《Cultivation System》Chapter 3


When Xuan Ye Feng awoke, he clearly felt that his body was stronger than before. He remembers that just as he managed to guide the spiritual energy strand into his dantian, he was slammed with intense pain causing him to faint, beyond that he remembers nothing.

[Well, system did not expect that to happen at all. Host is recommended to check their status.]

Confused a bit by the system, Xuan Ye Feng does as it says and brought up his system, stunning him.

[-Name: Xuan Ye Feng

- Age: 17(130)

- Cultivation: Qi Condensation Stage 3

- Elements: Fire, Wood, Space

- Money: G:0 S:0 C:0]

'What? How did I suddenly go straight to stage 3? Shouldn't I have barely entered stage 1 by absorbing that energy strand?' thought Xuan Ye Feng quite confused. Suddenly going from no profound energy, straight to stage 3, it's not something that should happen.

[System really wonders if Host should really be living in the Li Yang World. For Host to jump straight from no cultivation to stage 3 of Qi Condensation, it wouldn't be surprising if Host was already a Nascent rank cultivator if he was born in the Li Yang World. Normally, Host should have taken around 1 month to reach stage 3, yet Host used a mere nights time to do so. Host should continue to cultivate for a week straight to see how far Host can rise in cultivation, to see if this is a common occurence or not.]

Xuan Ye Feng agrees with the system, it would be best if he found it whether or not this promotion speed will be his norm, as if it is, he would become very strong during this year. Xuan Ye Feng gets himself back into the lotus pose and guides the spiritual energy in the air towards himself. What shocked him the most was that the energy seemed to eagerly rush towards him, heading straight towards his dantian upon entering his body, without his guidance.

Bang! Within an hours time, Xuan Ye Feng directly broke through to the 4th stage. This cultivation speed honestly surprised him to no end, yet after that surprise came glee, because this cultivation speed is for him. Xuan Ye Feng is positive he can become very strong within the year he has before ending up in the Li Yang World.

Xuan Ye Feng doesn't bother stopping, and continues to absorb the spiritual energy in the air, hoping to keep increasing his strength.

7 days later


'I finally broke through to the eighth stage of Qi Condensation!' thought Xuan Ye Feng. He did not stop cultivating even once during this last week, directly increasing his strength all the way to stage 8. It would normally take people years to get to stage 8, yet he did it in a week.

[Host is honestly a monster. Even a genius in the Li Yang World would need to cultivate for 5 years before entering stage 8 of Qi Condensation. Host doing this in a simple week makes system wonder whether or not Host will even need to use 6 months to cultivate. Since Host has reached stage 8, Host should head towards the Alchemy Chamber, so Host can start doing alchemy.]


Xuan Ye Feng jumps off his bed and finally notices that he is covered in black gas, which completely ruined his clothing. He strips off his clothing before washing himself in a big bucket he has in his rooms corner. He looks in the dresser that is in his room, thanking the system for giving him multiple sets of clothing. Xuan Ye Feng slips on a simple pair of clothes and heads out of his room towards the Alchemy Chamber.

When he reaches the Alchemy Chamber, Xuan Ye Feng directly enters it, appearing within another white space of similar size to the Medicine Chamber white space. He directly notices a table that has a report on it, similar to the one within the Medicine Chamber. Spread out on another few tables are a bunch of different herbs, which Xuan Ye Feng figures he will be using to practice alchemy with. In the middle of the tables is an ordinary looking pill furnace.

Xuan Ye Feng reads the report and it even has pictures of herbs with a very detailed report about each and single herb, telling him the uses of each of them. Memorizing each of the herbs appearance and use, he finds the section that tells him how to create pills. He first has to seperate the essence from the herbs, before he starts to fuse the herbs within the furnace one by one. After that he has to keep the heat at a set level and keep rotating the herbs within the furnace, while being careful to not let his focus waver.

After noting everything important and remembers the steps and herb details, Xuan Ye Feng directly heads over to the tables where the herbs are and picks 7 out of them. These 7 herbs will allow Xuan Ye Feng to create a simple tier 1 Profound Gathering Pill, which can assist him in gathering the spiritual energy faster.

Xuan Ye Feng starts by removing the essence from each of the herbs, succeeding in doing so. After that he uses his fire element to create a steady fire within the pill furnace. With a steady fire, Xuan Ye Feng starts adding the herbs. He puts the first herb in, keeping it afloat just above the fire with his profound energy. Seeing that nothing went wrong, he adds the second herb, doing the same thing, just this time he starts attempting to put the two herbs together. He does it very slowly, focusing completely on fusing these two herbs. He manages to succeed in doing it, so he adds the third herb. As he was about to have the third herb fuse with the other 2, the herbs directly disperse, meaning he failed.

Not taking the failure to heart, Xuan Ye Feng grabs another of the same 7 herbs, this time removing all of the essence altogether inside of the furnace. He then starts fusing the herbs in the order that was told in the report, and an hour later, all 7 herbs have completely fused together. Since he has fused all the herbs together, Xuan Ye Feng starts to rotate all of the herbs that are in something akin to a giant moss ball. he starts slowly, before he starts speeding up slowly.


