《The Exploits of Lilly, the Scoundrel》9. Soulmate
Scene 1. Life
Liz and Lilly continue to help out at the Taste of The South as college commitments permit. Although they appreciate the help, Trish and Rod insist that the two have their collage commitments be their top priority. And the two still flirt shamelessly with the cute young lawyers in the lunch crowd, to extract tips needed to pay for college. However, today is different, as Lilly is spending more time in the restroom than usual. Liz confronts Lilly, bending over the restroom sink looking nauseated, “Lilly you have been in the restroom, for quite a while, every morning since last week!” “What is wrong with you, girl!” “You are never sick,” “Do I need to take you to a doctor?”
Lilly rises up, still holding her head over the sink, “I don’t know what is wrong with me.” “The nausea goes away after a while, then I am famished the rest of the day.” “I am always hungry, but not like this.” “I came down with all of this a few weeks after Roc’s last visit.” “Do you think he gave me something?” “Like some kind of sheep disease?” Liz is right, I am never sick. Wait what! Since Roc’s visit…! Roc is my species! What the hell was I thinking! I’m such a pervert that I do it with everything and everyone, except my own species, that’s why I never think about birth control. OMG! What have I done!?
Liz sees through and is whispering to Lilly with a scowl, “What did I tell you!” “‘Keep your little hooves off of Roc and your knees together at all times!’” “Have you looked in the mirror lately?” “You know that Roc is your ‘species’, right?” “Don’t you, of all people, know how ‘kids’ are made?”
My species indeed! And did it ever feel great or what! And Roc had been saving himself up because he doesn't like the girls back at sports training camp. He even had his ‘juice’ coming out my nose! I had forgotten that the main purpose of sex is reproduction! You dummy! I guess I shouldn’t have slept through (or ditched) that ‘sex-ed’ class.
The next morning, in the restroom at the Taste of The South Lilly is standing stock still, looking in the mirror. Trish suddenly materializes behind Lilly, “Please consider carefully about what you are going to do,” “And don’t do anything on impulse that you may later live to regret.” Trish then embraces Lilly from behind, “Let’s talk more, but not here.”
Trish and Lilly are seated at Henny’s, in the back, away from the other patrons. Trish, “I have known for a while that something was up with you.” “Likely, even before you did. “Because I can smell your heat, and your pregnancy, on you.” “It’s my wolf nose.” “It is not my place to tell you how to live, but before you decide what you are going to do, let me tell you a story.”
Trish takes out a handkerchief and taps here eyes with it, “Once upon a time I was presented with a similar decision to what you are facing now.” “At the time, the simplest solution seemed to be to quickly dispose of the problem and not give it a second thought.” “And, looking back, maybe it was.” “My eventual decision came at great cost, and not just for me.” “My decision even seemed like the wrong decision for a very long while,” “But now, I have a beautiful boy.” “Although he isn’t tall or athletic, he is kind and smart, like his father.” “And now, thanks to you and Liz, I ‘met’ Rod and now Timmy is in a large family that absolutely adores him.” “Timmy is the son that Rod never had.” “Rod is even teaching him how to catch and throw." "Rod takes us all to ball games and we make a day of it, and his girls usually make a surprise picnic lunch basket for us all too.” “I don’t know what a ‘perfect life’ is.” “We all have to work very hard to get by.” “But even after all of my tragedies, I cannot see how my life could be any better than it is right now.”
“Lilly, please know that we love you and will continue to love you no matter what decision you make,” “And it is your decision, alone, to make.”
“But I wouldn’t mind having more kids around, I guess, even grand-kids.” “All the kids can stay with us when you get tired.” “Rod’s girls would all love taking care of kids, it would be good for Timmy to be a ‘big brother’ too.”
Liz confronts Lilly at The Taste and motions her to the back and the girls walk outside to the small garden behind the restaurant. Lilly is expecting another lecture from her friend Liz as Liz starts, “Well?” “What are you going to do?”
