《Re:volutionist》08: Out of the frying pan right into the fire
Mirrond: So… we have finally finished creating Veles family tree. 55 people to name and describe… NOW I REALLY WANT TO KILL THEM IN THE MOST BRUTAL WAY POSSIBLE.
Resus: I have ambivalent feelings… I kinda like them now since I was the one to come up with 70% of their backstories… although searching for their names was hell… So yeah, let’s just kill them and forget all about it.
Mirrond: No more than 50% I’d say.
Resus: Few days passed since the above and I think we can both say that… it’s going way better than expected. After we finally managed to give all those characters names and ages… they are starting to gain life of their own. Their stories just unravel themselves to us and the fable for the future happens by itself… I can honestly say that we finally have reliable and long term plans for most of the main characters.
Mirrond: And I have serious mental trauma after thinking of few… events. I nearly cried after one of them ;_;
Resus: Yes! We are horrible human beings! But the story is going to be glorious!
Mirrond: “We”? xD Are you even a human to begin with? I refuse to acknowledge humanity of a person that during holidays gets fully nocturnal (“well, sorry, but I’m going to bed, I am too sleepy to think” at one o’clock p.m. EVERY SINGLE F***KING DAY) and is a My Little Pony-loving fanatic. You goddamn pink vampire ;_;
Chapter 8: Out of the frying pan right into the fire
Shapes and colors transmuting and transcending in one another swirling and dancing all around me and straight through me at the same time above and below me reversing time after time changing the volume from screaming to whispers back to screaming again over and over and under and around through the ground to the sky back and forth whiteness of everything interchanging with the dark and black and gray and sweet and sour hour by hour day by day from big to small but not smoothly anymore and more step by step jumping from one to another and the other by other…
I suddenly open my eyes. Holy f… what just happened? I think I just had the most crazy… something… of my both lives. I raise my upper body and visually check my surroundings. Nothing strange in sight. I clearly remember… talking with Shadow, at least if that pointless banter can be described as ‘talk’. Fortunately now I know how to open my interface… oh and that there are some rules I’m not supposed to know. Of course there’s also the most important information - that Iverie killed with some Super-Awesome-Poison-Of-Doom. I really can’t wait to have my revenge.
I asked Shadow to leave effects of poison in my body. Now I just have to make someone discover them as soon as possible. But how can I do that? I guess I’ll have to use some acting to persuade Gavlan that I felt weird yesterday evening after the feast… It’s about time to leave my bed.
I try to do it… but my attempt is interrupted by a sudden headache. And it’s not just a regular one - IT REALLY FUCKING HURTS! Instantly I‘m bent in half and violently vomiting, and because of that sudden movement I fall from the bed.
I can feel my consciousness drifting away and the last thing I see is Gavlan entering the room, and a sudden panic written on his face after that is only darkness…
* * *
I feel pain, much duller this time and not as strong. It’s actually a step forward from not feeling anything… I guess. I can even think straight, and moving any part of my body is impossible. I’m in a state similar to sleep paralysis I once experienced.
I hear people talking, but I have problems understanding them. Though my hearing is perfectly fine, it’s just… too damn hard to concentrate on their voices. It takes me some time to adjust.
“So?” I think it’s my grandfather speaking.
“He is very lucky by the look of it.” Unknown voice. Female and adultlike, that’s all I can say. “Really, really lucky. He will survive.”
“Really? Are you sure he will be fine?!” Oh, that’s definitely father. His voice is… emotional. I can’t blame him, he lost one son, and then - nearly - the second one within just a few days. It’s hard to say if he’s more relieved or still shocked.
“Yes. And it definitely was poison. Pretty special one at that. It’s called Dream Resin. After ingestion it kills when the victim sleeps and mimics a natural cause death. The only source of it are Corrupted Lands, and it requires considerable wealth to acquire any quantity of it.” There is a second of silence while everyone’s digesting these informations and then woman - a doctor or alchemist I guess - continues. “However, judging from the current state of his bathroom he must have expelled most of it in the evening and the amount that already got into his blood wasn’t enough to kill him. He is young and healthy, so there shouldn’t be any long-term effects, but getting back to his healthy state may take a year or so. He is going to feel as if he is partially paralyzed, and suffer from headaches and weak hallucinations. Temporary amnesia is also a possibility. There is also… another matter to deal with.”
“Yes?” Grandfather I think.
“All Res alchemists and herbalists like me are obliged to report all cases in which the usage of this poison was discovered directly to the Temple. There is said to be an underground organisation in the city that is suspected of using Dream Resin for assassinations. You should expect a visit of a few Templars later today.”
“Ah, I think I heard of this organisation recently. But why should they try to kill Varth?”
“I don’t know, and frankly speaking I don’t care. It’s not my problem. You should speak about this with the Templars. Now, about the rehabilitation…”
I can’t keep my focus anymore. And… once again I fall into darkness. After all those times I’m getting used to it...
