《Soul Anomaly》Vol 02 Ch04: Mission Possible


Chapter 04A: Mission Possible – Prologue (Perspective: 00-Beautiful)

It happened as I was walking down the corridor. A male student, who was wearing a hoodie that was pulled low down over his face, places something into my pocket and moves his face closer to my ear and says.

"She sells sea turtles that are having sex by the sea shore," The password for that group. This means a new mission had come through. So without further delay I head to a place void of any people, aka the men's bathroom.

I can feel my excitement from the feeling of heading on another perilous mission well up from inside of me.

Chapter 04B: Mission Possible – Mission log (Perspective: 00-Beautiful)

Whilst sitting on the toilet seat, I take out the item that was placed into my pocket and turn it on.

A shadowy silhouette of a high school boy appears, his face is blurred by a mosaic. "Good morning agent 00 (Double 0) Beautiful. We have a huge task that, should you choose to accept, will have a major impact on the entire school. According to our PAC's (Pornography appreciation club's) intelligence, we have determined that today the first years will be having their measurements taken."

What, seriously!? This is big news!!

"00-Beautiful, as you may have guessed, we wish for you to take pictures of the first year girls. Many men have already paid PAC in advance for photos of the bare skin of their idols, and it is your duty, as our greatest PAC-Dude (Agent), to help us deliver the goods to their hands."

PAC-Leader pauses briefly as he takes a sip of, what I think is, Coke in a wine glass.

"We have determined that there will be many 'Ghosties' that will obstruct you in your mission." The screen that was up until now showing PAC-Leader, switches to the view of a certain girl's profile. "Akane Mizuno, the former head of the disciplinary committee, who has now handed the seat back over Shiori Azusa, who has recently transferred back into our school. This 'Ghostie' is very dangerous, so exercise extreme caution." The screen switches to another woman. This one however despite her youthful appearance, isn't a student "Rina-chan-sensei, this one is a Ghostie of minimal threat, with your abilities, 00-Beautiful. But just don't be careless." The screen switches back to PAC-Leader, "Now, to help increase the mission's success rate you will be assigned to work with PAC-Dude 00-BFF. I have full confidence that the two of you shall deliver the dreams of the male student body," PAC-Leader salutes me, "God speed to you, 00-Beautiful. By the way, this message will..."

Oh god, please don't tell me, I don't want my beautiful face to be burned to a crisp.

"Not self destruct, so please discard of it in your nearest courtesy bin. We of PAC are against littering after all."

Thank goodness, my beauty has been spared.

Chapter 04C: Mission Possible – Mission Plan (Perspective: 00-BFF)

A man who is wearing a mask with a male symbol on it approaches me. I myself am also wearing a mask, the two of us have overcome many trialling missions together, our success rate together stands at one hundred percent.


"You're late, 00-Beautiful," I state to my partner.

"Forgive me, 00-BFF, I had to take the long way so that my beauty wouldn't draw any attention."

With the mask or without, you're still the same, aren't you?

"Anyway, enough with the pleasantries. How do you propose we handle this mission, 00-BFF?" 00-Beautiful asks in interest. I open up my laptop and run a certain program. A three dimensional plan of the school opens up.

"The first year girls will be having their measurements taken here, on the second floor." The room in question turns red. "Obviously the curtains will be closed during the period of time when the girls will be topless. I assume that the two Ghosties will be patrolling the corridor just outside the room. Anyway, although it won't be easy, I do have a cunning plan." I can't help but let a smile slip as I speak.

"Do tell."

Chapter 04D: Mission Possible – Mission Begin (Perspective: 00-Beautiful)

Classes are currently in session, luckily my class is in a break period, so no one will notice that I am not there. I run down the empty hallways whilst opening up all of the windows on route, as well as a single door to an empty classroom, preparations complete. I put my back up against the corner and poke my beautiful head out. Just as 00-BFF predicted, the two Ghosties are patrolling the corridor.

It's time for me to pull my awesome decoy strategy then. I quickly get into a running position stance and "GOOO!" I shout as I run at the top speed my legs can go!

"OI! You stop!" Akane shouts as I run past her, "Sensei, I'm going to go after him, stay here."

Rina-chan gives a quick nod before, Akane starts to tail me.

"Good, with this everything is going according to plan," I smile to myself. We had already predicted that they wouldn't both chase us, and the one who would give chase would be the one who is the greater athlete: Akane.

I quickly turn a corner, this school building goes around in a square so if I continue on I would eventually return back to where I was previously.

"You can't escape me!" The demon's voice echoes through the hallway.

Oh just you watch me.

As I turn the second corner, during the brief moment Akane loses sight of me, I jump out of one of the windows I opened previously. Clinging onto the window sill, I hear footsteps pass me by and then the shutting of a door.

She fell for it. I quickly pull myself back up and run to the door that I previously opened that was now shut.

And with a satisfying click, I lock the door, with Akane still in it. Pac-Dude one – Ghosties zero.

