《Soul Anomaly》Vol 01 Ch17: Trivia Before Storm


Chapter 17A: Trivia Before Storm – Yesterdays Summary

"And so that's what happened." I explain what happened when I met Shiori-sempai to Alicia, Ren and Elizabeth. I omitted the fact that I switched the drinks so as to not needlessly dirty my glorious name.

"Gungnir-Mjölnir and Voynich-Caduceus, two Soul Slayers." Alicia murmurs to herself, she has a somewhat sad and lonely look.

"Do you know about these Soul Slayers, Elizabeth?" Ren asks his spouse.

"I know that Voynich-Caduceus is capable of summoning and manipulating souls from the Underworld. For us, the Cerberus family that is charged with preventing souls from escaping, it's the most blasphemous thing imaginable," Elizabeth shows a look of displeasure before continuing, "I have only heard the name Gungnir-Mjölnir, I don't have any idea what it's capable of."

As a little bit of trivia, on the request of Ren, Elizabeth has taken serious training to stop her habit of laughing after every sentence. It has quickly bared fruit, she's much easier to tolerate now.

"Gungnir-Mjölnir is a Soul Slayer that generates lightning that's capable of shattering the soul." Alicia picks up where Elizabeth left off. "It's a golden weapon that has a spearhead on one end, and a hammerhead on the other."

"You seem awfully knowledgeable about it, Alicia." Elizabeth states whilst giving Alicia an accusing look.

"I just looked into things that could be a potential threat." Alicia shrugs it off. However Alicia, you cannot fool my beautiful eyes, there's something more you're hiding. Not that I plan on digging into it though, at least not right now.

"Well, I don't think we need to worry about Shiori-sempai. So let's just be careful of Gungnir-Mjölnir and its wielder." I change the subject to cover for Alicia. Aren't I just the best guy you could have fallen for? Feel free to express your gratitude physically Alicia, I promise to be gentle. I picture Alicia lying down on a bed, 'It's embarrassing can you turn off the light' she asks, I smile to myself at the cute (imaginary) Alicia.

"Yuichi, what's with that grin? Did something happen with you and this Shiori-sempai?" Alicia accuses.


"No, you got the wrong idea. I was just thinking that our bedroom scene may come sooner than I thought." Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Bed...room..." Elizabeth whispers as her fingers shake. I think she's excited. Ren, make sure you fulfil your role then.

"Your 'genius' strikes again, Yuichi." Ren states with a bitter smile. No need to be jealous Ren, they say hard work surpasses a genius, so hang in there. Wait, why did he bring that up now?

"Y-U-I-C-H-I-!" Alicia slowly approaches me as she emphasises every syllable of my name. I can sense a dark aura coming out of her.

Another school day, another drop kick, another trip to the infirmary.

Chapter 17B: Trivia Before Storm – Exhaustion From Anxiety (Perspective: Akane)

School is finished. I'm dealing with a load of paperwork that one of my teachers forced onto me, I couldn't refuse. I'm glad that the teachers feel they can trust me, but I'm seriously tired. The meeting with Shiori-sempai yesterday, another Soul Slayer. Another person is after Yuichi's life, I can't focus on this work when I'm worrying about this.

"HAHH-" I let out a sigh.

"Hm, Mizuno-san." A gentle voice beckons me.

Standing there with a smile is the class rep, Ryu Ikena-kun.

"You look exhausted, what are you doing here at this time?" He asks.

"I have to finish all this work, what about you, Ikena-kun?"

"I had a meeting I had to attend. But anyway Mizuno-san, I think it would be best if you go home, you don't want to overwork yourself."

"But all this..." I begin to protest, Ikena-kun simply holds his hand out for me to stop.

"I'll finish it up for you, so go home and get some rest."

"I couldn't possibly..."

"It's my duty to look after my classmates, don't worry." Ikena-kun says gently with a smile. I don't think I'll be able to talk him out of it.

"Okay, thank you very much. I'll take my leave." I give my gratitude to Ikena-kun before leaving.


He really is an understanding and caring person, I wish Yuichi would take a lesson from him. Why can't the person I like show me concern from time to time?

Chapter 17C: Trivia Before Storm – Flag For Future Event

I'm walking home with Alicia. This is one of the sacred times when it's just the two of us. It must be difficult on Alicia during these times, she has to hold herself back from making a move on someone as glorious as myself, even though I wouldn't mind if she just let all her feelings out.

Alicia seems to have cheered up somewhat from lunchtime, it must be due to the magical remedy of being beside her lover.

"Oh yeah, Yuichi, I forgot to ask you this before." Alicia breaks the silence.

"What is it, my love?" I ask affectionately, "GAHH!" and get an elbow to my face for my trouble.

"Father asked me to invite you to this..." Alicia begins.

"I'll do it." I exclaim without delay. There is no way I can turn down a request from Father now, is there?

"I haven't finished explaining yet."

"Fair enough, even I the incar..." I begin.

"He wants you to participate in a type of race alongside me and Lilicia in the Underworld." Alicia butts in.

"Like I said, I'll do it. It sounds exciting. But can you not interrupt me when I'm speaking."

"You were only going to say something that highlights your narcissism, and you should really practice what you preach Yuichi."

"Preach? Do I look like a priest to you?"

Alicia sighs and shakes her head. "Anyway, you've agreed, like I thought you would. Participants representing the houses of Cerberus and Thanatos will also be competing, so there's a lot of hype about it. Father wants us to get first place for the sake of bragging rights."

"I'll do my very best so he can do just that." It's the son-in-law's job to grant his father-in-law's every wish, and I, Yuichi Shiro, intend to do just that. Or else I am not beautiful, no I take that back, whether I win or lose, I will always be beautiful.

Whilst I'm psyching myself up we reach the split path where I separate from Alicia.

Chapter 17D: Trivia Before Storm – Slayer/Lost (Perspective: Currently Unknown)

"Where am I?"

"Where is Shiori?"

"Which way is it to the hotel?"

"Where is Muramasa-Masamune?"

"And where is the Human Anomaly that I need to exterminate!?"

I'll kill every single one of those things. They are things that shouldn't exist in the first place. They only bring forth tragedy and destruction.

"Isn't that right, Nee-sama?" I ask rhetorically as I gaze into the sky that is starting to darken.

Chapter 17E: Trivia Before Storm – The Reapers Thoughts (Perspective: Alicia)

I've gone my separate way from Yuichi so I'm now walking home alone.

Gungnir-Mjölnir, I had a feeling I would run into it sooner or later. It's current wielder, is most likely 'her'. I recall the face of a girl who is looking at me like I'm a monster. No matter how many years go by, I can't forget that day.

That Shiori girl told Yuichi he should just lay low. But in the first place can we even trust in her words? Yuichi may want to believe in them because she's an old friend. But can that friendship outrank the fact that they're natural enemies? That girl's face resurfaces again, It can't. My own past experience has already told me this.

Plus, avoiding the problem doesn't make the problem go away. Yuichi nearly died simply because he met Muramasa-Masamune's wielder by coincidence.

Should I encourage Yuichi to take the initiative? No, there's no guarantee he can win. The feeling of losing Yuichi again, I don't want to ever feel it again. But he can't just hide from her forever.

Which leaves only one option left, an option that will keep Yuichi out of harm's way, without running away forever.

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