《The Exploits of Lilly, the Scoundrel》3. Islands
Scene 1. Travel Plans
Lilly and Fendor meet at Lilly’s apartment for what is now their weekly, Wednesday night, habit. They have not tired of their eager greeting, of sex and pizza. Liz is not joining them tonight as she has ‘something to do’ with her brother.
Lilly is now noticing Fendor staring at the floor, downcast, “Why are you so pensive tonight? Are you tired of me already?”
Fendor looks up, "No, It's not that..." “I am being sent away for a while on business”, “it looks like I may be over there for a couple of weeks, maybe a month.”
Lilly eyes widen, “Where are you going?”, “Baaaa…”, her voice breaks into a soft bleat. She is suddenly feeling lachrymose, already intensely missing him. She feels her body slipping into withdrawal, without her weekly, furry, ‘sex-fix’.
Fendor self-absorbed and looking away does not seem to notice the emotionally struggling Lilly. “I am going to The Islands.”
Lilly’s violet eyes suddenly illuminate, her momentary depression forgotten: “Is your family going too?”, emitting soft hopeful “squeaks”.
Fendor continues not noticing Lilly, glowing pink, “No, my wife is going back to East, to visit her parents, and let them see how Timmy has grown. She said it would be a good time", ("as her family doesn’t seem to care much for me.") “She hates the sun, hates the beach, and hates bathing suits, anyway.”
Fendor finally notices Lilly, who looks like she is ready to explode 'pink' everywhere, “Lilly, I know that look," "What evil are you plotting?”
Lilly flashes her signature smile at Fendor, “I have a standing opportunity to attend swimming classes in The Islands, for college credit.” “The college Physical Education department knows that I am a strong swimmer so they want me to get life-saving and deep water diving certifications. The college needs more life-guard supervision for the college’s water field trips. I can enroll in the classes at any time in the Summer as they have classes every week.”
Lilly continues, growing ever more excited, "My parents own a condo there which I have never seen and would dearly love to.” “I will take Liz along, as my parents won't trust me there alone,” “and we’ll stay at my folk's condo.” “Liz will likely sign up for the water classes too as her family is really into athletics and sports,“ “And the college encourages it for all athletes.”
Lilly is now glowing a bright pink and her violet eyes are iridescent.
Lilly then frowns and feigns desperation, “Can we go with you?” “Please!” “Please!” “Please!” “I’ll pay my own and Liz’s way too,” “And we promise not to bother you!”
I guess I can trust her with this. She has been careful around my work and family here.
“Okay, but you have to be good!”
Lilly once again returns to her signature grin, holding her right fore-hoof up to her chest, “When am I ever not 'Good'?”
Lilly then jumps up, suddenly with a grimace leaps over Fendor. Fendor is startled, “Where are you going?”
“To the bathroom, just thinking about a beach trip with you is too exciting for me!”
Lilly, shouting from the bathroom, “Get yourself into my bedroom, Now!” “And take off everything you don’t want ripped off!”
Lilly is renewed and has even more energy than usual, with Fendor thinking,
I don’t think I have ever seen Lilly this happy before.
Scene2. Trained
“Why are you two hiding way in the back of the station?
“We were afraid your ‘wifey’ might see us and we didn’t know where your wife might 'see you off'.”
Fendor frowns, “No worry, she usually just dumps me at the curb...” “I took a cab here as she is already back east with her folks.”
Liz smiles at Fendor, “I reserved us seats,” “Three together, in the back of the car, with you in the middle, of course!” “They wouldn't let me reserve a sleeper-car for a short trip in the middle of the day,” “Damn it!”
“I hope that you don’t get overheated sandwiched between us.” “Fortunately the trip is non-stop so they probably won’t throw us off." "We might get thrown in the ocean on the boat trip though.”
And so the entourage makes the trip to the coast and onto the boat for the short ferry trip to the Islands without serious incident. The women were however warned several times by the conveyance staff to keep their little fore-hooves (and tongues) to themselves.
Only sniffing is allowed!
But sniffing is hot too!
Scene 3. Check In
A bus picks them up at the docks and transports them to the hotel. It is a large, 3-story, touristy landmark, with ~500 rooms, overlooking a well-groomed, private, beach. The group enters the lobby, fore-legs entwined on each arm.
Lilly, examining the cavernous hotel lobby, “Wow, this is a big place!”
“This hotel is the only hotel in The Islands big enough for my conference.”
Fendor continues, “Getting ready for this event is why I have been working so late, and making everyone mad at me.” “I hope it is worth it.”
Liz and Lilly together, glaring at Fendor, “And too tired for XXX, damn it!”
