《Of Myth and Legend (Realistic Pokemon AU in OC Region)》The Legend Begins


'Today's the day.' It was all I'd been able to think about all week. After years of hard work following the fateful afternoon, I was finally getting a Pokémon. And not just any Pokémon, but one that suited the kind I wanted to specialize in. Although I don't know which Pokémon it would be, that it would fit my style was something she confirmed. I had tried my best to not ponder what it could be out of fear that it wouldn't be able to live up to my daydreams.

Sadly, I didn't even come close to succeeding. Even now, I was left staring at the barren and beat-down ceiling with a racing heart after my dream last night. If I close my eyes, I can still picture it. A wondrous sight that perfectly encapsulated all I hoped to one day achieve.

Around us was a thick forest that blocked most everything, leaving only a heavy mist. The ground was soft, wet, and sticky as if the very ground was trying to grasp and pull me underground to drown. Though given this was Wrong Turn, I wouldn't be surprised if it was. My only light was a wicked sharp gold Sword with silver edges in my right hand. In my left was a dreadful Shield that shared the sword's magnificence. I stood against a giant and ancient machine that was made long ago and given will.

A Golurk. Its's large blue body was made into the facsimile of a human, but its blocky shape and erratic thickness is proof of the maker's lack of skill. It had the appearance of some kind of dress or toga given the skirt that blossomed below its massive round chest. Its shoulders and hands were massive a featured square inward scribble, but the connecting arms were quite skinny in comparison. The head, like the arms, was small for its body and came to a spike, like the ones jutting out from its shoulders. You often wondered about how someone could make something so complex yet so simple. Though it wasn't the most pressing question you had.

No, that had to deal with one of the five bronze pieces attached. Specifically, the one acting as a stitch or seal to a large glowing yellow diagonal crack on the front of its body instead of its bronze arm and angle bracers. Legends said how this Pokémon was made and given orders, but it never said how or what those orders were. Which, while fascinating, was not as fascinating as the fact that it could evolve. A physical man-made Pokémon given will and directive was capable of evolution…the sheer amount and intensity of the questions drove you mad. However, that upon evolving, it would start to break is the most pressing of them. The one you needed.

A rather strange quirk that gave rise to a morbid thought: what would its evolution look like if it evolved again? Could it evolve again? Would it just be a Pokémon in ruins or a barely intact creature held together by its strange energy? Another question: is there really a device for infinite energy stored inside it? Where would it be, and have any checked to see if it exists? What happens if you take it out, put it back in, or even give it to something else? Maybe another statue or even a building? These questions were something that gnawed and refused to leave you, even in the heat of battle.

It wasn't slow, but it wasn't that fast either. The perfect speed to dodge and weave around its blows. Though the ones I couldn't dodge were easily blocked by the might of Aegislash's Shield. Sadly, the Golurk was simply too well put together to slice clean through, doing little more than cuts and gashes. I knew Aegislash could do better on his own given the power at its disposal, but this was my fight, my challenge. A test to prove how far we've come since starting this journey.


And it was then, that I finally saw my chance. The moment of opportunity I'd been waiting for. It overcommitted a punch and was left with one of its giant stone arms trapped in a tree that refused to let go. I jumped onto the arm and quickly climbed up my way to io the large crack across its body. And finally, with a victorious cry, I raised Aegislash's Sword and swung with all my might.

Only to wake up and realize it had all been a dream. One among the many that I had suffered this previous week as a result of Professor Cherry's news. And though I knew only of them would come true, it gave me ideas for what to do later in my journey. This latest dream with Aegislash…yeah I was going to get it come distortion or high water. Still, as much as I'd like to continue dreaming of Aegislash and Golurk, I had things to do. Namely, a little sister to say goodbye to.

"No…don't…stay…." At the mumbled words, I turned to face the sleeping face next to me. Cuddled into my side with clingy arms, I could see her dreams weren't very pleasant. Not that surprising given how sad she'd been lately. Still, despite the hollow feeling it made me feel, I knew she couldn't come with me. Hinata was a gentle soul. She didn't have much in life beyond me and Pokémon and that gave her a somewhat fantastical view of what Pokémon are. Something I can't help but feel a bit responsible for given the fairy tales and bedtime stories I told her growing up.

