《Re:volutionist》11: Political and social study of a certain kindergarten
Resus: We reached a conclusion on what a buildup is… and that’s a last scrap of it. What comes next is a real battle arc xD
Mirrond: Battle arc… right ;_; Let’s call it that way.
Chapter 11: Political and social study of a certain kindergarten
Oh for fuck’s…
Does this mean that not only I won’t be able to act normally in my room… I’ll also have to spend most of my new childhood with a girl that looks like she is going to faint whenever she sees me. Besides… WITH A GIRL?! I mean, she is my cousin, so it’s not like she’s just a random stranger. And since we’re still only five… But that won’t last forever and in the future, quite distant future to be exact, living in a single room with a teenage girl… It’s going to be problematic in so many ways…
Even after giving it some thought, mixed rooms? Isn’t it rather risky, in a long term? For now it’s more or less ok, but… what happens when ALL of us becomes teenagers? Are the teachers or priests or whoever they are… Are they going to guard us 24/7 to avoid any unwanted accidents? Like, for example, ‘accidental’ pregnancies? And since there’s apparently enough different races to distribute students between their rooms based on race…
Humans are disliked, I get that, but what about other races? Do they have reasons to safely assume that there will be no mixed couples? Did they even think about such problems in the first place? Up until now the local education was based on private tutors, so it’s safe to assume that kids from wealthy houses had nearly no contact which each other. With an exception of the members of their own families. If this educational reform in Res is actually this world’s first attempt in creating a… more advanced schooling system - even though it still sucks - then they might’ve not even thought about the risks that come from putting a band of teenagers together... Or, maybe they just don’t care in the slightest about us fucking left and right? This might be a bit pessimistic, but ten years from now this school is going to be hell in more than one way…
Okay, STOP. I’m going too far with my thoughts. We’re all still only five to eight years old… Maybe it won’t be that bad…
”Please now, follow me.” The priest speaks, seemingly unfazed by our reaction. Well, truth be told, there barely was any reaction - I was too busy overthinking the whole thing while Meritri, well… She looks as if she really want to disappear, you know, looking at her boots, hiding her head in her shoulders and, well, shaking slightly… but she looks more or less like that ever since we left the mansion so there is no real difference. Although, her fear levels probably risen quite considerably this last few minutes.
We leave the hall following the priest and after a short walk and a few staircases - a nightmare for me at the moment - we reach the long corridor with plenty of doors on both sides. He leads us to the first door on the left, opens it with a key and lets us inside.
“Your belongings are already here.” I wonder for how long he trained his face to stay expressionless for this long. “Unpack yourselves. The lessons begin in two hours, so don’t take too long.” Wait… so we are supposed to unpack ourselves? Well, it’s not really a problem for me… even though I must say that servants doing everything for me this past few years was quite enjoyable. It’s still a bit surprising.
The priest seems to notice something in my face… or maybe he already experienced something like this with every student so far.
“Our servants will provide you with food and clean your clothes, but it’s entirely up to you to keep your rooms clean. When it will be time to go to your classes just ask other students to lead you there.” And with that he leaves the room, closing the door behind…
And I thought that the carriage ride was awkward. Anyway, the room in itself is… rather empty in comparison to the rooms in the mansion, but it was obvious from the beginning that this will be the case. It’s rectangular, with a door and a window on the opposite short walls and, respectively, a wardrobe, desk with a single chair and a bed along each longer wall.
I quickly proceed to unpacking my baggage. The maids and nannies did a good job packing all my clothes in a way that’s easy to take out and hang in the wardrobe. Everything else, like a supply of ink and parchment or spare underwear, I leave in the coffer which I slide under my bed. The whole thing took me about half an hour because of those damn crutches. Thinking that I’m done and have some time to rethink this whole situation few more times I take a quick look at Meritri… and she’s not even halfway through.
Is that why we were given two whole hours before the classes start? The Temple’s been running this school for half a year now, maybe they just adapted to kids from wealthy families not even knowing how to unpack… or don’t expect much from five-year-olds? Nevermind now. Let’s just help her and get this over with. I can’t be late my first day in here and I can’t just leave her here if she doesn’t make it in time.
Meritri seems completely absorbed in the task, despite not making much progress. She doesn’t see me coming up to her and seems surprised when I, without a word, begin unfolding her clothes and hanging them in her wardrobe. She even jumped a little and I think it was my mistake for not making any obvious noise in the process, but I can’t do anything about it now.
The unpacking continues and I notice that whoever filled her coffer in the first place did considerably worse job than with mine. Maybe it’s just a matter of slightly different contents but it‘s actually harder to… maneuver? With mine I’ve just been taking things from the top, again and again. Here, however, that’s just not possible. Everything is tangled into one ball of dresses, learning supplies, underwear and lace. Mostly lace.
All the while I’m trying to tame this mess my shy little cousin is just standing there, acting all shy and useless… and blushing? Well, fuck. Technically I just made my way to her baggage and for the last ten minutes or so I’ve been sorting her personal belongings. Yeah, sorry. No time for feeling embarrassed now. Our classes are going to start soon and as I stated earlier - I’m not about to be late on my first day here.
