《Of Myth and Legend (Realistic Pokemon AU in OC Region)》Desert Rose


For a brief moment, I thought about taking Rose out for a test run with a battle. Sadly, that thought was stopped dead by the knowledge that the only place to encounter wild Pokémon was hidden in the town and Victory Road. I knew that I probably didn't have the best control of Rose right now. Our relationship was still pretty tenuous and she was a curious creature after all. And Victory Road was…well Victory Road. Thinking further, I'll probably need to use the Abracadabra to get somewhere where I can actually start out.

Hm…Palm Pastures. That's where I'll make my start. It's a good connecting point in the Region. I can get to the Savanna Grassland as well as Burning Field from there. I'd also be able to get some much-needed experience before tackling my first ruin on Route 3 or 4. Nodding to myself, I set my course.

Of course, that was for later. For now, I wanted to get to know Rose better. Her curiosity is bound to act up again and I need to be ready to return her at a moment's notice. Which meant I needed a way to get in sync. Or at least get some practice in before testing it on people. Which meant I needed a place far away from people and near other things she may find curious. And I knew just the place. And sure, it may be a little far, but that just me gives time to examine the Pokédex scan of Rose.









Dragon Rage

Focus Energy


Dark Pulse

Earth Power

Fire Fang


Thunder Fang

"Wow." As if Rose wasn't impressive enough, but five egg moves? Seriously? And they were stacked egg moves too. Fire Fang covered her weakness to Ice quite nicely. Dark Pulse was a STAB Dark Special move, which wasn't that great on Deino, but it gave it excellent range. Headsmash would certainly be a nice last resort if we were in dire straights and Thunder Fang added extra variety to her bite attacks. As for Earth Power, it was in much the same camp as Dark Pulse, but with the benefit that it lowered Special Defense so it would deal greater damage the more it's used. The only way Rose could be any more impressive was if she somehow had Belch to cover her Fairy Weakness. Still, what Rose had was more than enough. Especially since I was only really expecting maybe one or two. None of which even touched the fact that she was in the top percentile for height and weight as well.

"You're going to be quite the monster, you know that Rose?" Rose merely bobbed her head in an adorable way as if to say "Of course I am. Was there ever any doubt?" To which I could only chuckle ruefully. Certainly, there was no doubt just how far the two of us will go. Not after everything Professor Cherry did to give us this opportunity.

Still, eventually, we did reach the clearing. It wasn't much, just a nice empty space to get some stuff done without people interrupting us. There was a place for shade for when the heat got a bit too hot during summers and there were nearby trees that one could tab for a quick drink of water if they knew how. Which was honestly all anybody really needed.

'Well, beyond someone to share it with.' I quickly try to burrow the thought, but the memory comes to the forefront regardless. Me bringing Hinata here and her giving me one of her Hinata Hug for finding such a "cool" and "awesome" place. The memory, so nice and warm, contrasts harshly with the hollow sting of having left her with Nurse Joy just earlier today. Still, Rose being here as the budding ball of deadly fluff that she is helped. Not all that much considering I can't really use her for comfort hugs at the moment, but we'll get there! Someday. Hopefully…


"Okay, Rose?" The call of her name had her stop and face my direction. She'd gone a little bit past me, likely not expecting me to stop. Which is likely another I'll have to consider in the future considering that will make having her walk with me outside her Pokéball rather difficult. Though that brings the question, do I want Rose outside her Pokéball? She is a pretty rare and valuable Pokémon and prone to…excitement, but we won't bond unless we spend time together outside of battle. And as my starter, she should remain by my side…right?

Hmm…a compromise then. She'll be in her Pokéball when in crowded places like cities she'll be in her Pokéball. Otherwise, she's out and about with me being her dangerous self. At least, until we're stronger and she has enough control not to headbutt and gnaw at everything around her. Then I can think about actually showing off her majesty in public places. Still, probably best not to bring it up now. That could destabilize things here depending on how much she wants to be outside her ball. Better to bring it up when things are a bit better between us so she'll trust my judgment.

"I think it's time we got to know each other. Or at least, a little better. I know a lot of Deino as a species, but I find I know a great deal less of Rose, the individual. For instance, while I know you like meat, I don't know how you like that meat. Raw, rare, medium, tender, crunchy, juicy, dry, etc." Rose, for her part, just nodded at all of them, as if to indicate that "meat was meat." Which was true, Deino often didn't have the luxury to be choosey in the wild. But that's the wild, and this is a party. She should get to enjoy her favorites rather than tolerate her dislikes.

The following few hours told me a lot about Rose and prepared me for what I'd have to do as a trainer for her. For one, Rose is full of confidence in herself and will fight anybody who claims her course is flawed. This is true even in cases where Rose knows it is. This is her Adamant nature and strong will coming through to have her continue even a faulty path. She knows it won't work, but she will refuse to listen. In cases like these, it's best to work around her pride because again, there's no getting through.

At least, for the moment. I'm sure with time and trust this will change. Or at least I hope so. If not, then it doesn't speak well for how I'll handle her species' famed curiosity that often sees them or others hurt. Again though, I'm hopeful this can be tamed with time, but if not…well her Pokéball will certainly be seeing more use than normal. And if anybody questions whether I should be allowed to have Rose, I can just point to the fact nobody has been hurt yet.

'Note to self, practice quick returns. I need to keep that statement accurate.' The food tests went about as I expected. Technically omnivorous, but with a strong preference towards meats. To the point where she outright refuses to eat food without any meat present. As for flavor preference, a quick test showed her favored and hated flavors were spicy and dry respectively. Something I could admit was disappointing, if only because she was one off from matching my own favored and hated flavors, sweet and dry respectively.

As for any sleeping habits she had, that would have to wait until night. I wouldn't really be able to get any read on that outside of bedtime. Well, unless she's one of those Pokémon that likes to nap. Though given how energetic she's been so far, I kind of doubt that. At least for now anyway. Traits can be developed as Pokémon age after all. Although I was willing to bet she was some kind of cuddler given how affectionate she's been.