I knew that the Honedge line can and would kill me if I didn't pass its muster. That even if it didn't kill me, it would abandon me for someone who did pass if I didn't earn its respect in time. Hinata knows this too but has the naive belief this only happens to "bad" people. That if you were "good" you were somehow exempt from Pokémon induced tragedy. It spoke of an innocence that I could never bring myself to break. Even if I knew it would be better for her in the long run if I did.

After all, people like Hinata, that truly believe in the good of all Pokémon instead of facing the cold hard reality that some are just wrong, have the tendency to die. Usually, because they did something stupid when dealing with a very dangerous Pokémon. Like touching a Honedge without your Pokémon out or guard up or trying to stare down a Primeape. If I was honest with myself, I nearly cried myself to sleep when she declared her desire to get into medicine instead of battling like me. Mostly because I wouldn't have to break her innocence so she wouldn't die out in the wild.

And so, despite the fact that her eyes were scrunched up with dried tears along her pale face. Despite the way her short, dark blue hair was abnormally messy and her sides were twisted and tangled. Despite the slight tremors I could feel or the tension in her muscles. Despite the hollow feeling in my chest, I resolved myself. After all, this feeling would be nothing in comparison to the feeling of cradling her small broken body.

Speaking of cradling though, I gently turned to wrap another arm around her and laid a kiss on her messy hair as I felt her tremors stop. I knew that when she woke up, she'd be sad again. That she'd be a crying mess when I said goodbye. So for now, I wanted to give her, and myself, one last moment of normalcy before we had to face the music and go our separate ways. Something that would be rather hard given for the longest time, we were all we had. Still, she'd be taken care of. Professor Cherry managed to pull a few strings to get her into the Joy program at my request.


"Hinata, it's time to get up," I said in a raised voice. In stark contrast to my previously gentle behavior, I instead started to carefully shove her back and forth. Years of practice at this singular behavior easily allowed me to know just how much force to use. Hinata was a pretty heavy sleeper after all and wouldn't from light tapping and whispered voices. Though considering it would be far harder to give her comfort hugs in her sleep, I considered it a worthy trade.

Soon enough I could feel the tension return to her muscles as she woke, before relaxing as she gave me her standard Hinata Hug. Though I was saddened when she froze mid-hug, the knowledge of what today was likely getting to her. Though it didn't last long as she soon resumed the hug, if a bit tighter than usual. A lot tighter than usual actually.

"Hinata-!" Unfortunately, that was as far as I got, as my precious sister started to mimic a Seviper and only started to squeeze even tighter.

"Don't go…please…you…you can't go. I-" Deciding to end things here, I grabbed her hand and started to pull her off me. Task down, I sent her on the bed and knelt down on the creaky floor with my hands still at her shoulders. Her eyes, even starting to well up with fresh tears, were a shining pale silver that bordered on white. A strange birth defect that leaves her entire eyes almost undetectable within her sclera.

"Will be fine. As I said last night, I've got everything taken care of. You'll be staying with the Joys as an initiate in the program. Learning to properly take care of Pokémon from the best of the best." My voice didn't crack. It didn't. It couldn't. Not when I needed to be firm. To make it clear this was what was happening and there wasn't anything she could do.

And judging from the way she looked away, despite etched on her face and hands bunching up her nightdress, I knew I succeeded. Hard part done, I set about our new morning. That being undressing, getting her in the shower, and getting dressed and ready for the day. After which, I inspected the room. It was a small room, containing only a single dresser, lamp, and bed. It was clearly meant more for one than the two it had to occupy, but we made due.

Still, the thing I wanted to see, the bed, was indeed made. It was something I'd been drilling into her lately. Usually, I was the one that made the bed while she showered. However, I knew I'd be leaving soon so I wanted to quickly start her ok at least the basics. And while I could see it wasn't done perfectly, it was good enough.

Finally all ready to go, we went downstairs to eat with the other orphans. Hinata stuck by me the entire time, clearly wanting to spend as much time together as possible before we had to say goodbye. Something I would ordinarily try to discourage in an attempt to get her to break out of her shell. This time though, I only hugged her closer, feeling the same need myself.

