《On How I Slayed The Celestial Beings To Court A Girl》Chapter 3: Your Attack Is Too Exaggerated (Intro Final)


This brilliance was horrifically intense and different from the light from the sun or the Light god.

It was sharp and brought about a horrendous piercing sensation which dyed the surroundings with despair.

This brilliance was silver and surrounded with a mysterious gray hue.

Speckles of starlight seemed to be contained within it.

This astonishing brilliance brought along a catastrophic aura and devoured everything it touched.

The entire God’s Realm directly disappeared along with the existences inside as everything returned to mere dust.

The magnificence of this brilliance was unbeknownst to both mortals and gods alike and its perfection couldn’t be fully uttered.

Thus ended the long career of the gods incomprehensibly as they witnessed the most exquisite and final moments of their lives in grievance and shock.

Everything that could go wrong had gone wrong for them…

How ironic.

A few moments ago before the God’s Realm perished…

One cloaked figure and one strange dragon were suspended in the void.

Not far away from them was a large celestial body…

…formally known as a moon.

The moon made the two existences who had the power to hover in the void, appear as a dwarf in comparison.

Their mortal bodies were insignificant in contrast to the beautiful terrors of space.

However they had no fear.

For the strange looking dragon, it was because there was a even greater terror standing on its head.

What could be more frightening than him?

As for the cloaked figure on the strange dragon’s head, it was because his goal was ahead.

To be precise, his goal was not the moon but the place just beyond the moon.

Located there was the entrance to the God’s Realm.

The entrance was a dark whirlpool suspended in space roughly 800 miles in length and width.

This whirlpool slowly spun and drew in any surrounding debris.

The moon was the buffer between the God’s Realm and the mortal realm.

It prevented any unqualified mortals from prying into the grandeur of the gods.

Surprisingly though, both the dragon and the figure seemed to be able to see through the moon and cast their gaze onto the God’s Realm.

The cloaked figure brought up his line of sight and scrutinized his target.

Then he tightened his grip on the handle of his beloved sword and let out a nostalgic sigh.

After numerous sweat, tears, blood, and trials…

He had finally reached his goal.

However, he displayed not a single bit of joy as if his accomplishments were…

…Barely acceptable.

The figure gently raised his right arm and hoisted his sword above his head.

This sword contained his beliefs and was the witness to the many tribulations he had gone through.

Feeling the movements above its head, the dragon raised his doubts:

“Should we be a bit more cautious? After all they're gods and there’s a lot…”


The dragon had not yet had time to finish his words when the cloaked figure had already slashed his sword down in an unpretentious manner.

The cloaked figure had no nonsense and just simply attacked.

There was no fanciful sword light or incredible phenomena.

Just a simple, unpretentious, and ordinary slash.

It made the dragon instantly burst into sweat and quickly shut his eyes.

He was a good dragon that learned from his mistakes.

The dragon’s throat made a low rumbling sound in fear murmured inwardly.

Hateful lunatic!

At least warn me in advance.

After a while the shut eyed dragon noticed there wasn’t any commotion as if nothing had happened.

All kinds of speculations ran through its mind.

It should be safe to open my eyes right?

No, what if the release of the attack was delayed?

However, will that ordinary slash really work on the gods?

There’s so many of them too…

If it doesn’t work, what will happen to us?

How about I open my eyes a little bit?

Really just a little bit…

The dragon’s large eyes opened a tiny crack.

Then the gap of its eyes expanded to the limits, his eyeballs bulged, and jaws dropped.

What the fuck…is this still human?

While the dragon was still in stupor, the cloaked figure was ready to leave after accomplishing his goals.


Tap Tap

Seeing his companion still displaying no intention of movement as if frozen in time, the cloaked figure decided to leave himself.

Do the uncivilized dragon a favor and let it broaden its horizons.


He turned while flicking the corner of his cloak and rested his sword on his shoulders in a very pretentious manner.

Then he flew off without any nostalgia leaving a handsome back and a still stupefied dragon.

Not long after, the dragon came back to its senses.



It felt like it was missing something.

The dragon peered up.


It quickly turned around and chased towards the direction of the leaving figure while leaving a trailing roar.

“Wait for meeeeeeeee…”

Not long after the destruction of the God’s Realm.

In an inconspicuous crater of the moon…

The rocky surface layer of the moon ruptured.

A female head slowly emerged like a groundhog.

The girl had her azure hair tied in a single thick braid and her facial features were more exquisite than a model.

She blinked and her originally violet pupils emitted a sea blue luminescence.

