《The Exploits of Lilly, the Scoundrel》2. Return
Scene 1. Counseling
A few weeks pass with more weekly 'counseling sessions' of pizza and sex in Lilly’s apartment. Their physical relationship is intense while their meetings have been largely wordless. Today, after the now usual ‘cordial welcome’, Fendor is setting on the end of the bed and Lilly is setting on the floor, both are staring at the far wall. Thinking about their relationship, and each other,
“Lilly, we haven’t talked about you and your world very much.” “Is there any special reason that you bushwhack men in the alley?” “You tease me about my difficulties, what are your relationships like?” "You're young and attractive.” “I don't believe that you can't get men by other less violent means."
Lilly looks down, depressed by the thought of a confession, “I lied to you." “I know you know that I am not in middle-school.” “I am a college (and everything else) drop-out.” "Right now I am not doing anything except taking care of my parent’s apartment building. Mostly, I unclog my neighbor's drains," "And that doesn't take much time." "I have thought of getting another job too, at least a part time job, as a distraction, and to kill the 'day-mares'," “But I can't imagine myself in a customer sales or service job.
Fendor catches, Day-mares?
“Also, I don’t get on with boys of my species, or any boys near my age, or with any of my classmates for that matter. I am a foreigner and I look different. I finally made a friend playing tennis, with a girl a class ahead of me, but she is the dark, silent type. She waits for me and we hang together, but I do all the talking. She is also a foreigner, a black Nubian goat, from the States. She is a tall, thin, thing,” “And we are dynamite at doubles tennis.”
“My other problem is my looks.” “By now I am sure you have noticed that I am brawny.” “My shoulders are too broad, my boobs are too big and my butt is too big.” “Everything about me is too big but my height.” “Boys don’t like girls with muscles.” “And then there is my head.” “My big head looks like a horse skull. No, but maybe a dragon. “With my body and scary face, the boys keep their distance. At least I (usually) don’t have to worry about being assaulted, everyone just turns around and runs.”
“Fortunately, you salary-men are delusional, and you usually don't notice my ‘large shape’ right away." "I wear loose gowns and I cover my horns, head and face." "Note that I carefully stepped on the stairs from the seat, to avoid standing fully up in the train." "I am too big and too old to play the middle-school bait-girl anymore." "I was too big for this game when I was still in middle-school.”, “But you middle-aged salary-men are delusional, seeing only what you want to see.”
“But still there was something else about you, besides your violet eyes", "an ‘air’ about you that I found attractive.”
Lilly coyly smiles, “I cheated with that too.” “I used a 'love potion' on you, one-third wolf pheromone, one-third wildflower aroma, but that last one-third was all me.” "It helps being a pray animal." "At least you didn’t pass out from it right there on the train." "I have had that happen.”
“What! You knew you were luring a wolf?” “And you call me out for chasing young skirts!” “How long have you been stalking me?”
“You need to stop this man bushwhacking business before you kill someone!”
“I never said that I haven’t killed anyone…”
“So I take it I am not your first?” “You seemed pretty practiced."“There have been quite a few others. But most were too scared to ‘get off’.
Yeah, no wonder.
“I usually ‘get off’ on the man-smell regardless.” “So I keep on doing it.” “I coerced some of them into continuing relationships, but eventually they all ran away,” “Either bored with me or frightened of me.”
“I never followed through on my threats to expose them as I would be exposing myself also.” “They had served their purpose, so I just moved on to the next victim.”
“Didn’t you ever get assaulted or hurt?”
“I once had a scare from a college dog-boy.” “He played dead until I got him home and then he turned the tables on me.” “Fortunately, it was just a standard rape.” “I was lucky that he wasn’t vicious enough to maim or kill me.”
“And after all that, you still didn’t stop?”
“No”, but now I now stick to middle-aged salary-men, such as yourself." "I am stronger than most of these men. Plus these types are so fearful and compliant, weak from desk work and no exercise, and pent up. " “I can mold them like putty, and it’s so cute!” "A few actually seem to like the experience, and get off on it."
“How long do you plan to keep it up?”
“I don’t think I am young or attractive enough for this game anymore.” “And it is just a matter of time before the police catch me or I pick the wrong man.” "I could wait outside a bar with a board," "But alcoholics stink in a bad way."