6 hours later, a bunch of smoke comes out of the pill furnace, nearly choking him. Xuan Ye Feng waves his hands around to get rid of the smoke and finds 3 white pills inside of the pill furnace. Seeing that the appearance of the pills is exactly as depicted in the report, Xuan Ye Feng starts to smile before grabbing the pills out of the furnace. Xuan Ye Feng remembers that he saw a table full of glass bottles, so he grabs one and places the 3 pills inside before sealing it.

Xuan Ye Feng rests so he can fill his profound energy back again. After resting and having his profound energy full again, he grabs different herbs from the table.

8 months later

Poof! a bunch of smoke appears in Xuan Ye Fengs face, though he is already used to this. He waves the smoke away before looking inside the furnace, seeing 3 green pills. He laughs out loud before grabbing the pills and placing them in a pill bottle. 'I finally created a tier 3 healing pill!' thought Xuan Ye Feng happily. He managed to create hundreds of tier 1 Profound Gathering and Healing pills in the first month he started alchemy, so he decided ti was time for tier 2 pills. It took him only 3 months to create a hundred of each pill, just this time it being tier 2. During the last 4 months, Xuan Ye Feng has been trying to create a tier 3 healing pill, and he finally managed to succeed for the first time in the 4 months. Now that he succeeded once, Xuan Ye Feng knows that he will be able to make them a lot easier from now on.

[Congratulations to Host for creating tier 3 Healing Pills. Host only took 8 months to do what most alchemists would take 10 years to do. Host only has 4 months until he is sent to the Li Yang World, so Host should focus on increasing his strength during these 4 months now. Host being at only Qi Condensation stage 8 will not be enough there, so Host should make use of the pills he has created to increase his strength fast.]

Xuan Ye Feng agrees with the system there, that his strength is really too little now. He enters the door and appears back inside of his manor and walks straight towards his room to start cultivating. Sitting in a lotus position on his bed, he takes out a tier 2 Profound Gathering Pill and swallows it before guiding the spiritual energy towards him. Within a few seconds he already notices the huge advantage he has with these pills. If his cultivation speed before without them was insane, now it would be godly. He only takes 3 hours to breakthrough to the 9th stage, leaving him only that on leap to entering the Foundation Establishment stage. Xuan Ye Feng cultivates for another 4 hours before the pills use runs out, so he just grabs 9 tier 1 pills and swallows them. Though not as effective as the tier 2 pill, the effect is still there.

6 days later, Xuan Ye Feng hears that familiar Bang! and realises he finally broke through to the Foundation Establishment. He excitedly feels about his body and notices the massive change. His profound energy has at least doubled, if not tripled from when he was at the 9th stage of Qi Condensation. He cleans himself of all the filth that has gathered on his body the past few days and puts on new clothes before resuming his cultivation with another tier 2 pill.

4 months later

Bang! Xuan Ye Feng hears that very familiar sound, which means he broke through to the Gold Core, finally.'I finally managed to enter the Gold Core realm, and it only took me a few months! I should at least not be a weakling once I enter the other world now right?' wonders Xuan Ye Feng.

[System really did not expect Host to actually enter the Gold Core realm within a few months. System is able to reward Host for doing something nobody of the other 499999 other Hosts has done. Host can choose between the following 3 rewards:

A tier 5 sword and 10 years of battle experience from a sword cultivator

5 million Gold and a tier 2 weapon of Host choice

An increase of Host cultivation directly to stage 9 of Gold Core.

Please choose what Host wishes for.]

Xuan Ye Feng is truly stunned this time. The rewards he can choose from are actually insane, but he already knows what he wants. Xuan Ye Feng directly chooses the tier 5 sword and 10 years of battle experience, as that will be of the most use in the new world to him.

When Xuan Ye Feng chose his reward, a sword fell on the ground in front of him, while he has the familiar feeling of memory transfer. Xuan Ye Feng closes his eyes and allows the memories to come to him. In the memories he sees himself battling against hundreds of people alone with just his sword, firing out sword qi each slash. He remembers each and every position and way for him to attack with the sword. This continues in different scenes for seemingly years, yet he knows it is just in an instant.

When Xuan Ye Feng opens his eyes, there is a drastic change to his temperament. He looks like a sharp sword waiting to be drawed, ready for slaughter. His face is completely cold, seemingly devoid of emotion. He stands up and picks up the sword that is on the ground, finding it familiar. He finally remmebers that this is the sword that was in the memories he just had. The sword seems to be extremely happy being in his hands as it starts to tremble and transfers a feeling of happiness to him.

[There is only 1 day until Earth fuses with the Li Yang World. System recommends that Host rests for the final day, so his mind is well rested and ready to go. System will notify the Host when there is 1 minute until the fusion, so Host should rest until then.]

Xuan Ye Feng simply lays down on his bed and places his sword to his side, before he falls asleep for the first time in nearly a year.

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