Fendor looking sheepish and whispering at the pair, “Keep your voices down unless you want to be swamped by old geezers!”
Lilly immediately jumps up into the air and shouts, “Hey! All you 'old geezers'!” "How about some nice fresh goat flesh?!!” Lilly lifts up her skirt revealing a thick, right, hind leg and wiggles her plump thigh at them.
Fendor aghast, “STOP IT Lilly!” You will kill them all.
After a few more shenanigans in the line, the group is then called to the check-in counter.
Liz looks up at the hotel room chart on the will behind the counter, “Where is your room?”
“I reserved one on the second floor.” “I usually try to get one on ground floor, but all of those are being used for the event receptions.”
A tall, young, thin, Minotaur woman is at the counter. She examines the group with suspicion: “Name please?” Fendor gives her his name and she turn to a file and pulls out a card, "For three?"
"No, just a room for one, please."
Minotaur woman smiles at Fendor, "Your company reservation is for double-occupancy, you will be sharing the room with another man from your company."
Liz shouts, "A roommate! And the second floor?" "Oh man, you should have gotten the honeymoon suite on the top floor, with a view!” “Let’s change this!”
Liz, shouting at the clerk: “My dear, he wants to upgrade, to the top floor honeymoon penthouse!”
Fendor shakes his head 'no', “The company is not going to go for this.”
Lilly and Liz quickly empty their pockets filled with wads of currency and dump it all onto the counter. Together, with glee, “We will pay for the upgrade!”
As fendor regards the two, widely smiling, goat-women, I don’t know if I have ever seen so many white teeth. They look like sharks!
The clerk glares at the two women, frowning, she announces that the penthouse is still available and processes the upgrade request and scoops up the cash from the counter.
Fendor, walking away from the counter, with the penthouse key in paw, “Oh, you goats.” But I am surprised that the penthouse was not already reserved by others because of the event. They all must be cheapskates! Like me!
Fendor then escorts the women back out the lobby entrance, to the bus that will take them to the condominium complex on the other side of the island, “Let’s meet at the coffee shop at 8:00 am tomorrow morning and plan our day." "I have off until the day after tomorrow.”
The clerk is still glaring at them as they walk out, standing next to the sign: ‘No visitors to the suites after 7:00 pm!’ She did not have to point. The group gets the message.
Fendor waves to the women in the bus windows as it pulls away.
Good! Now I can finally get some rest…
Scene 4. No Rest
Fendor walks up the stairs to the fourth floor to the penthouse door. The penthouse suite stands alone, unlike the lower floor suites that share walls. Fendor enters the penthouse suite and stands at the door and examines the impressive interior: The walls are decorated with original paintings; The furniture is all very new looking and a contemporary style that does not come cheap. Wow, this is nice! Since the girls paid for it, I will have to show them tomorrow.
Fendor examines the huge heart-shaped bed, covered in a crimson bed spread. On the bed is a large box that likely contains expensive candy. Without fully regarding the situation, he collapses, face first, onto the bed, exhausted from his day of travel with the lively goat-women, “Ahhhhhh!” “Finally!”
He eventually gets back up. It is now dark outside and inside. He retrieves his luggage that had been delivered outside his door, and changes clothes for bed. and More sleep!
Fendor is sleeping and dead to the world, when he suddenly has a vivid dream with a loud sound, “Knock-Knock-Knock!”
Fendor checks the security peep hole and sees the two women. He opens the door, “What are you doing here at this hour? And how did you get past security?”
Lilly, feigning her desperate face, “Please let us in, I think security is chasing right behind us!” “And they are not happy with us at all.”
Liz, now safely inside the penthouse, with the door shut and locked, flashes a big smile of large white teeth, framed by her long black nose, “As for what we are doing here?” “We couldn’t sleep a wink without our favorite furry 'hug pillow'.”
Fendor, looking around at the expensive interior furnishings, worries about the usually cavorting, rambunctious, goats, “Please, just don’t break anything.”
Lilly, smiles and stares at the worried looking Fendor, “Do you count as a ‘thing’?”
And so the women proceed to be beside themselves with glee, alternately pouncing on Fendor, devouring the candy, and ordering room service pizza.
Afterward, Lilly opens the sliding door out to the deck, which features a very good view of the beach and the surrounding landscape. Lilly kicks off her sandals and jumps up on the observation deck railing, fore-legs extended and on toe point. Fendor is aghast,
“Lilly what the Hell are you doing up there?” “Are you trying to die?”
Liz sees Lilly up on the railing, kicks off her sandals, and jumps up on the railing to join Lilly. Fendor opens and closes his mouth, speechless, and falls backward on his butt into the living room.
Lilly spins on one toe, “You must not know too many goats.”