It wasn't something I had thought about until now, but this really could be the last we see of each other. Given the kinds of Pokémon I wanted to train, my death was an uncomfortably high possibility. Not that I ever voiced that when she was around. Bad enough she thought our separation would only be temporary. I didn't want to know what she would do if she thought it might be permanent.

Eventually though, as we silently walked to the Pokémon Center, its bright red color standing out as a beacon, we had to say goodbye. While I would prefer to say goodbye after I got my starter from Professor Cherry, I still didn't know what it would be. And thus, whether it would be safe for Hinata to be around. I could feel the tension start to ramp up and her body start to construct around mine. One last futile attempt to stay by my side. Unlike with the Hinata Hug this morning, I hugged her back just as hard, before I needed things and pulled her through the door.

The Pokémon Center was pretty empty, with only a Joy standing at the counter. Her eyes were tired and her wig a little off. Not very surprising since it was early and she was on the last hour of her shift. Though, she straightened up a bit when she saw me, a sad look crossing her face as she gazed at Hinata.

"Good morning Mr.Blackwell. I assume you're dropping off Ms.Blackwell for her stay?" Her voice, although trying to be cheerful, was still muted and tired.

"Indeed I am Nurse Joy. Have a good rest of your day." In contrast, my voice was chipper and fresh. Something I could see she both envied and didn't appreciate as her eyes narrowed in my direction.

"Indeed. I hope to see you again." Many people didn't really think about that line. Those that did often found it a bit disturbing that a Nurse would want to see you again. Mostly because it meant your Pokémon were injured. Those that thought a bit beyond this realized that she did, and it was disturbing, but also a well wish. After all, better injured than dead. Task done and emotions pretty drained, I decided to take a moment to refresh myself. Stepping outside, I gazed upon my home.

Ash Town was a messy place filled with broken dreams. It stands in contrast to Burning City which is where the hopeful lived right before being crushed by the League. After all, this was the Gate to Greatness. Where the Gurin Conference is held as well as where The Gauntlet takes place. The Gauntlet being the prize for those who either win the second round of the Gurin League, or collect eight Greater Badges. Participants can only be entered into the second round in two ways: beating the first round of the Gurin League which you can only enter by attaining eight lesser badges. The second method for entering the second round is attaining one greater badge. The former only works once though as winners of the first round are barred from re-entry and can only participate in the second round from then on. Naturally, given how many participate, many people enter Ash Town hopeful and leave in despair.

Of course, it's pretty hot given its location in the Burning Fields. You'd think that life would have trouble growing here, but it tens to find a way. The trees, though they look withered due to the spiky leafless branches, have adapted to have a thin layer of protective and fireproof bark around the leaves. The protected leaves lean flat against the actual bark hidden inside and provide nutrients that way. They also happen to be pretty excellent sources of water. The only real way to get it as well considering exposed water tends to boil to nothing.

Well, there were some, but those tended to be the exception rather than the rule. Especially when you considered such water wasn't natural and dangerous to harvest. After all, some water Pokémon like the heat and guard their small tracks of land with ruthless efficiency. So when you consider some Pokémon can just force the trees to grow back after they die of dehydration and force rain to rehydrate them, the trees were the much more convenient answer to thirst.

Still, as you gazed at the morning sun, you couldn't help but once again laugh at the irony of starting here. Here, where people fall from grace, short of their dreams, and into depressive spirals, your hope was born. Your hope was stoked, forged through hard work and determination to provide a better life for yourself and your precious sister. In a town filled with people who can taste nothing but ash, your hope has been given form. What form may still be a mystery, but it was hope all the same.

You came upon Professor Cherry's Lab. It was a large dome-like complex filled with Pokémon she either caught herself or from trainers she lets store their Pokémon with her. She also had sections marked off and modified to simulate various environments. Granted, she doesn't do this for free. Rather, the trainers have to agree to let their Pokémon become subjects for her particular branch of study. That being how Pokémon affect their environments and vice versa. It was something many trainers disliked due to them becoming experiments, but just as many would take her up on it.

It was something that had fascinated her ever since she heard the story of how Gurin became what it is today. She couldn't help but stand in wonder that a Pokémon could cause such changes. Especially since none of the Pokémon, she interacted with until that point could do the same. She had apparently posted what many people called "crackpot" theories of something she called "Alpha" Pokémon. Pokémon far above even species outliers. She apparently based this on old legends dating back to when Sinnoh was called Hisui.

