《Soul Anomaly》Vol 02 Ch05: Prelude Of Things To Come


Chapter 05A: Prelude Of Things To Come – Father And Daughter (Perspective: Alicia)

"So that's how it is," My father said from the other end of the communication, his face is in a frown.

Apparently the church has arranged a meeting through my father with Yuichi and all of us around him. I can't blame Father for being anxious, they are Yuichi and Ren's natural enemies after all. The chance of this being a trap is not small at the very least.

"I understand, don't worry, Father, we'll be careful. I don't think we need to be concerned about Yuichi any more, he's already stronger than me." I'm not just flattering, he has grown in leaps and bounds since he became a Human Anomaly.

"I still cannot help but worry about the two of you. If I could I would come down there myself, then they wouldn't dream of trying anything!" Father curses, although I'm really concerned that he really would actually come here if given half the chance, "Unfortunately, I must accompany Hades-sama. Just be on your guard around them."

"Yes, Father." The communication ends.

"Just what could they want I wonder?" I ask myself rhetorically.

Chapter 05B: Prelude Of Things To Come – Beautiful Day Of A Beautiful Life

It's a brand new day with a clear blue sky. Ren, Yuna, Sakura and I are walking to school. Looking at the sky's beauty that is second only to my own is giving me the urge to sing.

"On the first day of Christmas, Alicia gave to me," I decide to indulge myself, "Herself wearing nothing but whipped cream." Man, just the image of that could cure impotency stronger than any Viagra.

"I would NEVER DO THAT!" A voice responds to me from behind, and before I can turn around...

"OWWWWW!" A foot somehow collides with the back of my head and knocks me face first towards the gravel, I quickly guard my beautiful face with my arms, I can't let it get damaged. "Jesus Alicia, you have no idea how dangerous that was!"

"Nowhere near as dangerous as your delusions!" She retorts.

"You were sort of asking for that, Yuichi," My best friend abandons me.

What gives!? Does the bond of brotherhood via coke mean nothing to you!?


"Um...sempai...I...can...do...it...if you want," Sakura says in a quiet voice.

"Huh? Do what?" I ask back, Sakura turns her beet red face a hundred and eighty degrees whilst holding her hands to her cheeks.

Is Sakura feeling unwell?

"You still have no delicacy when it comes to girls, Onii-chan," Yuna rebukes.

"How rude! I'm so delicate with girls that when I acquire panty shots of them. I hide all the images in a very secret directory on my computer. Any other guy would try and sell them!" I retort back. Hell no would I sell my collection. Their beauty is for my eyes only.

"Nice, Yuichi. I really got to hand it to your genius there," Thanks for the nice words Ren, although I have no idea what you're talking about.

"The minute I get home, I'm reformatting your computer," Yuna states with a look of disdain.

"SAY WHAT! You gotta be kidding me!?" Why would Yuna make such a threat? It's not like I've got any of her on it.

"You should keep things like that to yourself, Yuichi-kun." A red hair beauty says to me as she approaches with the help of crutches on either side of her.

"Good morning, Shiori-sempai." I greet my elder with utmost courtesy. After she lost her Soul Slayer she readmitted herself back into our school. The girl with tanned skin whose Soul Slayer I have given custody of to Alicia is walking by her side.

"Good morning, Alma," Alicia greets, she is trying hard to mend their broken friendship.

"Morning..." She replies whilst turning her head to the side.

Come on put in a bit of effort would you. For several moments there is an awkward silence between the two.

"Say Alicia-san, have you told Yuichi-kun yet?" Shiori-sempai at last breaks the awkwardness.

"Tell me what?" I ask. If you want to tell me your three sizes then I'm all ears.

"Onii-chan, can you stop thinking stupid things just for two minutes!?" Yuna retorts to my thoughts as usual.

"No, not yet. Yuichi, Ren, a few people wish to speak with us after school so make sure you have time. I've already told Elizabeth."

"Who would want to see all of us? If it was just me I'd say it was a love confession, but now I'm just confused."


"All the remaining Soul Slayer Wielders have assembled in this town," Alma states. I instantly feel a cold sweat trickle down my beautiful face, "However, the reason they gathered hasn't got anything to do with either you, nor Ren Kirei."

"Then why?" Ren asks the question before me.

"We'll find out later, just wait until then. But be on guard. To send this many Slayers to one place until now has been unheard of. Something big must be happening." Alicia replies.

Just what could be so big that a huge force has started to close in. I've got a really bad feeling about this.

Oh well no point thinking about it, I guess I'll just continue my happy song. "On the fifth day of Christmas Alicia gave to me. FIVEEE-BLOWJ-

"URGGHHH!" A familiar feeling assaults my head.

Chapter 05C: Prelude Of Things To Come – Meeting Of The Three Gods (Perspective: Alexander)

Sitting at a round table are three individuals, Hades-sama, another man who appears to be in his mid twenties and one lady who looks like she hasn't escaped her teens. They are having a meeting that had been called together by the young man.

"Hades, I want you to put a firmer lid on the system surrounding Human Anomalies." The youth with blond hair sitting opposite from Hades-sama states haughtily, "Your Human Anomalies are causing huge distortions in the living world. And for what? The sake of your personal whims!"

"The Underworld and the realm of the dead is my domain, Zeus." Hades-sama responds, his usual flamboyant behaviour is nowhere to be seen, "The distortions haven't reached a level where I need to take any action."

"The current system is fine, Zeus-niisama. And you already know full well that Hades-niisama won't listen to you. So why did you bother calling us? I wanted to go swimming with the dolphins today." The young woman says in frustration as she stretches her limbs.

"It is equally all of our duties to keep stability in all the realms, Hades, Poseidon." Zeus states.

"Zeus, your realm is the sky, Poseidon's is the sea, and mine is the Underworld. We have each agreed not to meddle in the affairs of one another. And Zeus, when it comes to distortions in the living world, haven't you more than contributed towards them yourself?" Zeus begins to glare daggers at Hades-sama who seems to be enjoying the fact that he is putting Zeus in his place. "The one who provided humans with the weapons that causes the biggest distortions, the Soul Slayers, was none other than you!"

Zeus grits his teeth at Hades-sama's accusations. Hades-sama simply gets up out of his seat and turns his back on Zeus like he has had enough. "Zeus, all your talk of stability is a lie. What you actually want is domination. Well, here is a friendly warning from me to you, the day you stick your nose out of place, will be the day you shall cease to be. Consider the fact that I am even warning you, a sign of my love, dear brother."

Zeus' face turns stern at Hades-sama's threat, his eyes are filled with malice. If the god of the sky and the Underworld were to battle the results would be catastrophic.

"You've just been served, Zeus-niisama." Poseidon-sama jokes. Which warrants a harsh glare towards her, although she doesn't seem to care.

Hades-sama continues to the exit, "Lets go, Alexander." He addresses, I quickly follow behind him.

"Well, that was a nice family reunion." Hades-sama says sarcastically after we left the meeting.

"Hades-sama, do you think that Zeus would really..." I begin.

"He has always been the ambitious type. The reason he gave humans Soul Slayers was probably because he thought I was trying to get the human world through the use of Human Anomalies. He doesn't realise that I am already satisfied with just the Underworld, he thinks that everyone is like him and wants to increase the boundary of their domain." Hades-sama sighs before continuing, "I wish he would retire and give the sky to his daughter already. All the domains would be a lot better off that way."

"The world is starting to evolve at a very quick rate." I say as I glance out the window, so much has happened recently.

"Yes, lets just make sure the evolution takes the form of something that would benefit us all."

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