* * *
I wake up. It’s a middle of the night. I feel my body, but can’t really move any part of it except my head. Yet when I try to look around I get a funny feeling in my neck, so I decide to avoid overdoing it. But even without moving it, I can see that I’m in my brother’s room.
Well, I guess it’s logical in a way. This must be next night, so my room might still need some ventilating after me vomiting. And this room is very close to mine… and empty. I don’t feel like I am able to call someone, so I decide to spend some time on thinking.
There’s only one explanation of what happened to me. Shadow overdid it. Heavily overdid it. Or simply his understanding of ‘detectable traces’ is different than mine… I mean, they are REALLY detectable. By anyone with his eyes intact. So theoretically I shouldn’t even be angry… but I am. Shadow, you FUCKING idiot…
Well, I guess when you’re doing business with an Evil God you really need to specify what you want. So in a way I’m just as responsible for this mess.
I just really hope that my Health Points will speed up my recovery. Well, it’s not like I believe I’ll get my actual health back before my fifth birthday… only three days left until then, though it’s not really that bad. All my birthdays until now were barely even noticed by people around me, only nanny gave me additional sweets, really nice of her by the way.
There’s nothing else for me to do, I guess. I would open the interface window and take a look into the options, but in my current state it’s possible that I wouldn’t be able to close it, as it requires reaching with your finger all the way up to the title… I’m still unsure whether or not others can see it, and getting discovered by nannies or Gavlan with a strange thing floating above me would be… inconvenient. Besides I’m not even sure if I’d manage to open it in the first place! I decide to go back to sleep.
* * *
Once again I wake up. It’s bright outside, so it’s some time during the day. I still can’t move any of my limbs… and the weird thing is that I’m actually wearing different set of clothes than last time. Gavlan stands by the door, he sees that I’m awake and comes closer to my bed.
… damn, if I were fifteen years older this whole situation would seem like an intro to a bad gay porno. And now I hate myself for having this idea…
“You’re awake. And you woke up rather early. The herbalist your family brought to help you, said that you’ll be asleep for at least a week.” It must be the effect of my Health Points. It would be great to have more of them… and regenerate them faster.
“That’s good.”… is what I try to say. What leaves my mouth is unfortunately utterly incomprehensible gibberish. Damn. My vocal chords aren’t working as they should. I repeat what I tried to say but this time I speak really slowly and carefully pronounce every letter. It’s slightly tiring but at least he can understand me.
“Now that you’re awake I must inform everyone about this. You have no more than few minutes to prepare yourself.“ He smiles wryly. Really? Did Shadow possess him when I wasn’t looking? I’ve never saw him smiling before. If he was born as a catman, without any doubt I’d start calling him The Grumpy Cat. And now - this. Ok… my enhanced intuition screams to me that there’s something bad going on. What is it this time?! I could certainly use a little rest… FOR A CHANGE!
Gavlan leaves the room and soon after I can hear him talking with someone. He said that I don’t have much time to prepare myself, but for what? He was smiling so it couldn’t be about those, so called, Templars. I mean, people don’t smile when they are supposed to be interrogated… I also doubt that Iverie would come here, fall onto her knees and beg for forgiveness while expressing her eagerness to abandon all worldly matters and become a priestess in the Temple.
Damn, I’m in no shape to do such thinking. I’m really hungry! At least I’m clean… but it means that someone must have washed me after my vomiting. Now that I mention it, I’m in different clothes, hmph. Nannies must have done that. Wait… didn’t I already thought about this? My head really is in a bad shape… I don’t even know just for how long I slept. Wait… is it possible that today is…
My inner monologue is interrupted, when Gavlan enters the room again and with him is one of my nannies, carrying what looks like a trail with a small meal, and that’s good news all in itself. Gavlan is standing near the door, while nanny feeds me one spoonful at a time as I’m in no condition to eat by myself, it’s actually pretty humiliating but my throat is slightly numb and swallowing is a challenge. At least it gives me time to think about questions I want to ask him.
I’m nearly sure that today must be my birthday. And while I think that me waking up from almost-a-coma should be great news, everyone is acting weird. I’m sure Gavlan reported everything to that herbalist and/or my father, but now his behavior strongly suggest preparing me for something… and I really have bad feelings about this whole situation.
When the meal ends, nanny leaves the room. I turn to Gavlan wanting to ask him some questions, but before I muster enough strength he tells me to wait for a bit… and leaves too. Oh for fuck’s sake, what sort of slave are you! … be more useful, please.
Few minutes I can hear Gavlan welcoming someone. I think I heard that new voice somewhere… ah, it must be the herbalist from earlier.
