《The Exploits of Lilly, the Scoundrel》7. Shootout
Scene 1. Victim
At ‘The Taste of the South’, Trish and Rod are having a quiet conversation in the kitchen. Lilly is trying to play down the dramatic scene, “I have been reconciling the restaurant's receipts and expenses for you for a while now and I cannot seem to find where a rather large sum of cash is going out on a regular basis.” “Your sales are good and your expenses are low.” “What is happening to you?” “Are you a drug addict?” “Are you playing the ‘ponies’”?” “Are you a womanizer?” “Palimony?” “Child-support?” “Is this why you can’t afford to pay your taxes?”
Rod slowly lowers the pistol and places it on the counter. He looks down and pauses, in the Southern language, (“I didn’t want tell you this, but I am paying ‘protection’ money to a local gang.” “They descended on me not long after I opened.” “They specialize on bullying foreigners without connections.” “And the local cops are in on it.” “I work all night to try to make up for their greed, but that is not enough.” “They don’t care if I go out of business as they don’t even leave me enough to break even.”)
Trish listens, but she isn’t fluent enough to follow most of it, (“I am not following all of the details, Let me get Liz to help us with the language.” “We can help you if we know your situation.)
Scene 2. Fighter
Trish relates the situation to Liz and Lilly and the reaction is as expected. Lilly blurts out, “What! Rod is being extorted!” “No one is allowed to ‘extort’ around here but Me!” Shush Lilly! Lilly?
Liz (ignoring Lilly's interruption), “Rod, Tell us about this gang.” “Maybe we can help,” “When is the next ‘pick-up’?”
A month goes by and at ‘The Taste of The South’, although it is midday, the lights are out inside and a ‘closed’ sign hangs from the door, which is partially ajar, held open by one of the chairs Lilly repaired.
As before, two of the gang minions drive up. They cautiously approach the door, looking around.
The skunk-man whispers to his weasel partner, “I don’t like the looks of this,” “Something is wrong here,” “Rod knows we always come for the ‘pick-up’ on the third Tuesday.” “Where is he?”
The weasel whispers: “The door is unlocked, go on in, Stinky.” “Maybe he has something special for us today.” “Rod isn’t stupid enough to burn ‘Porky’.”
The two goons pull out small pistols and enter the restaurant. It is very dark inside. A silhouette of a large Minotaur is standing in the center of the seating area. The goons continue to walk forward, until they are even with black side-window silhouettes. The silhouettes appear to be of figures hanging upside down from the ceiling in front of the window shades on each side of the restaurant. The two goons pull out their pistols and point them at the large Minotaur silhouette standing before the kitchen serving counter.
The skunk shouts, “Come on Rod, don’t make us do this ‘the hard way’!” “You know our boss don't like no trouble from his ‘clients’!”
The goons fire shots at the Minotaur silhouette. The silhouette falls over backwards from the shots, reveling that it is only a signboard. The signboard is a cut-out picture of Rod. It usually stands outside the restaurant door, listing the daily specials. The signboard now has two bullet holes in it.
The room then explodes with action. Liz swings down from her upside down hanging position, swiftly kicking the gun from the skunk’s paw with her back hoof at the end of her long back leg. Then Liz spins around and with a round-house hoof-kick, knocks him across the dark restaurant, down and out. Liz is still swinging back and forth from the ceiling.
All this, while Lilly drops to the floor and springs on all fours from the side of the room and high-speed headbutts the weasel goon from the side. He squeaks a yelp and loses his grip on his pistol. The weasel collapses unconscious over the top of Lilly horned-head. Lilly leaps up and disappears into the back of the dark restaurant at high speed with the unconscious goon draped over her head.
Trish kneels down and lifts the skunk his shoulders and shakes him back to consciousnesses. The skunk, now conscious, is seated on the floor facing her. Trish presses a piece of paper to the skunk's chest, “Here is a note that I would like you to give your boss,” “And you can tell him he that he is fired and his services are no longer required,” “Rod has a new protection agency from now on, as you can see.” The skunk stands up, shaking and he backs up in fear. He shakes his head and looks up at the black goat monster, Liz, still hanging from the ceiling. He is without a clue as to what just happened. Without a word he clutches the note and runs out the front door.
Rod emerges from the kitchen, muttering in the Southern language,
(Now they are all going to come for me! I’m dead!)
Trish looks up at him, “You’re not dead yet!” “I am counting on them returning in anger and in force!” “Let’s open up and get ready, we are about to be very busy for ‘lunch’ today.”
Liz, Trish and Rod all look around the restaurant for Lilly,
“Where is Lilly?” “And the other ‘goon’?
Scene 3. Snack
Back in Lilly’s room, Lilly tightly hugs the unconscious weasel sporting a big smile inhaling through hugely dilated nostrils,
I just love that smell of ‘freshly crushed’ carnivore, OOOO, and all soft and furry too.
