《On How I Slayed The Celestial Beings To Court A Girl》Chapter 2: Your Attack Is Too Exaggerated (Intro II)


This middlemost throne was just simply rays of golden light condensed into a solid form and would shock scientists into doubting life.

Simple as it may be, the gods present would never doubt the majesty of its master as he was the Light god.

He was the most stalwart god even amongst the true gods and the only one with authority to gather every god for an emergency meeting.

Just like his throne, he was simply composed of golden light and above his head was a white jade halo lingering with clouds and exuding endless majesty.

The Light god glanced around the throne room and nodded his head with satisfaction when witnessing nearly every throne was occupied.

Almost all the gods that could come had arrived and he didn’t have to lose face.

Why almost?

He turned his head to the right and glanced at the empty throne.

Unlike any other throne, this throne was simply the embodiment of the word dilapidated.

In fact, the state the throne was in would make dilapidated a compliment.

The throne had accumulated a thick layer of dust which was once thought to be impossible as the authority of the gods could not be defiled by mortal changes.

But the owner of this throne had somehow succeeded.

As a matter of fact, this throne was just a four legged wooden chair and the armrest was even broken.

The nails that held the wooden planks together were rusted as well.

Sitting on this “throne” would let any mortals directly ascend to heaven as the seat was rough enough to make the person sitting a god…god of splinters unrivaled in splinter experience.

What was even more abominable was the fact the wooden legs were uneven!

This “throne” was supported by a rock that compensated for the missing leg height.

What separated this “throne” from garbage pick from the roadside was the word ‘Magic’ etched crookedly with divinity on its body as if a child was scribbling.

It was this word contained with divinity that sheltered this “throne” from wind and rain and let it remain intact for many years.

This was the throne belonging to the Magic god.

And a throne that disgraced every god!

If it weren't for the Magic god’s powerful strength as a true god, the amount of spit from the other gods' dissatisfaction would have drowned this true god.

As the Light god observed the rightmost throne, the other gods who had perceived this noticed his displeasure.

As for how they knew the Light god was displeased when he had virtually no facial features?


It was because an invisible momentum was gradually spreading around the throne room.

Just when the other gods couldn't preserve anymore, the Beast god took this chance to establish his authority and dissipated the pressure with a snort.


“We have other more important matters at hand than the Magic god.”

The Beast god gazed around with satisfaction after seeing the other lesser gods cast a grateful glance at him.

Many gods in the throne room secretly sneered in their hearts ‘Scheming bastard only lending a hand at the end. If you weren’t so strong we would definitely let you know why the flowers are so red.’

The Light god glanced at the Beast god and didn’t take his provocation seriously.

In contrast with the Magic god who was elusive and never bothered to attend his meetings, the Beast god was not a threat.

If not for the fact that he couldn’t subdue and could only suppress the Magic god, he would have vanquished this true god as an example to those who dared to defy his rule.

But anyways, the Beast god did have a point and there were more important matters at hand.

The Light god raised his right hand and every god gradually focused their attention on him discerning the key topic was going to be started.

After gathering the gods’ attention, the Light god leisurely began to speak.

“Recently some sort of self proclaimed godslayer has been running around disrupting the connection between you and your believers. Am I right?”

The gods gradually nodded.

Witnessing this, the Light god continued:

“Just earlier even, I, have also lost the connection with my believers. And as many of you should know, the holy land has been dismantled.

This time everyone including me and the Beast god will descend to the mortal world, show the majesty of the gods, and tie that heretic to the punishment pillar.

He will not be allowed to die and suffer the torment of divine fire forever.

Some ants, seeing that we haven’t moved in a while, have gradually forgotten the might of the gods.

Any objections?”

Many gods gradually howled and laughed.


They were already unable to bear the loss of their believer and were itching to make a move.

After all, after tasting the sweetness, who would be willing to give up their loyal coolies.

