《The Exploits of Lilly, the Scoundrel》8. Athlete
Scene 1. Champion
Lilly and Liz end their summer break and throw themselves back into college. Fendor was always encouraging them, beseeching them to persevere. He felt that awards and championships were irrelevant. He would say, “It only matters if you do your personal best! Be the best ‘you’ you can possibly be!”
And so they have. They were undefeated this season in women’s doubles tennis, taking the college division championship, a first for the college. An awards ceremony was held and each were pinned with a medal by the same handsome Minotaur that had (re) recruited them.
The attractive and complementary duo attract attention from the magazine and newspaper representatives. Lots of photographs are taken. Magazines are always hungry for attractive women for the covers, to increase sales.
And one photograph, of the two on the award stand, made the cover of a popular sports magazine. This brought with it much attention, they were offered breakfast cereal endorsement deals and modeling jobs for sportswear. The offers of interviews, endorsements and modeling were all turned down. Both exclaimed to anyone that would listen, “We did this as a testimonial for our late friend, Fendor, and not for ‘jobs’!” “We are going to finish our college for Fendor!” “Don’t distract us!”
But it is too late. Tex’s teammate, Roc, long admiring Lilly from his distance, picks up a copy of the sports magazine. On the cover he sees the championship award cover photograph featuring Tex’s sister, Liz and her partner, Lilly. Roc is now hot to meet this Lilly and is pushing Tex to make a trip ‘home’, of course taking him along. Roc is driven to finally meet this ‘Lilly of his dreams’. Tex calls Lilly and asks about a ‘visit’ with his teammate. Lilly is aghast, but ends up giving in. Tex is a beloved sport-hero, brother to Liz and a genuine nice guy. He is so insistent. She cannot bring herself to turn him down, thinking,
Oh well, it is only right that I suffer a bit, for dear friends that have helped me so much…
Scene 2. Artist
The college also turns its attention to the two women sports stars. Everyone wants to know more about these photogenic champions that seem to come out of nowhere. Liz’s artwork quickly becomes more popular. She is asked to submit some of her paintings to a local contest being held at the college. But Liz in not about to go through this alone and rats out Lilly as an artist in metal sculpture. When asked by a Regent about her art, Lilly provides several photographs of some of her more complete ‘works’. The Regent notes that Lilly is also a photographer and asks her to enter some of her photographic prints, as well as some of her sculptures, for the contest. And the attention to the two women only increases when Liz wins first prize for the ‘oil painting’ category. Lilly wins for the ‘photography’ category as well as the new category of ‘industrial art’ for her metal sculptures.
Lilly is suspicious that her art is suddenly popular and Liz, ignored until now, is winning too, “You know Liz that all of this attention on our art is because we made names for ourselves playing tennis.” “I know that my art haven’t suddenly gotten better." "If anything, I have ignored it since I returned to college, with the tennis tournaments and working at Rod’s.” “Is your art that much better now?”
Liz laughs, “Yeah, Isn’t fame great! My painting that won this year was one of mine from two years ago!" "It didn’t even make the final cut for the show back then.” “I guess the judges forgot about it.”
Lilly’s sculptures attract the attention of the Engineering School chairman. The Chairman is especially interested in Lilly’s use of electrical devices: motors; solenoids; switches and batteries that provide animation to her artwork. He gives her a tour of the Engineering School and offers her an assistance-ship there. She has to refuse the offer as she is already overwhelmed by her other school work and athletic competitions. The Chairman is persistent, he offers Lilly the use of any Engineering School resources to further develop any of her ‘inventions’. Lilly looks carefully at The Chairman, to determine if he is serious. She replies to his offer,
“I plan to take you up on that!”
Scene 3. Professional
Eventually the 'teammate friend visit day', the day Lilly has been dreading, comes. The apartment is now very clean, with Lilly spending hours cleaning out the extra rooms that haven’t been touched in years. She even rented a garage to hide her metal sculptures and welders along with her photographic supplies and equipment. She cleaned the place a little before, for visits by Fendor and Liz, but they were used to her usually messy lifestyle. Now she has to make a good first-impression, I know this ‘boyfriend interview’ meeting isn’t going anywhere! I don’t know why I am so worried about this, I guess I don’t want some stranger to know what a pig I really am.
She looks around to see a few of her photographs from the art show hanging on the walls and two of her metal sculptures, sitting on the floor, in the corners of the living room, I think a little of my ‘art’ sprinkled around in here might be enough to scare him away.