"I prefer nice, sweet smelling, fluffy, middle-aged salary-men, going home to 'wifey'," "Yum!" "Yum!"
Lilly turns to Fendor and grins at him with her signature threatening grin, and winks, “And besides, I can retire now.” “I have a slave!” “That's right!" “You!” “Don’t even think about leaving me!”, "Your 'wifey' will understand, I’m sure.", "I am not greedy, I am only taking one night a week," "And I am providing you both with the valuable service of marriage counseling!", "It is reasonable that I extract a small fee for my time and concern."
Lilly drops her stare and turns back, “You know if you run away I’ll hunt you down and have you stuffed!”, “Actually, I would have you stuffed right now if I didn’t love your smell so much,” “And that smell just doesn't stay fresh if you’re not alive...”
You know this from experience?
After his shower, Fendor stands at the apartment door, “Okay, I’ll be back again, same time next week, but only if you promise to wear that same perfume you wore on the train,” "What was it now, 'Old Bushwhacker'?“
I also have an additional condition,” “You are to immediately return to school,” “No excuses!” "You are too bright to stay ignorant!" “If you have any trouble with the subjects, I will help you.” “I used to teach college...” Fendor looks up at the ceiling,
“Once upon a time...”
Scene 2. Student
And so the next day Lilly appears at college registrar’s office to makes excuses, and fill out forms. The she makes the rounds to the various department heads, to collect the signatures required for to college readmission and to attend classes again.
Afterward, she waits by the door of an art class. The class is dismissed and the students walk out. One student, a tall, thin, black, goat-woman slowly walks out and she sees Lilly.
Liz jumps a little, and then shouts with surprise, eyes wide: “Lilly!” "What a surprise!" “I thought you were dead!” "Where have you been?"
“Well, not quite dead, but it wasn’t for lack of trying…” “You free for a game of tennis?” "And maybe an early dinner at 'Henny's' after?"
“If I don’t answer 'YES!' to that question, you will know that I am dead!
Wordless, the two women friends walk toward the athletic fields. Lilly borrows one of Liz’s rackets, Liz even has a spare tennis outfit the fits Lilly surprisingly well. Then they are off to the tennis courts.
They appear on the court as a visually striking pair of attractive young goat-women. The tall black Liz, in blue-white stripes and the shorter white Lilly, in pink. They quickly bring all of the action on the other courts to a halt.
Lilly gazing at the stricken, wide-eyed, audience, “I forget about all of this unwanted attention we seem to get.”
Liz, flashes a beautiful smile and waves to them, “Who says it’s unwanted? At least they don’t have cameras today.”
Their continuing audience, of both males and females of all species, is then rewarded with a fast action, professional quality, women's tennis demonstration. Everyone is now crowded around their court, watching these hot ladies intensely.
The women finally tire from the games, and the attention, and start to walk back toward the gym.
A handsome young male Minotaur steps out of the crowd and up to them. He broadly smiles, “Are you two students at this college?”
“We are now, I just re-enrolled.”
The Minotaur states his name and business, "My name is Arno, and I recruit players and manage some of the sports programs at this school,” “And you are?”
Arno continues: "We have team tryouts on Wednesday mornings. Please come by the main field and find me.” “I watched you and we could really use your help.” “We got waxed in tennis last year and I loved your action on the court today.”
Lilly and Liz discuss this offer. Liz: "I really could not find a suitable tennis partner for 'doubles' so I dropped out of the team last year.
Lilly reaching down and pinches the fat roll forming at her waist, From all that yummy pizza with Fendor? "I could use the exercise..."
And so the two women sign up for the college tennis team.
"That Minotaur boy was kinda cute...", "Arno?", "I wonder if he has a girlfriend?"
"He's too young for me... "
"Although he did smell nice."
Scene 3. Busted
The women truly enjoy tennis and are tearing up the rounds with the other schools, losing only rarely. Although they were apart during Lilly’s low period, they quickly reestablished their friendship. Both were anxious to show the other their cooking skills so they rarely eat anywhere but at school or at each other’s apartment (except on Wednesday nights!).
One evening, Liz is over at Lilly’s apartment for dinner. The evening is warm and still with the cooking smell persisting in the air. Liz is closely examining the Lilly's apartment. She opens the door to Lilly’s bedroom and walks in.
