《Crystal High》Chapter 16: Orientation


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 16 ║▌║▌║█│▌

When it became time to go to the orientation, we lined up in front of the door. I was at the back of the line. We watched as class P-A went in front of us down the hall then followed behind them. We all marched straight into the big crystal auditorium. We took our seats, and the principal (Mr. Watch) started the orientation speech. I kept an eye on our new teacher though. I was curious about his origins. I never heard of a protector with a name of Grey before. He seemed like he has been through some shit, but I would have thought that I would have heard of it. I'm a big fan of all things that involves protectors, so there is rarely one that I don't know. I watched him with curious eyes as he gazed off into the distance, not paying attention like me to the speech. I can get the feeling his mind is on bigger and better things than just a regular high school orientation speech. As the air conditioning was blowing it was moving his hair, and I could notice a scar across what would be his right eye. His cloak was covering his arms and body, but I can imagine by the look of him that it is also scarred a bit too. There is also the fact that he didn't mention his power during introduction that makes him even more mysterious. Who is this guy?

Once the orientation was over, most of the students went back to their classes, leaving our class sitting their in silence and awkwardness. Mr. Grey kept us in the auditorium, and when everybody left he stood up and commanded all of us cooly, "Now that everybody has left, everybody follow me. We will now see what you all can do. This will show me who is further along than others, and who can make it in my class. If I deem you incapable then you will be let go. This is my first year here, and I have heard glowing reviews about how this is the best highschool in the country. Please don't let down my expectations."


Everybody in the class except for Via and Zen looked directly at me when Mr. Grey stated the information about letting the incapable ones in the class go if they didn't meet his requirements. It discouraged me at first, just now getting here, and now there is a chance that I will go back to square one. I immediatley thought afterwards, that I will make it through though. I have come to far to go back now. Mr. Grey led us out of the crystal auditorium, and past the middle building behind it. Past the middle building there was what used to be an open field for a bit until you got to one of Crystal High's training facilities, but now it's different. Now the once open field is cut to have lanes, cameras set up for video, cones setting up boundaries, and painted markings indicating distance. What happened here? We all lined up in front of everything that had been set up, and Mr. Grey walked out calmly in front of us. He looked out at everything, gave a nod of approval, and turned back toward us holding a clipboard and stated dryly, "As you can see I kind of got paranoid last night, this being my first day and all, and woke up early this morning to set all this up to test you. I want this to at least be semi professional to get the best results possible. Now let's start the tests."

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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