《Of Myth and Legend (Realistic Pokemon AU in OC Region)》Party Pokemon
Deino-Rose Pokédex Deino Dark/Dragon 0.88m Female 19.03kg Hustle Dragon Rage Focus Energy Tackle Dark Pulse Earth Power Fire Fang Headsmash Thunder Fang Personality
Rose is full of confidence in herself and will fight anybody who claims her course is flawed. This is true even in cases where Rose knows it is. This is her Adamant nature and strong will coming through to have her continue even a faulty path. She knows it won’t work, but she will refuse to listen. In cases like these, it’s best to work around her pride because again, there’s no getting through. At least, for the moment.
She also has a boundless curiosity that often sees herself or others hurt. This seems to stem from a fundamental need to test the world around her as much as she can. Something that makes her a handful to contain and train as she constantly gets distracted by every little thing. That thing occasionally being other people or Pokémon has often left you with observant and on a hair-trigger with her Pokéball. Though she wouldn't;t exactly mind if things did result in a confrontation given her own lust for fighting. She's also never repentant of what she bites regardless of whether she knows she’s wrong. Something you recognize is another sign of her stubborn nature coming through.
You’ve also found that she has a fondness for Spicy flavors and a dislike for Dry ones. Something you can’t say you understand all that much given your own dislike for the flavor. Truly, if you could make one fault with Rose, it would be this. However, this hasn’t stopped you from spoiling her with spicy flavoring. Something she makes sure you know she appreciates. If perhaps in too excitable a manner for your frail body to take. Though on the topic of food, as expected of her line she has a preference for meat. To the point she flat out will not eat anything contains no meat, and even then, only grudgingly.
As for sleeping habits, she prefers to sleep late. She will not respond to attempts to wake her, and will actively punish those who try. This can be mitigated through incentives, but she’ll still be grumpy at being awake so early in the day. However, it can also be magnified if she doesn’t get to sleep on soft surfaces. She doesn’t need to of course and will sleep on hard surfaces if the situation demands it, but if it doesn’t she won’t. And no, “surface availability” isn’t factored in because “you have soft clothes so give”. Though given her tendency to cuddle up to things she likes, this isn’t too bad, but still not preferable.
Finally, she has a strange bunch of "quirks", so to speak. Well, "strange" for her species. Except for her tendency to comfort gnaw. That's adorable and I will fight anybody who claims otherwise! In a somewhat Gible-like behavior, she has the tendency to horde things. Though it tends not to be "shiny" things, but things of value. Usually durable stuff she can gnaw on when she's feeling vulnerable and doesn't want to show it. This of course stems from a…not quite superiority complex, but definitely something to that effect. If I had to name it, I'd call it a reputation-based complex. Her final and most disturbing, if also pretty useful food-wise, quirk is that she likes to show off what she hunts. Disturbing because it's usually a bloody and grotesque mess by the time she's finished it off. Useful because it means I can do a quick check to make sure it's healthy for her.
This particular Deino is special even amongst the special. While rare, Pokémon can sometimes have a different color. These Pokémon are often called “shiny” after the first studied example of a gold Pidgeotto that did have a rather nice shine. The color variations tend to be more or less consistent, though this isn’t always true. Very rarely, the variation will be of a completely different color than what’s normal for a shiny. Until Rose, this was merely speculated instead of proven fact.
This particular Deino was found in the nest of a Hydreigon that got put down before it could really do anything. The rest were still eggs at the time and a decision was made regarding them. That being the Deino would be given to Professor Cherry to study as she wished and the eggs would go the League. Professor Cherry was meant to test the impacts of her color on battle prowess and future development.
While it can be argued that she is doing that, most would disagree. However, her argument when questioned about her decision was that she didn’t have the time to train Rose. Hence, she gave her to a trainer approved by her and knows the standard Deino line inside and out. The League did not take too well to this, but they had bluffed acceptance in exchange for her reputation, position, etc not thinking she would accept, but she did. And so Rose was given to you.
The Deino line is ill-tempered and rightly called the Irate, Hostile, and Brutal Pokémon respectively. While some may claim that all they need is some tlc, those same people tend to die. Usually because they do something incredibly stupid. These Pokémon are vicious and violent even in comparison to other Pokémon like Gyarados and Weavile.
The breed starts bad with an endless curiosity due to blindness and reckless disregard for those nearby due to disposition. The constant bruises as a result don’t help. However, research suggests it’s to their benefit as it helps pain management in its later stages. Something it uses to great effect in combination to its great and terrible power.
When it evolves, this behavior doesn’t stop, but merely amplifies. This is because the two heads will constantly bicker and pick fights. Though, to clarify, they do this with each other, not other Pokémon. This leaves them in a state of almost constant anger, injury, and battle preparation with a hair-trigger. The only time the two heads get along is when they’re trying to put down whatever got in the way of their own conflict.