“Something is different about your place,” “For one thing, it is a lot neater than I remember,” “And you have moved some of your clunky ‘art’ out of the way,” “Plus it smells different,” “Now what is that smell?” Liz tilts her head up and raises her long nose, her nostrils dilate as she inhales.
Lilly quickly scurries into the bedroom and up to Liz. Lilly pushes Liz back out of the bedroom, into the living room, and closes the bedroom door.
“That will be enough snooping!”
Liz, unaffected, turns her head toward Lilly, “And, by the way, I have been meaning to ask you,” “Why are you so happy now?” “Humming, singing, smiling...” “Where is that down-and-out, end-of-the-world, college-dropout, 'Lilly', I used to know so well?”
Liz is glaring at Lilly, who is pretending not to hear, “HUH? You say somthin'?”
Liz is now staring intently at Lilly, and accuses her,
“Do you have a ‘Pet’ in here somewhere?”
Lilly is violently shaking her head ‘no’. Not fooling the glaring Liz for a second.
“You had better let me in on this ‘action’,”
“Or else!”
Scene 4. Wealth
A few more weeks go by… In Lilly’s apartment, during her weekly ‘counseling session’ with Fendor. And after their usual ‘greeting’ of sex and pizza, Fendor stares at the two empty large pizza boxes. Next time, I guess I should get three...
“I don’t mind hanging around the house with you Fendor, but it would be nice to get out once in a while." "Sigh..." "If only our ages (and species') difference wasn't so great, we wouldn’t get so many looks." "If we could go to dinner or a movie, just regular stuff. I’ll even pay, since, after all, I am your master.” Lilly suddenly reflects, thinking,
Am I falling in love with him? No, no, I can't!
“What can we do when there is just the two of us.”,”I could invite my wife.”, "Ha, ha."
Lilly thinking again: She must suspect something by now. Although I haven't seen a PI following us yet.
Lilly downs the last piece of pizza, “I have and idea," "Let me introduce you to my friend and tennis partner, Liz." "Unlike me, she is a tall, attractive, nice, and quiet girl. She is a little older than me but she looks like she is my age or younger." "The three of us should look fine anywhere." "You can be out with your 'nieces'," "And yes, I’ll pay for her too.” "We’ll still need to avoid places that might have people you work with or know otherwise," "but this is a big city, that shouldn’t be too hard.”
“I’ll text her and see if she will meet us for ice cream (she loves ice cream) on Wednesday afternoon." "She doesn't have classes then." "I know this plan isn’t perfect,
but at least we will be able to get out sometimes.”
Scene 5. Ice Cream
A few days later, Lilly, Fendor and Liz are seated at a table, at Henny’s, a local coffee shop… For ice cream sundaes…
Fendor, for his part, is now appearing more substantial. He seems more confident now and is cutting a handsome middle-aged form.
“Fendor," "This is my friend Liz." "We met playing tennis and we do other stuff together too." "Her brother is a champion ball payer that played at our college on a scholarship." "He's a pro now.”
“Liz," "This is my friend, Fendor.”
Liz is dressed in a complementing (and form fitting) top and skirt, displaying her thin black midriff. She is very attractive, even stunning, in face and figure.
Fendor cannot stop himself from staring, bottom to top, at Liz's black curls on her hornless head and her thin, statuesque 'model' figure. He reflects on Lilly's stout, white, horned, figure, seated next to Liz. Who would even guess them to be the same species?
Liz sits motionless, never saying a word, never breaking her barred, blue-eyed, stare at Fendor.
Liz slowly lifts her glass and begins sucking the straw of her ice cream sundae, making soft, suggestive, sucking noises, drawing in her cheeks and with a slight wiggle of her nose.
Liz has frozen everyone in the restaurant solid, where they sit.
Staring at the group.
Bonus Scene
Later that day, at college, Liz hunts Lilly down, after a class.
“If you think I am going to remain quiet about this 'for free', think again!”
Lilly, waving to calm her excited friend,
“Okay, okay, I get it," "You liked Fendor."
"I’ll set something up for you.”
Scene 6. Introduced
Liz and Lilly walk across town, to Lilly's apartment. Lilly is concerned about her tall strong friend,
"Please be gentle with Fendor as he is 'old and brittle'. "
Liz is shuddering, "All I want to do is brush that luscious fur of his." " Don't worry!" "I'll just cut off and keep his fluffy tail, as a souvenir!" "Ha ha."