“Hang it in your wardrobe.” I tell that to Meritri after freeing first piece of garment. She hesitates for a moment but takes the… dress, I think… from me and does what I told her. It’s really fortunate that she didn’t back out on me now. Her messy baggage and my walking problems might’ve resulted in me wasting more time trying to help her than she would take on her own.
After much more untangling and unraveling than I would ever expect to experience my entire life… We’re done and still should have just enough time to get to our class. Even if we have to ask someone, where exactly that class might be, first. That HUD clock is as handy as I expected it to be.
“Time to go, Meritri.” I try to give her a nice and… encouraging… smile, and I receive a slight nod in return. Meritri, please, do me a favor and fight with your shyness. I beg you. I mean, am I really THAT scary?! Although, now that I think about it, I never actually cared enough to ask anyone if she reacts the same way to others… Kiera’s and Ni’ren’s behaviour in the carriage suggests that Meritri really is that withdrawn on her own, but I can’t just not take it personally. Nevermind now, this is not a good time for worrying.
And so, we leave our room. Or, to be more precise, I leave and she - with slight reluctance - follows after me. I can’t close the door because that priest took the key, but I guess it’s like that for everyone so I don’t mind too much.
The corridor is almost empty. With just one kid beside us still here. My first thought when I see him is ‘oh for fuck sake’… The boy I see standing there looks like a poster model for Hitlerjugend recruitment… absolutely perfect and stereotypical young Aryan. Slightly higher than me, probably two or three years older, with blond hair, blue eyes (he is looking right at me) filled with pride…
Oh, and he has wings. Crimson-colored, featherless, flesh and bones, wings. And spiral-shaped horns pointing backwards from above his ears. Short horns… but still! Realistically, what am I supposed to do right now? Talk to this demon looking blondie? On my amplified intuition I blame the word ‘Succubus’ screaming in my head. Or rather ‘Incubus’, as that’s a boy… although I’m not sure if that word is used around here, as Shadow’s blessing still name him ‘Succubus’. That’s a really weird feeling... to know something without knowing why you know that.
||=====New Codex Entry=====||
People: Races: Succubi
Real Life Game System’s HUD by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Everything in this boy screams trouble, but because there’s no one else around here to ask about the route to the classroom… I have no other options than to ask him. Even though I am nearly sure this is a bad idea...
“I’m sorry, could you tell us where the classroom is?” I try to conjure a genuinely polite look on my face. “It’s our first day.” I add, as an attempt of explanation.
“Sure. Come with me. I’ll show you the class all right.” I smell a rat… plenty of them… but I don’t really have a choice now, do I? It’s either going with him or trying to find it on my own and this place is not a small one. Besides, I have a feeling that if I were to refuse his offer he would do something unpleasant. Maybe it’s because of the fact, that he gives off such a… SS-feeling? Without horns and wings he would look like Hitler’s wet dream.
“Thank you.” Well, being polite won’t make it any worse, right?
We follow the demonspawn through the hallways and staircases… I honestly didn’t expect so many of them, and I could swear the we did at least two full circles sometime along the way. But in the end we stood before a door to what the blondie called our classroom.
“Go on, I’m right behind you.” Ok, there’s no more doubts about it - it’s a trap. I would try to weasel my way out of this, but my intuition is telling to me to just go with it? I guess it’s a choice between two bad outcomes. I hope playing along will lead me to a less harmful one… At least he’s just a kid, so it won’t be anything lethal… probably… so, let’s go.
We enter the classroom. I go first and Meritri gets in right behind me. It really looks like a classroom. With chairs and desks, but all of them empty. I turn around only to see closing door and hear a click of a lock… I’m impressed, how did he get a key to this room? Not important now.
“Here’s your classroom blueheads! Enjoy your stay!” Honestly? I’m not even mad. Sure, one beautiful day sometime in the future, I’ll have my revenge, but since I knew that something like that was going to happen… I only sigh loudly and sit down on a nearest desk. Banging at the door would only make this more enjoyable for him, and I’m not going to give him any satisfaction.
I can hear him leaving. The door aren’t soundproof, so we’ll hear if anyone is walking by our temporary prison. All we need to do is wai… oh damn.
While I was busy thinking, Meritri was… not doing very well. Shock is painted on her face, along with slowly growing fear. Damn, time to act, or she’s going to start crying… which would make staying in this classroom much more painful.
“Don’t worry, it’s just his bad joke…” I really am bad at this… Also, I should probably stop pointing that out every time. “Now we need to wait until someone walks by this room. Then we make a little bit of noise, and we’ll be free to go.” Why am I even trying? She doesn’t seem relieved at all. If you’d ask me she looks even worse after I said all that.
“Ok.” Or… maybe she is relieved? It’s harder to read her emotion than Shadow’s… and that’s quite an achievement.
And so we waited. Considerably longer than I would like, but beggars can’t be choosers… About half an hour later - classes already started five minutes after our lockdown - I heard footsteps on the other side of the door.
“Hey!” I shout, while pulling the door handle. “We are locked in here, let us out.”
“What do you mean ‘locked’? How did you get in there?” Judging by voice - young woman or girl, it’s hard to tell. Definitely not that horned bastard tho.