The woman that enters the room soon after that is a human. No more than thirty-five years old, short brown hair. No collar. On her face there is a look that can be translated into “Oh, why are you even bothering me with this”. Behind her - Gavlan enters, most likely making sure she won’t stab me or something. Constructive paranoia, I guess, if you consider what happened to me.
She begins examination with a pretty iritated attitude, but it disappears rather quickly. She must have expected a false alarm or something - after all I woke up much faster that I should - but now she understand that it’s not the matter. The examination (mostly checking my responses) quickly reaches it end.
“Well, he must have ingested much smaller ammount of poison that I previously anticipated.” She says to Gavlan. “It’s safe to move him, but don’t overdo it. He is still very weak.”
“I’ll try to not… break him.”
* * *
Only few minutes ago I was still enveloped in blissful ignorance regarding my current situation. But now… Now I finally understand what made Gavlan so annoyingly happy. Something truly terrifying. Something straight out of a horror story… or slice of life comedy… And the worst part is that I can’t do shit to stop it. I’m currently sitting on a wheelchair, or to be more precise, because of my current condition, I’m tied to it. And while I understand that it was necessary or else I wouldn’t be able to sit straight, I still think of it as demeaning as fuck…
Gavlan pushed me into a room… full of people. All of them have typical Veles traits, but I’ve never seen them in the mansion before. They’re looking at me. Why did no one told me we were going to have guests?! It’s not like I could do anything about Iverie poisoning me, but at the very least I would be mentally prepared for what’s going to happen!
There are four people in the room, excluding me and Gavlan. Initially my sight catches an older woman sitting in a big, stuffer armchair. She’s seemingly similar age as grandpa. Long, curly, hair in a deep shade of dark blue are partially gray. Unfortunately she may not be aware of her actual age… because that cleavage is way too deep for an older woman like her. She emanates an aura of an eccentric old lady who knows how to distil all the fun from life and not be bothered by what’s left. I guess it’s Shadow’s blessing speaking…
On the right side of the armchair is a similar looking sofa. Two more people are sitting on it. A girl my age dressed in a white lace dress, waving her legs in the air. Next to her is a middle aged man with no distinguishing traits, her father if I were to guess. Lastly, further in the room, next to the window opposite to the door, on a simple chair, sits another girl. She’s holding a book but she’s looking at me. She looks slightly older than me and wears a similar dress as the first girl. Only hers is black and without lace. I think she’s surprised… or annoyed. This staring contest with everyone’s attention focused on me lasts for about a second before the door to the adjusted room goes open and woman with black hair enters and speaks.
“Oh, he’s here already. I thought it would take longer and just put Damit to sleep for his midday slumber.” Wait… what did she say? ‘Damit’? Is this a name? She used it like a name… HOW CAN YOU NAME A KID LIKE THAT?! That’s brutal. And funny, hahaha! Oh dammit… Damit.
Oh, now that I think about it, they don’t speak English. So for them it’s not ridiculous.
“Maybe it’s better for him that way, dearie. He’s only two and our nephew here is in no condition to entertain him.” Said the Crazy Old Lady. Hey, I am still in the room, you know? I can hear you! “Speaking of which…” She turns back to me. “Little Varth.” LITTLE?! “You look so much more grown up than when I last saw you. It’s been four years since then. We all heard what happened to you. Can you talk?” Oh… fuck them all! Wrrr.
I try to speak, but once again it’s not easy. It takes me two attempts to say “Yes, I can.” clearly enough for them to understand.
“Mother, maybe we should postpone this whole meeting?” So… Crazy Old Lady is this man’s mother. And, if I was correct earlier, grandmother of the girls and… Damit… That name… I don’t care if they don’t know English. IT’S STILL RIDICULOUS!
“Nonsense Paforth. It’s his fifth birthday and you have only one fifth birthday your whole life! It’s not like we’ll torture him. Besides we really should at least meet him. After all, he’s going to spend plenty of time with some of the people in this room.” She laughs a little, while I wonder what the hell is she talking about. “He doesn’t even have to talk much. It’s mostly for him to get to know us.” Paforth looks like he wants to add something, but he’s too late. “Now that we are talking about fifth birthdays, do you remember your own? You were so adorable back then, that day you found my undergarments…”
“Mother.” He doesn’t look all that shocked so I guess he must be used to this. I feel sorry for him.
“Oh puss. Of course, how rude of me. Introductions go first.” I just noticed it but… on the small table right beside her armchair is a half empty bottle with a transparent liquid - I’m damn well sure it’s not water - and a glass… “I’m your aunt, Varthia Veles. Your grandfather, Naharius, is my dear older brother. This embarrassed little boy is my second son, Paforth. Yes dearie, I can see you chuckle. Adorable isn’t she?” She actually feels a bit familiar - I think that one of my ‘Earth’ aunts was a bit similar. A bit - she didn’t drink alcohol, at least not in that quantities…
“Yes, yes. She’s my daughter-in-law, Ferke Veles. Paforth’s adorable wife. And what are you blushing for dearie, it’s true. Don’t give me that look son, he’s not one of those with sticks up their butts. Not yet at the very least.”