This constant battling does leave the body riddled with scars though, which again helps with pain management later. Battle performance is affected though, although only for this form as damage is fixed upon evolution. From what scientists can tell, it’s a trial by fire where only the strongest and most hardy survive to that point while the rest die of their wounds. It might also explain why the line evolves as late as it does: to test the endurance and strength of the individual. A rather strange quirk, but given the power a Hydriegon can command, it’s certainly effective.
Hydreigon. It’s a Pokémon that strikes fear into many for a variety of reasons. As mentioned, it’s suffered a lifetime of agony and pain for the majority of its development. By its nature, it also proved itself strong enough to survive its own power when turned against itself. Finally, by that same token, it’s spent a very large majority of its life doing nothing but honing its power. And all of this is now commanded by a central intelligence that’s long outgrown its disabilities of infighting and blindness.
All of these combine to create one of the worst tempered Pokémon to have ever graced the earth. A Pokémon that's often is regarded as a monster that needs to be put down for the safety of others. Not that many can or want actually accomplish that due to the heavy personal price it often takes of those who can. Though that’s not to say there are those unwilling to pay that price as some will do so gladly. This is mainly because of the legends spread by survivors of its occasional village slaughter. Taming one of these beasts is considered a mark of greatness.
Larvesta-Solana Pokédex Larvesta Bug/Fire 1.11m Female 36.28kg Flame Body Ember String Shot Foresight Morning Sun Personality
Solana, in contrast to the pride that rules Rose, is ruled by Lust. To be clear, this isn’t referring to some sexual desire, though there will be some later on, but a desire for attention via worship manifested by apomorphic insecurities about herself. They have manifested as attempts to hide herself from others as a result of her timid nature. This is because she knows that she's currently weak and that people as a whole don't tend to worship weak deities. This behavior stands in contrast to how one with an adamant or brave nature would manifest in that they'd try and cover up their insecurities by putting themselves out there.
As for me, who she views as her "parent", this desire is at its least. She clings to me, not out of fondness or because she assumes I already worship her, but because she’s observing my actions. She follows, because she has an instinctual drive to see how I interact with the world at all times as a sort of learning mechanism. This comes with the benefit of her not complaining when I correct her behavior. To her, it’s a parent showing her what she must do to be worshiped. This stands in contrast to wild Larvesta or Volcarona. Such Pokémon would view these correction attempts as a lack of faith which would cause them to then start plotting their demise to remove “waste”.
Perhaps most disturbingly, is her fidgeting around her teammates. It’s not because she’s shy or afraid, but because she’s actively fighting her instincts. As previously mentioned, she follows our example to learn how to be worshipped and doesn’t understand the purpose of those who don’t worship her. As her teammates, it should be obvious that they don’t worship her or me. Something that normally means she’d just kill them to remove waste.
However, she understands that I gathered them under my banner and haven’t killed them despite their lack of faith. She doesn’t understand why I haven’t, but she understands that I don’t intend to, And so despite her instincts urging her to simply kill them, her instincts also urge her to leave them alone. Attempts to try and fix this warped perception have since been unfruitful. Or well, attempting to have her understand the why is been unfruitful.
Of course, by this same measure, it’s fostered an understanding that wild Pokémon are not only fair game, but should be actively purged. After all, these wild Pokémon do not worship me and unlike her teammates or trainer Pokémon, I freely allow Rose to savage them. She doesn’t seem to grasp this is instead a compromise on my part. Again, this seems to stem from her worshiper-deity thought process. Specifically, that a worshiper can do nothing their deity disapproves of because otherwise, they were never a true worshiper.
All this aside, she does have her own personal quirks. Perhaps in part due to her inexperience, but they are fun quirks all the same. For instance, she’s displayed a fascination for snow. This is strange in that she’s displayed a dislike for any weather other than sunshine. To the point where the only reason she doesn't request to stay in her Pokeball, is because she sees that I both don't like the weather, yet endure it anyway. Another is the tendency to mimic my own expressions and emotions when dealing when either she or I am dealing with something that brings out a lot of emotions. My love of myths and legends for instance.
Another is her love for chocolate, specifically honey-dipped chocolate, is adorable. Especially the way she’ll eat it. Like Rose, she savors it, but she’ll try to eat as much as she can in one go and savor instead of eating slowly and savoring. This is likely a mix of the food matching well to her flavor preferences, and my own liking of chocolate promoting a love for it within herself. Finally, she seems to have the habit of bundling herself in my clothes. Specifically, because my act of wearing clothes seems to have spawned the idea that she herself must wear clothes as well. Something that has caused more than a little monetary trouble for me. Eventually, I found her something she can wear that should hopefully solve this.
Rose was…a mountain. She attacked everything she saw unless restrained, and even then it didn’t work over half the time. The world was a dangerous place and you needed to have some kind of guard. Ideally, you’d have Rose fit this slot, but she just didn‘t have the self-control. Thus, you decided to get a Pokémon that would protect you in crowded cities.
