her, Falcon survives the first stages of life and a bond grows between her and her handler. Soon, Owen Grady's best friend is quite possibly the fiercest Velociraptor yet.But of course, things can never be that easy.| Story is in Falcon's P.O.V. |
8 142 -
In The Shadows (Star Trek TOS/AOS)
Gweynneth Rosenwyn (roz-EN-win meaning "fair rose.") Morvoren (mor-VOR-en, meaning "mermaid" or "sea maiden.") Congdon-Williams was new engineer/helmsmen on board the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain James T Kirk. A close friendship between the two quickly formed and that friendship became love. I wrote this on two devices (School PC Google account and Apple notes) so the main characters name changes because of rubbish autocorrect.
8 173