As I looked at the fading sun, I suddenly realized how late it was. That meant I had a couple of options. I could either bunk at the PokéCenter here in Ash Town or I could take the Abracadabra to Palm Pastures and bunk there. Maybe even try to find a Pokémon here real quick or when I get to Palm Pastures. Both has their pros and cons. Though I knew it really only came down to one factor: Hinata.

I could see my sister one last time before my journey properly began. This was nice, but it would also be rather hard. Both for me and for her. I had already said goodbye and that went bad enough. To do that all over again in the morning would be rather unpleasant. Not to mention I wouldn’t be able to try and determine Rose's sleeping patterns since she'd have to be in her Pokéball the entire time. After all, I wasn't willing to risk my sister getting harmed by meeting Rose this early. Something she'd be super demanding about considering her naive opinions on Pokémon making her think Rose wouldn't hurt her. Still, it would be nice to see her one last time.

Though, if I do leave for Palm Pastures, there's still the question of whether I should try to catch a Pokémon nearby before I head there. After all, I wouldn't be coming back here for a while and there might be something here I like. Not to mention I might want to get a Pokémon soon after I arrive in Palm Pastures and three Pokémon in less than a week would be a lot to handle. Especially since I'm still trying to build my personal connection with Rose.

Speaking of Rose though, she was still learning into my right hand that had been scratching her neck. I still wasn't 100% sure where her bruises were or at what level she felt the pain and wouldn't be until I got her a proper check-up from Nurse Joy. However, I was reasonably sure that she either didn't have neck bruises or they didn't hurt so much that the gentle rubbing was painful.

'Or maybe the rubbing was acting as a bit of a message?' Something to think about later for sure, but for now, I needed to make a decision. Stopping for a moment, Rose immediately looked in my direction with a questioning look. It was clear what she wanted and I would give it to her, but I wanted to ask her something first.

"What do you think Rose? Stay here for the night or move to Palm Pastures? Catch something or there, both, or neither?"

Rose blinked and let out a roar. It was a confident sound. The kind of confidence that came from not knowing the answer but sure you're right anyway. And yet, for all her confidence and bluster, there was one glaring problem.

'I have no idea what you just said.' Yeah, I didn't know her well enough to get anything beyond the truly basic stuff like "hungry", "tired", or "CHARGE!". Another thing I'd have to work on as her trainer. Still, no reason not to reward Rose. And so with an affectionate chuckle, I resumed her neck scratches to which she started to let out a pleasure-filled, zoned-out cry. Deciding to enable her for a moment, while I made my decision, I went over the options in my head again.

'See Hinata again and deal with the goodbye tomorrow or go to Palm Pastures tonight?' It was a hard decision, but one that was made when I reviewed the events of this morning. Specifically, the hollow feeling and how drained I was after. Another look at Rose only further cemented it as she took priority right now. Likewise, it was her taking priority that cemented whether not I wanted to catch something, albeit, in a different way.

'I can't have her in crowded places for now so I'll need another Pokémon to work with until I get her ready.' Which meant catching one Pokémon from either around here or around Palm Pastures. The fact that I was more familiar with the Pokémon near Ash Town helped me decide the where of things. Well, that and I wouldn't have the chance to catch many, if any, of these Pokémon until later. Choice made, all that was left was to decide where I would look. Ash Town, Mt.Creation, or Victory Road?

'Mt.Creation.' It was the place most likely to have a Pokémon I wanted. Ash Town was also a big pace and I wouldn't really know where to start looking I since avoided doing that. After all, trying to find a Pokémon when you didn't have one yourself was stupid. Victory Road was…Victory Road. Mt.Creation though? It had Pokémon in abundance with some of them even being weak enough for me to try and catch. It was perfect.

"WHY THE FUCK DID I THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?!" I didn't pay any attention to the fact that I cursed for the first time in my life. A lifetime of censuring my own language for Hinata all but ensuring I had a squeaky-clean mouth. Instead, I focused on the angry buzzing of a Volcarona which I had managed to anger. As for how I managed to anger the sun deity behind me, that probably has to deal with the egg in my hands. The egg itself had two colors: a pale yellowish white like old paper and a deep rich scarlet red. The base of the egg was that parchment white with red rounded squares of various sizes splattered across its surface. The egg, if it wasn't clear, was a Larvesta egg. As for how I got in this situation, that's a bit of a longer, if very vivid, story for me given the way my life is flashing before my eyes.

I had reluctantly returned Rose after heading up the base of Mt.Creation. While I'd love to have her for company during this time, I was on a very delicate mission. Like Victory Road, Mt.Creation was full of very powerful Pokémon. Unlike Victory Road though, some of the weaker Pokémon were exposed. In other words, ripe for the picking. However, it took a certain level of stealth to pull it off. And given Rose's…excitable nature, that would be pretty much impossible with her here.

Of course, I knew what I was after. A Larvesta. They were rare. Very rare. And only ever lived near Volcanoes. And Mt.Creation was the only Volcano we had. As for how I knew they even existed in Gurin to begin with, it had to do with an offhand comment Professor Cherry had made one day. Specifically, that she was "annoyed by the persistent stupidity of youngsters seeking out the Volcarona of Mt.Creation."

Admittedly, I was aware I was doing something similar to those same trainers, but I told myself this was different. I was looking for Larvesta. It also helped that I knew what kinds of things to look out for. For instance, an extreme spike in heat was a sign that there was a very powerful fire type near you that you shouldn't mess with. The slight smell and sound of sweat and grunts indicated some kind of fighting type. Vibrations in the ground and rock around you indicated some kind of rock Pokémon coming your way. Bigger vibrations likely meant bigger, and thus more powerful Pokémon.

And certainly, everything seemed to be going well. I had managed to avoid the "you die now" Pokémon and came a fair way into the Volcano. Although I was starting to lose hope of finding something. I was on a timer after all since the Abracadabra wasn't a 24-hour service. It was getting to the point where I was forming my resolve to head back when I saw it.

Six wings of fire carrying a blue body whose top half was covered in white fur. Said fur had four wicked claws, two on each side, jutted outward and visibly flat against its body. The lower half was covered in black scales from its front and back. Its black head was adorned with only two things. The first was a pair of piercing blue eyes that glowed with awesome power. The second was a pair of glorious red horns that started from both sides of its face and jutted outward. Volcarona.

