《Crystal High》Chapter 14: Crystal High


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 14 ║▌║▌║█│▌

I walked slowly throughout the campus again. No matter how many times I walk through this campus, I don't think I'll ever get used to the prestige images of this school. I walked down the hallway of the school building on the right side of the huge Crystal building. There are three buildings total surrounding the crystal in the immediate vicinity of it. The building on the right hand side was the building for power enhancement and training students. The building on the left hand side was for power understanding students. The building in front of the Crystal is for equipment and understanding student's labs.

I finally made it to my class. I have been put into class P-B. I stood in front of the door, and took a deep breath. This is the first step to proving everyone wrong. With that, I walked into the classroom. The classroom was empty. I guess that's to be expected though since I got here an hour early. I always wake up 2 hours early for school, so I could go train a little bit before school. I didn't want to go train today though in case we did something physically active today, but I guess I should have still slept in. Guess I get my choice of a seat this way.

After about thirty minutes had past, students started to come in. The first person to come in was a boy who was smaller than me. He had straight black hair, and had a slender build. He looked at me and stated, "So the sagaru is first to class huh? Guess you have to be good at something. How the hell did you pass the exam anyway?"

I guess I made an impression during the exams. I looked back at him and smiled, trying to seem friendly, and told him, "I don't really know myself. I hope we can get along though. What's your name?"

He glanced at me as he walked to a seat, and mumbled, "Jack."


I tried to start a conversation with him, but he just ignored me. We sat in silence until more people started to show up. Everyone that showed up managed to give me a weird look, and sit as far away from me as possible. Via eventually walked into the room to my relief. I waved to her, and to mine and everyone else's surprise she actually acknowledged me and waved back. She walked over to me, and sat in front of me which surprised everyone else even more. I asked her, "Do you know anyone else here?"

She looked back and responded, "I know some of the people here. The girl right there with the pink hair and violet eyes is Mina. She can shoot lasers out of her eyes, and her level is 5.5. The guy right there with the blue hair is Harry. He can perceive things faster than the normal human, and takes advantage of this by using a sword and pistol during combat. People can rarely hit him, and his level is 6. The girl standing in front of him is his girlfriend. Her name is Liza, and she can teleport in distances of about 5 feet. She can't do it for long, but it's enough to be a problem. Her level is 5. It's a pretty average level, but she probably made it in with the help of her boy toy in front of her. That's about it, the rest are new to me too. What's been going on with you during the wait?"

I looked at the people she mentioned. Those are some pretty amazing powers. I went into deep thought about them for about a minute, and then I responded to her eventually by saying, "It went super slow. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. The news about the terrorist attacks, protector news, and school was all so slow. By the way you never told me your power level. What is it?"


She smiled, and with a cocky look on her face gloated, "It's a 6.5. One of the highest here."

That was pretty impressive. I didn't think it would be that high when we were out there on the exam arena. I guess I have gotten to used Drazen's and Zen's amazing levels. We talked for a while longer, as more people walked in. I ended up catching a glimpse of Lainey walking by the door. I guess she got put into class P-A. I told Via just a second, and walked to the door. Lainey was still walking down the hallway when I spoke up, and asked her, "What's up Lainey. How have you been?"

She gave me a glance, and continued to walk to her classroom. It was like my voice was just a whisper in the wind. Did I do something to make her mad at me? I turned to walk back into the room, and I saw Zen walking down the hallway. She looked as beautiful as she usually does. She seemed to smile at me, which I responded with a smile back. This is weird, the most popular person at my old school is actually acknowledging my existence without trashing me. Maybe those times in the past few weeks, where she actually acknowledged me in school weren't hallucinations. I walked back into the room to my seat behind Via. Everybody in the room still sat as far away from us as possible. Zen walked into the classroom, to my surprise. Everyone in the room immediately went to talk to her. She had the same expressionless face as she usually does on now. They were offering her seats to sit by them, but she walked by them. She walked closer and closer to me. She eventually sat down in the seat behind me. Everyone was even more surprised than when Via sat in front of me. They immediately started gossiping with themselves about the situation. About the most surprised person in the room was me though. My eyes were wider than they have ever been. Via hit my shoulder, and asked me, "What's your problem, huh?"

I shook off the shock, and responded to the hit by rubbing my shoulder and saying, "There isn't a problem, but looks like you aren't the highest level here anymore."

She went on a rant after I said that. It stopped though, when a red haired guy walked in the room and sat down in the seat right across from me. He talked to me first saying, "You are the sagaru right? How did you pass the exams? What's it like being a sagaru? You are the super speed girl right? Have you ever used super speed to steal stuff? How many KOs did you get? You are the Ice Queen right? How did you manage to get your level so high? Is your face permanently emotionless? Soo many questions too ask!! The three most interesting people in the room all sitting together how interesting!"

I was taken aback from the abruptness of the questions. I saw from the corner of my eyes Via was like me, but Zen was as unphased as usual. I asked him back hesitantly, "And what's your name?"

He hurriedly responded and told us, "I'm Thomas, and my power is Moisture Manipulation. I can manipulate the moisture in the air, and control the water from it. I can kind of control regular water, but I lose control the more water it is. I can't freeze water either, or manipulate ice. I get really excited meeting new interesting people as your found out, so sorry haha."

I told him it was fine, and we started talking about the exams. Until finally time came for class to start. Right on the dot when it was supposed to start in walked our teacher.

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued ║▌║▌║█│▌

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