Lilly waits in the living room, nervously paging through magazines. She then hears the expected knock at her apartment door. Trembling a bit, she opens the front door. Although she expected Tex, she is totally frozen by the sight of the handsome white ‘Billy’ standing next to him, in sharp contrast. ‘Billy’ is a powerfully built, white, goat-man, about a half a head taller than Lilly but a head shorter than Tex. He looks enough like Lilly to be her brother. Do I have a long-lost brother? Tex speaks, “Lilly, meet my teammate, Roc.” Roc bows slightly, not daring to reach out to Lilly even as she looks as if she is about to fall forward at the least disturbance in the room. Lilly tries to smile. She nervously croaks, “Hi Roc,” “I’m a 'Pilly',” “I’m a 'Billy'” “I’m a 'Lilly'.”
Liz sees what is happening and breaks the tension, “I know!” “Let's all go play some tennis!” “There’s a court just down the street.” All of the goats jump up slightly at the suggestion. Lilly now sees that Liz and Tex both have several rackets on their backs, Those guys planned to do tennis tonight all along!
The goat entourage makes the short walk to the park, but all of the courts are taken. A dog couple sees the impressive crew of athletes walk up and they immediately stop their game. The couple recognizes the two sports pros, Tex and Roc, so they offer them their court, if they can watch. The ever-social Tex smiles and says, “Of course!”
The goats play several joyous games, switching partners, including starting positions. The games are a spectacle so they draw a crowd. The group waves to the spectators. The stars even sign some tennis balls. Then the group walks over to Henny’s for dinner. The walk is a ‘cool down’ for them all, not wanting to enter the restaurant all sweaty. Roc and Lilly are much more at ease with each other now, after tennis, than at their initial meeting. Liz is very pleased with herself, It worked!
The group talks about their sports at dinner. Roc continues to stare at Lilly throughout dinner. Lilly self-conscious, looks down at herself to see if her tennis outfit is too revealing. After dinner, the group promises each other to play tennis again. They then break up and walk back to their lodgings. Lilly thinks about Roc and his interest in her, reflecting, It is too bad I am stuck on middle-aged, furry carnivore, salary-men. I haven’t had much luck with bovids the past, although I have been friends with Liz and Tex for a long time now.
Today wasn’t so bad, Roc is very nice and polite, and he is handsome.
Scene 4. Carnival
The group now has a standing date for tennis at the park on Saturdays, the training camp day off, followed by dinner at Henny’s and then the separate walks home. Liz is thinking a way to move things along for Lilly and Roc. As Liz and Tex are walking back to their apartment Liz see some commotion in the distance, “Tex dear, lets walk over and see what is going on over there,” Liz points down the street, that apparently is blocked off to road traffic. What they see is a street-event being set up. She asks one of the construction workers what is going on. He smiles at the attractive Liz and replies, “We are setting up for The Carnival.”
The group meets at the park as usual, for tennis. Liz is jumping up and down on her toes. She cannot contain herself with glee, “Let’s skip tennis tonight and go to The Carnival!” Roc and Tex jump up and shout, “Yes” with large smiles, “Games!” “Prizes!” Lilly pauses, with a frown, I hate stuff like that! Liz sees Lilly’s silent frown and stamps her hoof with a loud “Clop!” All look a t Liz, Liz is still staring at Lilly. Lilly changes her face to a crooked grin. Lilly softly croaks, “great...”
And so the entourage is off from the tennis courts and walking to The Carnival, with Lilly falling ever further behind the group, I wonder if I bolt now if I will be able to get away? But Liz is on to Lilly. Liz circles around and pokes Lilly in the back, and whispers in Lilly’s ear, “If you try to run away now I WILL kill you!”
Lilly concedes, and attempts no further diversions. The boys pay admission for everyone, and the group enters the street fair. It is just as wild and noisy as Lilly feared it would be, kids running, screams from the rides and cheers from the events. All but Lilly relish the ambiance of the carnival and Lilly is frowning again. But, once again, Liz knows how to ‘break the ice’. She walks up to the first food concession stand. It features the famous ‘Candy-Apple-on-a-Stick’. She gets one for everyone in her group. The boys immediately chomp down the apples with huge grins, “That was great!” “What’s next!” Lilly stares down at the apple, holding it like she has never seen anything like it before. She then flashes on her memory of a trip to the zoo, from her days as a kid. She sees her mother reaching down to give one of these to her, the kid Lilly. Lilly is suddenly overcome with emotion, with tears well up. Liz sees the frozen Lilly and loudly states, “You had better hurry up and take a bite!” “The boys have finished with theirs and they are looking at yours!” Lilly complies and takes a cautious bite. The sharp cinnamon taste explodes in Lilly’s mouth. Once again Lilly is overcome with emotion, I remember this taste, from all those years ago. I remember how much I liked it as a kid.