Lilly frowns and looks down, “I don’t think it is possible for you to make me feel any worse about this than I already do.”Liz leans back with a laugh, “Bah ha ha!” “What the hell are you talking about girl!?” “You’ve won!” “Unless there is something you don’t like about Roc, you have it all!” “My brother tells me that all Roc can talk about is you!” “And Roc’s a hero, and he has the morals of a saint!”
Lilly pauses, and looks straight at Liz, “I know he is ‘Mr. Perfect’.” I have spent many nights with him.” “But that is just it,” “Roc is a true hero, without a fault.” “But he isn’t in love with me,” “He is in love with what he thinks I am.” “He is never going to be happy married to someone like me, in the long run.” “I’m an evil monster, possessed by a demon that I cannot expel or deny!” “And it is just a matter of time until he finds out the truth about me,” “Although he has already has had some strong indications,” “And that will break his heart.”
Liz stares at her excited friend, “And since when, are you ‘concerned’ about breaking someones heart?” “You’re making way too much of this, Lilly,” “As if you are the only one that has ever been confronted with a ‘sudden’ family.” “Once you have kids, you will calm down,” “Everyone does,” “And you’re already off to a better start than a lot of people.” Liz pauses and looks down with a frown, “I’m very jealous of you,” “I really want what you now have been given.” “I can’t marry my ‘perfect’ brother, and I can’t find anyone better!”
Lilly looks at the serious Liz, “I have decided to keep my pregnancy a secret from Roc for now.” “Who knows even if things will develop?” “I am not disabled, so can continue at college and work at the restaurant, as usual, at least for now.” “Things are always changing for everyone, so let’s see what the future brings.” “That’s Trish’s advice anyway.” “I need to consider what I eventually will do about my condition, and Roc.”
“But for now Liz, please keep my pregnancy a secret from Roc, and from your brother.”
Scene 2. Apartment
The Carnival has left town but Roc continues to stay with Lilly when he can take a break from summer training camp. So, after another tennis game with Tex and Liz they return to Lilly’s apartment. Roc enters and looks around the apartment front room, surveying everything for the first time, “Lilly do you live here alone?” “All of the time?”
Lilly is shuddering, suddenly self-conscious in the light. She looks down and feels her solid belly lump to see if she is starting ‘to show’ through her tennis togs, “Yes, most of the time,” “My parents own the apartment building, but they work out of the country most of the time." "I serve as on-site apartment manager, rent collector and maintenance man, in exchange for free rent.”
“I am the devil with a plunger!” “Hmmmmm,” “Actually, I am a ‘devil’ most of the time!”
Roc notices Lilly’s ‘belly feel’ gesture, but he says nothing. He then turns and walks over and opens a door to one of the side bedrooms, “So this is your room when you parents are here?” Roc sees Lilly’s collection of metal sculptures and an arc-welding machine, as well as photographic chemical trays and an enlarger, all crammed into the small side bedroom. Lilly hid her hobby materials in the side bedroom to make a good impression at their initial meeting.
Roc examiner one of Lilly’s metal statues, “Did you make all of these sculptures yourself?”
“Yes, I like to pound on things that I find in the alley,” And boy, do I.
Roc is examining one of Lilly’s metal creations. Lilly reaches past Roc and presses an electrical switch on the statue. It immediately springs into violent animated motion, swinging levers, loud clattering and bouncing up and down. Roc is momentarily startled by the figure’s ruckus and jumps back a step from it. Lilly switches the figure off and the figure becomes a motionless, silent statue again. Roc stares at the statue, “Lilly!” “Your creation is fabulous!”
Lilly smiles and happy with herself that she has impressed the great Roc with something other than her bedroom manners, “I won first prize in the college art fair in the ‘Industrial Art’ category that they added just for me.” “The college’s Engineering School made me an offer to become part of their staff.”
