《A World in Chaos》Chapter 22: Mei 2's Goal


“Yeah, you like that don’t you.”

“Ahh, ahh, ahh! Harder, suck on my nipples.”

[All the lights were out and it should have been a quiet night but the sounds of meat slapping against meat echoed throughout the room. Moans of pleasures made their way into the ears of all the residents in this room. The two couple wasn’t even trying the slightest to conceal themselves. The wet sloppy sounds increased in intensity.]

“Ooo, here it comes.”

“Don’t do it inside.”

“It's fine, we don’t know when we’re going to die so just let me shoot it in once. Oh, too late, it's rushing out.“

“I can’t believe you. What if I get pregnant?”

“Come on baby, it was an accident. A happy accident. Since I came in once already. Can I do it one more time.”


[Their wet lips entwined with each other. The constant pistoning sound of meat slapping continued throughout the night.]

[God!!! Stop fucking already! What are you, rabbits!? It’s the second time already. I was going to tolerate it after the first time but now that you’re doing it a second time, I’m getting out of here.]

[I grab my backpack and gloves and head for the exit. The room was dark but I remembered where the door was. I head towards it but from the corner of my eye, I could see the silhouette of a girl bouncing up and down. The stench of sex in this room was increasing even more than before. I cover my nose and mouth and leave the room. I slam the door on the way out.]

“What was that?”

“Don’t worry about. You’re too tight. Oooo, I’m about to cum again.”

[I thought slamming the door would make them stop but they didn’t. These were grade A perverts who can have sex in front of strangers. I breathe in the fresh air that doesn’t smell like the sweat between a man and a woman. It was so refreshing.]

[Now I can’t sleep anymore since my body is all hot and bothered now. I need a distraction.]

“Master are you fine?”

[I talk to Master because she was sleeping within my breast when I was sleeping earlier. I hope it wasn’t too hot for her.]

“I-I’m fine.”

[She jumps out from in between my breasts and lay on top of it. Her face was a little flushed either from my breasts or the embarrassment of hearing that couple go at it like dogs. Her blushing face was pretty cute.]

[Her hair was wet from sweat and a little bit messy. Overall she looked like a cute blonde fairy who just woke up from a nap during a hot summer. The epitome of Moe.]


[I walk down the hallway looking for another spot to sleep in. There was enough moonlight shining through the windows that I could see where I was walking. There weren’t that many people sleeping within the hallways since they could sleep in the conference room. I could sleep on the floor right now and it wouldn’t matter but I won’t. What if someone accidentally steps on me in the morning.]

“Put it in my butt!!”

[A couple’s sexual act leaked out of the room right next to me. I hurry and take a right turn to get away from the rooms. The spot in front of me was a dead end but there were a window and a long chair that I can sleep on. Even a potted plant to lighten up the atmosphere.]

[I know that today was a stressful day but how can they all just casually have sex like that. I try and clear my mind of all the sexual things occurring around me.]

[I look at my phone and the time says that it was currently midnight. I look at the bars on my phone but it wasn’t connected even though I had unlimited data. The electricity and the water were still working in the building but no one could connect their phones to the internet. It’s like the connection was being jammed. It must be a government action used to contain the information from reaching the world or so I imagine.]

[I look out the window and there were so many zombies crowded together that you would think you were at a music festival. Most of the zombies looked like regular humans because their skin color was the same as when they were alive. It wasn’t like in the games of movies where their skin color was gray or green. Maybe it's just that they haven’t decayed yet.]

[The only big difference the zombies had from regular humans was that the whites of their eyes were black and their bodies were covered in wounds. I don’t see any zombies that look like the green goo zombie. I guess the green goo zombie was a special variant type. Wait, is that another special zombie.]

[This zombie’s body was larger than the other zombies and it had spikes grow on its back along the spine. The spikes look like they were made from its own bones.]

“Master is that zombie special?”

“Zombie? Oh, you mean that undead. From the looks of it, I’ll say that it is. It might be able to use magic like that green goo zombie Jude was fighting.”

[Fifi’s voice didn’t sound as weak as when she saw Jude get chased by the green goo zombie. I wonder if he is ok.]


