《Soul Anomaly》Vol 01 Ch18: Date With Anomaly And Slayer


Chapter 18A: Date With Anomaly And Slayer – Reminiscence (Perspective: Shiori)

That day was the first time I cried since my brother's death. Even though I promised myself I would be strong.

That day, the boy who I thought was nothing more than a narcissist, forced the tears out of my eyes along with my anger and frustration.

That day, I didn't realise the meaning of his actions, not until the boy's best friend explained it to me.

That day, I saw the boy in a whole new light, and a warm soft feeling grew within me.

I wake up on my bed, I guess I must have zoned out.

"Yuichi-kun..." I whisper the name of the boy from back then. "All right, I've decided."

I reach for my phone and dial a certain person's number.

Chapter 18B: Date With Anomaly And Slayer – Yuichi Being Yuichi

It's the weekend, I'm currently making some updates to the Yuichi Shiro Fansite that I uploaded a month ago. I can remember the tears I shed as I proclaimed about how my beauty has now gone digital. I'm uploading new photos of my beautiful self so that girls all the way across the world can appreciate me. My beauty's way too strong to be restricted to the local district.

Whilst the uploads are going on in the background I check some of my fan's comments.

"Yuichi, would you please take this embarrassing site off the web? By Ren672." I read the comment out loud. Wow, he has the same name as my best friend. He must be jealous of my idol level popularity, I get a lot of comments like this. Whilst women fawn, men get jealous.

"I apologise Ren672, to girls I'm like a drug. Once you have one dose of Yuichi, you can't stop. You're addicted. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if women across the world go through withdrawal symptoms because of me." I reply, and send.

On to the next comment.

"Yuichi, you little shit you're f&%$£%$ pissing me off in ways words can't describe! By Alicia275." Whoa, a pure hater, this man even has the nerve to use my fiancé's name.

How is it that I know it's a guy? The answer's simple. There's no way it could be a girl, no girl can resist my charm after all.

This guy's trying to inflict psychological damage on me. Well, I don't have to take any of it. "Delete."

Moving on to the final unread message.

"Onii-chan, please stop deluding yourself even further. By Yuna001." A comment that looks like it's by someone younger than me, they call me Onii-chan and they even have the same name as my little sister. I guess this girl is too young to understand the quality of my beauty. "Come back when you're older, Ojou-chan." I reply.

"Have you not figured it out, Master?" A voice addresses me from behind.

"Whoa! Wolfy you scared me there." When did he get there? "But figured what out?" I ask.

"Look at the names on those comments and think, Master." Wolfy urges.

Hm, first there was Ren672, after that was Alicia275, then finally Yuna001. Wait, Ren, Alicia, Yuna, The names of my best friend, fiancé, and little sister. This can mean one thing, and only one thing.

"Wolfy, you don't mean..." I say with a trembling voice.

"It looks like you've realised, Master." Wolfy nods in satisfaction.

"All these comments are written by stalkers!?" I scream, this is bad. They've researched me so thoroughly that they know the names of the people who are closest to me. Being the idol that I am, stalkers are bound to appear, but I didn't think it would be at this level.


Wolfy stares on at me in wonder as I panic, but I have no time to pay it any heed.

"Because of my supreme beauty and popularity I've endangered my friends and family." I lament to myself "Anyway I need to contact everyone, they could be in danger." I reason with myself on whether to call the police but I decide against it after recalling the past trauma of being questioned by them before.

I quickly send private messages to each of my friends via 'Facetome' within a few minutes I get their replies.

I wipe the sweat from my forehead. "Phew, it was a false alarm." It turns out that the messages didn't come from stalkers, but the legit articles. I'm a bit annoyed about their comments, but the relief that my friends aren't in danger far outweighs my anger.

"Master, you truly are one of a kind." Wolfy compliments from out of the blue.

"Thank you, Wolfy. You're already starting to take after me." I reply. Wolfy wears a complicated expression after hearing it. I guess the happiness of being accepted by the person he respects most is too overbearing.