“Mother, please. Not in front of children.”
“Children, yes. My grandchildren actually. Damit’s asleep but his sister is here. Come on Meritri, stand up and introduce yourself to your cousin.”
At that the girl in white lace dress slides of the sofa. Despite her previous curiosity she looks slightly nervous. She take both sides of her dress between her fingers, lifts it slightly and, with newfound determination on her face, performs a… curtsy. She’s blushing now, why the hell is she blushing?!
“M-my name is… M-meritri Veles” ...am I THAT scary? I’m tied to the wheelchair, how can that be scary?!
“Calm down Meritri, he’s not going to eat you. That was great curtsey for a first time. You can sit back now, and calm down.” I can hear amusement in my aunt’s voice. “I believe it’s your turn now?” She says to the girl reading a book next to the window.
The girl sighs and puts the book down on the table next to her. My sixth sense tells me that it won’t end well. The girl stand up and similarly to Meritri performs a curtsey…
“My name is Ni’ren Veles. It’s a great opportunity to finally meet my problematic cousin. And now, if I’m allowed, I’ll go back to reading.” Veles truly are a bunch of lovely people. Ok, maybe she isn’t exactly… nice, but at least she’s not giving me the same kind of bad feelings as Iverie.
“Ni’ren! I know that your parents aren’t here, but you should behave yourself.”
“Yes grandma, I’m sorry. Can I go back to my book now?” Not waiting for an answer she sits back and with another sigh opens her book and resume reading. Ha, she has a problem with her manners and is a bookworm. I think it’s a bit familiar. We will find a common ground… probably… sometime in the future… in different universe… or something. Well it’s not like I intend to beg her to be nice to me!
“You’ll have plenty of time to read and learn starting tomorrow.” Varthia seemingly decided to ignore Ni’ren… or maybe forgot about her, as she’s already drunk. “Oh, right. Varth, you probably don’t know but your cousins are here to stay in our family mansion for a few years to get tutored together and - my brother’s words - ‘get to know each other’.” I think I heard this somewhere already… déjà vu, eh. However, this time it can actually be beneficial for a change! I mean, spending several years in books - while being completely alone - would bore to death even someone like me.” I personally think it’s a great idea, but I might be biased since it also means that I’m going to spend some time in the city instead of that boring countryside. Even if our family here is struggling against that deadly plague of a... “ Suddenly I can hear doors opening behind me. On aunt’s face I can see an disgust, on Paforth’s - open hostility. All the while I feel Shadow’s blessing kicking in and screaming that there’s someone really bad behind me. I know only one person who gives me that feeling... “Speak of the devil…”
“It’s great to see you too aunt Varthia.” Urgh. Having Iverie stand behind me isn’t nice, especially when you can’t even move. On the other side, it might actually be a good thing… because even though I’m only just five years old I would probably try to stab her with something sharp. Grrrr. “Uncle Naharius wishes to see you. He made it sound urgent. So wrap up your fun little conversation and go to him, hurry.” And with that, she leaves the room. Phew…
“Stupid bitch thinking she’s so important.”
“What? You know I’m right.” My aunt seems to be quite direct person. I’d think higher of her if she didn’t just drink a solid sip of particular transparent liquid straight from the bottle. Well, at least it looks like she and her branch of the family are possible allies against Iverie… it’s something, right? “Gods damn stuck up b… puss! She wouldn't recognize fun even if it went straight up her arse…” Well, I can’t argue with that… Now I’m only curious what the hell does that ‘puss’ mean? “Gavlan was your name? Take little Varth back to his room, we will continue some other time.”
I just need to survive long enough to get back to health and start learning useful things… Oh joy…
Resus: This is a very important message… Unless you’re reading this when there are 50+ chapters already, in which case - this is not a very important message. Anyway, the first arc of our story - the early childhood, first five years of MC’s new life - just ended. If that’s not a good time to ask for comments, rates and reviews then I don’t know what is… Yes! I am begging for attention! And yes - I do realise that our story is one of most successful ones at this stage of development… But still. My soul is screaming for more! So, if it’s not too much of an inconvenience, please - leave a comment and rate and/or review our story.
Mirrond: Eh, and just by the way - there will be a short break in publishing new chapters, because I have a few exams… and, let’s say, I have more important things to do than writing this (yes, Resus, there ARE things more important than writing Re:v). But when they will end, I will be able to spend twice as much time on this, so new chapters should come out faster than now.