This, of course, lead to her being a recluse among the Professors and some people even questioned whether she was qualified to serve as the Regional Professor of the Gurin Region. Questions were all they remained though as she proved time and time again that she was far and away the best person qualified for the position. Well, that and she gained a great disdain for those that couldn't put their money where their mouth was. Something that had managed to endear me to her through my hard work to be someone more.

Granted, it was also a great learning opportunity. As I said, she took care of a lot of Pokémon and so I learned a lot of the many quirks Pokémon had. So while others whined and complained about it, I paid attention and studied because I knew that I'd face a lot of these Pokémon as opponents in battle. Which again, endeared me to her. It wasn't long before she had me over for lunch for talks on my goals and dreams and giving me "homework" of a sort. Mostly consisting of assigning me a task of learning something the particular Pokémon she had me work on that week.

Speaking of Professor Cherry, she was actually leaning against the dome to the right of the door with a bored look on her face. She was clearly waiting for someone, and given how her eyes lit up behind her semi-circle glasses upon seeing me, I didn't have to guess who. The smirk on her pale face matched mine as I could feel my body start to shake from the excitement of it all.

Professor Cherry quickly pushed herself from her slouched position her feet as she started to walk towards me at a pace that left her brown hair, long enough to reach her behind, flowing behind her. The lab coat she wore had two large pockets at her hips and she had it buttoned only in the middle. Something greatly accentuated her bust. Not that she actually showed it given the modest purpose dress that was yellow at the ends that came up to her neck and ended at her knees. No, this was a woman who made sure others knew she was confident in herself in a way that left them also certain she wasn't looking for their approval.

As she walked, a purple-white gloved hand reached into her right pocket and pulled out a standard red and white Pokéball. It didn't take a genius to know exactly what was inside. My breath came fast, and all at once, unable to wait even a moment more, I called out to her.

"Professor Cherry," I exclaimed, my voice brimming with the breathless excitement I felt coursing through my body.

"What is my Starter?" Unfortunately for me, instead of answering, her smirk merely widened. It was times like this, her long brown hair frazzled, an excited gleam in her eyes behind her glasses, and a smirk present on her face that she looked more mad scientist than Region Professor. Not that I ever told her that of course. Still, the image was uncanny. Just as I was about to ask again, prepared to get on my knees and beg, she responded by stopping and holding out the Pokéball.

"Take it and see Tobias. Take it, and see." Her voice had the same excitement as mine, though also something else. A vindication? A smugness? A nervous worry? Whatever it was, it was far too small for me to really analyze. And even if it wasn't I was far too busy staring at the outstretched ball as I felt myself start to race over to take it. Something I did moments later.

'So heavy.' I knew from handling countless Pokéballs that it wasn't meant to be this heavy. Yet at the same time, I knew full well why it was. This wasn't just some random Pokéball after all. It was the Pokéball that held my precious starter. The Pokémon that would be with me while I was nothing until I become someone. After a few more moments of awed staring, which Professor Cherry watched with an understanding gaze, I took a breath and caught my reflection on the Pokéball. A pale-faced kid whose blue eyes shone with possibility, hope, and wonder framed by a mop of short and messy brown hair.

Deciding to finally get it over with, I threw the ball away from me. Though, embarrassingly enough, I fumbled slightly with catching it after the recoil sent it back towards me. Though any blushing was quickly silenced as I saw the red energy start to take shape.

It was a quadruped with a short tail. A decently long neck jutted out from the body with what seemed to be a horn growing from the back of its head. That alone was enough to bring immediate knowledge of just what this Pokémon was: a Deino. This immediately gave rise to several questions. The most pressing was how Professor Cherry managed to get this approved. After all, the Deino line couldn't be trained by just anybody. They were rowdy, violent, difficult to control, and killed their trainers on several occasions before escaping back into the wild to breed and cause some wanton destruction. That someone who had yet to even attain his first lesser badge would be given one…

However, as its colors came in, those thoughts quickly changed direction. The normally blue body was dark black, its black fur was silver in color, and the maroon patches were also more crimson in color.