With her glowing eyes she made a full 360 degree scan of her surroundings.

Deciding it wasn’t thorough enough, she made a full scan once again.



After determining the surroundings were safe she shut off her glimmering eyes and let out a relieved voice:

“Phew. That freak is finally gone.”


Then she cast her sight at what was supposed to be the location of the God’s Realm.

“Well, how outrageous. Very outrageous. Exceptionally outrageous. In conclusion, outrageous.”

Amidst her exclamations, the girl recalled the situation at that time.

At first the cloaked figure slashed at the moon.

It was a common slash and nothing happened.

For a second she thought the figure was just messing around.

Then a tiny grain of silver radiance came out from the tip of his sword, miraculously passed through the moon without affecting it, and stopped in front of the God’s Realm.

This grain of radiance accelerated rapidly and her reaction almost couldn’t keep up.

Such a situation astonished her.

One had to know she was a very powerful being.

How powerful exactly?

She could bench press a pair of mountains while being struck by a hydrogen bomb and still not lose a single stand of hair.

For something to nearly surpass her processing speed meant whatever it was, it was very fierce.

That was when she had an ominous premonition and decided to burrow deep into the moon.

She wasn’t about to risk her life enjoying a show.

The last thing she witnessed as she burrowed into the moon feet first was that grain of light rapidly passing through the whirlpool entrance and expanding into a tsunami that enveloped the God's Realm with an invincible momentum.

In the process, her eyes were almost blinded too.

When she looked at the God’s Realm again, she was greeted by the same sight the dragon saw.


It wasn’t as simple as the 800 by 800 mile dark whirlpool just vanishing.

The God’s Realm was located in a different dimensional space and could only be accessed and exited through its entrance.

The whirlpool entrance that led to the God’s Realm was anchored in space just behind the moon and the gods were not able to move it.

It could be closed though.

However, any being that reached a certain height in individual strength could easily peer through the layers of space and witness the grandeur of the gods.

So even if the entrance was gone and the gods were sealed inside, the God’s Realm would still stand.

But this time, the cloaked figure was domineering and both the door plus the house was gone.

Therefore, both that strange dragon and her came to the conclusion that the God’s Realm was vaporized into loneliness and was flabbergasted.

This situation was indeed very outrageous as the size of the God’s Realm was roughly three Earths.

The ground on either side of the girl’s head slowly burst and two arms protruded out.


Subsequently, she pulled herself out like a carrot revealing a curvy figure full of seductive mountain peaks and magnificent valleys.

She glanced towards the direction the cloaked figure had left and sighed.

“That silly junior back then has really changed.”

That cloaked figure was indeed the godslayer…no…at this point the girl felt that he should be retitled the god annihilator.

The god annihilator was actually once her follower.

Back then he was silly, cute, and full of nonsense everyday.

However, later on he had become someone incomprehensible to her.

The girl pursed her plump scarlet lips and turned towards the distant starry skies.

Her eyes became uneasy and she subconsciously balled her hands into fists.

In fact, she knew a terrifying secret about the gods even they themselves were not aware of.

A secret that was best unspoken and dwarfed out her concerns about the god annihilator.

It was a bone chilling secret that made her wish she had never known and envy the creatures that lived in ignorance.

The girl hesitated and murmured to herself, “Should I inform him?”

The ‘him’ the girl was referring to in her murmur was the god annihilator.

From the abilities he had displayed moments ago, she felt that there was a ray of hope.

Just a ray.

The reason she hesitated was because she was not sure if she would be terminated by him the moment she met and dying aggrieved like the gods without a chance to explain.

Contrary to villains who died of talking too much, this god annihilator had no nonsense and just hacked people in the face.

Except they would not even realize they had died.

The girl glimpsed down and as if she thought of a solution, her facial expression suddenly brightened.

She unballed her fist and patted herself in the face.

While forcing a smile, she encouraged herself:

“No matter what I do, he’s bound to come to me sooner or later, that's for sure. I should stay optimistic for now. Maybe he won’t swing his sword at me for old times sake?”

Besides, her slender long legs weren’t simply a decoration.

The girl felt that she could at least run a few meters right?

Despite her youthful looks, she had lived for a very long time and could be considered an old antique.

Throughout her life, she learned that she had to remain positive or the long years would consume her.


She took a deep breath and left the crater heading towards the distant unknown future.

The girl skipped away while humming an ancient melody.

In the distance, her soft chuckle could be heard,

“Haha, I never expected the Light god had such a big scandal. It’s a pity he was gone before I could expose him.”

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