Resus: One last thing. It is possible that chapter 09 will be published some time during that “break”. It will probably be shorter than our usual ~4000 words. But it will just be a prolog of sorts for the next (much longer) story arc. And a little something for you to think about:
Current number of users…
Spoiler: Status ||===================||
||=====Varth Veles=====||
||===================||Race:HumanSubrace:Northwestern RepublicanNationality:Free City of ResOccupation:ChildAttributes:Health Points:10 / 10Mana Points:0 / 0Physical attributes:Vitality:1Resistance:1Strength:1Endurance:1Dexterity:2Agility:2Intelligence:5Wisdom:6Social attributes:Charisma:0Attractiveness:1Intimidation:0Fear:2Faith:1Fame:1Menus:SkillsSpells (LOCKED)QuestsCodexActive EffectsPossessions (LOCKED)Companions (LOCKED)OptionsReal Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 1
Spoiler: Skills ||==============||
||==============||Combat System:Active:NONEPassive:NONEMagic:Proficiencies:NONEAffinities:Spoiler: Magically Talentless: When it goes to magic your talent is literally nonexistent. You are absolutely, totally magicless. And it doesn’t even give you any antimagic bonuses. Too bad for you ;_;
Better hurry towards gaining magic… oh no, I forgot - you can’t. You can’t do shit about it till your 16th birthday ;_; It’s a real tragedy.
Miscellaneous:Lingual:Spoiler: Western Republican (Southern Coast variant): You possess moderate skills in using the Southern Coast variant of
Western Republican language. This allows you to communicate freely with people who are capable of using it, but you are yet to learn how to write or read.
Social:NONEUtilities:NONEReal Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 1
Spoiler: Spells LOCKED ||======================||
||=====Spells LOCKED=====||
This function is currently LOCKED.
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 1
Spoiler: Quests QuestsUnchangeable Main Quest: Ragnarök DelayedSpoiler: Description
You are now playing a game you don’t understand. You don’t know the rules, you don’t know who plays with you…But you must win. And to achieve that you need to learn the rules… And find a way to break them. Or write them anew.
For now follow Shadow's orders. He wants you to be a hammer that will shatter this world’s political and economical order. While doing that, look for clues about fate of the Old Empire, and the truth about Lost Deities.
Avoid the Old Gods’ attention at all cost.
Success conditions:
World Stability Old Empire Capital discovered
Fate of Old Empire discovered
Truth about Lost Deities discovered
World Stability 100%
Secondary Main Ouest:End of Veles Family?Spoiler: Description
You were born as a part of ancient bloodline of Veles. This family has long since fallen from grace. The corruption within grows and its members are too busy fighting each other to cleanse it. The power of family slowly fades.
Will you become family’s head, and reform it to become more powerful than ever? Or maybe you find it’s sins not redeemable… and you will decide to destroy it?
Only time will tell.
Success conditions:
(one of the following is true)
Varth Veles is the Head of the family
Slave trade controlled by Veles is destroyed
Varth Veles is a sole survivor of the family
Veles successfully framed for plotting a revolt against the city of Res
Naharius Veles Senior is the Head of the family
Veles slave trade on its peak
45 family members alive
Veles reputation remains untarnished
(depends on which conditions were met)
Gaining control of Veles family
Secondary Main Ouest:Followers, Servants and Allies (FSA)Spoiler: Description
There is no way for you to finish your mission alone. You will need help from other people. It’s not easy to find people you can trust. Most of your supporters will never knew the truth about you.
Search for people that can be of use and recruit them to your cause.
Success conditions:
Recruit a follower whom you trust enough to tell the entire truth… and link him to Real Life Game System
Recruit at least seven companions without knowledge of who you really are
Side Quest:Dish Best Served ColdSpoiler: Description
When Iverie murdered your brother you were too young and too weak stop her. You could only be a powerless witness.
But… things change.
Success conditions:
(one of the following is true)
Kill Iverie
Be a part of a scheme that leads to her death
(depends on which conditions were met)
Side Quest:Dark LordSpoiler: Description
Your received a blessing from a Lost Deity. There are still many of them out there who can be... persuaded to assist you by clearing various requirements.
You will need every possible blessing to finish your mission… but unfortunately you don’t know what those requirements are. Continue to do evil deeds to unlock more blessings.
Success conditions:
All blessings received
(other conditions will be unlocked after gaining access to magic)
Side Quest:FSA: LenaSpoiler: Description
Your half-sister Lena is younger than you… and alone. As a single person from her family who treats her as a human being you can influence the way she will grow and thus gain a truly helpful and trustworthy companion.
Success conditions:
Lena Veles possess knowledge about Lost Deities existence
Lena Veles is a follower of Varth Veles
Side Quest:FSA: GavlanSpoiler: Description
Your bodyguard – Gavlan - is a capable warrior. While his ardent faith in Old Gods makes him incapable of accepting the knowledge about who you really are his hatred towards slavery and current state of the world can be of use as a way to recruit him.