Lilly reaches past Roc for a folio on the nightstand, rubbing her chest against his back, “And some of my photos won in the Photography category,”
She turns to face Roc, holding the folio over her midriff, “Would you like to see more of ‘my work’?” She softly bleats an alluring, “Baaaaaaah…” She pokes Roc with her large nose, nostrils dilated, “Sniff” “Sniff”. Lilly slowly reaches out and approaches Roc from behind. “Mmmm it is so hot and stuffy in here!” “Let me take off some of those extra clothes…” Lilly proceeds to remove Roc’s shirt while effortlessly shedding her out of own. Before he can react, she is pressing her chest against his. Lilly lets out another short flirting bleat, “Baah…” Mmmmm, oh GAWD! You smell delicious! And your heart is going to jump right out of your chest! Oh no, my heart is pounding too!
Lilly lowers the lights, I can’t let him see my belly.
Roc pulls on his shirt back on, “I am all sweaty from the train ride and tennis!” “Ugh!” “I Stink!”
Lilly turns Roc around and reaches down and opens his belt. She then loosens his pants, pulls them down. She pushes Roc back and he sits. He is now seated on the edge of the bed. She then slowly kneels down on the floor, facing Roc. Lilly smiles up at Roc, “I have something for you that I think you will really like.” She then opens her mouth and wiggles her large wide pink tongue and rolls it up for him to see. Roc furrows his brow and stares at Lilly, although he is uncertain about Lilly’s intentions he does not attempt to move away. Lilly’s head moves down and disappears between Roc’s thighs. Roc looks down, still holding his breath, his face suddenly flushes and turns as pink as Lilly’s tongue. He explosively exhales. Roc folds back into the chair, he loudly bleats, “BAAAAAAAAAAAH”.
Lilly is very pleased with her technique, Got him!
[The evening then proceeds with many scenes of frisky sex activity.]
Finally Roc approaches Lilly from the rear and mounts her, holding her by the hips and pushing her face down onto the floor. Both continue to make noises of delight. Roc plunges himself into Lilly and lets out a load cry, triggering Lilly into a powerful contraction onto Roc’s member, which, in turn, triggers a powerful and voluminous ejaculation from Roc. It squirts out everywhere. Lilly cries out too, as the two shiver together in dramatic climax. Lilly is covered with a tsunami of Roc’s emissions. It is finally over. Lilly crawls over to lie with her cheek on Roc’s chest, weeping, “Baah Ha Baah Ha.”
Roc bends down and strokes Lillys head. He then pulls Lilly up to stand from her soggy, weepy, pile. Roc looks up and announces cheerfully, “Hey, I’m hungry!
“Are you up for pizza?”
Scene 3. Museum
After showers and a cursory clean up, the two walk, fore-legs entwined, to the local pizzeria for the usual two giant veggie specials, with extra cheese.
Roc reaches into his shirt pocket, “I got us tickets to the new museum exhibit.” “I thought you would like to go see it.” “And the museum is right down the street from where you live.” “It’s about some new finds in one of the ruin sites abroad.”
Lilly shows interest, “Promise me that you won’t be mobbed by adoring sheep-fans.”
Roc smiles at Lilly’s interest, “I can’t promise you that, but it is unlikely, as museum patrons are usually not rabid sports fans too.”
Although Lilly lives close to the county-college museum, she hasn’t ever been inside. Lilly looks up at the building as they walk to the entrance door. At the side of the door on the wall is a large banner announcing a new exhibit. Lilly hesitates at the door, reading the banner, “Roc, I guess I never told you what my parents actually do,” “They are archaeologists,” “And I think they are working in Federation territory.”
The museum has a huge main hall with dioramas of the beast-folk in various stages of civilization building. Each exhibit features one activity, weaving, hunting, cooking, preparing hides as well as other peaceful activities. But Lilly is thinking, I don’t see any weapons or depiction of any war activities, yet I know that ‘conflict’ was always with us.
