《The Exploits of Lilly, the Scoundrel》1. Scoundrel
Scene 1. Scoundrel
Our story starts on a noisy, clanking commuter train at the late end of an average work day, running from downtown out to the suburbs. The train is usually very crowded, but it is past peak traffic, it is now about 7:30 PM. The rain is a light drizzle...
Even though it is later, all the seats are taken so a middle-aged beast-man (a wolf) is standing, holding a vertical handrail. He is thinking, I wish I had remembered to bring an umbrella.
Seated on a side seat across from him in clear view, is what appears to be a young girl of ambiguous species. She is wearing a blue and white nun-type middle-school uniform with head covering. The uniform is from one of the more conservative branches so it almost completely covers her head and body. She reveals only the very white bridge of her nose, her eyes and her very white furred ankles, socks and digitigrade-unguligrade step-shoes.
She is seated slightly sideways with her legs folded under her seat and is looking toward the back of the car. As she senses the man watching her, she suddenly turns her right eye to stare straight into the man’s eyes, without blinking or dropping her gaze. He is paralyzed into her stare,
She certainly has unusual eyes, glowing light-violet, with a barred-pupil... A demon?
Scene 2. Hunter
Suddenly the rail car lurches and a station stop announcement is made over the loudspeakers. The girl stands into the stairwell at the car door, which then opens. She does not immediately step out but instead turns her head back and locks her barred, violet, eyes with the man again. Then she steps out onto the platform and immediately starts walking toward the gate. Then she stops walking and glances back over her shoulder at the train, and the man.
The man does a double-take as she is already at the gate in what seemed to be only a few steps. She then stops and stands motionless at the gate. She again looks back directly at the man, who has moved forward toward the door in seeming indecision. He steps out onto the platform and walks towards her. She then turns and resumes walking, this time at a slower pace with shorter strides. She exits the train terminal and walks slowly into the city.
It appears to be a less savory part of town with adult bookstores and love-hotels. She seems to be carefully maintaining the distance between herself and the him. She turns on several streets but attempts no evasion.
The streets become narrower and darker finally no wider than alleys and almost completely dark. Then she suddenly turns a corner and disappears from sight. The man looks around the corner into a short alley with a dim gas light over an oil drum at the end. There is something placed on top of of the drum. He slowly approaches the drum. On the drum is a lurid pornography magazine, 'BAAAAD GIRLS!'. On the cover is an explicit picture of a young, smiling, sheep-girl looking back over her freshly-shaved rump.
A horned silhouette, resembling a dragon with glowing violet eyes, rises up behind him, with board ascendant. With a loud "Whack!" his world suddenly explodes with a flash and he plunges into the blackness of unconsciousness. The alley is now quiet, except for the wagon wheels,
"squeak", "squeak", "squeak".
Scene 3. Kidnapper
The man feels a cloth over his eyes and a gag in his mouth. He is lying naked, on this back, spread-eagle on a large bed with his ankles and wrists tied to the four bedposts. His chest is being compressed by something soft but heavy, "mmmugff!!!"
The blind-fold is suddenly removed. He opens his eyes to see the same girl, still partially in the uniform but in a terrifying transformation. She is kneeling on the bed with her legs spread over his loin, her grimaced face hovering above his chest facing down at him. Although he could only see her eyes before, her facial expression has changed from cute and alluring to a large, hungry grin.
With her head covering off, she is revealed to be a young, but mature and full-figured, goat-woman, with a huge head and two long white horns, starting above her eyes and ears and curving back. She has a long muzzle with thick lips and a long broad nose, ending with large dilated nostrils and a short beard on her chin. Her lips are drawn in a grimace-smile revealing an array of very large white teeth, and fangs. Her long ears hang down the side of her head and feature large silver-staple jewelry attached to each of them. Her “ruff” is thick, long and translucent white, wrapped around her shoulders and neck. Down the back of her neck is a thick white mane. From the top of her head are swirls of long white hair. All the rest of her of her body is covered with a short, snow-white pelt. Slightly visible, beneath her translucent pelt, is the pink hide of her solid, muscular body.
She shakes his shoulders, “You stop struggling against the straps!" "I know you are strong enough to tear this old wooden bed apart, but if you do, everyone is going to see this nice picture!” “Take a good look!", "Aren’t I cute, next to you?” "That’s a good boy, now you just relax!”
“Wow! You’re a furry cutie, with a nice fluffy tail!", "Maybe I’ll have you ‘stuffed’.”
“I am going to remove your gag now, but if I hear the least bit of barking or howling you will get some stun-gun action and your body dumped in the alley, dead!", "Nod your head if you understand me and agree.”
Fendor examines the room. He sees an oddly grim and menacing collection of metal figures along the dark walls, some standing on the floor, others on shelves, apparently welded randomly together from metal junk. At the end of the room, under the window is a large table or desk with junk piled high on the top. Next to the desk is a carriage looped with heavy electrical cables, with a face-mask (welder’s hood) setting on top.
Scarey! Is this stuff for torturing victims?