Lilly is sitting naked against her bed-rest, cuddling the unconscious weasel, also stripped of clothing,
“Come on you slug,” “Wake up!” “I didn’t hit you that hard.” “And yes,” “I have you bound and gagged,” “But there is still something you can do for me.” “It has been a while and I need to relax, you are going to help me,” Oh god! How I miss you, Fendor!
“So I could really use your help.” “No instructions are necessary,” “Just relax, and I will do all the work,” “As I ‘introduce’ you.”
Lilly then lifts the small weasel up by his back and turn him upside down. She then shoves his head in between her thighs and then plunging him into herself, head first. Lilly then screams out in pleasure, “Baaaaaaaaaaaaah!”
The small weasel begins wiggling and emitting muffled, suffocating, screams. The strong goat-woman then loses all control and forces the weasel's head deeper inside of her. She then shudders violently and shoves the weasel’s entire upper body inside her, screaming “Baaaaaaaaaaah!” She again shudders and screams then suddenly leans back into her bed-rest. Lilly is in a climax trance state and her grip on the weasel weakens. She then violently convulses and screams in climax, “BAAAAAAAAAH!”. The weasel is then violently ejected from out from inside of her and across the bedroom. The weasel wetly smacks into the center of the far wall. The weasel sticks to the wall momentarily, and then slides down, as a gooey heap, onto the floor at the bottom of the wall.
Lilly, eyes closed She is holding herself and shivering with climatic surges still continuing. After a time she opens her eyes to see the wet trail leading from inside her thighs to the far wall, OhMyGod! I’ve killed another one! What kind of a monster am I?
Lilly then jumps up and yanks on her restaurant waitress uniform. She scoops the wet unconscious weasel into her tarp. I don’t have time to shower. They need me at the restaurant for the conclusion of all this! There is probably going to be more violence.
Back in her favorite alley, Lilly quickly dumps the weasel’s body out onto the pavement and removes his bonds. He is still breathing. He didn’t get a good look at me, so maybe I can get away with this, again...
How sorry should I be when I kill a hit-man?”
Scene 4. Cover
Lilly arrives back at The Taste of The South restaurant. Trish quickly pulls Lilly inside the front door, “Lilly! Where have you been?” “You look like shit and smell even worse!” “Where is the other goon?”
Lilly shakes her head, “I was chasing him, but he got away.” “I know I stink,” “I’ve been running!” “I’ll go shower off in the back right now.”
Liz watches Lilly with suspicion, Lilly, I swear that I saw you running away, with that goon draped over your head.
Rod looks at Lilly in clueless wonderment. Trish looks over to Rod and Liz, “The boys from the state will be here soon, let’s get this place set up!” “We have at least to look like we are serving lunch here today!” “I bet that all of the gang is on the move now too.” “Lilly!" "Go shower!”
A bit later the restaurant is quickly filling with lunch customers, so the restaurant staff gets to work cleaning up from the morning's 'encounter'. Trish and Liz both thinking,
Lilly, you didn’t just smell like ‘goat-sweat’! Woooo!
Scene 5. Shoot-Out
A small fleet of cars screeches to a halt outside Rod’s restaurant. Rod and his crew can hear car doors opening and slamming. A contingent of well dressed goons appear at the door, waiting like a receiving line on each side of the door. In the street, right in front of the restaurant, a gold limousine pulls up. The doors of the limousine open and a very large, rotund boar pries himself out of the back seat, with the help of his minions. The boar slowly unfolds himself and stands up straight, dominating the scene in his business suit. The boar then slowly scans the street and the surroundings. Two goons pull the restaurant's front double doors open and hold them for the boar. He strides in as the commander, to the center of the room, facing Rod who is standing in front of the serving counter. The goons march in behind the boar in two lines and space themselves out among the tables of the serving area of the restaurant.
Once inside, the head goon pulls a pistol out of his coat and shouts as he turns around to glare at everyone in the room, “Everyone stay right where you are, in your seats, and no one will get hurt!”
The restaurant is busy, with most tables filled. Two young goat waitresses are standing at attention, holding their order books. Trish is at the register, today without her usual middle-school uniform. The boar boss slowly walks down between the tables in the center or the restaurant towards Rod. The Boss, in a deep smooth base voice speaks, “I am so sorry Rod,” “I don’t drop by as often as I would like,” “I’m very busy you know,” “But I always have appreciated your ‘take-out’ menu.”
The Boss still walking slowly toward Rod, “I heard a funny story today that two of my boys met with some issue over here,” “So I thought I would drop by, see for myself and straighten everything out.” “I am due for my community service, so I chose you and your establishment to properly set an ‘example’ for the rest of my ‘clientele’.” The boss then draws a large pistol from his coat holster. The boss then points the pistol directly at Rod’s head, “I understand that you would like me to forgive your debt to my firm,” “So I decided that since you were such a loyal and long-time client, that I would forgive you.” “Please accept this 'token' of my ‘forgiveness’!”