'What. The. Distortion!' Now, most people would look at this sight and think "wow, a shiny Deino!" Those people would technically be right of course as this was indeed a shiny Deino. But anybody a bit more educated would be greatly confused because a shiny Deino has a green body with black hair and purple spots. Those a bit more knowledgeable than them of course would stare in wonder at the sight before them because it finally proved something long thought purely theoretical.

For a quick history lesson, the first "shiny" was a Pidgeotto that was a brilliant "shiny" gold, hence the name. Now, over time it's because clear these "shiny" Pokémon tended to be a single color variation some average, with some smallish differences. They were also found to be stronger than their normal kin due to the new social pressures that came with being a different color. However, some have theorized that there could be an extreme variation of the average shiny color. One almost wholly different than how it looked on average. Until now, this had remained pure speculation because nobody had ever seen and recorded it before. And those that had purely claimed to could never back up said claim in the end. And yet before me stood such a specimen of extreme color variation.

So distracted by the marvel before me, that I didn't see the Deino start to charge. Worse still, Professor Cherry's exclamation of "Tobias!" only served to make me focus on her rather than the Deino racing towards me with the intent to headbutt me. Thankfully, I had been paying enough attention that I saw it coming at me from the corner of my eye and managed to raise my arms to defend myself when it jumped.

The impact stung a bit, but that was all it did. No severed limbs, breaks, cracks, fractures, or even popped sockets. I had come out pretty clean all things considered by nothing but pure chance. You see, it was my job to take care of Pokémon and that meant interaction with potentially dangerous beasts. Naturally, Professor Cherry was kind enough to lend all those who worked for her the proper equipment for dealing with things like headbutts and gnawing. Naturally, it wouldn't stand up to a Pokémon actually trying to seriously hurt you, at least none of the ones in the lab. Then again, they weren't trying to hurt you, but merely "playing" a bit too roughly.

Thankfully, this Deino was still weak enough that the protective gear did its job and protected both my arms from being shattered by the charge and my left arm from having its flesh ripped off when it chomped down after that. And now that I was fully focused on the Deino, my other instincts kicked in. That being to hold still and wait, with its Pokéball in my right ready to return it the moment this becomes too great a task. Normally, you'd want to try and show dominance, but that was usually done through battle. And unless I had something from the Honedge line to call upon, I was stuck with regular human strength. Hence, forcing it to learn in small bursts and I released and returned it from the ball would have to do for now.

Eventually, the Deino had had enough and let go of my arm. It fell to the ground with a thump, landing on all fours. Something I was thankful for as the strain of holding it up with nothing but my arm strength was starting to hurt. Though I wasn't given much time to rest as with another cry of its name, it seemed ready to charge again. Thankfully though, it merely started to rub its furry head against my legs it nodded at me and started to rub its furred head on my chest. Taking that as my cue to start cautiously doing the same, the earlier cry seeming to be of acceptance, I take my first steps as a trainer.

'Soft.' The fur was extremely soft, if somewhat tangled and messy. Something I'll have to spend time correcting as a trainer. Another thing I make sure not to do is touch the skin directly. I wasn't sure exactly where its bruises were, nor the current level of pain resistance this Deino had. Something that would be important to find out as soon as possible as brushing against a bad bruise and triggering another headbutt or bite in this position would not end well for me. Still, as I let myself get lost in the feeling of this, I couldn't help the wondrous grin that started to etch itself on my face more and more with each passing second.

Though I had many, many questions about the Deino before me, those could wait until later. The bonding time came now as my mind raced with possible names and my hands partook the sensation of its short furry locks. Thankfully, I knew the names I should be looking for were of the female persuasion due to the sight I caught of her underbelly when I held her up by my arm. And as I stared at the crimson specks, surrounded by mangled fur the name came to me in a flash. It was definitely on the stranger side given it was usually a plant name, but given what I knew of Hydreigon, I thought it fit.

"Rose," I exclaimed with a smile, with Rose giving her own cry of approval.

'And her thorns,' I finished silently in my head. It wouldn't match her physically until she grew into her final stage. However, I couldn't help but think that despite her being just a Deino, she held a dangerous beauty that still fit the name. Although, I was aware enough to realize that might just be my complete fascination with the kind of Pokémon the Deino line was.