“Someone locked us here.” I decide to try avoiding openly saying who did it, and that he knew that we were inside when he locked the door. I don’t think that blaming him would change anything… at least considering how high standing humans have here. Let’s try to avoid an open war… at least for now.
“Oh! Ok, just wait there… I’ll get the key and let you out!” Now let’s just hope she - whoever she is - has nothing against humans. I turn towards Meritri.
“See? I told you that someone would come.”
“Yeah.” She actually looked at me and gave me… a very weak smile. Yup, she’s still on a verge of crying. Well, it’s still some sort of progress, right?
Ten minutes later, our savior returns.
“I have the key! Honestly, this janitor guy lost them somewhere. I had to run all around to find the spare one and whoever you are in there, you owe me a big favor now.” And then, finally, the door opens.
And on the other side, there’s a priestess. Young one, in her late teens I’d say. She’s swarthy, has long, straight, black hair and… I know how it sounds but… air seems to be slightly damper around her.
||=====New Codex Entry=====||
People: Races: Hydromancer
Real Life Game System’s HUD by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
“Oh, you’re just kids.” Yeah, let’s call it that way. “And… humans? Are you these two Veles kids that were supposed to join our school today?” I only nod in answer. Thankfully I don’t notice any shifts in her mood after realising that we’re humans. So maybe we will finally reach the classroom without any interruptions… “Come with me, you are already late.”
She’s smart enough to understand that we didn’t lock ourselves in there. Her lack of reaction is however quite logical… I mean, it’s not like anyone would actually care about ‘childish jokes’ such as this one. Besides, she can’t really do anything about it… and if she’d try, it would only make it worse for us. But at least she guides us to the right classroom! I think I’ll like her. She seems to be a decent person.
“I’ll explain to your today’s teacher what happened. Don’t worry about it too much.” She gives us a smile and thumbs up before opening the door to the classroom and letting us in.
What a terrifying sight that is. The room is painted in bright colors with a few bookshelves along the walls. Small, square-shaped tables are scattered everywhere with… a collage of mostly humanoid monsters sitting on the small chairs next to those tables. I’d really like to be open minded and just proceed like everything’s normal… But I just can’t.
Let me get this straight. I just waltzed into the room full of what supposed to be kids roughly my age… and all I can see are… YES - MONSTERS! There’s a Minotaur sitting with two human-like girls with literally fiery-colored hair and sparks all around them. There are two boys who looked like they are made of stone or marble statues. Three girls have long leaves instead of hair. And I didn’t even mention the Beastman! I guess that the slaves in my family mansion were chosen because they looked mostly human. Well, that’s not the case here. At one table there are three… fox headed kids. With actual, scaled up fox heads! And, of course, the reason why I’m late is also here. Smirking at me. I wonder if he suspects that at some point in time I’m going to kill him for that? Probably not.
But it seems like I’m not the only one who's surprised by this sight. Meritri seemingly got rid of the fear of me because she’s currently hiding behind my back while clinging to my shirt.
||=====New Codex Entry=====||
People: Races: Dryads
People: Races: Nymphs
People: Races: Pyromancers
People: Races: Foxmen
People: Races: Bearmen
People: Races: Catmen
People: Races: Crystallings
People: Races: Minotaurs
People: Races: Titans
People: Races: Winged
Real Life Game System’s HUD by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
* * *
It’s evening and the most tiring day of my life is finally nearing it’s end. I lie in my bed, trying to sleep… but as always, I’m too busy thinking to actually fall asleep.
Majority of the day was deadly boring. Although, surprisingly, when it comes to reading and writing I’m slightly ahead of everyone. I guess that having a private tutor and plenty of free time has its advantages.
It only, however, made this whole day even more boring since I’ve spend it learning something I already knew, which was already mentioned reading and writing with some rudimentary mathematics. And, yeah, the questions are really otherworld’y here. For example - if Mr. Hargharow has ten turynas and eats three of them, how many turynas Mr. Hargharow has in the end? If that’s not torture than I don’t know what is… And no. I have no idea what’s ‘turyna’, except for the fact that you can eat it. And that Mr. Hargharow likes them.
From what I’ve seen throughout the day, Kiera and Ni’ren tend to stick to themselves. Most of the others ignore them, with an exception of those three girls with leaves instead of hair. And even in their case it isn’t really friendliness. More like a lack of disdain.
Meritri at the same time sticks to me. I kinda expected her to join Ni’ren, but for some strange reason she chose me. Although she still prefers to stay silent, and blushes all the time… I don’t understand her at all, but it’s not like she’s a bother so… ok.
Oh, one more downside of being ahead of your class? You tend get too much into answering questions… and apparently step out of line. The blond-demon seemingly didn’t enjoy playing the second fiddle to me and after the ‘classes’ - composed mostly of free play time - ended, he and his equally horned sidekick - the minotaur - cornered me and tried to intimidate me? It went more or less like this…
“What are you doing, bluehead? Didn’t you understand your place? Next time I can find you a lonelier room to spend some time.” There goes my previous ‘he’s still just a kid’ argument… Bastard really acts as if he thinks he’s a gangster or something. The bull headed kid was only looking at me angrily and nodding to his boss’s words. Still, a minotaur that don’t like you in particular is actually quite scary.