What's more, it was leaving what appeared to be some kind of ledge. My mind immediately filled in the blanks here: undefended Volcarona nest. This was the chance I'd been waiting for. Either it had a Larvesta, or it had eggs. Although my bet would be eggs judging by the ledge formation. It wasn't sheer in a way a Volcarona that had experienced poaching would make it. After all, what's the point of being able to fly if you couldn't use it to your advantage? Still, it would be pretty risky. Even if the Volcarona was young, it was still a Volcarona. If it came back before I left…

'No. You can do this Tobias. After all, you won't be able to catch anything worthwhile if you let fear dominate your decisions.' Choice made, I started my climb to the top of the ledge. It wasn't that bad all things considered. Definitely not the easiest climb, but like I observed, it wasn't sheer. Even better, as I looked over the ledge to the nest, I saw that I was right in my observation that it was just eggs and moved to take one.

Unfortunately, that's precisely when Volcarona made her return. It was only the fact that I was so close to her nest that saved me. Because while the eggs might have been heatproof, the rock surrounding them was not and would melt under her raging flames. And so instead of shooting a Flamethrower or something equally deadly, she elected to simply charge at me. Something that unfroze my body as my instincts took over and I felt myself slide down and start to run, an egg still in my hands.

Deciding that being out in the open was a pretty bad idea that now that the eggs weren't in danger, I started, to enter the cave system. Again, probably not the best idea, but it was the best one I had at the time. The narrow area would make flying more difficult, at least in theory. For while it probably wouldn't slow down an experienced Volcarona, as many things had established, this one was fairly young.

"VOLCARONA!" Thankfully, while the angered buzz of its name was loud, it wasn't as defeating as it had been mere moments ago. Which meant my plan was working and I was somehow managing to lose it. After which point, all that would be left to do is navigate the cave system out of here and I'd be home free. I'd have survived this mistake of mine that really should have killed me. It should have been relieving.

'Why then, do I feel so disappointed?' The answer came to me within moments. Here I was, rushing into the caverns of Mt.Creation to escape a deadly Volcarona who wanted to kill me for stealing one of its eggs. It's the hook to a story. One filled with danger, excitement, and promises of great reward. Man vs. Legend. This dangerous feeling, the exhaustion in my body, the knowledge that if I stopped I was dead? It was everything I'd ever wanted and more.

But now that I was losing the Volcarona, it was over. There was no longer any mystery as to whether I would come out alive in this. Man had triumphed over Legend. In other words, the story had come to its conclusion. A conclusion I desperately wanted, but a conclusion all the same. And for me, who'd always hated endings because it meant the adventure was done, this feeling of disappointment made sense. At least, until I reminded myself that this was only the beginning and that there would be many more adventures to come.

As I exited the cave system, I quickly looked to the sky. It was a deep, dark blue with sparkles already starting to shine through. Thankfully though, along the edge of Burning Field, was a sunset. The blue giving way purple, red, then bright and beautiful yellow. A clear sign as any that the Abracadabra would still be open and I wouldn't have to deal with saying goodbye again.

Deciding not to risk it and we'll away from any danger openly running might cause, I set a pace into Ash Town. Eventually, I reached my destination, with my decision to run having paid off, even if I was exhausted. At least, that's what I thought judging from the sign saying it was mere minutes away from closing time. As for the building itself, it was easy to find. Mostly because it was an eyesore.

A bright clash and contrast of yellow that seemed to seer into the eyes with a roof on the shape of an Abra. The doors were just as bad with spoons for handles. Granted, the door was well crafted and the spoons were of high quality. If it wasn't attached to this building in particular the effect might have even looked rather nice. Sadly, it was attached to this building so all it did was look tacky.

Of course, that was also largely by design. Or at least, that's what Professor Cherry always said. Teleportation was an extremely convenient and profitable power. But by its very nature, it was also a very dangerous threat to security. It wasn't until she mentioned this, that I realized the truth of her words. How could I not when she gave such a bleak example as a man teleporting in somewhere, unleashing a rogue Tyranitar, and then teleporting out.

The building was bright and clashing because it was meant to stand out. To be an easy target to observe and hard to lose when put against a sea of buildings. It was meant to look silly and stupid to keep people from thinking of all the ways it could be used for evil. Thankfully for my mounting horror, the business was also one of the most heavily regulated in existence. The punishments for any "off the record" or faulty teleporting were quite severe and brutal so the Pokémon doing it were very well trained.

After taking a moment to catch my breath and look somewhat presentable, I stepped inside. Just as with the outside, the inside was a sea of bright ugly yellow that was painful to look at. Quickly locating the desk, I approached Abracadabra. Or at least, the manager pretending to be him.

Abracadabra, for whom the service was named after, had long since died. Still, all managers were forced to wear the same costume he did when he was still alive. yellow wigs reminiscent of Abra ears. The suit was also reminiscent of the Pokémon in a way that made it clear it was an attempt at mimicry. The uniform was a joke meant to further disconnect the idea of "rogue Tyranitar" from "friendly and safe teleportation service". Well, that and provide brand recognition the people trusted. It's the same reason why all nurses have to dress up like the original Nurse Joy for work.

"Ah, Tobias. I was expecting you soon. After all, you can't really take Victory Road to Burning City. So where will you be going then? Final Town? Berry Town? Perhaps even Cacturne Valley?" At his questions, I merely shook my head, got out my Pokédex, and tapped it against the desk.

"No, I'm looking to head out to Palm Pastures. While I am looking for some ruins, I figure it's better to get some experience under my belt first." To this, Abracadabra nods, though I could tell his gaze was more focused on the blinking blue light signifying a transfer of funds. It was only when the light grunted green, signifying the transaction's success, that he answered me.

"A wise decision. Steve? One teleport to Palm Pastures." At the sound of his voice, there was a sudden weight of psychic energy. It was thick and heavy and coated smothered me in a way that reminded me of too thick blankets. Then I blinked and it was over. Same place, same desk, but different manager. Or at least as far as I could tell. The wig and suit were the same, but the face was different. He didn't bat an eye at my arrival, instead simply nodding and wishing me a happy stay at Palm Pastures.