“Master, you sound a lot better than earlier. Is Jude fine?”

“Yeah, through our contract I can feel that he is alive. He’s a little bit aways and injured but at least he isn’t dead.”

[I guess that contract allows them so sense each other. I’m glad that Jude is fine. I was going to tell the other two Mei’s but they wouldn’t hear me unless they come out of the White Room.]

“Can you feel how far away he is, Master?”

“Yeah, he’s behind the building in front of us. We have to get to him soon, I’m worried about his injuries.”

[Fifi jumped off of my breasts and flew towards the window. Her right hand was on the window and she was looking off into the distance. Ooh, this is such a picturesque scene. Fifi, the lonely wife, looks off into the distance as the moonlight shines on her as she waits for her husband to come home. Hehe, writing a love story between a fairy and a human might be interesting.]

[Considering the way she’s been acting about Jude, could she actually be in love with him? If she is then who do I support? Should I support my sister’s love or my Master’s love? Noooo, what a dilemma. I need to confirm it.]

“Master, how do you feel about Jude?”

“How do I feel about him? Hmm, Jude’s a really nice guy. He didn’t call my hair gross or disgusting and he even braided it for me. He also wasn’t opposed to inter-species relationships. That made me really happy when he said that because my parents were of different species so everyone around us scorned their relationship. It felt like Jude was accepting me as I am so I only have good thoughts and feelings about him.”

[She’s totally in love with Jude!!! Ahhh, Master, you’re just too cute!!! You don’t know it but that’s what you call LOVE!!]

“I see.”

[I don’t know who to support now. My sister’s unhealthy love for Jude or Master’s pure love for Jude. Unhealthy or Pure? I love both of them so I want both of them to be happy but I can’t do that. Or can I!? If the world is being overrun by monsters and Jude is a hero. Then it’s like a fantasy RPG and if it’s a JRPG then his party will be filled with women. If he was the main hero of an isekai manga or light novel then every girl in his party would be potential love candidates. If I connect this dot with that dot then that means Jude can have a HAREM!! The two of them can be happily in love with Jude because he is the hero!!! Ahahaha, I will create a harem for Jude!!!]

“H-how do you feel about Jude?”

[Oh, Master, are you jealous? You’re so cute!!! Hehe, look at the way she’s looking at me. So afraid that I might take Jude away from her. She’s twirling her finger around her hair and she’s trying not to look me in the eye. TOO CUTE!!!!! I understand Lisa’s urge to tease Mei 3 now.]

“Hmm, I might like him…”

[There was instant panic on Master’s face as I said the word like.]

“More as a friend than anything else right now. I still don’t know him that well.”


[Oof, you don’t understand how much damage you just dealt to my heart, Master. Your relieved smile is too precious for this world. I’m barely hanging onto my life at 1 hp.]

“Hehe, I see, just as a friend.”


[A loud scream echoed throughout the building. I could feel it shake my entire body as I cover my ears. Even the windows were shivering on the verge of explosion.]

“Master, what’s happening?”

“It’s feeding.”

[I look towards Master’s line of sight and see the spiked zombie eating another zombie. The other zombies were running away while the slower ones were being attacked by the spiked zombie. It was cannibalizing.]

“What’s going on!?”

“Are we being attacked!?”

“She bit my dick!!”

“Eww, it's all over my face.”

[People were coming out of the conference rooms and whisper yelling at each other to get information. They were all in a panic.]

“Why is it doing that, Master?”

“It’s trying to grow. For undead monsters to grow stronger, they must eat.”

[We continue to watch as it eats the other zombie. It opened it’s mouth and ate the head of a zombie in one bite. The blood spurts out as the zombie stopped struggling from the spiked zombie. Eventually, it was done eating and it just walks away from plaza 1.]

[I think I really do have a screw loose somewhere in my head. I wasn’t fazed at all when I saw the spiked zombie ripping out the other zombie's entrails or even when it was sucking out the brain matter.]

[It was different when I saw Tod get his legs sliced off. When I saw that happen to Tod, I felt sick to the gut and wanted to barf all over the place. I guess I just feel different over alive humans and dead humans.]

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