And that’s how, back in the present, I come to a certain conclusion. If I let things progress normally I - and other Veles kids… and it would be a shame, maybe with exception of Kiera - will be bullied for at least ten years or so. And there is only one way out of this. I need to persuade - or rather forcefully insert brains into the heads - of several of my classmates - and then change this whole class into a war zone… which might also allow me to acquire some potential - and highly valuable at that - allies for the future.
||=====New Quest=====||
||==================||Spoiler: Side Quest: Conquering Kindergarten
You just started going to school, and you already know one thing.
Your classmates suck.
You have at least ten years to conquer this place. You need to forcefully drag all potential recruits to your side, and change the lives of your enemies into living hell.
Let the hellish school life begin!
Success conditions:
Gain at least four potential allies (but the more, the merrier)
Real Life Game System’s HUD by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Yeah… right. This pretty much sums up everything.
Resus: The Kindergarten War! The bloodiest! The wildest! The… meanest?
Mirrond: Eh, I really can’t wait until MC gets older… but as you have an allergy for skipping longer periods of time (well, I have it too) we have to write it ;_; The most bloody and terrifying kindergarten ever. Maaan, now I am happy I never went to one.
Spoiler: Status ||===================||
||=====Varth Veles=====||
||===================||Race:HumanSubrace:Northwestern RepublicanNationality:Free City of ResOccupation:ChildAttributes:Health Points:10 / 10Mana Points:0 / 0Physical attributes:Vitality:1Resistance:1Strength:1Endurance:1Dexterity:2Agility:2Intelligence:5Wisdom:6Social attributes:Charisma:0Attractiveness:1Intimidation:1Fear:2Faith:1Fame:1Menus:SkillsSpells (LOCKED)QuestsCodexActive EffectsPossessions (LOCKED)Companions (LOCKED)OptionsReal Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Skills ||==============||
||==============||Combat System:Active:NONEPassive:NONEMagic:Proficiencies:NONEAffinities:Spoiler: Magically Talentless: When it goes to magic your talent is literally nonexistent. You are absolutely, totally magicless. And it doesn’t even give you any antimagic bonuses. Too bad for you ;_;
Better hurry towards gaining magic… oh no, I forgot - you can’t. You can’t do shit about it till your 16th birthday ;_; It’s a real tragedy.
Miscellaneous:Lingual:Spoiler: Western Republican (Southern Coast variant): You possess average skills in using the Southern Coast variant of Western Republican language. This allows you to communicate freely with people who are capable of using it, you can also read and write in it.
You are using it fluently, but you still lack some vocabulary to truly master it.
Social:NONEUtilities:NONEReal Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Spells LOCKED ||======================||
||=====Spells LOCKED=====||
This function is currently LOCKED.
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Quests QuestsUnchangeable Main Quest: Ragnarök DelayedSpoiler: Description
You are now playing a game you don’t understand. You don’t know the rules, you don’t know who plays with you…But you must win. And to achieve that you need to learn the rules… And find a way to break them. Or write them anew.
For now follow Shadow's orders. He wants you to be a hammer that will shatter this world’s political and economical order. While doing that, look for clues about fate of the Old Empire, and the truth about Lost Deities.
Avoid the Old Gods’ attention at all cost.
Success conditions:
World Stability Old Empire Capital discovered
Fate of Old Empire discovered
Truth about Lost Deities discovered
World Stability 100%
Secondary Main Ouest:End of Veles Family?Spoiler: Description
You were born as a part of ancient bloodline of Veles. This family has long since fallen from grace. The corruption within grows and its members are too busy fighting each other to cleanse it. The power of family slowly fades.
Will you become family’s head, and reform it to become more powerful than ever? Or maybe you find it’s sins not redeemable… and you will decide to destroy it?
Only time will tell.
Success conditions:
(one of the following is true)
Varth Veles is the Head of the family
Slave trade controlled by Veles is destroyed
Varth Veles is a sole survivor of the family
Veles successfully framed for plotting a revolt against the city of Res
Naharius Veles Senior is the Head of the family
Veles slave trade on its peak
45 family members alive
Veles reputation remains untarnished
(depends on which conditions were met)
Gaining control of Veles family
Secondary Main Ouest:Followers, Servants and Allies (FSA)Spoiler: Description
There is no way for you to finish your mission alone. You will need help from other people. It’s not easy to find people you can trust. Most of your supporters will never knew the truth about you.
Search for people that can be of use and recruit them to your cause.
Success conditions:
Recruit a follower whom you trust enough to tell the entire truth… and link him to Real Life Game System
Recruit at least seven companions without knowledge of who you really are
Side Quest:Dish Best Served ColdSpoiler: Description
When Iverie murdered your brother you were too young and too weak stop her. You could only be a powerless witness.
But… things change.
Success conditions:
(one of the following is true)
Kill Iverie
Be a part of a scheme that leads to her death
(depends on which conditions were met)
Side Quest:Dark LordSpoiler: Description
Your received a blessing from a Lost Deity. There are still many of them out there who can be... persuaded to assist you by clearing various requirements.