As I left the Abracadabra, I deeply wished to simply go to the PokéCenter and go to bed. Sadly, the egg I was still lugging around took priority. My body heat was good enough for now, but humans weren't built to take care of eggs. Which meant I needed an Incubator. Otherwise, the Larvesta inside would be at risk of dying before it even fit the chance to live. Something at desperately wanted to avoid. Both because it was a Larvesta and because of what I had gone through to get it.

Again, the thought of just going to the PokéCenter and asking for an Incubator crossed my mind, but I turned it down. If I was getting an Incubator, I wanted it to be my Incubator, not someone else's. Which meant instead of turning right at the exit, towards the large, distinctive red building, I traveled the left to an equally large and distinctive blue building.

Upon entering the shop, I immediately got the attention of Martin, the face of the PokéMarts. They acted in much the same capacity as Nurse Joy and Abracadabra dis for their respective businesses. Although, of the three, Martins had by far the least restrictive uniform of the bunch. It only consisted of a brown wig and a blue apron. Everything else was their own choice.

As his eyes turned towards me and then down to the egg in me arms, he nodded and headed towards the back. There wasn't much else to say after all. I had an egg outside an Incubator and walked into a PokéMart. The reason I was here should be and was quite obvious. Something that was confirmed when he stepped back into the store proper, an Incubator in his hands.

"Will you need assistance with the Incubator Sir?" Nodding my head in the universally understood gesture for "yes", I once again pulled out my Pokédex and tapped it against the desk. Again, we sat there in silence as the blue light blinked, waiting for it to turn either green or red. After a few moments, it turned green and the Martin put the Incubator on the desk and opened up the Incubator for me. From there, I put the egg inside, closed the hatch, and left, thanking Martin for his assistance as I did so.

Armed with my egg-filled Incubator, I finally made my way to the PokéCenter where I could finally get a room and take my well-deserved rest. Thankfully, the walk wasn't that long. PokéCenters, PokéMarts, and Abracadabras tended to be grouped together with one another for convenience. After all, dropping off a Pokémon to be healed and then leaving to shop was just an efficient use of time. As for the Abracadabra, it was just common sense to have it near where trainers tend to congregate. That way if something bad happened, there's be at least some trainers nearby step in. Another layer of protection against the abuse of teleportation.

Entering the PokéCenter, I made a beeline straight to the attending Nurse Joy. This Joy, unlike one earlier this morning, had an energetic look in her eye. In a complete role reversal from earlier, I couldn't help but resent her a little. Something she probably picked up on if the slight smug that entered her complexion was any indication.

"If I could get a room please?" In response, she nodded and pressed a button on her desk. In response, a black rectangle rose from my side of the counter. A quick tap with my Pokédex gave me the room number, 254, along with the code needed to get in. Nodding goodnight to Nurse Joy, I walked towards the stairs leading to the bedrooms. For a moment, I was tempted to get something to eat from the Cafeteria, but my desire for sleep won out.

Walking up the stairs, I quickly followed the arrows to my room, tapped my Pokédex against the lock, and opened the door. The inside of the room was much bigger than what the outside would suggest. This was mostly due to size-altering technology and made to accommodate trainers wishing to sleep with their teams. Something I was deeply thankful for as it meant I'd be able to get a feel for Rose's sleep habits.

If I had been more awake, maybe I would have been awed at the fact that the room was bigger than anything I had ever slept in. Perhaps I would have felt a small bit of hollowing homesickness as I stayed awake at night thinking about how this would be the first time Hinata and I weren't together. As things stood though, I was pretty tired and I was ready for bed. And so after a quick change of clothes and brushing of teeth, I release Rose into the room and made for the bed. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

However, just before I did so, I felt the bed start to shift. One half-opened eye showed it was merely Rose though, so it went back closed. And when I felt her soft, warm fur start to rub against my side in what seemed to be an attempt to be comfortable, I smiled.

'So you're a cuddler after all.' And so it was that I went to sleep. A feeling of satisfaction inside me as I felt Rose cuddle warmly into my side.

'…Hinata?' For a moment, the weight at my side confused me. I was so used to it being Hinata's spot, that I thought it was her for a moment. Granted, the logistics of her changing PokéCenters and sneaking into my room make that pretty unfeasible. However, my mind was still half asleep. So that kind of logic was a bit beyond me.

'Soft,' was my next thought as my hand rubbed against Rose's short fur. Her silver fur was still the tangled mess it was yesterday. Sadly, I had yet to really get the chance to clean it. Nor do I particularly want to until I get a full report on her current bruises so I know where to brush and how hard. Still, as I had discovered yesterday, her neck was fine to scratch. And given the happy grunts she gave out, it was still very much appreciated.

For a moment, I closed my eyes and stayed like this. I felt the peace of the moment and let myself relax into it. Unfortunately, I had some things to do. Because of my mistake yesterday, I never actually got to see how Rose handles herself in battle. I also need to see how far along the egg is and how soon I can expect another teammate. I had gone there because I wanted a Pokémon at my side within a city, but didn't want three because that would be too much of a handful.

And so it was with great regret, that I got up. First on the docket was to shower, change. eat some breakfast, then return to brush my teeth. From there, I needed to make sure everything was packed and ready to go for my day today.

'Speaking of things to do, waking Rose is probably one.' She didn't wake when you did so she isn't a light sleeper. Or if she is, she's a good pretender. Both have their pros and cons, though I would actually prefer the latter. Light sleeper means she'd be more alert to threats and late sleeper can be fixed with treats. Or at the very least, mitigated. Heavy sleeper though, would be a very bad thing as she could sleep through an attack.

'Something to think about later.' Either way. I'd let Rose have her sleep for now. I still needed to shower and change. However, when it came to eat, then she'd need to get up. After all, I'd like for us to start having our meals together. Professor Cherry always said it was a great way to bond with one's Pokémon after all. And if I ever want to get you to the point where I can have you out in public, then that's a priority.