This lead you to climb Mt.Creation. A place filled with extremely powerful and deadly Pokémon. However, it also had some weak ones that could be encountered and caught if one was clever. Which you were…just not enough. You had avoided all the problem Pokémon and made it to a Larvesta nest. Sadly, just as you had taken one of the eggs, the mother came back and you had to run.
You got an egg out of it. When it would hatch, you couldn’t say for sure. Nurse Joy did assure you that it was healthy though. So you knew it would, you just had to wait. After which, you’d have a Larvesta. And after that, a Volcarona. You could hardly wait.
There are many legends and rumors surrounding the Larvesta line. Each of these, you’ll find, is more outlandish than the last. Usually, this would be where you’re told that the least satisfying answer is usually the correct one. This is both true and false for the species.
As a Larvesta, the least satisfying answers are unfortunately true. For instance, Larvesta are said to have come from the Sun. This is an inverse impossibility where for a to be true, b must be false. However, for b to be true, a must be false. And for Larvesta to have originated from the Sun, you need both a and b to be true.
To clarify, Larvesta could survive on the sun. However, it could not travel the distance between the Sun and Earth due to a need to breathe. The only way this issue is resolved is if the Sun was closer to the Earth. However, that would see the Earth destroyed and so it cannot be that. Thus, their alien origin, fascinating as it may be to ponder, is simply impossible.
However, the situation flips when we consider its evolution, Volcarona. Volcarona is a Pokémon held as a sun diety. This is not without reason as it’s rumored to have stood in for the sun when the atmosphere became so thick with volcanic ash that the Sun’s rays could not reach Earth. Now to be clear, the myth isn’t some metaphor about being a “shining light of hope in dark times”, but a literal stand-in for the Sun itself.
Moreover, all data suggests this claim, despite how impossible a task it should be, is in fact true. This is mostly confirmed through secondary sources like paintings or writings that describe the Sun’s position during this time. These describe the Sun to be in multiple places at once and not in the correct place in the sky. Naturally, this baffled astrologists for decades until Unova made itself known and provided the myth of how Volcarona replaced the Sun. Suddenly, impossibly, everything slotted into place.
The Sun could be in multiple places because there were multiple Volcarona. The Sun could be in the wrong place because Volcarona were not bound to the laws that govern Earth’s movement around the Sun. Thus, they can differ in what position the Sun should be relative to Earth. It even explains why all reports of these strange inconsistencies stopped when the true Sun became visible again: they were no longer needed and thus returned home.
I think, of all the mysteries surrounding the species, this one is the most fascinating. Why, in humanity’s greatest hour of need, did they help? While one could argue it was because of survival, the fact remains that if they can be a Sun for the planet, they can be a Sun for a small field. And certainly, given the heat they can generate, they would be in no danger of dying from the extreme cold that would grip the Earth from the lack of sunlight. Water wouldn’t be an issue either as some carefully controlled heat fixes that.
So why then, did they help? It’s a question many have pondered and nobody has yet to figure out. While some theorize that they chose to out of simple goodwill, most dismiss this theory. Admittedly, it does sound nice on paper and seems to clear everything up. Unfortunately, this stands in stark contrast with everything else known about this Pokémon. After all, one doesn’t become feared as “The Rage of the Sun” by being benevolent.
At least, that was the case until people that worked with Larvesta and Volcarona, instead of just knowing of them, spoke up. In contrast to many dragons ruled by pride, the Larvesta line are ruled by lust. To be clear, this isn’t referring to some sexual desire, though there is some later on in their life, but simply desire. Specifically, it's a desire for attention via worship stemming from an apomorphic insecurity about themselves. It is also this same desire for worship that leads them to commit acts of extreme benevolence, such as standing in as the Sun in humanity's darkest hour.
However, this same thing can lead to a terrible vengeance. Those ungrateful to her acts will be deemed “waste” and thus serve no purpose in living. It’s not even that their demise will serve as examples. Rather, it’s because she legitimately doesn’t see the point of existing if not to worship her. To her, the mere fact she paid enough attention to you to kill you personally was a far greater death than what waste deserved. Naturally, this fact combined with the fact that cults have sprung up about them, often with some variation of "Sun", is both what gave them that nickname and why they helped save humanity when we needed them most.
Rejection (completed)
Book 1 of The World shift series. James likes to think his life is perfect, with his girlfriend and school lives coalescing nicely. when the worlds shift, all the fame that James had is quickly forgotten. In a world no longer his, James' fate is apparently no longer in his own hands. (COMPLETED) A sequel will begin later this year to continue both this story, and that of my other novel. This particular litRPG is aimed at both experienced and newer readers as it is based around both experienced and inexperienced RPG players.
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