You will need every possible blessing to finish your mission… but unfortunately you don’t know what those requirements are. Continue to do evil deeds to unlock more blessings.
Success conditions:
All blessings received
(other conditions will be unlocked after gaining access to magic)
Side Quest:FSA: LenaSpoiler: Description
Your half-sister Lena is younger than you… and alone. As a single person from her family who treats her as a human being you can influence the way she will grow and thus gain a truly helpful and trustworthy companion.
Success conditions:
Lena Veles possess knowledge about Lost Deities existence
Lena Veles is a follower of Varth Veles
Side Quest:FSA: GavlanSpoiler: Description
Your bodyguard – Gavlan - is a capable warrior. While his ardent faith in Old Gods makes him incapable of accepting the knowledge about who you really are his hatred towards slavery and current state of the world can be of use as a way to recruit him.
Success conditions:
Gavlan is freed from slavery
Gavlan decides to remain in Res and serve you
Optional conditions:
Find a way to weaken his faith, to make him capable of accepting the full truth
Side Quest:Coup de grâceSpoiler: Description
While your… intrigue managed to severely cripple your uncle’s influence within your family, if given enough time he will recuperate by persuading others that he was framed by your father.
You should find a way to eliminate him… decisively.
Success conditions:
Lenniel is dead or banished
Iar’e is dead or banished
Side QuestAcademic KnowledgeSpoiler: Description
You are new to this world. To ruin it, you must firstly understand it. Gaining common knowledge is a necessity but it’s not going to be enough. You will also need insight into politics, trade, sociology, geography, history… and many other subjects.
Not to mention learning languages as there are plenty of them out there.
Success conditions:
A tutor
Access to a library
Fluency in at least four languages
Side Quest:Conquering KindergartenSpoiler: Description
You just started going to school, and you already know one thing.
Your classmates suck.
You have at least ten years to conquer this place. You need to forcefully drag all potential recruits to your side, and change the lives of your enemies into living hell.
Let the hellish school life begin!
Success conditions:
Gain at least four potential allies (but the more, the merrier)
Side Quest:Every Dark Lord’s NecessitySpoiler: Description
What kind of Dark Lord can exist… without his faithful harem!
Begin gathering some nice girls :D
Or boys. Or trees. Or horses. Or whatever!
I’m too busy not giving shit about stupid details to be intolerant.
Success conditions:
Harem! Harem! Harem!
Well, no progress so far… which is understandable as you have only five years… but you still suck D: Not literally as that would be some kind of a progress in that quest D:
Oh, I guess they will reward you in MANY different ways, hihihihi :D
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Codex ||===============||
||===============||People:Dramatis Personae:Veles Family:
Spoiler: ??? Veles - Iverie’s son.
That’s pretty much everything you know about him.
Spoiler: Alva Veles - Your mother and… well… not the smartest person around. She holds absolutely no contact with you. Recently she also lost all contact with your father, after she betrayed him with a slave and gave birth to Lena (whom Alva openly ignores).
It is still unknown to you why she remains Naharius’s wife.
Spoiler: Damit Veles - Son of Paforth and Ferke, younger than you.
Has the best name ever. xD
Spoiler: Ferke Veles - Paforth’s wife, mother of Meritri and Damit.
Her mother-in-law think she’s adorable.
Spoiler: Iar’e Veles - Your cousin, son of Lenniel Veles, and a person you have mentally scarred for life. Even after your coming out he still fights with lingering fear of darkness.
He is also doing everything he can to avoid any contact with you.
Spoiler: Iverie Veles - Your ‘aunt’, daughter of your grandfather’s sister. Avoid her at all cost - really talented in schemes, and ruthless. . She is also a member of a mysterious underground organisation that plagues Res, or one of its pawns. Either way, she has access to rare poisons, and feels no moral qualms about using them. Also there is at least one magician that she can ask for help.
You were already killed by her once… just as your brother, though he didn’t have any helpful deities to resurrect him.
Currently she is the most probable successor of your grandfather.
Spoiler: Kiera Veles - Iverie’s daughter. Looks like younger Iverie. It seems like she is growing into a younger version of Iverie.
Might be a pain in the future.
Spoiler: Lena Veles - Your younger half-sister, born from your mother and a slave whose name you don’t know. Openly ignored by everybody in the family except you.
Still very young, so she isn’t really useful to you.
Spoiler: Lenniel Veles - Your uncle, father of Iar’e and one of three important figures in family who compete to become the next head of Veles family. Pretty straightforward in his schemes, mainly because of the fact that his mind is pretty much like a hammer - large, powerful… and blunt. Might be cooperating with Iverie but she may as well only manipulate him. It’s unknown if he knows anything about her business with one of Res mages.
Currently has a very low level of influence within Veles because of your ‘molest’ lie.
Spoiler: Meritri Veles - Daugther of Paforth and Ferke. Around your age, and rather shy, or simply scared of you.
Spoiler: Naharius Veles Junior - Your father. Firstborn son of your grandfather, and one of three potential successors. Through your early childhood he more or less ignored you because of your mental disability but his fatherly feelings reignited after you turned out to be normal. However, continuous calamities that befell him (your mother’s betrayal, you being ‘molested’ and death of your brother) are making him sink deeper and deeper into paranoia. Especially the death of your brother was a painful blow to his sanity, as even though he was only a bastard, Naharius really loved him. Now you are his only kid left, and he is stuck in a very unhappy marriage… it’s hard to say how he will this change him in a long term.