A quick shower and clothes change later, and I was ready for breakfast. Well, almost ready. Sadly, there was just one little problem that seemed to be growing larger by the minute. An insurmountable obstacle between me and my food. A Deino shaped a problem that went by the name Rose.

Rose it seemed, was both very much not a morning dragon, but also a vindictive dark type to those that tried to wake her. I was right in that she was merely pretending to sleep when I got up. Aggressively so, might I add. It was on a level that I really hadn't counted on or was expecting. Especially when I compared her lethargy now to her energy yesterday. The two seemed so contrary to one another that I probably wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me about this yesterday.

Of course, her lethargy was only part of the problem. As I mentioned, she was also a vindictive dark type to those that tried to wake her. This is most evident by the fact that she's using her body to pin my arms and know on them, all in her "sleep". Thankfully, I had the sense to put the armor on over my clothes or my arms would be little more than bone right now. Still, this was a lot less adorable when I was trapped and hungry than it had been yesterday when we were playing in the open field.

"Look Rose, we both know you're awake. I'm hungry, you're probably hungry, and there's a Cafeteria downstairs. If you just let go we could go and get some food." This rousing speech was made as best as I could on short notice. It failed to do anything but make her pretend to sleep harder. Something I thought obvious when she started to harshly and quickly say her name rather than the long, drawn-out way she said it last night. And while I probably would have found it absolutely adorable any other day, the rumbling of my stomach has me a bit cranky.

Thankfully, I had prepared for this situation. Well, not this situation since as I mentioned earlier, I didn't think it would be this bad. No, what I prepared for was getting Rose to focus on my directions for training purposes. In other words: a treat/bribe to get her to do what I want and hopefully encourage such behavior in the future.

'Please let this work.' Because it will suck if it doesn't.

"It's too bad you're asleep Rose. Because I had planned to give you more of that special treat I gave you yesterday." At the sound of my words, her voice cut out, and her body froze. There were a couple of tense seconds as if she was seeming to decide an all-important matter. Which considering how she'd been acting thus far, it might be to her. Still, I watched on with hope that her greed was stronger than her sloth. And given the way she let go of my mouth and finally stood up, it was. Though if the forceful way she did so and the glare she shot my way was any indication, it was very begrudgingly done.

"Well looks whose up? I suppose it's time to get you a treat now isn't it." I made sure my voice was extra chipper, though I probably shouldn't. I still didn't have the best feel for Rose yet and earning too much of her ire wouldn't be good at this stage. Though I can't deny the satisfaction I got when her mood seemed to worsen at my tone. Still, I knew what she wanted and I would give it to her. As I made my way to the chair I hastily threw my stuff onto last night, my hand went to my backpack to retrieve the snack.

From my backpack, I pulled out a beaten and worn special container. It was red in color and had a black belt fit snugly up and down it. It was a Food Storage Device, or FSD for short. It worked by condensing space not just once, but multiple times to provide options for different Pokémon. Extremely pricey to be sure and definitely out of my current price range. Again though, working under Professor Cherry had netted some benefits. This one being that they were very much required to feed all the Pokémon she took care of as part of her research deal. And inevitably, when the lock broke, I asked if I could keep it instead of it getting thrown out. From there I simply secured a black belt over the top and bottom of it and I had what was basically a fully working FSD for free.

Undoing the belt buckle, I proceeded to open the device and revealed a touchscreen with only three options: "Rose", "Default", and "New". Selecting "Rose" unveiled a stack of the pinkish-red meat cubes I'd prepared yesterday. The meat was Slowpoke Tail. A rather delicious delicacy that made even my mouth water. Thankfully, while expensive, this stuff was actually within my price range to get. and I had gotten a lot of it in preparation for why kind of Pokémon I would receive from Professor Cherry. She hadn't told me it was carnivorous, but given the kind of Pokémon I wanted to train, it was either some kind of carnivore or didn't eat at all. Hence me buying a lot of Slowpoke Tail. The rest of which rested in the "Default" storage space.

These cubes, however, weren't just Slowpoke Tail. I hadn't known what kind of flavor preferences my starter would have, if any, and so I had stocked up on some berries. And after having found out which flavor Rose liked best, I rubbed some of the meat in Tamato Berry. From there, I simply stored it in the newly made "Rose" section of the FSD for later.

Upon smelling the reddish-pink cubes, she had made her way over to me and I carefully put them down away from me. Given her sharp teeth and lack of control, I wasn't willing to hand feed her normally. While she's grumpy? That seemed like a good way to get the skin and bones ripped out of my hand, if not the hand entirely.

Beyond moving closer though, she didn't react to the food. Another stark contrast to her earlier behavior. She had been mumbling her name in a tone that spoke of utter apathy to the world around her. Though the joy in her tone as she did so framed it as her being off in her own little world. I was hoping the effect would be similar once she started to eat.

'Either I need a source of income fast or I need to adjust my schedule to sleep later.' After all, while I could afford them and had a lot left, doing this every morning instead of on a rare occasion would quickly end my supply of treats. Not to mention the possibility of having Rose start to expect them and thus lose their desired effect of motivating her. A reward indulged too many stops being a reward after all. Though the thought of having to change my entire sleep schedule would also be a pain. For one, stores had set hours they opened and closed at. So while I could accommodate Rose, they wouldn't.

'I suppose I could just let Rose sleep in?' It was certainly another option. Like the rest though, it was one I didn't like. Just waiting for Rose to get up seemed like wasted time to me. Time that could be spent towards something more beneficial like bonding or training. Still, the choice of what to do from now on what an important one and one I felt that I needed to make now.

The best path, even if it was one I didn't like, was to simply let Rose sleep in. The reality was that while it felt like wasted time to me now, it wouldn't always be wasted. Eventually, I'd have other Pokémon. Pokémon that wouldn't like to sleep in and respond to all attempts at getting her to move with gnawing. Plus, I could always use this time for something else. Just because Rose was going to be a grump in the mornings, didn't mean I couldn't spend that time planning or exercising.