On the wall is depicted the history of the world as postulated by scientists and philosophers, starting with the formation of the world and its oceans, the spontaneous creation of microbial life and the conversion of the atmosphere to oxygen. Then the sudden and unexplained appearance of advanced life. Vegetation, such as trees and grasses, and animals, such as invertebrate arthropods, insects, then aquatic vertebrates such as fish, and finally vertebrate land animals, rodents, ungulates, carnivores. At the end is the appearance of social intelligence in the biped forms. The biped forms have a timeline that shows the history of fire, agriculture, and written language. Their modern timeline shows the development of industry and technology, steam and electric power, including some recent inventions, such as the telephone and the automobile.
Lilly and Roc walk into one of the halls displaying the new discoveries exhibit described on the banner at the museum entrance. In the glass cases are pottery fragments and fragments of stone and bone tools. The tools are needles, for fastening hides, predating weaving. In the last case are arrowheads and spear points, these weapons are not visible in the dioramas at the entrance. The sight of these weapons give Lilly a chill and she strides to the next exhibit, dragging Roc along.
In the next exhibit are carvings and sculptures made from soft-fired clay. Many of the sculptures are of common wild animals and appear to be decoration items, or children’s toys. However, one sculpture stands out. Roc is closely examining what appears to be a clay sculpture of a creature’s head. The head is not from any creature now known. Roc comments, “Wow, they had great imaginations back then.” “Who could ever imagine anything so ugly!” “This must be a demon from one of the ancient myths.”
A docent walks up to them and describes the head exhibit. “This exhibit is quite unique.” “So far, this is the only one of its kind that has been found.” “Note that the head is round, like a ball, with some thin curls of hair drawn at the top.” “The flat face has two eyes in the same plane, like a cat’s.” “The head has a tiny flat nose.” The jaws are receded, back and below the flat face.” “Note the tiny hinged mandible hanging down at the bottom of face.” “The mouth is open slightly, so we can see the short rows of its tiny teeth, like a rat’s, but without the rat’s large front teeth.” “The most curious features are on each side of the head.” Note the curled holes, around the each hole are the remains of the ear protrusions, which are, unfortunately, broken off on this sculpture, so we don’t know what ear protrusions looked like.
”Roc and Lilly are both fascinated by the weird clay head. Roc asks, “What the hell is it?”
The docent answers, “We don’t know.
”Roc is not giving up, “I don’t think these figures look very much like us.” “Are they mythological creatures?” “Gods maybe?” “I love legends, they are actual history, refactored by us, to tell us what the events should have been.”
The docent looks around for other listeners, seeing none, he comments, “There is a legend that we, the bipeds, were originally made from each of the types of the quadruped animals that still exist in the world with us.” “Specimens of these animals were artificially modified to resemble the original creator beings. The new creations were given symbolic intelligence, the ability to speak and a spoken language. Modifications to the foreleg hoof and paw for tool manipulation, and, of course, the upright biped form.” “By whom and why this was done is a matter of speculation.” “Perhaps they needed more solders, servants and slaves than they could provide from their own population,” “Or perhaps they had restrictions on the uses of their own species,” “Or maybe they just got lazy, or wanted another intelligent species for companions or pets.”
“Notably, there are no ancient fossils on this world, except for oil deposits.” “There is no plausible explanation for how all of the multicellular life could have originated on this world without leaving any evidence.”
“Likewise there is no evidence of any previous advanced civilization, except for small ruin sites, such as the one where this head was found.” “Most likely all advanced lifeforms now present, originated somewhere else and were brought here, for some purpose, now lost.” “Whoever or whatever did this doesn’t seem to be around anymore. If they were still around here somewhere, we think we would have heard from them by now.” “I know this all sounds crazy. However, a similar hypothesis is the basis for the Cult of The Founders.” “Maybe The Founders cultists are right. Scientists and archaeologists are trying to learn the truth.”
Lilly looks down at the exhibit placard that gives the credits for the exhibit: ‘Brought to you by the School of Archaeology and the generous work of Doctors Lester and Lillian White’.