“We are in my apartment,” “So relax!” “If I was just going to rob you (or kill you) your body would still be in the alley.”
The gag is removed and the wolf coughs a few times, “Who are you?"
The goat-woman is holding and examining her veil, “A better question is why are you following what you thought was a middle-school girl from a local church school?” “What did you plan to do once you caught her?” “Be glad I am not with the police.”
“There are serial rapists working this neighborhood so there are cops are everywhere.”
Serial rapists? Are any of them in this room?
The goat-woman throws her veil on the bed and unbuttons her tight shirt, “Ah, there! That’s better!” “Now I can breathe.” “This uniform disguise is to small for me now…” “You seem more calm now too,” “Maybe it helps relax you, having a ‘little girl’ setting on your chest.”
What ‘little girl'? I see, and I feel, a large, heavy, white monster on my chest!
“Where are my clothes?”
“Your clothes are in a safe place.”
“You carried me back here, wherever we are, all by yourself?”
“It wasn’t too hard, you are not very heavy.” “I just wrapped your limp body up in my tarp and tied you on my wagon.” “I am always collecting junk for my art projects from these alleys, so the neighbors don’t think it is unusual for me, and I am stronger than I look.”
You look like a large, hungry, dragon, from my vantage point!
“Why am I still handcuffed to the bed?”
“So you won’t run away until after I have finished with you.”
“I heard that!” “No barking, whining or whimpering or back on goes the gag!”
"I thought that angels were always white?"
"In this world, angels are black, and devils are white!"
Scene 4. Rapist
“What are you going to do to me?”
“I thought you would never ask.” “Let’s just say that you and I might be looking for the same game, only this game is going to be played by my rules.” “This is your lucky day” “You caught me in ‘rut’.”
Rut? “What is the pink cylindrical thing you are holding?”
“I don’t know what it is called, all pink and squishy with a hole down the center." "I found it in the back of one of my uncle’s drawers." "We are going to use it for the game of “Ride ‘Em Cowgirl”. She then plants a big wet kiss on his cheek, "Smack!".
"Aah aah aah!" "Don’t you start whining and wiggling, unless you want me to press ‘stun’!” “See!” “I even left my uniform on just for you!” She rocks back upright, to reveal her impressive chest that has clearly outgrown her middle-school uniform.
“Ouch!” “This uniform is much to tight on me now, I am going to have to unbutton all of it before I burst out,” “and be thankful that I am not a police plant (really!).”
It’s too soon to be ‘thankful’. Let’s see if I live through this first.
“Now it is showtime." "And don’t you dare disappoint me!" "You pervert!”
She bends forward and presses her large bony head down beside his head, her chest against his. Then she begins to squeeze her upper body against his.
“Let’s start with a whiff of young breast.” “I didn’t shower today so I should be nice and ripe for you.”
She smiles with eyes closed and sets her head down on his soft cream-colored chest fur. He smells her thick ruff fur around her neck.
She smells like the meadows that I played in as a pup!
She inhales deeply, through her nose, nostrils dilated, “Mmmmmm”, “You feel wonderful and you smell wonderful!” “I get off from smells, especially from all of you ‘vicious carnivores’!”
“Enough ‘foreplay’, it’s time to saddle up for the ‘rodeo’! Let me get my spurs,"
"Reins around the neck (sorry), and now to saddle up on ‘Mr. Squishy’.”
She quickly arches up and mounts him, "Squish!"
She throws her head back in ecstasy, “Ohhh myyy!", "Okay, now you, ‘giddie up’!”
He sequels in pain: “Owoooooow!”
She ignores his pleas and starts to bounce up and down on him, on her pleasure ride, with her mouth wide open, loudly bleating, “Bhaaaaaaaaa!”
He continues on his pain trip, howling, “Wooooooooooooooooooooo!
She bounces her heavy body up and down on him several times. Then Lilly suddenly stops, shuts her eyes, and grimaces, tightly holding him with her strong fore-legs by the sides of his chest.
Then her entire lower body convulses, in a powerful thigh contraction, and she screams a loud bleat, “Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!”
Despite her threats, he also screams a howl, “Aaaaaaa”, “Arrrgh!”
Heavy breathing is followed by sounds from below her and then the wall at the end of the room, “POP!" "SPLAT!”
“Wow! Mr. Squishy shot out from me and hit the far wall!,” “Eouu!”, “What a mess!”, “Did I do that?” “I am sorry.” I kind of 'lose it" when I get excited…” “For how long have ‘we’ been holding ‘all this’ in?” “Perhaps ‘we’ have more?” “He he!”
He struggles to breath and survive. “Ahaa!”, “Gasp!”
“I didn’t hurt you did I?” “Don’t you dare die on me!” “Breathe!”
After a little rest and breathing time, she resumes her position and smiles down on him,
“Do you want to play again?” He looks up at her frowning, and silently thinking,
I guess that question is ‘rhetorical’.