The double doors both burst open to reveal the shadowy silhouette of a tall man in a trench coat, in a shooting stance and holding something out in front,
The boss’s head explodes as he is shot in the back of his head by the shadow at the door. The lights go out and restaurant erupts into chaos, but there are no more shots. The lights come back on and all of the goons are laying on the floor in cuffs, Liz and Lilly each got two and Trish got one. The rest were taken down by the patrons, that all happened to be state police officers.
The shadow from the front door walks up to body of the Boss, who is face down in pool of his blood, “You know, ‘Porky’, neither of us like those long, drawn-out, criminal trials, and prison is too good for you.” He drops a business card on the body and closes the eyes and recites a short prayer.
Lilly looks around at the now quiet scene,
That little weasel isn’t here. Did I kill him?
Scene 6. Hero
An officer walks up to the state police chief known as ‘The Shadow’ and hands him a blanket. The Shadow then covers The Boss’s body with it, “Goodbye Porky,” “I caught your ‘rat’ in my crew, I will miss chasing you.”
Rod announces to the crowd, “Eat your lunch everyone, I don’t like to throw away food!
Trish walks up to The Shadow and she seems to know him, “Thank you so much with your help with this, Shadow.” “You all got here really fast.” “We almost didn’t have the food ready in time for you and your crew.” Shadow kneels down to face the much shorter Trish, “I should be thanking you and your ‘crew’.” “We have been trying to get Porky and his gang for a long time, but someone in my crew kept tipping them off.” “Since you set everything up spontaneously this time the gang wasn’t tipped off beforehand.” “The ‘rat’ tried to get to a phone to tip off the gang I was watching, so I personally caught my spy, and got rid of Porky.” “It could not have gone down any better,” “No injuries or deaths, except Porky and no gunfire, except for mine.” “I try to keep civilians out of this, but you!” Shadow pauses and stares at Liz and Lilly, both smiling, “All helped us out a lot.” At least I think you all are civilians!
Trish turns to ‘the waitresses’, “Girls meet my friend Shadow.” “Shadow, meet Liz and Lilly,” “They are my ‘gang’!” Liz and Lilly, both smiling like little girls, curtsy, very demurely for the tall, handsome, wolf-man, holding their short waitress skirts, the lusty goats are excited, thinking, A wolf! And OhMyGod, is he ever cute! Can we keep him?
Trish scowls at them, “And Shadow is married to my sister!”
Rod finally shakes off his shock, (Trish, how do you know this man?)
Trish turns to Rod, “Oh, Shadow, please meet Rod,” “My good friend and the crime victim.”
Rod, uneasy in the local language, “Thank you, Señor Shadow!” “You have freed me from la maldición!”
Trish looks at the girls, “Fendor and Shadow went to the same high school. They were ‘outsiders’ together.”
Shadow adds, “Yes, we continued to the same college but he majored in ‘econ’ and I in pre-law.” “We continued to be friends and were each other’s ‘best man’.” “I ended up marring Trish’s sister.”
“I was very sorry to hear about Fendor’s passing.” “I am sorry I couldn’t make it to the funeral.” “I was across the country at the National State Attorney General’s Conference back east.”
Everyone together,
“You’re our state’s Attorney General!”
Scene 7. Present
Lilly walks home alone but smiling satisfied, Man, what a day! I got to kick some ass, twice. And I even got ‘relieved’, And wow! What could be better than a day with all that!
Arriving back at her apartment building she sees a large rectangular flat box on her front step, What the hell? Did I order something? Maybe it is from mom and dad.
The box is labeled, ‘Ernie’s Flowers’ ‘The Famous Edible Collection’
It’s flowers! For me? This has to be a mistake. I’ll call them.
But Lilly sees that her name is clearly printed on the box. It is for her.
Wait, there is a card attached. The printer card has a message, ‘Love at first sight!’ and crudely hand written, ‘Dear Lilly,’ ‘Meet me at Henny’s this Wednesday at 3:00 PM.’ ‘Love, Martin.’
At least I don’t see a policeman here, waiting for me. That tough little weasel is still alive? His name is Martin? He knows my name and where I live? I had better go and see what he wants. Is this a death-threat or coercion?
Or does he want ‘me’?
Scene 8. Plushie
Liz confronts Lilly at the restaurant, with a scowl, “What are you so happy about?” “Why have been singing and dancing around here for the last couple of days?” “We don’t hang out much any more either.” “What is going on with you?”
Lilly looking up at Liz and smiling broadly, pictures a very crude mental image that Liz can clearly see, “Well, you see,”
“I got these flowers…”
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