Ring ring! - My phone goes off. I don't recognise the number.

"Hello, you've reached Yuichi Shiro, if you wish to make a love confession, please do so in person." I answer the phone in the way I answer every unknown call.

"Ha ha ha! I'll bear that in mind from now on, Yuichi-kun." A voice answers, it's one I recognise.

"Shiori-sempai, what's wrong? Calling me all of a sudden." I ask.

"My partner contacted me earlier saying she was going to search every square inch of the area. That girl has no sense of direction, but it's best to play it safe. So Yuichi-kun, in order to escape from her surveillance, I want you to hang around with me today. If you're with an expert tracker like me, she'll never find you." Shiori-sempai explains, I see.

"Sure thing." I don't have anything else on today.

"Great, then meet me in an hour out in front of the statue in the square, okay. See ya then." She hangs up.

"Wolfy, I'm going out for the day." I state.

"Master, wait just one moment." Wolfy pleads before running out the room, he comes back a minute later with something in his mouth, it's a whistle attached to a chain. I take it out of his mouth.

"If you blow on this whistle I'll come rushing to your side, Master, use it if something happens." He explains.

"Thank you, Wolfy, I'll be sure to do that." I put the whistle's chain around my neck and stroke Wolfy's head. "All right I'm off. I'll see you later."

Chapter 18C: Date With Anomaly And Slayer – The Lost Girl (Perspective: Akane)

I'm walking through town. I needed some supplies so I went shopping. The numerous pedestrian footsteps drown the silence. Seeing the town's liveliness brings a smile to my face.

I suddenly notice a girl pacing aimlessly with a confused look on her face. She's around my age with tanned skin and short dark hair.

"Are you lost?" I ask. "I can give you directions if you like."

"Oh, thank you very much, I was really starting to get concerned." The girl replies politely, from her accent she's clearly a foreigner, but her words are fluent. The girl shows me a map and points at a location. "I want to get here." she states.


Wow, I don't know whether it's from wandering round lost, but she's a long way from her destination. I quickly point to where she is on the map as I describe how to get there.

"Thanks for your help, I truly appreciate it." She says as she begins to run off. But, wait.

"You're already going the wrong way!" I shout after her. The girl stops then walks back to me with a slight blush. "Come on, I'll walk you there." My instincts are telling me she won't be able to get there on her own.

"Uh ha ha ha, sorry for the trouble." The girl laughs at herself in embarrassment.

Chapter 18D: Date With Anomaly And Slayer – Main Event

I'm waiting at the meeting point. Shiori-sempai hasn't turned up yet, I take a quick glance at my watch when I hear approaching footsteps.

"I'm sorry, did you wait long?" Shiori-sempai asks with a smile. She's wearing a beautiful white one piece dress that increases both her charm and maturity.

"About twenty five minutes I think." I reply honestly.

"Jeez, Yuichi-kun. You're supposed to say 'I only just got here'" Shiori-sempai cutely pouts. Sorry, I completely misread the situation, how rude of someone as noble and beautiful as myself.

"I only just got here myself." I correct myself.

"It's already too late for it now." She droops her shoulders.

"So, where do you want to go, Sempai?" I ask, if only to change the subject.

"To the movies, to an arcade, to a coffee shop, everywhere." She replies with a smile.

"Well, why don't we start with the arcade then?" I suggest, Sempai nods.

As we walk I feel something soft latch onto my hand. "Shiori-sempai?"

"It's crowded on the weekend. This way we won't be separated." She explains.

Thank you pedestrians. You've given me a legitimate excuse to hold Sempai's hand. I've wanted to do this with Alicia for so long with no such luck.

Wait, Alicia? Could this count as cheating? Nah, this is just a one off. Alicia will always be the love of my life. Yes, I'm definitely not cheating.

We arrive at the arcade and play a variety of different games, ranging from crane games, to shoot 'em ups, to racing. I often come here with Ren, so I'm pretty adapt at them.