Something yesterday had certainly reaffirmed the importance of staying healthy for me. I know I wouldn't have made it to the cave system if I hadn't been preparing my body for the journey I'd be putting it through. Nor would I have been faster long enough to escape it once inside it. And if I hadn't done those two things, I'd almost certainly have been melted to ash. Something that would have rather harsh effects for Professor Cherry. Though I suppose it was possible that it was still late enough for her to pretend she'd changed her mind and avoid those.

'Regardless, that decision is for tomorrow.' After all, Rose was up and ready today. Or at least, she seemed to be up and ready given her current state. Thankfully, while she had tried to put on a grumpy face while eating, it didn't last long before she was munching adorably with a zoned-out tone. Which, if nothing else, proved how effective they'd be as a reward and incentive for her to do better. Briefly the thought of using them to try and break her of her desire to sleep in early crosses my mind, but that was dismissed pretty easily. It was the same path and result as just giving her some every morning: A quickly dwindling supply and a need for greater income to keep up with demand along with the troubling possibility of it stopping to work as a bribe.

Thankfully, Rose's good mood continued after she had her treat. At which point, we went down for breakfast. Well, I went down. I snagged some food and then came back to the room so we could eat together. Thankfully, the PokéCenter provided free food for all trainers. It was one of the methods to entice people into being a trainer a profession and reveal some hidden talent. Well, that and make being a trainer easier food-wise. The food was pretty basic and cheap, but it was also free, all one could eat, and catered to every type of Pokémon one could think of. Not even a Snorlax would be able to eat out a PokéCenter. Especially not since Professor Oak developed that nutrition cube for Pokémon with extreme appetites.

After finishing my meal, I set about a task I considered pretty important: getting Rose to hoard the egg. I knew that Rose didn't much care for it, if she even knew anything about it. However, I wanted that to change and the best to do that would be to get her "hoard" instincts going. Though I did have some reservations considering I didn't exactly know how they would manifest, nor their intensity. And the thought of doing something so experimental with my future Larvesta…well it definitely left some Beautifly in my stomach.

Still, I knew that despite the risks, it was an objectively good decision. For one, Rose was a lot more capable of keeping an egg safe, even as she was right now. Second, if it did go badly, I was…reasonably confident I could get her to stop via some bribes. Finally, if all else failed, I had her Pokéball so I could return her at a moment's notice. The benefits were large and the risks were all manageable. Thus, I felt that any danger to the egg was minimal.

'If only my emotions felt the same.' Despite knowing the logic, the small fear of failure still gnawed at me. Yesterday, I had been reasonably confident in my skills and I had pulled out. But I had also nearly died. I had nearly failed Professor Cherry. Taking risks was important, but so was accurately measuring the situation. I had been confident-no, arrogant-and she had nearly placed the price for it. And so, when I thought about the situation, that it made sense, that I was capable, my mind went back to yesterday. Of how I miscalculated the time the Volcarona would be away from her nest.

Pushing past those thoughts of doubt and uncertainty, I firmed my resolve. Such thoughts would only serve to weigh me down and limit my abilities in the long run. I had made a mistake, true, but it was something even experienced trainers could make. Let alone one that been a trainer for all but a few hours. Moreover, this was something I know I could handle. As so I got up from my place on the floor next to Rose and walked towards the counter next to the chair. As I examined the egg inside the Incubator which sat atop the counter, I mentally compared how looked now to how it looked yesterday.

Thankfully, the egg was the same as it was yesterday. White base with specks of red rounded rectangles of various sizes against the shell. If it had changed in some way, I'd be very worried as it would be an indicator that something was wrong. Though I should probably have to ask Nurse Joy to give a professional opinion on the egg's current state anyway. I had confidence in my own opinion to be sure, but there was a reason she was Nurse Joy.

Grabbing the newly bought Incubator, I went back to the spot where Rose was still eating. She'd been taking her meal slowly. Though whether that was because she was somewhat full from the Slowpoke Tail or just her particular way of eating, I wasn't yet sure. Certainly, she seemed to eat with zeal, but her food lasted longer in spite of this. Though perhaps the way she seemed to savor her food had something to do with it.

For a moment, I just watched her with a smile on my face. There was an intensity and pride in everything Rose did. From sleeping to eating, she gave it her all and held no regrets or thoughts that she could be anything but right. It was something of a problem to be sure, and would be for months, if not years to come, assuming it ever stopped. Still, small moments like these, made it seem not so bad. Unfortunately, Rose seemed to grow aware that I was staring and stopped her eating to face me. Well, as much as she could without having a good indication of where I was. Deciding to take the opportunity given, I put the egg between us and pleaded my case.

"Rose, this is an egg. Specifically, it's the egg I found after I returned you to sneak around Mt.Creation. This egg, it's…special. It's going to be one of your teammates in the future. A Pokémon called Larvesta and later on Volcarona." I could see Rose start to sniff the jar, a tension coming through me as my mind processed a question I hadn't considered.

'Is the glass strong enough to-' As a thud reverberated across the room, my hands suddenly shaking with a painful sting, I had my answer: The Incubator could withstand Rose's headbutt. Or at least, when she was just using pure physical force instead of an actual move. Something I was rather thankful for as it meant I wouldn't need to buy a new one. Although I was now remanding myself for not thinking it through all the way. Still, everything worked out in the end. Well, almost.

Instead of the furry head rubs she gave out yesterday after she tested me, she merely nodded her head and turned her focus back towards her food with her usual passion. Though I suspect that wasn't out of disdain, but a lack of interest. Hopefully, that meant she'd protect it? If only because I asked her to if nothing else. Still, at least I wouldn't have to be constantly on guard around Rose with egg so it wasn't a complete failure. Still, I couldn't help but think things could have gone better.

As I watched Rose finish up the last of her food, I thought about what my plan would be. Obviously, I wanted Nurse Joy to examine the egg's condition. However, I also wanted to finally test Rose's capacity for battle. The question of what to do first, however, was solved when I reasoned I would probably want Rose examined herself after we did a test battle. At which point, I could also leave Nurse Joy with the egg.