Success conditions:
Gavlan is freed from slavery
Gavlan decides to remain in Res and serve you
Optional conditions:
Find a way to weaken his faith, to make him capable of accepting the full truth
Side Quest:Coup de grâceSpoiler: Description
While your… intrigue managed to severely cripple your uncle’s influence within your family, if given enough time he will recuperate by persuading others that he was framed by your father.
You should find a way to eliminate him… decisively.
Success conditions:
Lenniel is dead or banished
Iar’e is dead or banished
Side QuestAcademic KnowledgeSpoiler: Description
You are new to this world. To ruin it, you must firstly understand it. Gaining common knowledge is a necessity but it’s not going to be enough. You will also need insight into politics, trade, sociology, geography, history… and many other subjects.
Not to mention learning languages as there are plenty of them out there.
Success conditions:
A tutor
Access to a library
Fluency in at least four languages
Side Quest:Every Dark Lord’s NecessitySpoiler: Description
What kind of Dark Lord can exist… without his faithful harem!
Begin gathering some nice girls :D
Or boys. Or trees. Or horses. Or whatever!
I’m too busy not giving shit about stupid details to be intolerant.
Success conditions:
Harem! Harem! Harem!
Well, no progress so far… which is understandable as you have only five years… but you still suck D: Not literally as that would be some kind of a progress in that quest D:
Oh, I guess they will reward you in MANY different ways, hihihihi :D
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 1
Spoiler: Codex ||===============||
||===============||People:Dramatis Personae:Veles Family:
Spoiler: ??? Veles - Iverie’s son.
Spoiler: Alva Veles - Your mother and… well… not the smartest person around. She holds absolutely no contact with you. Recently she also lost all contact with your father, after she betrayed him with a slave and gave birth to Lena (whom Alva openly ignores).
It is still unknown to you why she remains Naharius’s wife.
Spoiler: Damit Veles - Son of Paforth and Ferke, younger than you.
Has the best name ever. xD
Spoiler: Ferke Veles - Paforth’s wife, mother of Meritri and Damit.
Her mother-in-law think she’s adorable.
Spoiler: Iar’e Veles - Your cousin, son of Lenniel Veles, and a person you have mentally scarred for life. Even after your coming out he still fights with lingering fear of darkness.
He is also doing everything he can to avoid any contact with you.
Spoiler: Iverie Veles - Your “aunt”, daughter of your grandfather’s sister. Avoid her at all cost - really talented in schemes, and ruthless. Very ambitious, she is scheming to become the next head of Veles family. She killed your brother and is in cahoots with one of the eight Res mages.
Currently she is the most probable successor of your grandfather.
Spoiler: Kiera Veles - Iverie’s daughter. Looks like younger Iverie. It seems like she is growing into a younger version of Iverie.
Might be a pain in the future.
Spoiler: Lena Veles - Your younger half-sister, born from your mother and a slave whose name you don’t know. Openly ignored by everybody in the family except you.
Still very young.
Spoiler: Lenniel Veles - Your uncle, father of Iar’e and one of three important figures in family who compete to become the next head of Veles family. Pretty straightforward in his schemes, mainly because of the fact that his mind is pretty much like a hammer - large, powerful… and blunt. Might be cooperating with Iverie but she may as well only manipulate him. It’s unknown if he knows anything about her business with one of Res mages.
Currently has a very low level of influence within Veles because of your ‘molest’ lie.
Spoiler: Meritri Veles - Daugther of Paforth and Ferke. Around your age, and rather shy, or simply scared of you.
Spoiler: Naharius Veles Junior - Your father. Firstborn son of your grandfather, and one of three potential successors. Through your early childhood he more or less ignored you because of your mental disability but his fatherly feelings reignited after you turned out to be normal. However, continuous calamities that befell him (your mother’s betrayal, you being ‘molested’ and death of your brother) are making him sink deeper and deeper into paranoia.
He lost a big part of his influence after he knocked up a slave girl. Currently he is more or less second in line to the ‘throne’.
Spoiler: Naharius Veles Senior - Your grandfather. His continuous attempts to ease tension within Veles family suggests that he is either delusional, or have some lingering trauma with family infighting.
Most likely the latter as he is much too good in administering Veles slave empire to be mentally impaired.
Spoiler: Nameless Veles - Your dead brother, killed by Iverie and one of the eight Res mages.
Spoiler: Ni’ren Veles - Older than you, and a bookworm. Granddaugther of Varthia, but you don’t know her parents.
Rather cold to you.
Spoiler: Paforth Veles - Son of Varthia, father unknown. Seems like a decent man. Hates Iverie, but not as strong as his mother.
He also seems to be at least a bit better in hiding his thoughts than her.
Spoiler: Varthia Veles - Younger sister of Naharius Senior. She has at least two children (one of them is Paforth, the second is Ni’ren’s parent). She likes to drink alcohol, speak before thinking… and hates Iverie, whom she sees as a plague that threatens entire family.Others:
Spoiler: ??? - One of the eight Res mages. Helped Iverie in killing your brother. His agenda is currently unknown, just as his identity.
