《Crystal High》Chapter 13: The Letter


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 13 ║▌║▌║█│▌

When I got home from school at the very end of two weeks, my mom rushed to me holding a letter. I immediately knew what it was. My blood pressure rose with excitement, and I could feel my palms getting sweaty from nervousness. I snatched the letter from my mother's grasp, and bolted to my room. I went to my desk and got the scissors out. I cut the letter open, and drug the note out of it slowly. I was hesitant to unfold the paper from the fear of what it contains. When I unfolded it I read the fateful words. At the middle top of the paper was the school insignia, and the first words on the paper was the words Dear Khan Weeks. Right under that were the beautiful words of Congratulations.

I jumped up in the air in excitement. All my dreams, all those times I was beat up, and made fun of, All of my hard work, I finally have some validations and hope to show for it. I finally can stand as a signal of hope for all sagarus. I started to tear up as I read the rest of the letter, and it all started to sink in. The rest of the letter told me what class I was going to be in, when school started, the materials for class, and what the core education material will be about. My mom came bursting into my room and saw my tears. She immediately thought the worse, and went to comfort me. She put her hand on my back. I shrugged her hand off my back, and told her, "No I made it mom. I got in."

Her mouth dropped open in shock. She started to tear up from joy at the news as she grabbed the letter from me and read it. I started to think again about all the shit I had to go through. I finally have a reason to hold my head up now. I wonder what people will say at school once they find out. Probably not nice things. Good thing I start to go to Crystal High in a week. I hope I have Via in my class. She should have made it since she and I had the same score. It would be nice having someone I know in the same classroom with me that wasn't actually disgusted by me. Maybe Lainey made it too, and she will also be in my class.


When Dad came home from work, and he was just as ecstatic as mom at the news. They completely forgot about the drama in the city, country, and work, and had pure joy in their lives. The next week went by extremely fast. When the school found out, everyone was in shock. People mocked me for it, and Drazen and his goons looked at me in disgust. I got beaten harder than I ever had at school because people were trying to discourage me, and prove a point that I'll never mate it at Crystal High. I didn't really mind though. I already had my validation and invatation. Who gives a fuck what they do now, I won't see them ever again in a week. A strange thing happened though. Zen walked up to me during lunch. She parted her fanboys and clout chasers like Moses parting the Red Sea. She looked at me with her cool blue eyes, and uncharacteristically had a slight smile. She told me, "Congratulations on making it in Crystal High. See you at school."

She walked away after that. I think people were more shocked at this, than the news that I made it into Crystal High. I got clowned and looked down on the rest of the day by her stans. All the while I was in total and utter confusion as to why she did that. The rest of the week was just my parents and I getting the materials for school. My parents actually got me a phone too. They got it under the pretence that they would use it, but they actually got it for me. They told me to be extremly careful when using it because if I get caught, I could be in some serious trouble. I wasted no time in getting Lainey's contact information and my parents. The rest of the days went by slowly. I sat in my house doing nothing, texting Lainey with no response, and passing the days by waiting impatiently for Crystal High to start. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of the Crystal High campus entrance on the first day of school.


▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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