Oh, those goats!
Eventually, after finishing all the food, and beating Fendor to a pulp, they leave by cab, sneaking past security again. Lilly thinking, Crime must be rare here, The hotel security is really weak!
No problem visiting every night!
Scene 5. Bikini
The women descend on Fendor’s hotel room, bright and early. Lilly has somehow has secured another key to Fendor's penthouse. Lilly quietly unlocks and opens the penthouse suite door. The two then suddenly spring into the center of the living room, uninvited, and shout, together, “Okay, It’s Bikini modeling time!”
A startled Fendor jumps up from the couch, surprised and in shock. He drops his papers and they fly all around the room, to add to their dramatic entrance scene, “Lilly, where did you get a key?”
The two are naked except for very small triangles of fabric and a few strings. Of course Lilly’s are pink triangles and Liz’s are blue. The two are holding towels of matching colors by their front hooves, up, behind their backs, and stretching back, emphasizing everything in their complementary athletic physiques: the tall, thin, black Liz; and the short, round, white Lilly.
Fendor continues his rant, “And what the hell are you two (not) wearing?" "Where is the rest of it?” “I hope you all didn’t walk up here, looking like that!"
Lilly and Liz then pull their towels they is holding forward, around their shoulders, up to their lips, and assume a coy looks, unique to goats.
Fendor looks like he is going to pass out from holding his breath, “No way are you wearing (or not wearing) that outside this room!” “Or inside for that matter!”
Lilly, still smiling, and clearly very pleased by his reaction: “Whats the problem?" "Neither of us have that much to see.”
Fendor, sternly, “That’s not the point”, “No!”
Lilly then drops her towel to the floor, and all the while watching Fendor watch her, she walks to the door, opens it wide for all to see (no one there, too bad!) and reaches outside, retrieving a pile of garments and a bag. Apparently these cloaks are what they wore for covering while walking up to the suite.
Lilly, still watching Fendor, “We were just trying to ‘get your goat’!" "We’ll save these special swim suits for special occasions,” “And we know that these wouldn’t be allowed in most places, so we also bought some more conservative, two-piece, swim suits that I think even you will approve of." "We know better than draw too much attention.”
Fendor regards the two attractive women, I wish I was sure of this. These two striking personalities attract attention everywhere, no matter what they are wearing!
The two appear out of the bathroom wearing the 'conservative' bathing suits. Liz in her blue and white strips, matching her blue, barred, eyes and Lilly in pink. Fendor stares at them, which they relish, it’s like a fashion show, “These suits look great on you both." "It is better not to show too much and leave something for the imagination.”
Fendor is impressed, even in these new suits, the two will still attract attention.
The two strong women lift the heavy beach baskets. The baskets are filled out the top with umbrellas and other beach accouterments. The goat-wolf sandwich entourage proceeds unsteadily down the stairs and out the walk towards the pool and beach.
Fendor suggests, “We should go downstairs separately.”
The two instantly respond, again in unison: “No way!”, “We’re a set!”,
“You are taking us down together, one on each side!”
Scene 6. Grill
Fendor suddenly stops walking and straightens up in surprise, wide eyed.
They are now trapped on the narrow walkway, facing a tall, friendly looking, brown fluffy, dog-man, with long black ears down the sides of this head. He is walking toward them, but he stops when he sees them, blocking their way.
“Fendor!”, “Fancy meeting you here!”, “What a surprise! Although we are in the same business, ha, ha.”
“Farnsworth?!”, “Cough, Choke, Gag!!”
Farnsworth looks with interest, first at one women, and then the other, trying, unsuccessfully, to be polite about it. “Who are these two lovely young ladies?” The two ‘ladies’ then sport even bigger smiles for Farnsworth and tightly hug Fendor to their sides.
Fendor struggles to regain his composure, lost long before the trip even began: "These two are my friend’s (adopted, poor things, orphans they were!) daughters here for a college swimming class. I am their ‘chaperone’." The two women then turn their heads and stare, surprised, at Fendor, not loosening their grip on him.
Wow, we are impressed. You think up pretty good excuses… fast. Too fast! We are going to have to watch for that! You big, furry, weasel! Are you a lawyer?
“I’ll catch you later, Farnsworth, I have to pick something up at the desk right now.” Fendor drags the group around the still staring Farnsworth. The two women chime in, “We have ‘Class!’”, “We have ‘Class!’” Don’t over do it! Class indeed!
After putting a short distance from Farnsworth, Fendor mumbles, “That was close." "Do you think he bought the ‘daughters of a friend’ story?" "I hope I didn’t stammer too much.”
Farnsworth turns to face them as they walk away. He stands still, staring, until the group is out of sight.