Not to mention these coolies provided quality labor along with lavish sacrifices/offerings and they didn’t even need to be paid.

It was like an employee paying his boss so he could do that extra stressful scalp balding project.


Besides, their influence in the mortal world and amount of believers was somewhat correlated to their power as a god.

Cutting off the connection with their believers was simply stealing their wallets right under their noses.

If it weren’t for that self proclaimed godslayer to be just as elusive as the Magic god, they would have already smited the godslayer with divine punishment and have him crucified in the deepest layers of hell.

Now even the Light god himself was personally taking charge of the operation.

Can the godslayer still hide?

What could possibly go wrong?

Seeing the excitement, the Light god raised a smile although no one would notice because his face was made of light.

At this moment a negligible voice sounded:

“I don’t mean to doubt you sir but the godslayer was able to destroy the holy land so should we take some extra precautions? After all this had never happened before…”

The Light god looked towards the source of the sound and frowned in displeasure.

The speaker was the Prosperity god.

He had bulging chest muscles and thick thighs that would make any woman ashamed and men worship.

However there was a pair of extremely cute and fluffy bunny ears on his head that brought about a strange sense of disproportion to his muscular image.

What was even more disturbing was that round furry tail on his back.

His image would probably scratch the itch of many furries, kemonomimis lovers, and those animal ear fetishes.

The Prosperity god regretted speaking at this moment because the gaze of the gods including the two true gods had gathered on him.

He never wanted to join this godslayer slaying meeting or whatever but was helpless and succumbed to the lewd power of the Light god.

He now missed the company of the human mistresses that he had secretly kepted.

At this moment the Beast god spoke up.

“How many waves can a mere mortal stir up?

Most of us here could effortlessly wipe out the holy lands.

What could go wrong?

Prosperity god, your cowardice is a disgrace to us gods.

We are all descending just to remind mortals of our majesty and to find that rat not because we need the numbers advantage.”

Many gods sneered at the Prosperity god and several even interjected:

“No matter how powerful, what can mortals accomplish in their short lifespans?”

“That’s right. Mortal life is fragile and can be pinched to death by the gods.”

“Mortals are just greedy and lustful locusts that can only rely on us for salvation.”

“They are ignorant and can only pin their hopes on us for the road to transcendence.”

“I’ll say they are more like livestock to us like cows to them.”

The gods never had the godslayer in their sight.

To them, mortals were like the pets that humans raised to keep them company.

Could humans imagine their pet dog or cat rebel and take up arms in the name of a homosapien slayer?

Could they imagine them shouting for equality and freedom?

If the gods told their followers to do this, eat that, don’t shit there, or sit down…then they rightfully should.

To the gods, mortals were like domestic pets that needed human care.

They were the veterinarians, breeders, and trainers while the mortals were their pets.

Or even that ant on the roadside.

How many people would never stop in their busy everyday lives to check if they accidentally squashed an innocent ant?

How many anthills were destroyed by children just for their amusement?

This was the reality of the gods and the difference between higher and lower life forms.

Maybe not all gods or humans could be generalized.

However most of the gods, if not all, never took the godslayer to heart.

Destroying the holy lands was to them simply a dog messing up a room.

Could always be cleaned up or replaced.

The Light god was very satisfied and raised his right hand again to calm the audience.

Then he spoke in a very domineering tone,

“The Beast god is right.

The godslayer is not a concern.

What we should ponder next is how to reestablish the holy lands and make up for the lost believers.

Prosperity god there will be no next time.

Or else I will have to reconsider if you deserve to be a god.”

The Prosperity god shivered and quickly nodded his head while his ears drooped and the fur on his tail puffed up in fright.

The Light god disregarded him and stood up from his throne and stated unquestionably:

“The conference on the godslayer is over. In a moment we will descend. Now we shall discuss the plans for the new holy land.”


However, just before the plans for the new holy land could begin, a dazzling brilliance descended like a tsunami upon the God’s Realm and went straight towards the palace!

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