He lost big part of his influence after he knocked up a slave girl. Currently he is more or less second in line to the ‘throne’.
Spoiler: Naharius Veles Senior - Your grandfather. His continuous attempts to ease tension within Veles family suggests that he is either delusional, or have some lingering trauma with family infighting. Most likely the latter as he is much too good in administering Veles slave empire to be mentally impaired.
You rarely see him or hear about him… thankfully. As every time you hear his name, some bothersome shit happens.
Spoiler: Nameless Veles - Your dead brother, killed by Iverie and one of the eight Res mages.
An unfortunate victim, whom you couldn’t help. However, you still feel guilty (you idiot).
Spoiler: Ni’ren Veles - Older than you, and a bookworm. Granddaugther of Varthia, but you don’t know her parents.
Rather cold to you.
Spoiler: Paforth Veles - Son of Varthia, father unknown. Seems like a decent man. Hates Iverie, but not as strong as his mother.
He also seems to be at least a bit better in hiding his thoughts than her.
Spoiler: Varthia Veles - Younger sister of Naharius Senior. She has at least two children (one of them is Paforth, the second is Ni’ren’s parent). She likes to drink alcohol, speak before thinking… and hates Iverie, whom she sees as a plague that threatens entire family.
It is a diagnose you definitely agree with.Others:
Spoiler: ??? - One of the eight Res mages. Helped Iverie in killing your brother. His agenda is currently unknown, just as his identity.
Spoiler: Cool Priestess - The cool priestess you met your first day at school. A Hydromancer. She’s swarthy and has long, straight, black hair.
Rather decent person.
Spoiler: Gavlan - Your bodyguard. Wolfman warrior from Leana, taken as a slave by one of Veles fleet slave raids. Shows deep hatred towards slavery and Veles family.
Recently he started to show no signs of hatred towards you just because you are a member of Veles family.
Spoiler: SS Poster Demon - A boy from your class. He hates you, you hates him (such a healthy relationship!). He is a Succubi, and looks like Hitler’s wet dream - 100% Aryan, with exception of wings and horns.Companion / Ally / Friendly / Neutral / Hostile / Dangerous / EnemyRaces:Spoiler: Bearmen - A beastmen variant, most commonly found in Leana continent, but is also quite widespread in Free Cities, Protectorates, and some other areas due to frequent slave raids and ‘normal’ emigration.
Either humans with bear-like features, or a humanoid bear capable of speaking. Rather rare variant, that excels in strength and toughness.
Spoiler: Catmen - A beastman variant, most commonly found in Leana continent, but is also quite widespread in Free Cities, Protectorates, and some other areas due to frequent slave raids and ‘normal’ emigration. Either humans with cat-like features, or a humanoid cat capable of speaking.
One of the most common variants (together with wolfmen they make up for at least 70% of beastmen). They excel at agility, but are rather lacking at strength.
Spoiler: Crystallings - An Arcane Race that’s a popular sight pretty much everywhere. Anatomically speaking they are humans infected with a parasitic crystal at birth, which replace their hair, fragments of eyes, nails, bones etc. It also gives them (or at least - some of them) magic talent.
Spoiler: Dryads - An all-woman Arcane Race. They have leaves instead of hair, long lifetime and extremely low fertility. Their eyes are green (entirely eyes, as they have no visible ‘moving parts’). They have pale skin, and their blood is green (that’s why their faces are getting greenish when blushing). They have a natural talent towards nature magic.
Spoiler: Northwestern Republican - Human race variant, that can be most commonly found in the area of Free Cities, and eastern/central Protectorates. Caucasian, with a tendency of having white (or even pale) skin even in the mediterranean climate of Republican Coast. Hair either normal or in various shades of blue (very pale blue is most common). Eyes either normal or in various shades of blue.
Spoiler: Foxmen - A beastman variant, most commonly found in Leana continent, but is also quite widespread in Free Cities, Protectorates, and some other areas due to frequent slave raids and ‘normal’ emigration. Either humans with fox-like features, or a humanoid fox capable of speaking. Inferior in strength to nearly every other beastman variant.
They make up for it in cunning and agility. They have relatively high ratio of magic users, at least when compared to other beastmen variants.
Spoiler: Hydromancers - Arcane Race that is especially common in the South. Visually they are nearly identical to humans, the only difference is a passive aura of increased humidity and the fact that they possess a natural magical talent towards water magic.
Spoiler: Minotaurs - An Arcane Race that is pretty common in the South and on various islands in the West. High strength, but at best moderate when it comes to intelligence.
Among races classified as Arcane Races, they have one of the lowest magic users ratio.
Spoiler: Nymphs - An Arcane Race that can be found mainly in the South and on various islands in the West. Their… slightly wider than normal mouth and extremely pale skin makes them look a little… discomforting. They also have seaweeds instead of hair. Similar to Dryads, as they are an all-woman race, have prolonged lifespan, and extremely low fertility. But they have a tendency to have a natural talent for water magic.