Lilly, still smiling, “I just love the face you make when you are under pressure.” “I am going to put that expression on your face when I have you stuffed.”
Liz, still smiling, “Does your wife know about your ‘adopted daughters’?"
And so the trio staggers, in step, down to the hotel beach and out onto the sand. It is a clear, hot, day. Eventually they find a spot on the beach without too many others around. Fendor thinking, If I do get assaulted maybe no one will see?
Lilly looks up at the blazing sun, "I cannot be in the direct sunlight for very long." "I am not an albino but I don’t have much protection in my skin." Fendor looks at the sand chairs and small umbrellas they brought. “I think we can rent beach umbrellas here, so I'll get a the biggest one they have.” “I am not much for the direct sunlight or the heat either!”
Liz laughs, “No argument from me, I am made of dark chocolate, so I melt in the sun!” “An umbrella sounds great!”!”
“After I get a rental umbrella, why don’t you both go down to the snack stand and get us drinks and snacks while I set up the umbrella and chairs.”
Lilly, returning from the stand, excited, “You should see all the food they have to grill! Lots of veggies!" "Is that thing over there a beach grill?
"Ha ha", “The grill looks like one of your art projects Lilly.” Liz points to one of the irregular metal objects mounted on short metal poles around in the area.
Lilly frowns, "Yeah, kind of."
Fendor, finally smiling, “Get some burgers and buns for me to grill.”
Lilly, feigning a big frown, “Just don’t get those nasty burgers next to our veggies!”
Once camp is set up, the women dive into the water, to splash and play beach-ball. Then, of course, they drag Fendor into the ocean. He looks pretty scrawny without his usual fluff. But he gets the women back by shaking the water off his fur and on to them.
The day ends with grillin’ and chillin’. The family picnic is a joy, and the day, thankfully, goes without an assault. Lilly got sunburned on her pink nose and a few of her other pink areas that were not kept securely covered.
The punishment for the exhibitionist is a 'beach'! Ouch!
Scene 7. Homeward
The rest of the The Islands trip continues. The women attend their classes and Fendor attends his conference. Fendor is finally able to get down and watch the women perform in their swimming and diving classes. It is clear that these women are physically superior to most of the rest of men and women in their classes, even their instructors. Fendor shivers, I am not that great for the water, but those two swim like fish! Oh, those goats!
The two women never find out what Fendor’s conference is all about. Lilly, waiting to take Fendor to dinner, waits outside one of the closed, and sound-proofed, auditorium doors thinks, If he wanted us to know what he was doing he would tell us. I have secrets too...
Everything must come to an end. The group begins the sad pack-up process. The enthusiasm present at the beginning of the trip is now gone. Travel bags seem four times heaver on return. The group says little on the bus ride back to the docks and remains silent on the boat ride from The Islands, back to the train station. They trudge into the station. The train is not for a few hours, so they decide to check out the shops set up along the side the station building. The shops feature displays filled with brightly painted tourist souvenirs, shells, snow domes of beach sand, maps, as well as vacation attire, towels and sun oils. One store has various hand-made metal and glass jewelry: gold and silver earrings; rings for the other beast-folk’s tails; ears and noses. One display catches Fendor’s eye. It is a collection of studded, jeweled, choker collars. They are in all colors shapes and sizes, of course.
Fendor summons the clerk, a cute young squirrel girl who could not stop giggling at him.
He asks to see two chokers, one light violet with a silver trim, and one dark blue with a gold trim. He asks the clerk to stand by, as he walks to the door. Across the walk, the two women are trying on sandals. Apparently it is hard to find sandals that fit on their 'unguligrade' ankles and hooves. He motions them to him.
At the counter, he presents the chokers and asks if he can try the chokers each of them. It is rare that he can surprise these lively two into silence. Never explicitly giving their approval, they instead, one and then the other, turn and present the backs of their necks to him, holding up their mane. He slowly and carefully affixes a choker on the neck of each woman.
Fendor pays, and thanks, cute giggling clerk and they walk, silently, out of the store. They are both touching their chokers as they stand apart from Fendor.
The two women sit next to each other in silence. They sit each with a fore hoof on the neck of the other, staring at other's choker, in rapt admiration, now with tears streaming down their long cheeks. They sit in silence, as if speaking will trigger a complete emotional breakdown, then they lower their fore legs and slowly lean toward each other and close their eyes to nap the rest of the train ride back.
Fendor glances at the two female statues but says nothing, not wanting to break the spell. I know that goats are emotional beings, but what have I done to make these two cry? I was trying to make them happy.
As time passes and they attend other events Fendor notices that these two are always wearing his chokers.
Humm, it’s funny thing: Love...
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