Lilly’s jaw drops open. She is struggling to avoid shouting in the quiet museum. She squeaks to Roc and the docent, “This head was found, and brought here, by my parents!”
Roc changes the focus to the docent, “You know a lot about this stuff.” “Are you an archaeology student?” The docent nods, “Yes, I am studying archaeology and psychology at the college.” “I would like to do archaeology field work, but I am most interested in studying the impact new scientific discoveries have on our society.”
Lilly and Roc then continue on their museum tour. Roc comments, “These carvings and sculptures look very weird to me, like they came from another planet.”
Lilly looks up with a vacuous stare, “They likely did.” “In my dreams I see huge ultra-modern cities of these beings, flying to the stars,” “But it all seems like it took place in the very distant past, long forgotten.” “Perhaps I should study psychology too, as I am trying to figure out where I came from, and maybe this would help me understand where I am going.” “As you have seen, I have many hang-ups that I would like to overcome.”
The couple strolls through the museum galleries of mostly contemporary art and a few other science exhibits and demonstrations of such things as steam power and electrical power.
The two enter a large room with a huge wall sculpture on the far side of the room. It is a series of depictions that apparently flow from one to another, telling a story. Beneath each of the depictions are character sets. The story flows in three rows from right to left, left to right, and right to left again. The depictions show landscapes with biped creatures engaging in common activities of farming and simple industry. Lilly examines the scenes closely, “I have seen this all before, somewhere.”
Roc smiles, “I knew you would enjoy the museum.”
Lilly turns to face Roc, “Roc, sleep with me tonight.”
“I would love to have one more memory of you, before you leave me.”
Scene 4. Dream
Later that night, they nestle together in Lilly’s large bed. Both are exhausted and they quickly fall asleep in each other’s embrace...
Lilly opens her eyes. Her head is down on a beautiful sunny open field of delicious flowers. She raises her head and looks down she sees that her form has changed. Her upper body is the same but she carries a bow with a quiver of arrows on her back. He lower body is that of a four-footed animal, like a wild goat. She is couched on the ground, on her four lower legs. She stares down at her form and is starting to enjoy it when she hears a sound from behind her. It is Roc, also in goat-centaur form. She approaches him and embraces him. They then run together across the field, light as two feathers. Finally, Lilly stops and faces Roc and embraces him again. Without separating Roc moves around next to her and mounds her. They begin to slowly engage in quadruped sex. The indescribable feeling of pleasure builds as they approach climax. She cries out and awakens in the darkness of her bedroom. Oh darn! May I have more of that? She looks over at the deeply sleeping (and snoring) Roc. Whew, at least I didn’t assault him in my sleep. Man this is tempting. I’ll ask him about his dreams in the morning. I smell something. She feels some dampness underneath herself, she looks down,
Uh oh, I made a mess...
Scene 4. Fall
The four are on the train platform, saying goodbye. Liz reaches out towards her brother, “I am sorry to see you both leave so soon.” “But I know this visit was just a fluke and you have to get back.” “Call if you all can visit us again, soon I hope!”
Tex smiles his winning smile, “Fall and Winter are our sports seasons.” “But we should have some time off in Spring, before camp.” “I’ll let you know the schedule.” “I think we also have some local games coming up," "Come and see us play!”
Lilly and Roc walk further down the platform to talk privately. Roc smiles gently at Lilly, “I really enjoyed my time with you.” “I would love to visit you again, if that works for you,” “And if you will have me.”
Lilly is holding back tears again, “Really!” “Me!” “You are a star!” “And all the girls must be after you,” “Girls much prettier than I.”
Roc smiles again, “Yes, there are girls,” “Lots of girls.” “But you are the first one I have met that is so strong and determined.” “The others just lay there, or break too easily,” “But you are always demanding satisfaction,” “You grab for what you want.” “I have never met anyone like you before.” “You are the first one I have ever really wanted.”
Lilly watches the receding train and hears the shifting train whistle as it speeds away, And I am a white goat, and you want a family!
Careful what you wish for, big boy.
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