Spoiler: Gavlan - Your bodyguard. Wolfman warrior from Leana, taken as a slave by one of Veles fleet slave raids. Shows deep hatred towards slavery and Veles family.
Recently he started to show no signs of hatred towards you just because you are a member of Veles family.Companion / Ally / Friendly / Neutral / Hostile / Dangerous / EnemyRaces:Spoiler: Eastern Republican - Human race variant, that can be most commonly found in the area of Free Cities, and eastern/central Protectorates. Caucasian, with a tendency of having white (or even pale) skin even in the mediterranean climate of Republican Coast. Hair either normal or in various shades of blue (very pale blue is most common). Eyes either normal or in various shades of blue.
Spoiler: Wolfman - Beastman variant, most commonly found in Leana continent, but is also quite widespread in Free Cities, Protectorates and some other areas due to frequent slave raids and “normal” emigration. Either humans with wolf-like features, or a humanoid wolf capable of speaking. Strong, and tough, makes good soldiers and warriors, but have a relatively slow ratio of magic users in their population.Humans / Beastmen / Elves / Arcane Races / OthersOrganisations:Res:
Spoiler: Temple of Res - The one and only religious organisation in Res, that worships the goddess of sea and water who doesn’t really have a name - for her worshippers Res is more or less an extension of herself, so to some point she IS a city. The Temple as an organisation is an important player in political schemes going on in the city. It possess its own military force (one hundred warriors - they protect the city’s one and only grand temple), can pass judgment on various crimes that were taken out of city’s jurisdiction (for example - heresy/blasphemy/participation in some underground sects).
It’s head is a Grand Priestess, but she rarely leaves the temple.
Spoiler: House of Veles - One of the weakest Houses in the city of Res, the only one composed of humans. It mainly deals in slave trading, and possess a formidable fleet of warships.
However those ships deal mainly in slave raids, and are at best moderate when it comes to ship-to-ship combat.
Spoiler: Council of Eight - Council of Eight is more or less unofficial (but widely accepted) name for an “association” of Res mages. It’s composed of all eight sorcerers residing in the city.Religious / Political / Magical / UndergroundGeopolitics:Countries:Spoiler: Free Cities - Union of independent merchant republics spanned along The Southern Coast. Most likely merely a defense treaty against foreign enemies, always full of internal strife and without anything that could be described as central government.
Together, with their military, maritime and industrial power, they could became a leading superpower.
Spoiler: Resian Republic - Also known as Free City of Res or Republic of Res. Merchant republic on the Southern Coast, independent but remains a part of Free Cities. Oligarchy, ruled by a handful of wealthy families.
Other groups with wide influence within Resian Republic are Council of Eight - organisation composed of eight Res magicians – and the Temple. Great Powers / Secondary Powers / Independent Nations / Vassals and Satellite States / Uncivilised and TribalRegions and Places:Spoiler: Southern Coast - Coastal area near the south border of civilisation. Mediterreanean climate, only two seasons. Important hub of trade, full of coastal cities bursting with activity.
Spoiler: Republican Sea - Sea between Southern Coast and continent of Leana. Dominated by Free Cities navies. Calm and more or less safe for travel.
Spoiler: Silverwater River - River that flows through the city of Res.
Spoiler: Leana - Small continent to the east from Republican Sea. Inhabited by beastmen, and full of barely civilised countries and tribes. Frequent target for slaver raids, because of its residents permanent inability to defend themselves or retaliate.Southern Firell / Northern Firell / Leana / Meronia / Northern Khar / Southern Khar / Western KharCities, Fortresses and Villages:Spoiler: Res - A coastal city located on Southern Coast. Build alongside Silverwater river estuary. Notable areas: massive harbor, and a grand temple dedicated to local goddess-protector, that also possess a clocktower visible from nearly every part of a city. Village / Town / City / Fortress / OtherHistory:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITMagic and Religion:Magic:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITSpells:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITArtifacts:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITDeities and Religion:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITBestiary:Corrupted Lands:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITInhabited Lands:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITGeneral Lore:Alchemy:Spoiler: Dream Resin - Rare poison created by the Old Empire. First symptoms of poisoning includes headaches and sleepiness. Then, after the victim falls asleep, vivid dreams and nightmares. The end is death by CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE :D. Diluted 1:1000 in water creates a drug that induces vivid dreams. Can also be used as a lubricant for heavy machinery (especially good for ones that use magic) or as a way to restore magic power (by rubbing it into the skin).