"Oh, I lost again." Shiori-sempai says gloomily.

"My beautiful technique is unconquerable." I declare proudly.

"I'm starting to get a bit hungry." Shiori-sempai says, don't want to talk about your losing streak I see.

"Shall we go then?" I pay it no mind and just smile.

Barely a few steps outside the arcade and I feel a weird sensation, it's one I recognise. We're no longer inside of our own world. I look around, nothing but dark plains. As I thought, this is the same technique Alicia taught me so I don't involve bystanders when I fight Anomalies. It creates a disposable dimension to fight in that's separate from the living world. If I remember right its called...

"Reaper Technique: Coliseum." A monotonous voice states, almost as if it read my mind. I look to its owner.

Standing there is a man wearing a mask and a crimson robe. The robe has two unique designs on it. One is of several smaller crosses aligned together in a formation that forms a bigger cross. The other is of a blue flame pattern rising from the hem and the sleeves. But what shocks me is what he has attached to his waist.

"Muramasa-Masamune!" Shiori-sempai shouts. Yes, the same eerie black blade that Vincent wielded. So this is the guy who killed Vincent, well not that I care about that bastard.

"Just who the hell is he?" I ask.

"I don't know, but he's definitely a Human Anomaly, and a very powerful one at that." Shiori-sempai explains. He's a Human Anomaly? So he's just like me? "Even I, an expert in tracking people, couldn't sense him until now." Shiori-sempai adds.

The masked man focuses his red eyes on Shiori-sempai "I will have you hand over Voynich-Caduceus, Shiori Azusa." He declares. His emotionless voice causes sweat to run down my neck.

Chapter 18E: Date With Anomaly And Slayer – Re-acquaintance Of Reaper And Slayer (Perspective: Alicia)

I've already located my target. It's been eight years since I've seen her, but I recognise her right away. I didn't expect Mizuno-san to be with her though, judging by the way they're interacting, I'm guessing they've only just met. I'd have preferred not to get her involved, but I don't have the luxury of choice.

"Reaper Technique: Coliseum." When they enter a deserted area I activate my technique and send us all into a separate dimension.

"Wha!? What's going on!?" Mizuno-san's in deep shock, I'm sorry to get you involved in this.

My eyes finally meet with that girls, when they do, her expression instantly turns dark. Her immense hatred has only grown since that time. It's painful being looked upon by eyes filled with hatred.

"What's the meaning of appearing before me again, Alicia!?" She asks in a hostile voice.

"Wait, Pandemonium-san?" Mizuno-san looks alternatively between us with a confused face.

"That girl wields a Soul Slayer." I explain.

Mizuno-san's shock increases. She understands what this means. This woman is out to kill both Yuichi and Ren.

Mizuno-san quickly distances herself from her and stands behind me. Fortunately, she's not like Vincent who wouldn't bat an eye at killing an innocent bystander, her hatred lies solely with Anomalies and those related to them. This of course includes Reapers. Then again, her grudges started with me.

"I'll ask you again, what're you doing here?" She asks menacingly as she draws her Soul Slayer, Gungnir-Mjölnir. The static from the electricity running through it is clearly visible. I turn my eyes away from the Soul Slayer and on to its wielder.

I recall my previous thoughts from before, how can the problem be settled without running away or putting Yuichi in danger? The answer I came up with was simple.

"To eliminate the threat with my own hands." I reply in a way that answers both my question and the girl in front of me. I materialise my scythe and point the blade at my opponent. "It's been eight long years. So how about we get reacquainted, wielder of Gungnir-Mjölnir, Alma Ivana."

"Very well, Alicia," Alma points the spearhead side of her Soul Slayer at me, "Today will be the anniversary your accursed existence came to an end." The anger in her eyes and face grows even more menacing.

""HAAAAH!"" Our voice mix as we both charge head on. I won't let her lay a finger on Yuichi.

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