The hungry group samples all of the carnival food as they are skipping their regular dinner at Henny’s. The boys cannot resist showing off, playing the with the games of skill, and quickly acquire more prizes than they can carry. The magnanimous Tex has no difficulty signing the toys and giving them to the hoard of kids.
Next is an ‘action’ ride, for couples, a ‘Tilt-a-whirl’. Lilly is shaking her head ‘NO’, but the bigger and stronger Liz quickly wrestles Lilly into a car. Liz then guides Roc over to join Lilly within. Tex and Liz take the next car, so they can watch.
As Lilly feared the ride is quite violent and all must tightly hold their partners if they don’t want to slam against the sides of the car. Lilly holds on to Roc in tight contact. Lilly flashes that she is closer to him than she ever wanted to be, suddenly aware of Roc’s smell and through his chest to hers she can feel his heart racing. Lilly reflects, This can’t be his reaction to this ride, not for a pro athlete… Is it because of me?! And what is his smell doing to me?!
The ride is finally over, Liz and Tex help Lilly and Roc dismount from the ride. Lilly has been turned to jelly by the jolting ride and by Roc’s captivating smell. Roc is not doing any better than Lilly. He has turned to jelly by chest contact with Lilly.
Liz is sporting a big smile, “See!” “I told you that you all would like it!”
Lilly looks glazed and is holding on to Roc with her head against his shoulder breathing in deeply through her noise. Lilly then snorts and staggers as she announces, “Okay” “I think I have had enough of The Carnival, now I want to go home.” “Roc I want to show you more of my place,” Like the bedroom. Pant! Pant!
Liz whispers to Tex, “It is time for us to leave them alone.” “I don’t think they need my help anymore...”
Tex and Liz continue with the carnival. Meanwhile Lilly is dragging Roc out of the carnival and back to her apartment. He feels the straining Lilly beside him and smells her pheromones. He is more than willing to comply with her taking possession of him. Both thinking the same thing,
I don’t think that the consummation of our new friendship is going to take very long.
Scene 5. Prize
Lilly unlocks the door and turns up the lights, “Let me give you a quick tour.” “Don’t worry, I’ll get you a ride back to you hotel.”
Roc is thinking, Lilly apparently doesn’t know that I have been sleeping on the floor of Liz’s apartment since I came out here.
Lilly walks around, turning up all of the lights, “Here is the kitchen and front bathroom, shared with the guest rooms, over here, where I sleep when my parents are in town.” “Here is the kitchen, I stocked the frig so help yourself if you would like a snack.” Lilly then looks at Roc. Roc has never looked away from Lilly since the ride. Lilly smiles at him, sending thoughts, Easy there big guy. Let’s not rush this too much! Lilly continues, “And on the wall here, are my contest winning photographs, and in the corners are my contest winning sculptures.” Roc hears nothing, and sees nothing but Lilly looking alluring. Lilly looks at Roc again who is in a frozen stare at her, Oh come on, resist a little. Make this a bit of a challenge!
“Okay, you win!” “Come with me!” She leads him into the master bedroom and closes the door, even though they are alone. He reaches up to unbutton his shirt and Lilly reaches out stops him, pulling him up to her face “Oh no you don’t,” “My turn first! You know, ladies first?” “I know, ‘where are the ladies?’” “I’ll have to do for now...” She then plants a very wet kiss on Roc’s shocked face. She has a handkerchief ‘at the ready’ to wipe away the excess on him. She licks her lips, “Mmmmmmm.” “You boy, are as sweet as sugar!”
Then she feels down his front, “Don’t you dare be an ‘early bird’ on me!” “It’s a sin if you don’t wait for me!” And she begins to remove his dress shirt and undershirt to examine his torso and chest, “My oh my,” “You are a specimen,” “Maybe I should change my opinion of goats?” As she strokes his muscular chest. “I have a pretty nice chest too.” “” she reaches around and drops her blouse and presses a release, her bra springs into animated flight, like a startled bird. Roc is startled by Lilly yet again. “Watch out, I have killed many men.” She backs up a step, raises a fore-leg and twirls in front of Roc, “Do you like me?”
Lilly watches him, he standing still. She notes that he has said nothing since the carnival, and very little there. Lilly reflects, I wonder if he is a virgin?
