《Soul Anomaly》Vol 02 Ch03: Event's After Party


Chapter 03A: Event's After Party – Meet The Triplets

After our stunning victory, which in no small part was thanks to me, and I guess Alicia too. We moved into a wide room filled with food and tons of well dressed people conversing with each other. I too, to increase my abnormal beauty levels even further, have changed into a Tuxedo. This is the second time I've been to an Underworld party. However, this one is a lot more casual than the last.

"You look breathtaking, Yuichi-niisama," Lilicia-chan compliments.

Well that's a given though.

"Thanks, you are even cuter than usual, Lilicia-chan," I say as I pat her adorable head. Lilicia-chan's face turns slightly red. She really is cute, her pure white one piece dress covers her down to her thighs and is decorated with an abundance of different coloured ribbons. "But boy am I glad that I'm such a great man, if I was anything less I would have taken you to my room no questions asked."

"Um, there is no need for you to actually be such a great man, Yuichi-niisama," Lilicia-chan exclaims as her face dyes an even greater red.

"Huh? Um, What?" I have no idea what she's saying, my genius still does have some difficulty deciphering a maiden's heart. As my mind agonises on this matter, I catch a glimpse of another girl dressed in another one piece dress, although this one is more of a crimson colour and is full of frills. Her beautiful silver hair is glossily flowing behind her. I can only swallow my breath at the wonderful sight in front of me, and remind myself of one of the many reasons I fell in love with her.

"I won't let you lay your hands on Lilicia, Yuichi," Alicia states as she walks to us with a complexed expression on her face, which naturally snaps me out of my love struck daze.

What's wrong my love? The great Yuichi Shiro would never leave behind his fiancé, if I did take Lilicia-chan, I'd be sure to take you at the exact same time.

"Anyway, these three wanted me to introduce you to them, Yuichi."

Three girls with cyan coloured hair and youthful faces line up in front of me, they are each wearing dresses that match their hair colours.

Wait a second, aren't these three? I thought they were boys at first, but in such clothes there is no way that can be true.

"They are all the daughters of Tartarus Thanatos-sama," Alicia explains. Yes, these girls were our major competition during the race. "From left to right then, this is Rose,"

The triplet that is addressed gives an elegant curtsy. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Yuichi-sama," she says in a soft yet clear voice.

"Yes, same here," I respond with a polite bow.

"This is Lily," Alicia continues.

"Nya ha ha, you really beat us good before," She says with an amused smile.

"It was a really close race," I respond.

"And finally, this is Tsubaki," Alicia finishes.

"HMPH! You just got lucky this time. And its not like I wanted to introduce myself to you or anything! But Rose insisted!" She states whilst folding her arms and turning her back on me.

Oh great, don't tell me this girl is another Akane, one is bad enough.


"Don't be rude, Tsubaki," Rose chastises before turning back to me, "I apologise Yuichi-sama, she means no harm."

"Ha ha ha, a great man such as myself will never be daunted by something so trivial." I shrug off the earlier insult, if only for Rose's sake.

"Nya ha ha, Onii-chan is interesting," Lily says in a joyful voice as she rests her hands behind her head. I can tell I'll be able to get along with these two without a hitch, the problem is...

"He's just conceited." Tsubaki instantly knocks me down from my high.

"Yuichi-niisama is anything but, Tsubaki-chan," Lilicia-chan argues back, "I told you before how great he is."

"Yes, lately you never talk about anything else, Lilicia-chan," Tsubaki says with a crestfallen expression.

Alicia casually walks up to me and whispers, "Those two have been best friends for a long time,"

"I see. By the way, Alicia, if you whisper into my ear like that, then I can't help but get turned on." Oh crap, I accidentally voiced my thoughts out loud.

"YUICHI YOU DAMN FOOL!" Alicia screams, as her fist soars through the air. Wait not the face. Recognising the incoming trajectory with my eyes I have my quick mind identify the threat.

Subject of threat: Alicia's fist.

Reason for threat: On collision course with my beautiful face.

Predicted level of loss and threat level: Damage to my beauty, Maximum.

Method of aversion: Run around like a headless chicken whilst screaming like a little girl.

I quickly put my aversion plan into action.

Chapter 03B: Event's After Party – Be A Good Friend (Perspective Alma)

Why on earth do I have to be here!? I cannot stand crowds, so I'm standing in the corner of the party hall. Being the only regular human here, I can't help but feel out of place.

"Why don't you go out and find yourself a man, Alma-chan?" A grand man I recognise approaches me with a wine glass in hand, it's Alicia's father, Alexander Pandemonium. "Do you want to become another of Yuichi-kun's mistresses? I'm sure he would be happy to oblige, harems are every man's dream after all."

"Are you drunk?" I coldly ask.

"Drunk or sober, I am always the same," He replies, can I take that as a 'yes' then.

"KYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" A loud scream pierces deeply into my eardrums.

"What was that!?" I ask still in half shock from the sudden high pitched squeal.

"It sounds like someone screaming like a little girl whilst running around like a headless chicken." Alexander analyses.

That was awfully descriptive, but whatever. I quickly decide to put the scream from before to the back of my mind.

"What do you want from me?" I cut straight to the chase. The silly expression on the man's face changes it's tone to one much more serious.

"Alicia has always felt responsible for what happened on that day," He explains, "Happiness and sadness can very quickly change between one another at the same proportions. The amount of sadness Alicia held and still holds just goes to show how much happiness she had from being friends with you." Alexander moves to lean his body against the wall next to me, "As a father I truly want the best for my girls. Even if they themselves cannot see what is best for them. The reason I'm here is to ask you a favour."


