《Reincarnated as an OP Loli》22: Judge Aphrodite


In the justice system of the gods, the people are represented by two separate, yet equally important, groups: the gods who investigate crime, and the gods who prosecute the offenders. The people are at their mercy.

Standing at the top of the tallest mithril pyramid, the curvy blonde looks around and says, “Suijin, your balls must be bigger than mine if you dare summon me in the middle of an inquisition-orgy.”

“I-it was h-her idea!” Suijin stammers while sweating profusely his own body and points at Naunet.

“Oh? Hi Naunet,” Aphrodite’s demeanor changes and she cheerfully waves to Naunet. “I never did thank you for sending those virgin priestesses my way.”

“Don’t mention it!” Naunet smiles back. “As you can see, there has been a rather sudden major development in this world, and Suijin and I had a disagreement about a certain person. I could think of no one more sexually qualified to settle this small dispute.”

Seeing that exchange I look at Suijin, who looks less than pleased but probably doesn’t dare speak up.

Aphrodite claps her hands and says, “I see, I see, it would be my pleasure, dear! Who’s the accused?”

“That psycho loli over there,” Suijin says and points at me.

“Lies! False accusations!” I shout to the goddess who is over three hundred feet above me. “I’ve done nothing wrong!”

“And what are the charges?” Aphrodite asks and scratches her crotch, ignoring my protests.

Suijin materializes atop the right bronze pyramid and answers Aphrodite’s question, “Arson, vandalism, fraud, hate crime, involuntary manslaughter, voluntary manslaughter, murder in the second-degree, murder in the first-degree, attempted apocalypse, disturbing the peace and harassment.”

Aphrodite raises an eyebrow, while my jaw drops at the list of accusations.

“How does the defendant plead?” Aphrodite asks.


“Not guilty!!” I shout.

“Very well, the we have no choice but proceed with the trial,” Aphrodite says and waves her hand.

In that moment the mithril bricks of the top of the pyramid dematerialize and change into many pink hearts, which start beating and then morph into a mushy, formless pile of flesh with countless tentacle-like appendages. Aphrodite jumps into the horrific flesh like one would lay down into a soft sofa and with a blissful smile gets comfortable.

“What’s your name little girl?” Naunet asks politely and smiles.

“Lilith,” I answer.

“We should get to our stand, Lilith,” she says and claps her hands twice. Two large snakes appear beneath our feet and take us to the bronze pyramid on the left.

“Naunet, your pyramids are impressive as always, but they have a lot of empty seats that are begging to be filled to the brim,” Aphrodite says while lying in a tentacled abomination.

“I can take care of that,” Suijin says and claps his hands like a nobleman summoning his butler.

Out of the water that the gold and silver pyramids are standing in muck rises, covering the sleek surface of the pyramids. As it rises all the way to the top, the muck forms steps and hardens as seating platforms. Out of those platforms, new mud forms rise, morphing like mud slimes, slowly taking humanoid shapes. Those humanoid shapes eventually change colors and slowly transform into many different men, women and children of different races, fully clothed. Their garments range from filthy rags to jewel-adorn dresses. The only thing that gives away their supernatural nature are their eyes—still filed with flowing brown mud that they were made from.

Both the golden Pyramid of Law and the silver Pyramid of Order are now seating stages for thousands of people, all staring down to the bronze Pyramids of The Judged.


“Behold, Lilith,” Suijin speaks to me pointing to the pyramids, “The victims of your crimes! Once you’ve been found guilty, you will answer to them as you will be thrown into the depths of my deepest, darkest watery prison, where your body will be turned immortal, but with a heightened sensitivity to pain and suffering. And as your body is endlessly tormented by all the worst aspects of drowning, but unable to die or lose consciousness, all of these people will be given turns to torture you in whatever ways they see fit!”

“THAT’S INSANE!” I shout out of desperation and horror, realizing that I’m at the mercy of psychotic gods that I have no way of dealing with. “I haven’t even been found guilty of a single crime you listed! This is a set-up!”

“Silence!” A naked man with white feathered wings shouts while floating at the top of Aphrodite’s pyramid. He looks to be in his early thirties, well endowed, muscular and shredded. His eight pack could probably be used to grind cheese to fine dust. The stubble on his rectangle jawline is perfectly shaven, giving him the look of a stereotypical billionaire playboy. “I will not have Aphrodite’s courtroom be disgraced!”

“Best be quiet until you’re spoken to,” Naunet whispers to me, leaning to my level.

“All rise!” the naked man speaks in a strong, commanding tone. “This Court is Now in Session, the Honorable Judge Aphrodite Presiding.”

Aphrodite doesn’t bother moving her ass off the tentacle abomination and simply waves to the new spectators and smiles while blushing heavily. Meanwhile, the naked man flies higher to the goddess, displaying to everyone his square butt cheeks. He lands behind Aphrodite and immediately starts to massage her shoulders.

“Ah, that’s the spot, Cupid!” Aphrodite moans delightfully. “You always know how to treat me well.”

“It is my pleasure,” Cupid says with a smile that few mortal men could pull off.

“I suppose we should begin,” Aphrodite says and looks down at Suijin that stands at our level on the bronze pyramid to the side of ours. “Bring your first witness, Suijin!”

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