Lilly then bends down and kneels on the floor facing him. Okay virgin, take this! She slowly unfastens his belt and unbuttons his trousers. She slowly lowers his trousers, not disturbing anything else. His body is clearly in an advanced state of excitement. She slowly lowers his last remaining undergarment, "Wow," "Is this for me?" "This is the right size for me!"
Lilly stops herself from performing the obvious next step, This isn’t what I want, big guy.
Lilly reaches down and unties his shoes and taps his hind leg and he obediently raises his hoof. She removes the shoe, sock and trouser leg. She repeats this for the other hind leg, also snatching off his briefs. She then pushes him back and he is now seated on the edge of the bed.
Lilly then performs a striptease with her remaining garments. Lilly mounts the bed, dragging him on his back to the center of the bed and straddles him. “Okay, now!” She lifts up has anxious member, “Wow, at last!” “Someone who doesn’t need a size-match adjuster for my cavern!" "No ‘mister squishy’ tonight!” Lilly sinks down onto Roc and they mate. Lilly opens her mouth and loudly screams, “BAAAAAAAAAAAH!” “Wow!”
Roc is gritting his teeth, lips parted, as if he is in pain. Lilly is rocking slowly, “Yeah” “It can be intense the first time!” "Especially if you have the heavy 'Lilly' on you!" “But wait!” “Roc wait!” “You deserve to have more control, especially on your first time!”
Lilly dismounts and gets down on all fours over his head. “It should be obvious, but now you come in from the rear,” “Sorry, but I have a big butt!” Roc shakes his head and regains consciousness. He then turns over, on his knees, and approaches Lilly from the rear, rising up and pulling Lilly’s large butt up to his thighs. He enters her and lets out a loud scream himself, “BAAAAAAAAAAAAH”.
Lilly suddenly grimaces and she experiences one of her strong thigh contractions of climax and they booth scream together, BAAAAAAAAAH!
In response to Lilly’s contraction, Roc has a powerful, copious, hydraulic emission event, of a thick, viscous, white fluid. It goes everywhere in the room, even hitting the walls. Roc exclaims, this time really in pain, “Lilly! What is that squeeze that you did?!”
Lilly is covered with the stick what fluid and she has collapsed on her fore-legs into a pool of fluid on the bed, OMG! I expected it to be pretty good, but this is the best in my, relatively experienced, life!
They remain ‘frozen’ together for a while, with Roc tightly gripping Lilly’s butt from above. But finally they start to feel stiff and sore They carefully peel the adhesive away from each other.
Admiring the mess in the room. Lilly looks around, I am glad I closed the bedroom door or this mess would be in the living room too. Lilly isn’t worried, the washer and the mop will easily clean all of this. I’ll have to wash the walls too. It doesn't look like anything reached the ceiling. Lilly looks at the matted and sticky Roc and announces, with a smile, “Let’s take a shower together.” “Uh oh, look what happened to your clothes!" Lilly tries to look sad, “You will have to stay with me tonight, so I can clean your clothes,” No way you’re getting away from me tonight! You’re a keeper!
They enter the shower together. Lilly looks down at her abdomen, I don’t think my belly was always this big, he must have really 'filled me up'!
They spend the night cuddling and not sleeping. Roc leaves the Lilly’s apartment next day, walking over to Liz’s apartment, to meet up with Tex and return to summer training camp. Tex and Roc return several more times throughout the summer, for tennis, as well as other activities available in the area, hiking and climbing. Roc always stays with Lilly when they visit town.
Liz finally confronts Lilly for a report. Lilly has said nothing to Liz about Roc until now. Liz meets up with Lilly at school and drags her over to Henny’s for a report. They sit at a table in the back. Liz glares at Lilly, "Well?"
“Well what?” Lilly reply’s innocently. Then, seeing danger from the glaring Liz, “Okay, okay, we had sex.”
“Sorry Lilly but that’s not good enough,” “Do you like him, is he what you want?” “Have you made any plans for after the summer?” “Did he propose to you?” “Did you accept his proposal?”
Lilly looks down, and is telling the truth, “I really don’t know how I feel about Roc,” “And we haven’t discussed any plans for the future.” “He looks at me like he thinks his future is going to include me, no matter what,” “And I really don’t know how I feel about that.”
Did I make a mistake by raping a willing virgin? Am I destined to hurt him? He is so honest and innocent.
He is a true hero, and I am such a scoundrel.
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My Mate, The Dragon
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