"A favour?" I ask, intrigued what this upper class man could want with me.

"Alicia, very much earnestly wants to make up with you. Whilst asking you to forgive her is probably pushing it a little, but at the very least, I want you to listen to her till the very end. And if you can find it in yourself, I wish for you to support her like you did many years ago." Alexander explains. This is the first time I think I can see this man as a father.

"I'll think about it," I give a curt reply.

"Yes, please do," He says with a smile as he moves away from the wall, "Oh yes, the spots to be one of Yuichi-kun's mistresses are quickly filling, you may want to act fast or you'll miss your chance."

"GO TO HELL!" I yell at the retarded Pandemonium family head.

Chapter 03C: Event's After Party – The Stain On Cerberus (Perspective Ren)

"KYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" A extremely high pitch squeal reverberates throughout the room.

"What the hell was that?" I ask, although for some reason I vaguely recall that voice.

"Who knows." Elizabeth answers with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Ah, Elizabeth, Ren-kun," A tall man who looks to be in his early forties calls out. He has long blond hair that is tied into a well kept ponytail, a grand face and an elegant beard.

"Father," Elizabeth greets with a bow, I follow suit. Yes, this man is none other than Elizabeth's Father, and my future Father-in-law, Philip Cerberus.

"I apologise for not being of any use during the race," I begin, but Father-in-law simply holds his hand out gesturing for me to stop.

"Don't worry about that, Ren-kun. Alexander's daughters are very talented, as is his new son-in-law, I can see just why he boasted about him so much." Father-in-law reassures with a pleasant smile. "I actually wanted to talk to you both about a different matter. It's a little private so do you mind if we talk outside?"

Elizabeth and I give each other a quick look before nodding in response. As we walk out the party venue I can't help but wonder just what it is he wants to talk about. The three of us happen upon a deserted park where we sit on one of the benches.

"What is it you wanted to talk about, Father?" Elizabeth asks with a serious face, she must be just as concerned as I am.

"I want to tell you that there has been a recent development regarding them. The group whose very existence is a tarnish to the Cerberus name."

Elizabeth's eyes instantly sharpen upon hearing this. Just who are they referring to?

"What have you learned about them, Father?" Elizabeth asks.

"Before, they concealed their actions, however their movements have been rather showy as of late. From this we have deduced that they are up to something, we're just not sure what," Father-in-law explains, "In addition, we now have a theory as to how they actually came to be."

"Really!?" Elizabeth exclaims in utter disbelief.

"Umm, I'm sorry to interrupt, but just who are you referring to?" I ask, I don't want to be left on the sidelines of this conversation any longer.

"Oh, forgive us, Ren-kun," Father-in-law apologises, "Do you recall what the sacred duty of the Cerberus family is?"

"You mean to keep the souls that come to the Underworld within the Underworld." I respond.

"Yes, this has been the Cerberus family's duty for generations. However, a few souls of recently passing humans managed to bypass our security somehow and make it back into the living world. Normally, the only way for a human soul to return to the living world is by defeating a reaper in a game." Father-in-law explains.

Yes, this is how Yuichi and I won back our lives.

"However, before a Reaper could even make contact with any of them, these souls found their way back into the living world, and returned to their human bodies."

"Wait, if a human soul leaves it body and then returns then..." I begin.

"They become Human Anomalies," Elizabeth finishes with an angry expression clouding her face.

"Because all of these people who did this are gathering into one place, we concluded that becoming Human Anomalies was their very objective. The problem is how they're doing it," Father-in-law explains.

"How did they do it?" I ask, these people somehow managed to cheat death in a different way from Yuichi and I. So many souls escaped the Underworld, so this is why their existence tarnishes the Cerberus family's name.

"Until recently, we didn't have a clue. However, that all changed when Yuichi Shiro and Alicia Pandemonium confronted that masked man," Father-in-law announces. I heard about this guy from Yuichi, and how he easily overpowered him along with Alma-san and Shiori-sempai. "The problem lies in that man's accomplice."

The reaper who was with him?

"Carrisa!?" Elizabeth shouts in shock.

"Carrisa Thanatos would be easily capable of sneaking a few human souls out of the Underworld. Now that she has gone rogue we cannot help but suspect her."

"Then that masked man is involved with the appearance of those 'Faux Human Anomalies!?'" Elizabeth concludes.

"Yes, we think that man is the mastermind behind the formation of those people. But to think that Carrisa could fall so low, Tartarus must be devastated." Father-in-law states solemnly. "Elizabeth, Ren-kun, we still do not know that group's ultimate objective, so be wary, all right."

“"Understood."” My fiancé and I respond in sync.

"Okay, just one last thing. Ren-kun, remember whether faux or otherwise, one anomaly naturally draws another, please always bear this in mind." Father-in-law says as he lifts himself up from the bench.

"I shall make every effort to bear it in mind," I reply.

"Good, now let's get back to that party and get ourselves pissed!" Father-in-law suddenly states in light tone, Elizabeth and I can only sigh at the quick change in attitude.

This world is just littered with 'Anomalies' isn't it?

Chapter 03D: Event's After Party – Enigma (Perspective Currently Unknown)

"Our goal is fast approaching us, Stella. Make sure you and the others follow through on the plan."

"Understood, everything shall go according to your will."

"Good, this will be our last communication until the appointed time, show them our strength."

"Yes, those fools will soon witness the true power of Enigma."

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