There is an underground ‘cult’ in Res that has access to this poison and uses it for assasinations. Also Iverie has access to it, most likely through that group.Weapons:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITEquipment:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITResources:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITDesieases:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITFolklore and Culture:Spoiler: Res Funeral Rites - In Res, the dead people are cremated. Then, their ashes are offered as a sacrifice to the goddess of water and sea that is this city patron and protector. This is achieved either by throwing them into Silverwater River or Republican Sea or by storing in them in stone bowls filled with water. The former is done by poor, the latter by the wealthy.Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
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Spoiler: Active Effects ||=====================||
||=====Active Effects=====||
||=====================||Other side of the coin
Blessing of Shadow
[Lesser]You have received a lesser blessing of Shadow, Lost Deity of anarchy, revolution, chaos, darkness and madness.Learning skills +10%
Your flashes of intuition will be accurate much more often.Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
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Spoiler: Possesions LOCKED ||===========================||
||=====Possessions LOCKED=====||
This function is currently LOCKED.
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
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Spoiler: Companions LOCKED ||===========================||
||=====Companions LOCKED=====||
This function is currently LOCKED.
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
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Still no Options :P
Ogre Tyrant
Tim wakes up to find he is naked and alone in a fantasy world. However, he is not as alone as he first thought. There are other people running around all over the place fighting monsters for a living. Unfortunately for Tim, he seems to be one of those monsters. Desperate for any degree of safety and normalcy he can find, Tim must tread a fine line between freedom and subservience to survive. All while trying to keep alive a trio of adventurers hellbent on becoming legends. However, unfortunately for Tim, he is not the only one from earth to awaken in this world and the other Awakened aren't nearly so benevolent. Warning: The protagonist begins the story quite cowed and meek but progresses into a more assertive and situationally dominant personality. This is partly due to growth, but also a result of the character overcoming initial shock and longstanding depression. If you think I could have handled a segment better, by all means, point it out and provide your reasoning and suggestion. Everyone's experience of depression is different, and Tim's is a close representation of my own, so it won't necessarily 'vibe' with everyone. Chapters are around 15k words and released approx 1/week over the weekend. Has been reduced to around 7.5k to 9k to better fit my schedule.[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 155 -
First Bite
When Alice Thornhill turned eighteen she found out that magic was real, four of her teeth were taken and the tooth fairy was real. Years later, her own mystery is starting to have more bite. Updates on break for a few weeks over December but normally Fridays and sometimes on Mondays Just created a discord group https://discord.gg/JWzZh8u
8 252 -
Astrid Stronghold, cousin to Will Stronghold, lost her father to a Sidekick turned Villain and yet she still chose to become a Sidekick. Lash Livingston, Hero turned Villain turned Hero, would do whatever it takes to save Astrid, if she was ever in trouble. Except she doesn't trust the bully. Astrid is his Sidekick. Lash is her Hero. They'll always save each other, no matter what.TW: Alcoholic parent ☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰ ⁂☆⁂ ☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰ SKY HIGH - OC PLOTLINE LASH X OC
8 185 -
Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)
Kim Jiah, have a cold personality that sometimes can make everyone scare of her, just moved in her new school because of her mom. Her mom move her to her new school and there she met 7 boys who called as Enhypen, that literally famous handsome students in the school, who also have a feeling towards her. Is she going to have a same feeling as them? If she have, who will she's gonna choose? I hope you guys enjoy reading this. There will have some part that I'm gonna change if I feel like I wanna change hehe. Sorry for that. But, Enjoy<>Start : 4/9/2022Finish : 21/9/2022
8 310 -
Mercy (Pennywise 2017 x Reader) UNFINISHED AND DISCONTINUED
[PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS STORY HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED AND WILL NOT BE FINISHED]Please have mercy on me, take it easy on my heart...Life in Derry Maine had its ups and downs. Especially for Y/N L/N, an 18-year-old who has just finished high school and is unsure of where life will take her. When things begin to get odd; children are going missing more and more these days, and she starts getting the feeling she's being watched, will she be able to crack down on what is causing all of this torment? Or will she just plead that she's not next?(In the same year as the 2017 IT movie! Will include snippets of the Loser Club, but you'll be older than them.)
8 216 -
More than Enough
Zuhniyah Nearlee is a girl that doesn't really understand what love is. She doesn't know who can have her completely. She got her heart broken by many people... that fucked her over. All she ever wanted was a hood nigga that knew how to handle himself. She doesn't take shit from anybody, if a bitch comes up to her, sum type of way, bitch you gonna get beat tf up.Dave East is a drug dealer, a hood nigga that sleeps with girls left to right. He doesn't have a choice but to sleep with them because it eases the pain he always felt after his best friend died. He lost himself and all he wanted was a WOMEN that could love him. Support his lifestyle rather than be with him for his moneyAfter, these two meet on unexpected terms. Will they hate each other ? Or will they act on their feelings ? Read the story to find out Ps. Plz read the introduction to see the characters to find out a lil about them. Please and thank you and enjoy the story. I will try to update as much as possible. 😘
8 113