Spoiler: Pyromancers - Arcane Race that is especially common in the South. Visually they are nearly identical to humans. The only difference is their hair (in various ‘fire’ colors), and the increased air temperature around them. Also they smell like smoke. They possess a natural magical talent towards fire magic.
Spoiler: Succubi - An Arcane Race that is pretty common in most places in the world, although they are an especially frequent sight at the south part of the known world. Humanoid figure, but plenty of demon-like features (horns, wings and tail are most popular). ‘Succubus’ is a word used to describe both their specie, and all of its female representatives. Males are called ‘Incubus’, but many people refer to them as ‘Succubus’ (their specie name) which creates many misunderstandings.
While common, they have a pretty low ratio of magic users, at least for an Arcane Race.
Spoiler: Titans - A rather rare Arcane Race that can be found practically only in the South. And adult titan is 2,5 to 3 meters tall. They excel both at strength and mental capabilities, although they are known for not being overly imaginative and creative. Long lifespan, but very low fertility. Their dry and grey skin makes them look like they are made of stone.
Most of them are rather pacifistic, but they tend to get into a truly berserker’s rage when cornered.
Spoiler: Winged - An Arcane Race that can be found pretty much everywhere. They look like humans but have white-feathered wings (not strong enough to fly, but enough to glide), slightly increased lifespan, resistance to common diseases, and magic talent, especially to light magic.
PS. I hate them. ~Shadow
Spoiler: Wolfmen - Beastmen variant, most commonly found in Leana continent, but is also quite widespread in Free Cities, Protectorates and some other areas due to frequent slave raids and “normal” emigration. Either humans with wolf-like features, or a humanoid wolf capable of speaking. Strong, and tough, makes good soldiers and warriors, but have a relatively slow ratio of magic users in their population.Humans / Beastmen / Elves / Arcane Races / OthersOrganisations:Res:
Spoiler: Temple of Res - The one and only religious organisation in Res, that worships the goddess of sea and water who doesn’t really have a name - for her worshippers Res is more or less an extension of herself, so to some point she IS a city. The Temple as an organisation is an important player in political schemes going on in the city. It possess its own military force (one hundred warriors - they protect the city’s one and only grand temple), can pass judgment on various crimes that were taken out of city’s jurisdiction (for example - heresy/blasphemy/participation in some underground sects).
It’s head is a Grand Priestess, but she rarely leaves the temple.
Spoiler: House of Veles - One of the weakest Houses in the city of Res, the only one composed of humans. It mainly deals in slave trading, and possess a formidable fleet of warships.
However those ships deal mainly in slave raids, and are at best moderate when it comes to ship-to-ship combat.
Spoiler: Council of Eight - Council of Eight is more or less unofficial (but widely accepted) name for an “association” of Res mages. It’s composed of all eight sorcerers residing in the city.Religious / Political / Magical / UndergroundGeopolitics:Countries:Spoiler: Free Cities - Union of independent merchant republics spanned along The Southern Coast. Most likely merely a defense treaty against foreign enemies, always full of internal strife and without anything that could be described as central government.
Together, with their military, maritime and industrial power, they could became a leading superpower.
Spoiler: Resian Republic - Also known as Free City of Res or Republic of Res. Merchant republic on the Southern Coast, independent but remains a part of Free Cities. Oligarchy, ruled by a handful of wealthy families.
Other groups with wide influence within Resian Republic are Council of Eight - organisation composed of eight Res magicians – and the Temple. Great Powers / Secondary Powers / Independent Nations / Vassals and Satellite States / Uncivilised and TribalRegions and Places:Spoiler: Southern Coast - Coastal area near the south border of civilisation. Mediterreanean climate, only two seasons. Important hub of trade, full of coastal cities bursting with activity.
Spoiler: Republican Sea - Sea between Southern Coast and continent of Leana. Dominated by Free Cities navies. Calm and more or less safe for travel.
Spoiler: Silverwater River - River that flows through the city of Res.
Spoiler: Leana - Small continent to the east from Republican Sea. Inhabited by beastmen, and full of barely civilised countries and tribes. Frequent target for slaver raids, because of its residents permanent inability to defend themselves or retaliate.Southern Firell / Northern Firell / Leana / Meronia / Northern Khar / Southern Khar / Western KharCities, Fortresses and Villages:Spoiler: Res - A coastal city located on Southern Coast. Build alongside Silverwater river estuary. Notable areas: massive harbor, and a grand temple dedicated to local goddess-protector, that also possess a clocktower visible from nearly every part of a city. Village / Town / City / Fortress / OtherHistory:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITMagic and Religion:Magic:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITSpells:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITArtifacts:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITDeities and Religion:Spoiler: Res - The goddess-protector from Free City of Res. Commonly associated with water and sea.
Spoiler: Shadow - The Most Awesome God, and your divine patron. Lost Deity of anarchy, revolution, chaos, darkness and madness. His symbol is red sickle like moon, his favourite colors - black, crimson, violet and stygian blue <3Bestiary:Corrupted Lands:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITInhabited Lands:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITGeneral Lore:Alchemy:Spoiler: Dream Resin - Rare poison created by the Old Empire. First symptoms of poisoning includes headaches and sleepiness. Then, after the victim falls asleep, vivid dreams and nightmares. The end is death by CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE :D. Diluted 1:1000 in water creates a drug that induces vivid dreams. Can also be used as a lubricant for heavy machinery (especially good for ones that use magic) or as a way to restore magic power (by rubbing it into the skin).