BANG BANG! - It's useless, I have no intention of opening it any time soon.

Now that the main problem is out of the way, time to deal with the second and last Ghostie.

Rina-chan is continuing to pace up and down the corridor without losing sight of the door that leads to where the first years are having their measurements taken. As soon as she turns her back on me I immediately jump out into action.


"Hmph, hmph!" Smothering her mouth so she doesn't draw any unwanted attention.

"There there, be a good girl now won't you?" I say as I run my beautiful fingers across her nape and onto her cheek then slowly down her neck. Rina-chan loses her ability to stand from my grand stimulation, that only one, so beautiful as I, could pull off.

"Hah hah hah," Rina-chan's breathing is a little out due to the pleasure. I take her into my arms and prop her against the wall; where, although her eyes are slightly vacant, her mouth is showing a true smile.

"Rest now," I say as I place my palm against her cheek, Rina-chan places her hand on top of my own, as she slowly closes her eyes.

That deals with the second Ghostie.

"Good work, 00-Beautiful," My partner's voice says through the earpiece I am wearing, "Move on to stage two."

"Roger," I reply as I open the door to the locker room that is void of anyone, I can hear the many voices of the energetic first years from the next room.

Don't take any of this personally dears, we men just wish to view your beauty.

I quickly set up numerous miniature cameras on the girl's lockers. To the naked eye no one would be able to tell what these things truly are. They are all wirelessly connected to 00-BFF's laptop. So we will get all their great data uploaded there live.

After finishing I close the door to the locker room and go back out into the corridor, but not before locking the door to the locker room. You have no idea just how hard it was to pillage the keys for this room and make a duplicate.

I then quickly run into the classroom next door, open the window and grab hold of the windowsill as I jump out. I quickly scale toward the window of the room where the first year girls are, although the curtains are closed the window is open, so like before I can hear the background chatting of girls comparing breast sizes etc. As soon as I am directly underneath the window.

"00-BFF, I'm in position, do it!" I order.

"Roger that," He replies, and then...

BEEP BEEP BEEP!! - The fire alarm goes off.

"Girls Girls!" The teacher shouts for order. "There should be no drill today, so this is legit. Go back and get changed and evacuate as soon as possible."

Good, they took the bait. The students and teachers quickly leave the examination room and go into the changing rooms.

"NOW!" I shout to myself as I jump up into the examination room and run straight for the door that leads to the changing room. Without further delay I put a key into the keyhole, and turn it.

With this the students are all locked inside the changing rooms with a load of miniature cameras secretly taking their photos.

"Mission accomplished, 00-Beautiful," 00-BFF says to me through the earpiece, "I've got lots of data, let's hurry up and join the other students at the fire assembly point before they suspect anything."

"Roger that." I reply as I quickly turn back the way I came, ditch my disguise and rejoin the people of my class.

The next day PAC-Leader gave the both of us his congratulations. Some of the boys were a little disappointed that there was no data on neither Yuna nor Sakura. For reasons that will never reach the dawn of day that data was deleted. Why, you ask? Who knows.

Chapter 04E: Mission Possible – Another Regular Day

"Yuichi, were you the one behind that peeping tom incident!? I went looking for you yesterday but you were nowhere to be found until after that fire drill!" My beautiful fiancé yells at me.

"Alicia, when girls would take off their clothes when I just ask them to, for what reason would I need to peep on them?" I ask.

Yeah, no girl can resist me. I could make myself into a billionaire by starting my own host club, and I'm the only host there need be.

"So you're saying you had no part whatsoever!?" Alicia questions, her anger distorting her beautiful looks.

I stare Alicia straight into the eye and place my hand over my heart before reciting, "I swear by my almighty beautiful self, that I am telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Boy, am I glad that my almighty beautiful self is very forgiving when it comes to white lies.

Alicia looks at me like she still doesn't believe me, but she shrugs her shoulders and walks off with a simple "Fine."

Another glorious day in the life of Yuichi Shiro.

Chapter 04F: Mission Possible – Slayers On The Move (Perspective Unknown)

"We're here huh, I still can't get used to travelling like that. I sure wish you could have made the ride more comfortable, Ley."

"It is how it is comma if you are going to complain comma then next time you can walk period"

"Ley-chan is as harsh as ever."

"For what reason are your hands on my chest question mark"

"Just skinship, Ley-chan. OWWWWW! You're cruel."

"Knock it off! We've got work to do."

"But seriously, to send all the remaining Slayers. I wonder if that was the correct decision."

"That is just how dangerous the threat is period Vincent is dead comma Shiori has lost her Soul Slayer comma and Alma has been taken captive by a Human Anomaly within this very town period So the only remaining members comma are just us four period"

"With the threat as grave as it is, at the very least I don't want any more enemies to deal with."

"Are we going to negotiate then question mark"

"Well now, I wonder if it will go that smoothly."

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