The two girls enter Lilly's apartment. Fendor is already there.
Lilly turns and sits down on the couch and picks up a magazine from the coffee table. She looks up and smiles, "You two have fun!"
Fendor walks Liz to Lilly's bedroom and closes the door behind, "Are you okay with this?"
Liz looks down, stares at the floor and answers almost inaudibly, "Yes".
“Is this your ‘first time’?”
“With a man?", "Yes.”
Wait! What!?? “With women?”
“Only a few casual, locker-room, type encounters,” “Once I was assaulted by a bitch gym coach and that turned me off from sex...” "Until now..."
Fendor reaches his fore-paw out to touch Liz: “Why do you recoil from my touch?” “Do I scare you?” “Am I the Big Bad Wolf?”
“No, it’s not that.” “Sorry." "I do that with everyone, Lilly too.” “I am just not used to being touched." "My family is not physical and so we rarely touch each other, no kisses, no hugs” “and I feel bad because Lilly is so physical and that is so not my thing.”
“Wow, you are not making this easy." "Let’s see..." "where to start.” Liz starts to undress. “Stop!” “Leave your clothes on for now.” “Here is something that my family has always done and it shouldn’t be too stressful for you.” “When we greet each other, we start by standing apart, facing each other like this.”
Liz is half a head taller then Fendor. Liz starts to fidget.
"Relax!” “I am not going to grab you and eat you,” “yet...”
“Move a half step to the right side, walk forward, with fore-legs down at your sides, slowly, until your chest touches mine.” “Again, relax and don’t tilt your head back.” “Now move your head a little bit to the left until your cheek touches mine.” “Very softly, brush your cheek, just a little, back and forth, against mine,” “Yes, like that,” “Mmmmm.” “What do you think? Is that okay?” “I feel sorry for you fur-less species, that will never know this 'furry- face" feeling.”
“Now slowly we increase the areas of contact.” “Forelegs, arms, shoulders, the back, ever larger areas as we slowly proceed.”
With the contact, Liz emits a long, soft, moaning, bleat, "Maaaaaaaaaaa..." Adorable!
“Garments can be removed as those areas are reached." "If you want to leave anything on, leave it on." "There is no wrong way to do this." "Proceed at your own pace.” "A brush feels pretty good too at this point!"
Liz slowly disrobes as they continue to embrace. Eventually she reveals her thin, lithe body. Her body is completely covered with short jet-black fur and clearly visible beneath her hide are the thin tight muscles of a trained athlete. Her head has a curly black mane down the back of her neck, but no horns. She has long ears down the sides of her head, each with a large gold earring. At the end of her spine is an erect black fluff of a short tail.
Liz becomes flushed and is beginning to perspire. She suddenly faces Fendor, “Okay, enough teasing, I’m hot, let’s get on with it.”
Fendor then fully embraces Liz: “Mmmmm, Liz, you smell great!”
Liz: “Lilly dumped something on me.”
Oh, that Lilly!
“Please hold on to that thought for a little longer, Liz," “Let me show you something else first.” “I will demonstrate ‘cunnilingus’ for you." "It is a form of 'oral sex'.” "We will stop if there is anything you don't like, just let me know."
Lilly is trying to read her magazine in the living room, but she can't stop staring at the bedroom door, listening to the barely audible conversation from within. Then a period of quiet. Then rather loud shuffling and goat-bleating is heard from the bedroom... Lilly thinking, Me! Next!
After some time, Fendor emerges from the bedroom, pulling his shirt on the rest of the way. He meets Lilly, alone in the her living room, still seated on the couch, pretending to read.
Lilly looks up, “Well, how did it go?” It sounded like it went pretty well!
“I think Liz enjoyed it.” I know I did. I also think she broke my nose.
“And Liz didn’t pass out completely.”
“Liz didn’t say if she liked it?”
“Liz hasn’t said anything for a while." "I had to help her get dressed." "She seems to be in shock and a bit 'out-of-it'.”, “Could you please take her home?”
Lilly opens her mouth, but does not speak,
Wait! What! No session for me?
Lilly then grimaces, thinking, If she can’t walk I’ll have to take her home with my wagon.
Damn that long ‘wolf’ tongue!
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