Scene 5. Release
After a few, much gentler, rides, She pushes herself off of his chest and stands, naked, next to the bed. She releases his handcuffs and drags his motionless (dead?) body around to the end of the bed. She props him up and shakes him gently, for a ‘groan’ of life. He slowly stirs back to life and opens his eyes. She then applies antiseptic to the board wound on his head and wraps clean cloth bandages on his wrists and ankles, burned by the cuffs.”
“See!”, “You lived!”
He writhes in pain, “Ouch!” What have you done to me?
“I made you some dandelion tea, to revive you.”, “I can’t have you falling under a train on the way home,” “And you can’t go home smelling like me." "It's too bad that I can't shower with you.” “The bathroom shower is right over there on the right, there is a clean towel on the holder and a blow-drier on the hamper.” “I used gloves handling your clothes to avoid marking them with my smell." "They are in a bag next to the shower.” “I drew a map back to the station so don’t miss the last train, as it is a long walk from here back to your neighborhood and I don't have a car.” “And you might get rolled (again)!” “It is pretty safe around here now though, I cleared out all the muggers and riffraff a while back!”
He reflects thinking, So you are the rapist terror, of justice?
He slowly stands up, naked and walks unsteady toward bathroom. After a pause, showering then blow-drying sounds are heard.
She speaks to the bathroom, “I am taking a chance, by letting you walk out, rather than dumping your body back in the alley,” “Now you have seen me and know where I live,"
"But I don’t think you will turn me in," "Just yet.”
Scene 6. Counselor
He is still staggering a bit. He slowly walks out of the bathroom, now neat and fully dressed as a salary-man. He looks at Lilly, who has also cleaned up and is attractively dressed in a loose pink blouse and short skirt (and without cumbersome undergarments!) She is sitting on the edge of bed and he regards her form, especially her distinctive light-violet eyes,
What an unusual woman, attractive even, in her own, unique, way.
“I raided your wallet, so I know your name is 'Fendor Willis'” “We didn't do introductions.", "I'm ‘Lilly’," "With two ‘l’s”.
“I know you are going home to your wife and family.” “I can see from your wallet picture that your wife is young looking and pretty and your son is handsome.” “So why the HELL are you out chasing after school girls!?”
Fendor is staring off into space, “I don’t know if I can answer that question. It just seems like my life is missing something, something vital." "I have difficulty seeing joy in anything anymore.” “It wasn’t always this way." "When we were first married I saw joy in everything.” “And when I saw you on the train I felt that glimmer of joy again, for the first time in a long time.” “My wife and I are likely headed for a divorce.”
Lilly frowns and growls, “Gurrr!" "Is there something in the suburban water that turns people stupid in middle age?” “You already have a perfect life. Are you so anxious to throw that all away chasing school girls?” (The very idea!) “You should be home with your boy." "It isn’t good to leave kids alone." "Look what happened to me!”
“Okay, fine!” “My neighbor, Rosie, runs the flower shop on the street level." "The shop is closed now, but she’ll put something together for you, as a favor to me." "That’s right!" "You’re taking flowers home to your wife!" "And here,” “Take these discount tickets to the local steakhouse chain." "I think there is one near where you live.” “I kept them in hope of taking one of my carnivore victims out to dinner some day, as a reward for a good performance." "But I never was brave enough to take the risk.” “And your apology to her is more important anyway.” “Get home on time tomorrow night and take her there!” "And don't tell her about me!" That’s Right! That’s an Order!
“I expect a full report at our next meeting." "Right here, at 7:30 pm, same week-day, Wednesday, next week." "Don’t forget or I might change my mind about having you stuffed!", "And if you 'wuss out' with the flowers and dinner, I will butt you into next week!” “And next time, pick up some food for us on the way, there is a convenience store on the corner." "I really like veggie pizza, with extra cheese!" "Get the big one!" "Or maybe two...”
Fendor, looking at Lilly and thinking, Are you a dragon?
Fendor walks out of the bedroom into the living room. His briefcase is setting neatly next to the front door. He then walks out of the apartment down the stairs, to the quiet city sidewalk.
Fendor hesitates for a moment and then starts to walk toward the train station. He then stops and turns back toward Lilly’s apartment. Through the thick curtains of her second-floor apartment bedroom window he sees an eerie, brilliant, blue-white, flashing-shimmering light.
Is she a witch?
But Fendor is relieved, sore and happy. He could not remember having such a strongly emotional encounter with anyone since his college days. And he has been given a mission!
He then thinks back to Lilly,
Why is that strange young woman attracted to me?
Scene 7. My Love
Fendor is back at work the next day, sitting at his desk. He looks around and no one is looking his way, thinking,
I am glad that she kept track of my briefcase. It seems okay. She didn’t even take my money. What is this? What is in these two sealed plastic bags?
He pulls out the first bag. It is the graphic 'BAAAD GIRLS' pornography magazine, from the top of the oil drum.
He pulls out the second bag. It is a (large) pair of woman’s panties, with a smiling goat face in a red heart monogram, apparently, recently used.
What have I gotten myself into?
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