《Crystal High》Chapter 17: Physical Assessment


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 17║▌║▌║█│▌

Mr. Grey looked down at his clip board, and read out the names of Liza, Mina, and Itsuki. He lined them up on some cut grass with painted white lines separating three lanes. There were cones on both ends signifying the beginning and the end. He times us as we go across the lanes to the end. The distance we traveled was 40 yards. Itsuki solidified a small patch of air, and she climbed on that and moved the solidified air to the finish line. Mina ran the race normally because her laser eyes don't give her any propulsion, and Liza teleported rapidly to the finish line. Liza got there first, followed by Itsuki, followed by Mina. This continued for the rest of the class. I ended up finishing in the top half of the class since half of the students powers weren't applicable to this type of test. It also helped that I train my body everyday. Via ended up getting first though, with her super speed.

The next test up is the grip strength test. Lee excelled at this test since his power is an enhancer power on steroids. I came in second to him on this one though, which impressed most of the other students and Mr. Grey.

The next test up was a slicing test. We have to use a sword given, or our powers to see how fast we can cut a foot wide concrete block. Students like Mina and Grease (who can shoot laser like slashes out of his arms) excelled in this one. Lee and Zen also excelled in this one. Lee used his enhanced strength with the sword, and Zen used her ice abilities to destroy the block entirely. I did okay in this test.

The next test up was a reaction time test. We were placed in the middle of a circle, and a machine threw 5 balls at us at 200 miles an hour. You can use whatever means necessary to dodge them, or block them. You also had to stay inside the circle. If you leave it then you automatically forfeit this round. Students like Itsuki, Heather (with her power to see into the future for a short time), and Harry (with his enhanced reaction time) excelled at this test. A lot of people also just blocked them. Like Wayne just used his electric shock palms to create an electric barrier the balls would hit before they hit him. Some people got lucky and only got hit by a few, but I did horribly and got hit by every single one.


The last test we did was a throwing test. People could use their powers to propel the ball, or just throw it normally. Trea got creative on this one and used her explosive bubbles to propel the ball. She sent out several bubbles out, threw the ball at them, and the ensuing explosion sent the ball flying. I ended up placing in the bottom half of this event.

When we got done we were all anxious for the results. We didn't know if any of us will get let go or not. Surprisingly I'm not the one that's on the chopping block, and it is Jack instead. His ability didn't really help him during any of these events, and he doesn't have as good of physical strength as I do. Mr. Grey stood there looking at his clipboard. Then after several minutes of excruciating silence and expectations, Mr. Grey finally told us the results in his usual monotone way, "Well none of you will be getting let go today. I will have the results of everybody's score tomorrow morning. You will be able to use that to see your starting point, and improve from there. You can all go back to your class now. Your English teacher is probably in there waiting for you, and be prepared for tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the day you decide on your work suits. Goodbye."

After that, he just disappeared. How the hell did he do that. That was such an unenthusiastic goodbye too. Did we disappoint him? We went through the rest of the day like a usual school day with regular classes. At the end of the day I finally exchanged contact information with Via. I saw Lainey on the way out, but before I could say something to her Zen came up to me. I thought I may have annoyed her sometime during the day, but she asked for my contact information too. Imagine if this happened at my old school, everyone would have gone crazy. It's probably so I could help her on some math questions though. She was having trouble with the quadratic formula, and I was helping her. I need to focus on what my suit is going to look like tomorrow though. That will decide what I look like when I'm out protecting the country for the rest of my life. I need to take everything into account. Tomorrow is going to be awesome.


▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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