There is an underground ‘cult’ in Res that has access to this poison and uses it for assasinations. Also Iverie has access to it, most likely through that group.Weapons:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITEquipment:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITResources:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITDiseases:YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ITFolklore and Culture:Spoiler: Res Funeral Rites - In Res, the dead people are cremated. Then, their ashes are offered as a sacrifice to the goddess of water and sea that is this city patron and protector. This is achieved either by throwing them into Silverwater River or Republican Sea or by storing in them in stone bowls filled with water. The former is done by poor, the latter by the wealthy.Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Active Effects ||=====================||
||=====Active Effects=====||
||=====================||Other side of the coin
Blessing of Shadow
[Lesser]You have received a lesser blessing of Shadow, Lost Deity of anarchy, revolution, chaos, darkness and madness.Learning skills +10%
Your flashes of intuition will be accurate much more often.Side effects may include…Your nervous system is completely healed, but there are side effects of regenerating half of it in just six months.
You need to master using your limbs (and vocal chords) again, so when you are tired, you may start having problems using them.
This effect should disappear within another six months. It takes so long simply because it can’t be sped up it with HP.When tired, your ability to move and speak drops.Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Possesions LOCKED ||===========================||
||=====Possessions LOCKED=====||
This function is currently LOCKED.
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Companions LOCKED ||===========================||
||=====Companions LOCKED=====||
This function is currently LOCKED.
Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Spoiler: Options ||=================||
||=================||UI:Interface Activation Trigger:Gesture (presets)>Gesture Presets:27. Reach with your right hand as if the status window was already there./Map Activation Trigger:Voice command>Voice command:“Open map.”Chat Activation Trigger:Voice command>Voice command:“Open chat.”System Messages:When the status windows is opened.>HUD:Heads Up Display:ON / offOHP bar:on / OFFOMP bar:on / OFFOClock:ON / offOUpdate pop-ups:ON / offOHostile Status Display:ON / offOOther:Automatic Translation:ON / offOMonths names:ON / offOWeek days names:ON / offOIdioms:ON / offOReal Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…
Current number of users… 3
Father of Monsters
Earth and all of humanity is gone. like completely and utterly blown to cosmic space dust gone. Only one human managed to survive by pure luck of the draw. Leon Castro was pretty much your average joe. White guy, 5’11, brown eyes, dirty blond hair, and weighing in at around 160lbs. He was a guy with dreams of making it big someday in the future but having no real plan as to how he was going to achieve it. But Leon did have one thing going for him. He’d found a niche on the internet making videos that had gotten him quite a big following in the past year or so. Enough so that he could use the ad revenue to continue making those videos and not have to work another job to keep his tiny little apartment in Norfolk Virginia. The content of his videos was quite easily summed up in just a few words… Theoretical Monster Biology.This was the guy who survived. Transported to another world, where magic, a vaguely game like System, and Dungeons are a thing. (Warning) This is a first draft that has not been edited in any way. Directly from brain to word document. there is very little gore or sexual content early on but there will be. hence the tags. Cover Art was done by GGmadude over on the Discord.
8 192 -
Somatic Horizon - A LitRPG Odyssey
The World of Zones. An untamable realm of XP and Levels where almost anything can happen and yet amongst that chaos one group stands at the top: Outlanders. A class of immensely powerful humans who appear only a handful of times in a millennium, claiming to be from a place called "Earth". Their arrivals—for better or worse—often mark the beginning of a new era. Huay Celashen is one such Outlander except, unlike her predecessors, she has no dreams of venturing through unknown lands or conquering the world's nations. All she wants is a peaceful life but, despite her unparalleled talents, that goal seems further out of her reach with each passing day! Chapters will probably be weekly for now.
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Fair Princess
Squirrel doesn't know her own name. Found in the woods as a child, an orphan raised to become a talented tumbler, her past is a complete mystery. For years she's tried everything she could think of to figure out what her real name is and who she was before she was discovered stealing food from a travelling band of circus performers. Twelve years after she was adopted, she sees an opportunity in a contest hosted by the king himself, a festival the likes of which no one has ever seen before. The best performing troupe in the land will receive a priceless gift: Any one question asked of the King's oracle.
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I Am Legend
Faced with the reality of life Caleb decided to fight against the odds thrown at him by fate.What would you do if you were crossed by fate?Will you cry and sulk in a corner?Who will you blame? God? or yourself?Not Caleb, like his favorite Quote spoken by the one and only Captain Jack Sparrow “I regret nothing, Ever.â€Legends are made not born…
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BABY. ☆ wednesday addams
a boy falls in love with a girl who he never expected coming: the opposite of him. male w. addams x fem! oc
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❝are you an angel?❞ ❝do you say that to all the girls you meet?❞ episode i : the phantom menace( cover template by @estreIIas ) jess © 2016
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