"Rose?" At the sound of her name, she stopped licking her lips of any last remains of food that might have escaped her. An adorable sight that I would have liked to see more of, but sadly I had more important things to do.

"We're going to be going out soon. I'll need to return you for a bit while we get to the Route, but you'll be released as soon as we exit city limits alright?" Rose didn't give any indication she heard me other than a confused tilt of her head.

"To battle Rose. We're going out to battle." At this, the corners of Rose's lips stretched, revealing a razor-sharp smile with specks of red between her teeth. It gave rise to the image of the monster she would be in time. A Hydreigon capable of razing villages and feasting on the corpses. For now, though, It wasn't blood. Merely bits of food stuck to her teeth she hadn't licked off yet. Still, the image of what Rose would be was enough to put a smile on my face. Well, a larger one. The thought of battle had brought a smile to my face already.

As I looked around Route 5 of the Eternal Desert, I have to say I was pretty bored. I had been looking for a Pokémon to test Rose against, but I hadn't had much luck so far. Well, that's not completely honest. I'd seen several Pokémon, none of which I particularly wanted to mess with. Mostly because I didn't see any scenario where I didn't just die and because I wasn't looking to fight them. Rather I was looking to fight something Rose could currently handle to get a sense of her capacity for battle.

Which is why, after the first time Rose went to charge at one such Pokémon, I returned her almost immediately. From there, I decided that maybe it was best if I released her when I actually found something for her to fight. Because yeah. She still needed some training in not just going after everything she saw in a fit of either battle lust or curiosity. Maybe after she got a bit stronger she could take on those foes, but that time was not now.

Thankfully, it wasn't too much longer until I finally found the perfect opponent: a Maractus. They were prickly Pokémon, in physicality, not in temperament. At least, not unless they were specifically trained that way. But wild Maractus were almost always bundles of joy that were happy to dance with others. They weren't much for fighting though, instead preferring to use the maraca-like sound their bodies generated when it moved to scare if opponents.

'Still, it's not like there was anything better.' Choice made, I through out Rose who started looking in confusion. Right until the Maractus started to shake and Rose finally had something to focus on. Smiling, I gave out the first order and hoped for the best.

The first thing I did was call for a Focus Energy. I wanted to see how long it took to charge. The Maractus meanwhile, seeing that Rose wasn't fleeing at the sound, started to tense up. Knowing of their skittish nature, it wasn't hard to guess that it was planning to run.

Thankfully, Rose seemed to have finished up and so I gave the command for Fire Fang. Almost immediately, Rose charged towards the Maractus. It, meanwhile, had turned its back and had begun hopping away. Sadly for it, it wasn't fast enough to overcome Rose's speed. To our mutual surprise though, the attack didn't connect.

Or rather, it did, but not with the Maractus. Instead, some kind of green shield with spikes erupted around Maractus and Rose got herself a fang full of thorns. The Maractus then swung her arm, the same arm that Rose went to attack, and the green shield moved her. Momentum sent Rose sprawling into the desert sands.

Maractus, not caring for anything beyond getting away, started to run once more. Meanwhile, seeing that the battle was clearly moving, I knew I should probably run along with it. Rose, however, was still in the sand with a mane covered with fur. She was clearly enraged and in some kind of pain. I belatedly realized that the harsh sand wasn't didn't her bruises any favors. That her sandy fur was rubbing the stuff in her eyes, probably only made things worse.

For a moment, I considered going over to check on Rose and letting the Maractus run away. Then Rose let out another anguish-filled scream of rage and I decided that would probably be my end. Moreover, Rose wouldn't be safe to return and release since she'd come back in her same state only without having any of her current issues resolved. No, the best way to fix this was to try and finish this.

I was just about to issue a Dark Pulse when I remembered that a: Rose was blind. And b: I hadn't actually worked out a directional system to address this beforehand. It was then that a crazy, risky idea began to work into my mind. It would be dangerous, but it was probably the only way to calm Rose down.

I quickly dashed after the Maractus. The Maractus, having not really expecting me to follow, started to hop away faster. Unfortunately for it, I wasn't trying to catch it, but get between it and Rose since Rose. After all, Rose needed something to aim at and Maractus was too far away for her shaking to be heard. Thus the only way was to tell Rose to aim right at me and dodge

"Dark Pulse, Rose! Aim in my direction." Rose, needing no excuse to purge whatever caught her attention, was already unleashing it before I had finished. The beam was a pure pitch black of crisscrossed circles, each circle encased in a dark purple aura. Thankfully, I'd just barely managed to duck before the beam hit me. The Maractus, however, was far too slow on the draw. Especially since it was only expecting a human instead of a Pokémon.

In other words: it got blasted. Rose didn't stop after the Maractus was finished though. No, Rose kept going. Dark Pulse after Dark Pulse after Dark Pulse. At the end of it, the Maractus was little more than a mess of sand, green patches, and thorns. So mangled was its body, that it was rendered nigh unrecognizable. Well, as unrecognizable as a Maractus could get. In other words, it could have passed for the corpse of a Cacnea or Cacturne instead of the Maractus it was.

Rose meanwhile, stood on the other side of me, panting and exhausted. I wasn't sure if she was still in pain, but I could hazard a guess. Though on the plus side, her anger had left her. Though this meant she also had nothing to focus on to keep her on her feet and fell back into the sand.

Deciding that the best way to approach this situation are cautious appeals to her pride, I begin to flatter.

"Great job Rose." I also prepared to throw myself to the ground if Rose decided she somehow had more left in the tank. Despite Rose lifting her head towards my direction though, she didn't unleash any more beams. Instead, she gave a dazed and exhausted cry of victory. Deciding to take that as a sign to continue, I slowly moved forwards. Again, handing out more praise to both ease her pride and let her know it was me. Didn't want to sneak up on her and trigger a physical move after all.

"It wasn't even close Rose. Once the attack connected, she was nothing but done. You can't even recognize her corpse." At the mention of Maractus' corpse, she begins to stir and stand up, but only falls back to the ground.