Name decided and introductions finished, I stood before an amused Professor Cherry with Rose at my feet. There were several questions I wanted to ask, but one stood out the most important in this situation.

"How?" Chuckling smugly at my confusion, she made me wait for a few torturous moments. Clearly, she was basking in knowing something I did not as she so often did. Though until now I was never one to really begrudge her of this considering she only knew it because she worked to know it. Now though, with an extreme shiny variant of a Deino of all things at my feet to be used as a starter, it felt a bit unfair. Still, eventually, she did give me a response.

"As I'm sure you're aware, Elite Four Desmond recently took care of a Hydreigon." At her words, I nodded. News of a wild Hydreigon being found would have already made news, its death even more so. That it was an Elite Four member that did the deed? It was smack dab on the front page for a week straight and the later pages for weeks after.

"Well, what didn't make the paper was that he also managed to track down its nest. In it, there were a few eggs, with one having recently hatched: this very Deino in fact. Naturally, he caught the Deino, contained the eggs, and alerted the rest of the league to the situation." From there, I could almost put the pieces together. The Deino, being an extreme shiny variant, would be thoroughly researched. And naturally, who better to research it than the Regional Professor. But what I still can't quite figure out is why they would be okay with her giving Deino to me.

"I can see your mind has put most of the pieces together. To answer the question likely gnawing at you, I'm an extremely trusted individual within the league. Despite…questions of my competency I've never actually failed to deliver results. I've been sponsoring trainers for years and those I do, tend to be people. Certainly, none have risen to the heights of Elite Four or Champion, but Wayne was one of the first people I sponsored." And really, wasn't that a mark of excellence. After all, having not just a personal connection with a gym leader, but to also be able to point to him as a proof of concept? I was starting to see where this was going.

"And given that you've worked tirelessly for me for a couple years at this point, I was able to testify to the depth of your knowledge. Especially regarding Pokémon like Deino given Hydreigon is one of the Pokémon you've had your heart set on taming." Despite knowing how she would finish that speech of hers, I still found my head bowed as tears started to form at the corners of my eyes. I knew I was lucky. So very lucky.

It was chance that we had met that day. It was chance that had her give me a shot at her Lab. It was chance that saw her noticing my hard work. It was chance that lead her to take a special interest in me. It was chance that saw her deciding to sponsor me with a Pokémon that would suit my style. It was faith that lead her to give me Rose. I knew how dangerous they could be. For her to have stuck her neck out like this, on such a specimen for a nobody…we both knew what it meant. What the consequences would be if I failed. She'd have her license revoked, her funds stripped, her position taken. Everything her doubters and detractors ever said proven beyond any doubt. For her to take that risk anyway…

Before I really knew it, I had my arms latched around her chest in a bear hug. I could feel the tear gates open as the wetness poured down my cheeks. I tried to keep in my snot so as to not totally ruin her lab count, but I wasn't sure I succeeded all that much. For her part, she merely wrapped her arms around me and chuckled in a warm gentle voice that reminded me very much of a nearly forgotten memory. Of her voice before everything turned to crag. Of Mom. Eventually, I had gotten it all out of my system and we just stood there in an embrace with Rose between our legs.

"I'm glad to know you realize the gravity of the situation. Still, I hope you know that I don't think picking you for this was a risk. Rather, I'm certain you'll go on to be great and accomplish all you dream of. Nobody you may be for now, but I know that one day you'll be the biggest Somebody out there." And with that, she ended the embrace, grasped my shoulders, and stared into my eyes much like I did with Hinata earlier this morning.

"Go out on your journey. Search the wilds for the Pokémon your heart aches to find and battle. Go Tobias…and conquer." And with those words and a gentle and serene smile on her face, she reached into her left pocket, handed me a Pokédex, and turned away to retreat back into her lab. A few moments later, the only sign she had been there was the Pokéball she had handed me in my right hand, Rose at my feet, and Pokédex in my left. However, unseen by all who would gaze at this scene, there was another sign. One not visible to the naked eye. It was a promise: to be the very best like no one ever was. To merely justify the faith she had in Tobias Blackwell, but to prove to all that she was right.

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