'This is not good.' On the one hand, I'm acutely aware of just how dangerous the Eternal Desert is. And while I hadn't encountered anything I couldn't escape from on my out here, that didn't mean I wouldn't on my way out. With Rose as exhausted as she is, she won't be able to even make a distraction against a small threat like Cacnea or Salandit. Nothing to prevent me from falling in a Tranpinch pit and being devoured that way either. On the other side, Rose is in a delicate place mentally and being so out in the open doesn't help matters.

'Just focus on getting her to the point where she won't snap at Nurse Joy and run for it.' Task decided, I continued to heap praises onto her to soothe her fragile pride. Though, as I was doing it, it occurs to me this could be a teaching moment. Rose already wanted to be strong and if I could get her to connect the idea with "not suffering this again" to "being stronger" then that should light another fire under her.

After all, there would be genuine pride on the line instead of the normal "I just want to be strong." And for good or ill, pride, I've come to find, is precisely what drives her. And so, after I finish heaping her praises and strengthening that ego and pride, I begin my assault. I begin to make her strive for greatness.

"Rose, as great as that was, are you happy with it?" The question catches her off guard. Of course it would give how different it is from the near-constant praise I'd been giving her. Still, I move on before she can start to bristle.

"There can be no doubt as to whose greater between the two of you Rose. But did it not hurt you still? Were you not thrown into the sand before you could show it your greatness?" Rose of course was bluster and excuses. Shouting harsh denials as much as she was able to in her addled state. However, that's what I was expecting. That's what I was aiming for.

"Well of course it was a fluke, Rose. But don't you see? Flukes can happen. Tell me, Rose, wouldn't it be great if you were stronger? To the point where flukes like these can't?" I made sure to agree with her. I had already figured out yesterday that I'd need to work around her pride. Thus I didn't try and argue that it was some kind of personal failing on her part. And instead, I suggested that if she were even more powerful, it wouldn't happen again.

After all, Rose would never accept it was her fault, but she would still want it not to happen again. The problem was, that would require her to admit she was weak in the first place and as established, she wouldn't do that. But if I could provide a mental framework where she could justify her desire to get stronger as something besides her being weak and needing more strength?

"Deino." Despite our short relationship thus far, I fully understood what she meant. She wanted in. Like I said, she wanted to be strong, but her pride was failing her. And so when given a way that worked with her pride instead, she was all in. Despite the awareness of how unprotected I was this deep into Route 5 and the fear I should be feeling, all I could feel was excitement. Because while I didn't come here looking for this kind of opportunity, and didn't realistically think I'd be able to find one so soon, I had a feeling Rose was about to get very cooperative when it comes to her training.

Deciding that she was past the point where she would kill me for touching her and close enough to do so, I started to gently rub her side. Normally, I'd go for her fur-covered neck, but that was covered in sand at the moment. Sand which might irritate and anger her once more. And it seemed my gambit worked, as she started to relax against my touch. I watched as her muscles loosened, the tension bleeding from her body. Without the rage to keep her focused she was half out already. With me distracting her from the irritating sand, she soon fully embraced unconsciousness.

Again, despite the danger of being out in the open, I decided to simply enjoy the moment. Enjoy my first breakthrough with Rose. It was a nice moment, one I made sure to carve into my mind so I could look back fondly when I was older. Sadly, though, despite the beauty of her gentle, rhythmic breathing contrasting so starkly against the sheer brutality I had witnessed mere minutes ago, I knew I couldn't stay here forever. And so it that after one lad rub, I grabbed her Pokéball and returned her.

Unfortunately, it was at that moment, that I realized there'd been two Maractus present, not one. It also hit me then that Rose's presence had been the only thing keeping it too afraid to attack. But know that the creature had murdered its…friend? Child? Parent? Lover? Loved one. Now that the creature that had killed its loved one was gone, it was emboldened and set on revenge. Sadly, all of this hit me after I heard the shake of maracas and by then, it was too late to fully dodge the Pin Missile.

Thankfully, the maraca sound gave me some warning so while I wasn't full of holes, I definitely had some cuts and bruises. It should have been fractures and gashes as well, but again, I was wearing the protective armor Professor Cherry had given me. Knowing that I should be faster than it is given how I was able to gain on the previous Maractus I started to run. I also made sure to dodge the follow-up attacks because of course there would be follow-up attacks.

Thankfully, like the previous Maractus, this one didn't appear too strong so the Pin Missiles were slow enough I could dodge them. It also lacked the experience to trap me in with Pin Missile so I was able to flee to Palm Pastures with only having taken the initial attack. Something I was grateful for as I knew it could have been far worse.

"I'd say it's perfectly fine Mr.Blackwell. Though it won't hatch for quite some time." I nodded, both relieved and a little sad. On the one hand, the egg was perfectly healthy and would net me a Larvesta provided I care for it. On the other hand, it was nowhere near hatching. Which meant that it would be a while before I finally got my hands on said Larvesta. Which, given the experience I had not an hour ago, didn't feel the best. Still, it would have to do for now. Though I would need to decide whether to risk getting another Pokémon or not.

The problem in this situation, is that I currently don't have any badges. And while Pokémon can be harmless, they can also be a lot of trouble if you don't know what you're doing. Thus, there was the carry limit. Sure, I could catch more, but if Larvesta hatched before I beat the first Gym and upped that limit, I'd need to send one Pokémon to Professor Cherry to take care of. And considering how short a time we'd have spent together, that could be pretty detrimental to any future relationship.

And so I had to ponder whether I believed I could both catch another Pokémon and train it and Rose up to be able to face the first Gym before Larvesta hatched. It would be close, but it should be doable. The question was whether I was willing to risk that. Although my only alternative was beating the first Gym with only Rose at my side. A daunting prospect, but one I was sure I'd be able to do in time.

'Rose is enough for now.' She'd have to be. While I could do it, I didn't want to rush things. Not to mention how getting a new Pokémon immediately after this incident would affect Rose. As I mentioned, she's a creature of pride. And really, what better way to prove my methods were working than have her solo the Gym fight? No, I would catch a Pokémon after the Gym. Which one to choo-

'No, that can be decided later.' For now, I just wanted to focus on training up Rose. I could dream of catching another Pokémon after I beat the Gym.

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